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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

(Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives)

At the end of the 30 minutes lesson, 75% of the students must be able to:
1. Determine the rules on the degrees of comparison of modifiers according to syllables.
2. Identify the degrees of comparison used in the sentences.
3. Complete the sentence with the appropriate degrees of comparison of the adjectives.


A. Topic: Degrees of Comparison
B. References:
i. English for All Times Language Textbook
C. Materials: netbook, speakers, white screen, board, chalk, picture
D. Concepts: The three degrees of comparison of modifiers are positive degree, comparative degree and
superlative degree.
E. Skills: critical thinking, analyzing
F. Values Integration: cooperation, self-esteem, optimism, appreciation
G. Time Frame: 30 minutes
H. Methodology: Inductive Method and 4As

Time Frame Teaching Hints Teachers Activity Students Activity IMs
(In A. Preliminary
minutes) Activities Good afternoon class! Hows your day
3 1. Greetings so far? Good morning Sir! Fine!
Does it mean that I can expect all of
your active participation? Yes Sir!
Is that an agreement? Of course!
Thank you!
2. Prayers Before we begin the lesson this
morning, let us ask the guidance of
almighty God and let us enlighten our
mind to completely understand the
lesson this morning. Would you please
lead the prayer? In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen
(The student recites a prayer.)
3. Classroom Class, kindly arrange your seats
Management properly. I can see pieces of paper and
plastic. How about you? Did you see it
also? (The students will arrange their seats.
It is a communication competence-
sociolinguistic. The student should
pick up the pieces of papers under
the chair.)
4. Checking of I think you are too few. Where are the
Attendance others? They are absent.
Oh but tell them to come to class
regularly. Class monitor kindly check the
attendance. Thank you!
5. Checking of Did I give you any assignment? None

B. Motivation Class, I will play a video clip and pay

5 attention to it while it is being played.
(after 4 minutes)
What was the video clip about? The video clip was about a song
which lyrics are adjectives.
Very good! It titled Paint the Way
which is all about adjectives. It was a song
C. Recall Let us have a short recapitulation
before we go to the highlights of our
lesson. Would you please define Adjectives describe nouns or
adjectives? pronouns. They are called modifiers
D. Presentation of This afternoon, we will be dealing with
the Lesson the degrees of comparison of adjectives.
E. Presentation of These are our objectives for todays
Objectives discussion.
1. Determine the rules on the
degrees of comparison of
modifiers according to syllables.
2. Identify the degrees of
comparison used in the sentences.
3. Complete the sentence with the
appropriate degrees of
comparison adjectives.
Can we agree on these objectives? Yes Sir!
G. Lesson Proper
5 1. Activity We will play charades. Do you know
what it is? No.
Just listen to me. It is a game wherein
an individual will act out something that
he had picked in the container. The first
one who got the word correctly will get a
special prize. Ill be picking up names here
in the list then he or she will be the one
who will act out the scenario he or she
picked. Dont worry these words are
simple and easy. Have I made myself Yes sir!
Set of words to be act out:
It was fun.
How did you find the activity?
(The teacher will announce who will
get the special prize.)
5 2. Analysis Again, what is topic this afternoon? Degrees of Comparison
Lets have the adjective large. This
sentence shows the use of large in the
positive degree. Would you please read
the sentence? This hippopotamus is large.
But what happens when you want to
compare the large hippopotamus to
something else?
When you compare the large
hippopotamus to another thing, you have
to use the comparative degree. This The hippopotamus is larger than
means that the word has to change. the pig.
But what should we do if we want to
compare our large hippopotamus with
more than just one other thing? What
should we do if we want to compare our
large hippopotamus tolets say.three
other things? The hippopotamus is the largest
one in the bunch.
We would then use the adjective in the
superlative degree, and that means that
our word would have to change again.
Would you please state how many
syllables does the word large has? Only one.
What can you say about the changing
from positive degree to comparative
degree with one syllable? One syllable adjectives form the
comparative degree by changing to
word with er in the ending of the
How about the word funny?
Therefore, if we turn funny in
comparative degree, what now will be
the result of that changing? The word funny will turn to
funnier or more funny.
How about clever? It can be cleverer and more
What can you say about the changing
from positive degree to comparative
degree with two syllables? Two syllables adjectives form the
comparative degree by changing to
word with er in the ending of the
word or adding more before the
How about changing from comparative
degree to superlative degree? Three syllables adjectives form the
comparative degree by changing to
word with est in the ending of the
word or adding most before the
Therefore intelligent will become
more intelligent in comparative degree
and most intelligent in superlative
Thats why largest was formed. How
about for the word funny? Clever? Funny becomes funniest or most
funny. Clever becomes cleverer or
most clever.
5 3. Abstraction Positive degree.
When we speak about only one person
or thing, We use the positive degree.

Comparative degree.
When we compare two persons or two
things with each other.
There are 2 ways that you can change
large to the comparative degree:
Add er to the end of the word
Add more to the front of the word

Superlative Degree
When we compare more than two
persons or things with one another
There are 2 ways that you can change
large to the superlative degree:

Add est to the end of the word

Add most to the front of the word
5 4. Application Identify the degrees of comparisons
used in the sentences. Just say positive
degree, comparative degree or
superlative degree if the sentences fall
under one of the three.
1. I guess Id rather buy this pair of shoes; 1. Comparative degree
Its cheaper than the other. 2. Superlative degree
2. Baguio City is the coldest city in the 3. Superlative degree
country. 4. Positive degree
3. My mother prepares the most delicious 5. Comparative degree
afritada in town.
4. The lion is a wild animal.
5. Owl is more active at night.

Complete the table below.

E. Generalization Have you learned something? Sir, we gained lot of new things
from todays lesson.
Like what? The three degrees of comparison
of modifiers are positive degree,
comparative degree and superlative
Very good!
Now, get sheet of paper and answer

IV. EVALUATION (5 minutes)

Complete the sentence with the appropriate degrees of comparison of the adjectives.
(powerful) 1. This rocket is __________ than that one.
(colorful) 2. The __________ room in the house is my sisters bedroom.
(strange) 3. Alicia can make __________ voices.
(tasty) 4. The ________ treat Grandma makes is fruit salad.
(high) 5. Mount Everest is the __________ mountain in the world.

1. Write down five sentences for each degrees of comparison.
2. Complete the table.
Positive Comparative Superlative

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