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1.) INTIMACY- Encompasses feeling of closeness, connectedness and bondedness.

2.) PASSION- Encompasses the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation.
3.) COMMITMENT- Encompasses the decision to remain with one another in the short term and the decision to
share achievements and make plans with that person in the long term.


CONSUMATE LOVE: The complete form of love representing ideal relationship toward which
people strive.
It is associated with the perfect couple who cant imagine themselves happy over the long
term without anyone else.
It stresses the importance of translating the components of love into action.


1.) Mutual Respect: Respecting one another in the relationship means that each person values who the
other is and understand what they are. He/she never challenge the other persons boundaries.
2.) Support: Support is not just in bad times that your partner requires. In a healthy relationship it is
important to give a shoulder to your partner whether he/she is happy or sad.
3.) Trust: Trust is the most important in a healthy relationship.
4.) Fairness/Equality: The give and take concept is very important in any relationship.
5.) Honesty: Is essential in a romantic relationship and open communication is very important in this
case. Do not lie to your partner as truthfulness having integrity.
6.) GOOD COMMUNICATION: Is an indispensable part of any relationship and it does not include
yelling, blaming, demands, or threatening. Talk honestly and openly so that miscommunication is
avoided in your relationship. The right person will give your exact space for you to ask for something
that you want to ; so do not worry for that.
7.) Separate Identities: A healthy relationship does not mean losing something from yourself. It is
important that you both have your own lives and that it should not change even if you are in a
relationship. Do not pretend to like something that you dont like or give up seeing your friends just
because you are in relationship.


1.) CHANGE YOUR RESPECTIVE ABOUT LOVE: We have been brought to the idea that everyone needs
to be in relationship. My dear, if this is your perspective you will always worry about finding the
right one. Being single isnt a time looking for love especially if you are a student. Use that time to
work on yourself ang grow as an individual. Ang #forever dumadating #sa tamang panahon.
2.) MASTER PRACTICAL SKILLS IN LIFE: Before going into relationship, Makesure that you can take care
of yourself. Master the Skills required for a person to survive like cooking, washing your clothes, etc.
3.) ENHANCE YOUR SKILL OR LEARN NEW SKILL: Who Knows, this might become an income generating
project for you.
4.) GET TO KNOW PEOPLE FACE TO FACE: Dont just be friend in facebook, rather get to know people
5.) LEARN A HOBBY: Nurture activities which you are interested .
6.) SPEND TIME WITH YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: spend more time with your parents, grandparents
or relatives while you have still time and while they are still here with you.
7.) TRAVEL: in the future, when you have finances, travel to widen your horizon. Realize that the there
are many things to learn from other places.
8.) RESOLVE ONE OF YOUR FEARS: Try to overcome one or even many of your Fears.
9.) STUDY PASSIONATELY: Most importantly give your best shot in your studies because you only
attend college once. Enjoy the joy of being student.
10.) LOVE YOURSELF: Love yourself before loving someone. Be responsible for yourself and most
importantly your happiness


1. Living for the moment

2. Living for good feeling
3. Escaping the problem of being single
4. Expecting the change the other person
5. No standards set.
6. if you love me then Prove it
7. Trial and Error (living together)

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