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1. Floods are water-borne events that occur on land and can cause physical damage to the
land and can make social and economic losses in flood-prone areas.
2. Naturally, floods are caused by the occurrence of local rainfall and propagation of runoff
from upstream areas in one catchment area. Non-scientific floods can occur due to human
3. The process of occurring naturally occurring floods is like, the fall of rain falls on the
surface of the earth and is stunted by vegetation after it enters the surface of the ground
flowing lower places after it evaporates and exits the land surface.
4. Floods that occur naturally can be a source of human beings when the flood is about
humans and causes harm to humans.
5. While the process of non-natural flooding caused by human activities such as,
discharging waste is not in place and causing the flow of water is not smooth so that the
water is floating in place of its exhaustion is increasingly evaporating after it high and out
so that land and cause flood.
6. The process of flooding can occur naturally and humanly. Humans can suffer losses
because of the flood because they inhabit the living space which is naturally a flood plain.
So if human beings live in the plains that are often flooded not floods that come to
humans but people who come to the flood.

Earthquakes develop in the crust of the earth. The crust involves the earth's
surface, submarine levels, down to the ocean floors. The inner part of the earth
contains massive energy. Some of this energy escapes through cracks and other
volcanic activity, but the bulk of it is stored within the earth's inner part,
contained in the crust.
The earth's outer crust is held in place like a completed jigsaw puzzle, with rough
edges and lines. The energy stored here causes the pieces to slide, glide, knock
and move around each piece. These pieces best describe what we call 'Tectonic

After a period of time, the built up energy and movement causes huge tension in
the plates, and there is massive pressure on the fault lines. This intense pressure
resulting from energy build up causes the fault lines give way, and plates move
over, against or apart from each other. Tectonic plate movement.
It is important to note that there is usually a very thick natural cover (earth and
vegetation) which makes fault lines obscure.
There is an earthquake at this point. In the form of seismic waves (like water
ripples) the escaping energy radiates outward from the fault in all directions. The
seismic waves shake the earth as they move through it. When the waves reach the
earth's surface, they shake the ground and anything on it, tearing down houses and

The cause of landslides can be caused by some simple factors. Landslides occur when the
water content becomes high which will cause the soil to become saturated and lose its
cohesive properties. This will cause the soil to become wet and easy to move further flowing
to another place until the slope becomes unstable. Subsequently, the volcanic eruptions will
produce piston clays, heavy rain, and many mudflows that can enter the rivers or lakes. In the
event of an earthquake, it will cause a shaking which results in a collapse of the structure to
be less likely to result in debris or crossover movement (Cutting) which will become more
active. The fall of the tree can also cause landslides to occur. This activity has the risk of
erosion of erosion Slope.
In addition to the above factors, landslides also occur due to several other factors such as
natural factors and human factors.
The natural factors that can be discussed are geomorphology. The accumulation of many soil
into an area will alter the geomorphology of the area. Geomorphology occurs when there is a
slope where a steep slope is on a surface having low material strength. For example, events in
Rockland occur due to failures that are at the base of a somewhat steep slope where pressure
can not support heavy material. Thickness and material thickness are also one of the natural
factors. The next natural factor is the precipitation that plays the role that marks the
beginning of the landslide. The precipitation will increase in winter as soil strength decreases
due to excessive air. Excess water may cause an increase in load on the material in the
system as well as the pore pressure will also increase with reduced strength. This will result
in the failure of the slope.
Human factors are the slope or oversteeping modifications that usually occur on roads,
engineering and landscape construction. The overloading slope peak is also a human factor
where the weight and upper parts of a slope are placed for the underlying materials. If the
spike increases it may cause slide. Transplanting plants will often cause landslides

Sometimes, magma eruption occurs in deep regions of seas. In this case, due to
pressure and subsidence of seawater, huge waves called tsunami may occur.
They can produce a lot of damage to coastal regions.

Lahar and lava

Explosion of volcanic lakes and eruption under ice in glacial regions, and its
quick melting process can produce volcanic flood and lahar. Big volumes of this
flood can cover very vast areas. Lavas specially basic types can make flows that
they are not dangerous due to their low speed.

Ash throw
As a result of volcanic activity, water and ash enter the atmosphere. Fine grain
and suspended ash can prevent from sunlight reaching to the Earth, thus
environments temperature decreases. In these cases, decrement of temperature
and availability of water vapor originating from magma and atmospheric waters
can produce volcanic rain. In the regions, which is close to the volcano, doors
and windows must be closed. Face and eyes must be also covered with a piece of
dry cloth, because wet cloth can react with environmental gases and produce
sulfuric acid. Sometimes, huge volumes of volcani ash can make damage to the
buildings of residential areas. It is possible to solve this problem through on time
clean up.

Incandescent clouds
A massive of ash plus water vapor and other gases having very high temperature
come down from volcanic mountain. This process is because that these clouds are
heavier than air. Incandescent clouds burn everything on their way downward,
and no living things remain alive. Before such an event, region must be
discharged from residents.

Volcanoes can form when two plates are set. Destroyed This clash sipped one plate under
another plate. This Zoning Zone will be due to the very hot temperatures of the liquid
below the crust of the earth. This adds to the liquid part of the magma in the coat and then
flows out into the surface of the earth in the volcano.

Volcanoes are also found in the Permian sea zone. Submarine Cracks occur where
magma rises rejects the lithosphere counter-clockwise. Lava will form the seabed as a
Permata. Volcanoes in Iceland are the formation of this type.

The volcano is partly formed in the center of the plate, plates away from the border as the
Hawaiian Islands. Scientists explain that the rocks of the mantle are heated and rises
slowly to the surface of the earth. The appearance of magma to the surface of the earth is
estimated at 13 cm to 15 cm per year. When the magma reaches the surface of the earth,
volcanoes are formed. The process of forming this volcano is called a hot spot. The
diagram below shows three volcanic formations.

The term volcano is also used for the name of the phenomenon of the formation of
volcanic ice or ice volcanoes and volcanic mud or volcanic mud. The volcano ice is
common in areas with snowy winter, while mud mountains can be seen in Kuwu area,
Grobogan, Central Java, popular as Bledug Kuwu.

Volcanoes are found all over the world, but the most recognizable volcano locations are
volcanoes that are located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Pacific Fire Ring is a
bowstring line between two tectonic plates.

These volcanoes are found in various forms throughout their lives. Active volcanoes may
turn into active half, break, before becoming inactive or dead. However, the volcano
breaks within 610 years to become active again. Thus, it is difficult to determine the true
state of a volcano, if the volcano is in a state of rest or has died.

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