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First of all, I am extending my congratulations to the pupils and the parents of NLPC-

KOICA Childminding and Daycare Center, for this momentous event is especially made for
you. I would like to give my thumbs up to the teachers and staff of this school for their
unwavering determination to hone not only the minds but also their hearts.

When Teacher Jinky asked me to be the guest speaker for the Moving up ceremony
and recognition day of the NLPC Childminding and Daycare Center, I admit I was hesitant at
first. I thought of the audience-the playgroup and the nursery pupils, and I know for a fact
that it is a challenge to handle them since they have a short attention span, most of them
would choose to play rather listen to speeches. Ironically, this is my first time to speak in a
year-end ceremony and coincidentally, in my daughters school. Thus, I am making this
opportunity as a humble experience and a memorable one not only for me but also to you-
dear parents and your children who are the real superstars of this event.

John Locke, a philosopher in human understanding made the Tabula rasa-theory or

the blank-slate theory; it states that all people are born with a clear slate. We have no
personality and are blank. They are like a white piece of cloth and this cloth becomes
colorful and printed once they are taught of things. This also means that what our children
become in the future is greatly influenced by those people who were there from moments
they are born, learned how to crawl, talk, or walk, knew the ABCs and the numbers and
these people are the parents. Thus, the kind of children depends on the things we expose
them with as well as the virtues or values that we instill in their hearts.

It is said that children are the reflections of their parents or those people who
nurtured them from the start. That is why we sometimes find ourselves saying things to
them such as you are like your father, or mother or this character is from the mother or
the father. Therefore, we must be cautious as to what to teach them, patient in making
them understand why it is wrong to do something and sincere in appreciating their
accomplishment or successes; whatever comes out from our mouths as well as our actions
serve as a basis for our children on how they should speak or act. Certainly, no one wants
his or her child to speak bad words or act rudely towards others. The things they learn from
us, parents, are imprinted on them until they grow old, and even when they become
parents themselves.

Parents play a vital role in their childs development, and the formation years of a
child are crucial. I salute you, dear parents for being able to keep up with the challenge to
constantly guide your children. It is true that the early stages of a childs development need
to be paid much attention because these are the times when they are very inquisitive,
curious and adventurous. As much as we want them to be always safe, we must also keep
in mind that they have to be taught of what the reality is. We, as parents have to be true
and gentle enough in telling them what they should know. We must also remember that
children these days are advanced. Just consider their lessons in school. At such a young
age, they are taught with critical thinking skills, arithmetic, and even science concepts. (I
remember when I was at their age) This is a reminder to us, parents to be responsive to
the needs of our children-that is, we are there to support and follow up on their progress.
We owe it to the teachers who patiently share their knowledge to our children. Kudos to
Teacher Jinky and Mam Mary for doing a good job also in teaching our kids not only the
alphabets and numbers but also good behavior too.

Let us remember to treasure every moment that we spend with our children. Time
flies fast and our kids grow up quick too. It is not surprising at times that we find ourselves
wish that they are still babies. We could not stop time or turn it backwards. So, as much as
possible, grab every opportunity that we could celebrate or be a part of our childrens
moments. Whether we are working or not, we must make the most out of those chances
given to us to be with our children. I believe that this greatly influences their attitude
towards us at the same time these are things that they look back when they grow old.

To end, I would like to invite the parents to please stand, and give your children a big
warm hug, sweet kiss and tell them you love them. May today be always cherished and
included as one of those memories that you will keep in your hearts. I wish all of our
children a bright future and the parents to be more determined in giving their children all
the support and love they need to reach their dreams! Once again, congratulations and
good day!

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