Privacy Statement: Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Privacy Statement
PUPWebSite is very much aware in protecting your privacy and personal information. This statement discloses
how PUPWebSite helps protect your personal information while using PUPWebSite. This Privacy Statement only About PUPWebSite
applies to PUPWebSite. Other sites that has a link from this site may have a separate privacy statement. Please
read the PUPWebSite Privacy Statement carefully.

PUPWebSite uses PUPWebSite Connect ("Connect") as its registration and authentication service. When you sign-
up to Connect, you will be asked to provide your username and a password. This same Connect Account allows Timeline

you to access many other Connect Services.

Terms of Use

By using PUPWebSite, you consent to the data practices described in this statement. Privacy Statement

Collection of Personal Information

We will ask you when we need information that personally identi es you ("Personal Information") or allows us to
contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you sign-up for PUPWebSite Connect or when you
participate in University surveys, which are conducted online, or register for entrance test/exam using PUP iApply.

As described in greater detail below, we collect and process Personal Information for three major reasons: (1) to
operate an authentication service, (2) to facilitate registration at member services that request personal
information from you for the purposes intended by the service, and (3) to improve security and provide customer
support for your account.

We keep this information on le with any information you've already given us on previous visits to PUPWebSite.

Collection of Other Information

Aside from the Personal Information, PUPWebSite (together with Google Analytics) also collects certain
information about your computer system. This information includes your (1) IP address, (2) browser type, (3)
operating system, (4) domain name, (5) access times, and (6) referring Web site addresses. The collection of these
data may occur every initial access and speci c pages within PUPWebSite. This information is used for the
operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding the use of

PUPWebSite also collects information about which pages you visit within the site. This site visitation data is
identi ed only by a unique ID number, and it is never linked with any Personal Information unless you give your
consent, as described below.

Information Collected by PUPWebSite

PUPWebSite collects only that information which is necessary to carry out speci c purposes. However, PUPWebSite
does not collect any other information not indicated in this clause, whether you are signed in or not from
PUPWebSite Connect.

When you sign-up for a Connect Account, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information that will be
stored in the MyPro le component of Connect. As described below, the amount of information requested
contains, at most, the following information: (1) First Name, (2) Middle Name, (3) Last Name, (4) Gender, (5) Status,
(6) Birth Date, (7) Home Country, (8) Current Location, (9) Occupation, (10) E-Mail Address, (11) Description, (12)
School, (13) College, (14) Field of Study, and (15) Academic Status. 1/5
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When you sign-up for your Connect Account, you will be asked to create a username and password. You are also
requested to select a secret question and provide a secret answer. You use your secret question and answer to
help verify your identity to Connect when there are account issues, such as needing to retrieve your password.

Connect associates a unique identi er with every account at sign-in. The unique identi er is a generated unique
encrypted number that Connect uses to all Connect Services when you choose to sign-in. This unique identi er
makes it possible for the site to determine whether you are the same person from one sign-in session to the next.
Your unique identi er is viewable in Connect > View MyPro le.

Connect also temporarily logs individual sign-ins for the purpose of ensuring the e ciency and security of the
Connect Service. The information in these logs is identi ed only by the account's unique ID number, and it is never
linked with Personal Information.

Collection of Optional Information

Optional Information is also collected. You have the option to ll-in the information or not. Optional Information
includes: (1) Home Information (Address, City/Municipality, Country, State/Province, Zip Code, Contact Number,
Fax Number), and (2) Work Information (Company Name, Address, City/Municipality, Country, State/Province, Zip
Code, Contact Number, Fax Number). These information are shared only upon your approval should any of your
former classmates or friends wants to contact you.

Use of your Personal Information

How PUPWebSite Will NOT Use Your Personal Information

PUPWebSite will not give, sell or rent your Personal Information to third parties; and PUPWebSite will not use or
share your Personal Information in a manner that di ers from what is described in this Privacy Statement without
your prior consent.

How PUPWebSite Uses Your Personal Information

PUPWebSite uses your Personal Information for the operation and maintenance of your Connect Account and the
Connect Service. For example, Connect uses your e-mail address to send you a welcome e-mail message when you
rst sign-up informing you about the Service, telling you how to manage your Connect Account. You will receive a
separate e-mail to which you must respond in order to validate that you are the owner of the e-mail address
associated with the Connect Account. This process is designed to verify the validity of the e-mail address and to
help prevent e-mail addresses from being used without permission in the creation of Connect Accounts.

PUPWebSite may also send you e-mail about periodic service or updates. These periodic e-mails are considered
essential to the provision of the Services. You cannot unsubscribe from these mailings.

If you need to retrieve your password, Connect allows you to change it using the Change Password module of the

General Disclosure of Information

We collect and use information for the following purposes:

To ensure our site is relevant to your needs;

To deliver services, such as noti cations automatically sent and that you requested;
To help us create and publish content most relevant to you; and
To allow you access to limited-entry areas of our site as appropriate.

We merge site-visitation data with anonymous demographic information for research and statistical purposes, and
we may use this information in aggregate to provide more relevant content. In some limited-entry sections of
PUPWebSite, with your approval, we will combine site-visitation data with your Personal Information in order to
provide you with personalized content. If you decline permission, we will not provide you the personalized service
and wont merge your Personal Information with site-visitation data. 2/5
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Polytechnic University of the Philippines ("PUP") may disclose your Personal Information if required to do so by law
or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal
process served on PUP or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of PUP, PUPWebSite and its family
of Web sites, or (c) act in exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Connect, or the public.

The information stored by PUPWebSite is not shared. The speci c details of what information is shared are
described below.

Shared Information between PUPWebSite, PUPWebSite Connect, and other PUP

Online Services

Your Connect information may be shared with PUPWebSite when you sign-in Connect. This will enable integration,
ease of access, and uni ed behavior between services within PUPWebSite, and use available information to deliver
relevant content to you wherever the online service you are in PUPWebSite. Information in PUPWebSite is not
shared with the PUP Student Information System as these two are di erent and separate systems.

Connect Services That Require Your Account

Currently, there are a few Connect Services that require your Account in order to provide you with its
corresponding service. For example, PUPWebSite Connect Messenger requires your Account to provide your
requested messaging services.

Declaration of Privacy Statement

PUPWebSite agrees to have a posted privacy statement and to use academically reasonable e orts to comply with
industry-standard privacy guidelines and practices.

However, we do not control or monitor the privacy practices of other sites that you may visit from PUPWebSite.
You should carefully review the privacy statement of those sites in order to determine how each site or service will
use the information it collects.

If PUPWebSite becomes aware of issues concerning its Privacy Statement, we will work to address those issues. If
at any time you believe that PUPWebSite has not been adhering to these principles, please notify PUPWebSite by

Access to Your Personal Information

We will provide you with the means to ensure that your Personal Information is correct and current.

If you signed-up with PUPWebSite Connect, you can always add, update, delete, or make other changes to your
information in the system. You need to sign-in rst before viewing your Personal Information.

Terminating Your Connect Account

You may terminate your Connect Account by contacting the PUPWebSite Technical Support through e-mail.

If you attempt to sign-up for Connect Account and nd that someone else has already created a Connect Account
with your e-mail address, you have the option of contacting the PUPWebSite Technical Support and request that
speci c Connect Account (using your e-mail address) be forced to change so that you may use your e-mail address
in your Connect Account. Terms and conditions may apply.

Closing, Inactivation and Deletion of Account

PUPWebSite will mark your Connect Account as "closed" if it remains inactive for an extended period of time.
Inactivity is de ned as a failure to sign-in to your Connect Account. Your Connect Account will be made inaccessible 3/5
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if it remains inactive for sixty (60) days, and any account or pro le information you have provided will be stored in

Security and Storage of your Personal Information

PUPWebSite is committed to protecting the security of your Personal Information. We use a variety of security
technologies and procedures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use or
disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access
that are located in controlled facilities. When we save sensitive and critical information to our database, we protect
it through the use of encryption.

You must type the correct username and password to access your Connect Account information. It is your
responsibility to ensure the security of your Connect Account password and not to reveal this information to any

Your information are stored and processed in the Philippines, and, by using PUPWebSite Services, you consent to
any such storing of information in the Philippines. PUPWebSite will abide by any existing and approved laws and
protocols regarding the collection, use, and retention of data.

Use of Cookies

When you visit PUPWebSite, a cookie is placed on your machine (if your computer system accepts cookies) or is
read if you have visited the site previously. A cookie is a very small text le that a Web site saves to your
computer's hard disk to store information relevant to the operations of PUPWebSite. Another use of cookies is to
assist in the collection of the site visitation statistics as described above.

If you choose not to have your browser accept cookies from PUPWebSite, you will be able to view the Web pages,
however you will not have a personalized experience nor will you be able to subscribe to the online service
o erings on the site.

Connect also uses cookies whenever you browse the site or sign-in using your Account. Connect stores your
unique identi er and your Connect Account information in an encrypted cookie on your hard disk. This cookie
allows you to move from page to page within Connect without having to sign-in again on each page. When you
sign-out of Connect, these cookies are deleted from your computer. When you use automatic sign-in, these
cookies remain in your computer until you sign-out of Connect.

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies using the settings on your Web browser or computer system.
However, if you choose to decline cookies, you will not be able to sign-in using your Connect Account.

Enforcement of this Privacy Statement

In our quest to uphold our commitment to protecting the privacy of your Personal Information, PUPWebSite has
agreed to disclose its information practices and to have its privacy practices reviewed for compliance. If you have
questions regarding this statement, you can contact PUPWebSite by e-mail:

If you do not receive acknowledgment of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been addressed to your satisfaction,
you should then contact Polytechnic University of the Philippines Information and Communications Technology
O ce (PUP ICT O ce). PUP ICT O ce will serve as a liaison with PUPWebSite to resolve your concerns.

Changes to this Statement

PUPWebSite will occasionally update this Privacy Statement. When we do, we will also revise the "last updated"
date at the bottom of the Privacy Statement. For material changes to this statement, PUPWebSite will notify you
by placing prominent notice on the Web site. 4/5
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Contact Information

PUPWebSite welcomes your comments and suggestions regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us by e-
mail or postal mail.

PUPWebSite Privacy Statement

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Information and Communications Technology O ce
2/F Ninoy Aquino Learning Resources Center
A. Mabini Campus, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines 1016
+632 716-7832 local 739

Last updated: Saturday, July 12, 2014

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