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As growing concern mounts for the next big one you have been employed as seismologist working with the
United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to develop a report that the general public can read and understand.
Your task is create a report that teaches people why earthquakes occur and exactly how probable the next big one

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Scan the QR codes to watch videos explaining entropy.

The second law of thermodynamics describes the direction in which physical phenomena can occur. One
statement of the second law is: Heat can flow spontaneously from hot to cold but never from cold to hot.
There are certain processes that we know can never happen in reverse: A tea cup falls and shatters after
hitting the floor. But it does not put itself back together again and float back up from where it fell. All
natural processes are irreversible.
Heat can flow spontaneously from hot to cold but never from cold to hot and ordered objects always
become disordered. When these processes happen energy is released. For the earth that comes I the
form of heat and earthquakes. Building on the work of Sadi Carnot, the German physicist Rudolf Clausius
(1822-1888), formulated the second law of thermodynamics in 1865 by introducing the concept
of entropy.

Consider an isolated system composed of a box containing a hot object and a cold object separated by a
layer of air. As heat flows from the hot object to cold object, a pinwheel placed between them will turn
(work is done on the pinwheel) due to the movement of the warm air. Eventually, the hot and cold
objects will reach the same temperature. The heat will stop flowing and the pinwheel will no longer
turn. Work will no longer be possible, yet the energy of system has not changed. How can it be that the
same energy is available but work can no longer be performed? It is not the energy that matters here; it
is the difference in energy levels.

In general, when there is a difference in energy levels there is a difference in the how ordered the
system is. The order of a system is a measure of entropy of the system. The most general statement of
the second law is: For all natural processes the total entropy of a system increases. It may be that
certain parts of the system may become more ordered, but this order will be more than offset by an
increase in disorder in other parts of the system.
The sun supplies the necessary energy for flowers to grow, thus sustaining a very ordered biological
system. But the disorder the sun suffers in releasing enormous amounts of energy will eventually cause
its demise (dont worry, we still have at least a billion of years left... as far as the sun is concerned). The
result is an increase in entropy (disorder) for the flower-sun system.
Generally, a solid is a more ordered system than a liquid, and a liquid more ordered than a gas because
of the arrangement of the atoms in these states of matter. A solid has a very rigid (orderly) arrangement
of particles, a liquid not quite as rigid (less orderly) and a gas the least orderly arrangement since there
is almost no binding of the particles to each other. Yet we can still speak of a gas with increasing
disorder. For example, a hot gas dispersing into the space around it goes from a more concentrated
orderly arrangement to a more disorganized less concentrated arrangement.

The diagram shows a simplifed representation of the earths layers. As the layers natural move from a
state of order to disorder energy is released. This energy can be expressed in the form of earthquakes
on the surface.

. Calculation for Total Heat Energy

Use the equation Q = mcT to solve for the total heat energy needed to change the temperatures of a

Q = heat energy gained or lost in Joules

m = mass in grams
c = specific heat, J/g C. This is the heat required to raise the unit mass of a substance through 1 degree
C. Specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g C
T = temperature in Celsius.
T = change in temperature
Example: What is the total amount of heat energy, in joules absorbed by 25.0 grams of water when
the temperature of the water increases from 24.0C to 36.0C?

Q = mcT
Q = (25.0g)cT Substitute 25.0 for mass.
Q = (25.0g)( 4.18 J/g C Substitute 4.18 J/g C for the specific heat of water.
)T Subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature to find the
T =36.0C-24.0C = change in temperature.
Substitute 12.0C for the change in temperature.
Q = (25.0g)( 4.18 J/g C )( Multiply. The grams and Celsius will cancel out leaving the answer in
12.0C) Joules.
Q =1254J

The total heat energy to change 25.0 grams of water from 24.0C to 36.0C is 1,254 Joules.

Sample questions:

1. What is the total amount of heat energy, in joules absorbed by 56.0 grams of water when the
temperature of the water increases from 5.0C to 24.0C?

2. Find the heat energy released when 120.0 grams of water decreases temperture from 73.0C to
Calculations for Final Heat
Using the same equation, we can solve more complicated problems and predict the final temperature
when combining different volumes of water at different temperatures.

Example: What would the final water temperature be if 80.0 grams of water at 25C is combined with
60.0 grams of water at 70C

Because we are combining two samples of water, C is the

mt=-mt same on both sides and can be canceled out before we

80(t)=-60(t) Substitute mass. Caution: dont forget the negative sign.

Change in temperature is the final temperature minus the
80(TF-25)=-60(TF-70) initial temperature. We do not know the final temperature
and can write it as TF.
+2000 +2000 Add 2000 to both sides.

80TF=-60TF+6200 Add 60TF to both sides.

+60TF +60TF
Divide both sides by 140.
The final water temperature is 44.3C.

The theoretical final water temperature when combining 80.0 grams of water at 25C and 60.0 grams
of water at 70C is 44.3C.

1. What would the final water temperature be if 100.0 grams of water at 15C is combined with 50.0
grams of water at 90C

2. What would the final water temperature be if 20.0 grams of water at 45C is combined with 25.0
grams of water at 70C
Heat transfer lab

In this lab you will test your theoretical calculations of final water temperature when combining
different amounts and temperatures of water. Using the equation mct=-mct we can predict final
water temperature, however we can also test this in a measureable experiment. This lab investigates
heat energy and its constant motion. Heat is simply energy in transit and can never be stored or
collected, it can only remain in transit.
Thermometers (2) Glass beakers or cups Graduated cylinders
Ice or refrigeration Heating element Water
Optional: red and blue dyes


1. Complete experimental design and write hypothesis to get teacher approval to move on.
2. Gather the above materials for each lab group.
3. Measure the water into the amounts your group specified for trial 1.
4. Begin cooling or heating each water sample to the desired temperature.
5. Mix the water samples.
6. While waiting for the heat to transfer completely, calculate the theoretical final temperature
using the initial water temperatures. (To calculate mass, 1 milliliter of water is equal to 1 gram.)

Stir the water mixture while it combines. As soon as the temperature becomes stable
this is the experimental final temperature.

Calculate the % error in the difference between the theoretical and experimental final temperatures
using the following equation: %error= |experimental-theoreticaltheoretical|100

7. Repeat steps 3-7 for trial 2 and 3.

Experimental design:
Think about what you want to test. You can choose to either test how volume or temperature will affect
the total energy lost. Would you rather test the same volumes in each experiment and have vastly
different temperatures of water or the same approximate temperatures and alter the volumes of each?

Example 1: We would like to test water at approximately 5 degrees and 80 degrees. Trail 1 we will do 10
grams of cold and 30 hot, trial 2 we will test 20 cold and 20 hot and trail 3 we will test 30 cold and 10

Example 2: We would like to test 10 grams of cold water and 30 grams of hot water. Trail 1 we will test
cold at the cold at 5 degrees and hot at 80 degrees. Trail 2 we will test cold at the cold at 10 degrees and
hot at 80 degrees. Trail 3 we will test cold at the cold at 20 degrees and hot at 80 degrees.

Below write in detail the experiment you wish to complete. Include the approximate temperatures
and volumes of the hot and cold liquid in each of three trials. Before you can start you must propose
this experiment to your teacher and get approval.

Approval signature: _______________

Data collection and analysis:

Trial 1:

Hot water Cold water

Temperature Mass Temperature Mass

Calculate theoretical final temperature: _________ Test and measure experimental final temperature:

Solve for percent error: _______

Trial 2:

Hot water Cold water

Temperature Mass Temperature Mass

Calculate theoretical final temperature: _________ Test and measure experimental final temperature:

Solve for percent error: _______

Trial 3:

Hot water Cold water

Temperature Mass Temperature Mass

Calculate theoretical final temperature: _________ Test and measure experimental final temperature:
Solve for percent error: _______

Write a paragraph explaining the results of your experiment. The discussion is not a procedure, do not
state what you did. Explain the data and results of the trials. Your discussion should include numerical

Example sentence: The second trial when 20g of water at 50 degrees was combined with 10g of water at
70degress resulted in an experimental final temperature of 58 degrees.

Write one to two paragraphs explain what the results of the lab mean. Use the following guiding
questions to help you explain the science.
How is this lab a representation of the second law of thermodynamics?
What is convection? What is conduction?
How are convection and conduction different?
Account for the percent error in your experiment?

Project Summary 1
Write a paragraph explaining in detail the law second law of thermodynamics and the ways that heat
can travel. How does heat travel inside the Earth and how does this result in earthquakes? Compare
and contrast convection and conduction with examples. Be sure to include data from your Heat Transfer
lab to support your reasoning. Site any outside sources you used in.

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