Cost Eco Final

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Cost Accounting

MWF (2:00PM-4:00PM)

Submitted by:

Asis, Vanessa

Baladad, Kyle

Blaza, Kristine

Borras, Ericka

Bueron, Jill

Submitted to:

Mrs. Anne Marcos




AyalaLand continue their commitment to being eco-efficient by providing products that

minimize consumption of natural capital and emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) per
square meter. As they implement several resource conservation and waste management
programs, they continue to realize benefits for the environment as well as the Companys
bottom line.

As of 2015, AyalaLands energy intensity, measured as kWh consumption per square meter
of space, decreased by 38 percent since 2011. This translates to an annual 11 percent
reduction in four years, well beyond the target of a three-percent reduction in energy intensity
annually for APMCs managed properties. For 2015 alone, APMC was able to avoid 16
million kWh of energy consumed in our investment properties due to its energy conservation
initiatives which is equivalent to savings of P 131.5 million in energy costs. MDC continued
to implement its waste management that enabled them to recycle 52% of their construction

With eco-efficiency as one of Ayala Lands sustainability focus areas, they continue to find
new ways in minimizing our impact to our planets resources and consistently measure the
results of our initiatives. AyalaLand find comfort in the fact that they are helping the
environment and society as our developments save valuable resources every day.
Resorts World Manila

Resorts World Manila Observes Earth Month With Eco-Friendly Efforts

After the worldwide celebration of Earth Day last April 22, Resorts World Manila
(RWM) delivered big wins for mother earth with activities that aim to promote and protect
environmental sustainability.

Last April 28, RWM employees volunteered their free time to take part in the companys first
corporate social responsibility (CSR) day event this year dubbed LOVE-tanim ay di biro.
Participants went to the La Mesa Nature Reserve in Quezon City to take part in eco-
awareness activities in cooperation with ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation, Inc.s
Bantay Kalikasan Program.

Through this, RWM supports the national governments campaign for tree-planting activities
to address the countrys dwindling urban forest. Napaka-importante ng La Mesa Watershed
sa buhay natin, particular para sa mga taga-Maynila. At ang pagpunta ng mga empleyado
ng Resorts World Manila dito ay napakalaking tulong para sa amin (The La Mesa Watershed
is very important in our lives, particularly those living in Manila. That is why having Resorts
World Manila employees here is a big help to us), says Bantay Kalikasan Program Project
Manager Dave Azurin.

Volunteer employees joined in on green activities including a 6-kilometer trek through the
watershed, a lecture on local environmental efforts, and hands-on soil potting and germinant
planting. The efforts produced 200 germinant plants of endemic species of trees which will
be transferred later within the year during a tree planting activity on a hectare of land the
company will adopt and help grow.

Ang mga naitanim na germinants ay palalakihin at itatanim pagdating ng tagulan dito sa

loob ng watershed. Kahit kalahati lang sa mga naitanim na ito ang mabuhay ay malaking
bagay na (The germinants planted will be grown and transferred to an area within the
watershed once the rainy season comes. Even if only half of those plants get to live, thats
already a significant contribution), Azurin adds.

The initiative is part of RWMs League of Volunteer Employees (LOVE) Program designed
to create a culture of volunteerism aligned with the companys corporate social responsibility
(CSR) thrusts of promoting Philippine Tourism and the Arts, Social Development, and
Environmental Sustainability.

Its our second time doing this activity here at the La Mesa Nature Reserve and were
thrilled to be part of such as significant initiative, said Owen Cammayo, Director for
Corporate Communications, RWM. Saving the environment is a big challenge but it only
takes small steps to make a difference. Thats why we encourage our employees by providing
them with avenues to do their part and help preserve the environment through eco-friendly

RWM continues its green initiatives with its monthly Live and Love Green recycling day
activity in partnership with Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines. The company has been able to
collect 18 tons of recyclable materials in 2015 and has so far collected over 6 tons of
recyclables this year alone. These recovered materials will be made into clothing, thermal
blankets, and other useful items for disaster relief operations around the country.
Shell Philippines


Fresh water is vital to human life and the planet as a whole. It is also one of the most
important areas of our environmental standards. Shell manages their use of water carefully
and invest in new approaches and technologies to use it more efficiently.

The availability of fresh water is a growing challenge in some parts of the world. It is
important that society along with Shell and others in the oil and gas industry - protects and
preserves this valuable resource and manages its use in a responsible and sustainable way.

Shell takes steps to manage their use of water and apply new approaches and technologies to
reduce their use of fresh water. They comply with water regulations wherever they operate
and also set their own mandatory water standards, which match best practice for their

Shell Company tailors their use of fresh water to local conditions, as water constraints tend to
affect people at the local or regional level. In some cases, they use alternatives to fresh water
in their operations; these include recycled water, processed sewage water and desalinated
water. For example, at their gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in the Qatari desert, they clean and
reuse industrial process water. This means that Shell avoids using the countrys scarce natural
water resources.

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