What Have You Studied

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What have you studied? / Qu ha estudiado?

I have studied auxiliary book-keeper and business management in the sena

What are you studying now? / Qu est estudiando?

I am studying virtual Englishman in the sena and short courses of financial


What have been your motivations to study? / Cules han sido sus

motivaciones para estudiar? My motivation to study are my children and my

desires to go out forward

Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not? / Planea estudiar

algo ms? Por qu? O Por qu no? My desire is to continue the career of
accountancy next year publishes in the university

What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three years? /

Qu quiere hacer profesionalmente hablando en los prximos tres aos?

Yes this one is my dream

Wat jav yiu studied?

Ai jav estudid auxiliary book kipper and bisnes managent in dhe

Wat ar yiu estuding nouw?

A iam estuding virtual inglishmen in dhe sena and short courses

of financial analysis.

Wat jav biin yiur motivachions estudy?

May Motiveichon tu estudy ar may children and may desires tu gou out forward
Du yu plan tu estudy anything als way or way not?
Mai desire is continue dhe carrer of acontaucy next year publishes in the

Wat du yu want to do profesionaly espiking in dhe next tri years?

Yes tis guan is my dream.

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