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Divine Uwadiale
City of Diomira

City of Armilla

City of Ersilia

City of Isaura

City of Esmerelda

City of

City of Moriana

City of Sophronia

City of Phylis

City of Baucis

My Chosen City: Baucis
Firstly, before creating my thumbnails, I started reading through all the descriptions of different cities from the anthology. When reading
through all these descriptions, one in particular drew my attention cleaving to my mind; this was the city Baucis. I love this city because it is
one of the cities that Italo Calvino did not use detailed descriptions for- compared to his other ones. The city is described and looked upon
from a distance which is on land; because of this, his descriptions are limited and unreliable meaning that there is more room for
interpretation to the description. After reading the short story about the city several times, I finally came to a conclusion that people who love
the earth never tire of examining it. The word examining is a word you would normally connote a scientist with which i feel the story
could be relating to. The fact that the words slender slits and ladders are used to describe the city of Baucis gave me the idea that these
scientists have a high artificial intelligence, however they have still not reached their full potential for the future. They are building up the
perfect city.

After developing this idea, I created one hundred thumbnails of the ten cities I found interesting. At the end of this process, I
seemed to have liked the description of City of Diomira too and decided to compare my ideas for this city with that of the
city of Baucis in order to make a final decision. However, i came to the conclusion that i would continue with the city of
When drawing he city of Baucis, there will be an object hovering above the ground in the shape of a plane, carrying the city. I was planning on
having the city placed above and below the hovering shape so that it resembled a realistic busy city that was full and large: a connotation to
the anthology having everything they need. When thinking about how the city could look like I remembered the first time I visited New
York, I was in the boat which was heading towards the statue of liberty where I took a picture of a beautiful view of New York as a city which
influenced me into drawing cities with tall beautiful buildings. This was because new york buildings were quite tall and it made them look
interesting and superior. Likewise, i will do the same for the city of Baucia.

Exterior; Tall architectural buildings, normal houses that are slightly futuristic looking (achievement: no Sci-fi
architectural houses)- as they havenot reached their full potential. In the middle of the city- a core protecting the
slender slits, which support the city. At the two sides of the object shaped like a plane, there will be a globe
(representing the lab).
Interior: The architecture of the dcors in the houses will be shaped like cubes. Normal objects will almost look
futuristic. The environment will look rich. Labs will look untidy. There are going to be stilts and telescopes in every
Exterior and
Exterior and

Pictures originally
taken by me from
New York (2017,
February the 16th).


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