Christmas Comfort Food

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10/4/17 Meeting Minutes

Subject: Christmas Party Comfort Food

Attendees: Ron Cook, Debi Scherer, Kathy G

This was the first meeting w/ Ron to discuss the food service for the womens ministry Christmas party. Most
of the food items were discussed and finalized as follows:


Rons first question was budget and after the Christmas Comfort concept was explained, it was
understood that the meal would not be extravagant but simple & comforting.

Kathy did make reference to Sues direction of the budget. It was explained that at Christmas, we
did not want to ask the women to pay towards the party. It has not been the practice in the past.

Food - Comfort

The thought was to have Ron prepare two hardy soups and the women in attendance would bring
quiche or a desert. However, Ron mentioned that he does prepare bread pudding, which was one
of the comfort deserts that we had in mind. In the end, the menu came full circle to the original
idea that the ladies attending would not need to bring anything. Just come to the Christmas party
to enjoy themselves in comfort while serving others in creating comforting blankets.

Ron will be providing the full meal for approximately 160-180 ladies:

Two soups: Chicken Veggie & Broccoli Cheese

Artisan Bread

This is the only area not finalized. Ron and Kathy will look into places to acquire
artisan bread.

Kroegers is probably the most reasonable choice for breads at this time. They have
a large selection and will cut the bread.

Individual butter is available, leftover from the recent potato bar event.

Bread Pudding w/ a Sauce

Beverages: Ice Tea, Water and Coee

Estimated cost is $7/person

Food Setup

Two service lines will be set up, one in hallway and one in Fellowship Hall.

EMC add: Four long tables with white tablecloths

Two drink stations

Irv will set up tables based on EMC. All round tables will be used. If ladies attending exceeds,
160, 8 long tables will be added.

Table decorations will be done by Christmas party group. No prep needed by helping

No water glasses at each place setting. If the women want water, they can go to their
water station.

Food / Kitchen Help

Main help: Ron, Carl, Lou

2 day preparation, 1 day to shop, 1 day to prepare

Kathy did volunteer to help Ron w/ food prep

Ten (10) men will be needed to help w/ the evening, starting at 5 pm:

An email will be sent out to a number of men that were suggested (Carl, Harold, Je Davis,
Les, Joh Sours, Jim Neal, Glen McCaleb, Denis Gullicson. Apologies for misspellings.

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