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MPU 1153 Exercise

1. In Malaysia, the special courts are the _________________.

A Appeal court and Military

B Juvenile court only
C Juvenile court and Military court
D Customs court and Civil only

2. What was introduced by the Malaysian government on 17 June 1991 to replace the
New Economic Policy?

A National Production Policy

B Look East Policy
C National Development Policy
D Privatisation Policy

3. Which of the following are the main indigenous groups of Orang Asli in Malaysia?

I Negrito
II Proto- Malay
III Mahe
IV Senoi

A I and II C II, III and IV

B I, II and IV D All of the above

4. The largest cluster from the Chinese sub-ethnics group in Malaya in 1920 was the:

A Cantonese
B Hakka
C Hokkien
D Teochew

5. What caused the Malay world to be divided into two countries, now known as
Malaysia and Indonesia?

A Malaysia-Indonesia Treaty
B Bangkok Treaty
C Anglo-Siam Treaty
D Anglo-Dutch Treaty

6. What is the meaning of communalism in the context of national integration?

A Pre-judgment action or attitude towards other groups or races.

B Attitude of favouring ones own ethnic community, leading to social gaps
between ethnic groups.
C Belief that ones own culture is superior to that of others.
D Limited or lack of understanding of the way of life, the living conditions and
the problems of other races.
7. From the following, choose the CORRECT example of amalgamation.

A Baba & Nyonya

B Jawi Peranakan
C Mix marriage between Melayu and Jawa
D Mix marriage between Chinese and Indian

8. Who is the founded of Malacca kingdom?

A Parasmeswara
B Abd Malik
C Hussin Onn
D Mat Salleh

9. What is the main factor that makes Malacca a great International port?

A Barter System
B Jawi Scrip
C Center of Knowledge
D Geography

10. Who is the first king of Malacca that embraced Islam?

A Sultan Alauddin
B Sultan Jamil Ibrahim
C Sultan Salahuddin
D Sultan Iskandar Shah

11. What is the first western power that conquered Malacca?

A Portuguese
B Dutch
C British
D Siam

12. What is the first ethnic group recognized after the Malayan Union in 1946?

A Malay
B Chinese
C Indian
D Iban

13. What is the main reason Chinese willingly left their homeland for Malaya?

A The caste system being practiced in their country

B The unstable political and economic conditions in China
C Development of tin-mining
D Development of paddy
14. What is the main festival for Muslim in Malaysia?

A Hajj
B Aidilfitri
C Wesak day
D Deepavali

15. What is the main festival for Hinduism in Malaysia?

A Hajj
B Aidilfitri
C Wesak day
D Deepavali

16. This religion was found by Guru Nanak 1 (1469-1539)

A Islam
B Buddhism
C Sikh
D Hindus

17. What is the religion who belief Jesus as son of God?

A Islam
B Buddhism
C Christianity
D Hinduism

18. Which of the following statements shows the objectives of the National Cultural

I Strengthening the race and country through culture.

II Instilling and preserving the national identity that grows out of the national
III Enriching and improving the quality of humanity and spirituality, balanced
with socio-economic development.
IV Enhancing the peoples status and quality of lives through education, training,
health, infrastructural facilities and others.

A I, II and III C I, III and IV

B I, II and IV D II, III and IV

19. The London Conference (1956) granted independence to the Federation of Malaya
proposed the setting up of a commission for the drafting of the new constitution for
the Federation. What was the name of the Commission?

A The Briggs Commission

B The Reid Commission
C The Templer Commission
D The Cobbold Commission
20. What is the name of our current Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA)?

A Sultan Abdul Hafiz

B Sultan Abdul Halim
C Sultan Ismail
D Sultan Ibrahim

21. Negeri Sembilan is headed by a leader with a title of ________________ .

A Sultan
B Raja
C Yang Di Pertua Negeri
D Yamtuan Besar

22. In Malaysia, the important bases of unity and national integration are

I sharing of political power

II democratic government
III sound cultural development
IV cultural intolerance

A I and II
B I, II and III
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV

23. Choose the CORRECT pairings of British officers and the Malay States where they
performed their duties?

A Francis Light - Melaka

B Stamford Raffles Singapore
C Sir Hugh Low - Pinang
D Hugh Clifford - Perak

24. The functions of Z commission are responsible for the appointment, confirmation of
position, permanent shift of its staffs and to take discipline action towards the staffs in
public service. Z is referring to the ________________________ Commission.

A Public Service
B Education Service
C Judiciary and Law Service
D Police Service

25. The Constitution of Malaysia serves as _______________.

A a national ideology
B a Prime Minister plan
C countrys plan
D an outline of the ideals of Malaysian government
26. The following statements are true about elections EXCEPT ________________.

A The Elections Commission is a body free from influence from other parties
B The winning party is given the mandate to rule
C All citizens who fulfill the conditions are eligible to vote
D Bribery is done to get a majority

27. Which of the following is NOT a part of MAPHILINDO countries?

A Philippines C Malaysia
B Indonesia D Brunei

28. The Federation of Malaysia which consisted of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and
Singapore was founded on ____________________.

A 31 August 1963
B 13 September 1963
C 16 September 1963
D 13 May 1965

29. As soon as Parliament is dissolved, the election must be held within

_____________day in Peninsular Malaysia and within _____________days in Sabah
and Sarawak.

A 60 : 90 C 60 : 60
B 90 : 60 D 90 : 90

30. This association includes Malaysia, Thai, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia,
Brunei, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. This association is ________.


31. Before the arrival of the western colonials, the strongest and most influence power in
the South East Asia has been ________.

A China C Japan
B India D Europe

32. How does globalization leave a negative impact on a country in terms of international

A The world will be colonize.

B The world will be without barriers.
C All the countries will lose their sovereignty.
D Globalization may impede the freedom its own decision in carrying out the
agenda of the country.
33. Matters relating to the laws of Islam, the agricultural land, forestry and mining are
under the authority of _________________.

A The Federal List

B The State List
C The Joint List
D The District officer

34. In general, the most important thing in the democratic ruling system is

A the king or the ruler

B the people
C the administrative system
D the parliament

35. Who is responsible to maintain the privileges of the Malays _________________.

A The Yang di-Pertuan Agong

B Sultan or the State Governor
C The Prime Minister
D The National Head of Secretary

36. The Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak agreed to combine as a
new federation known as Malaysia, in 16 September 1963.

A True B False

37. Our third Prime Minister is Tun Hussein Onn.

A True B False

38. The Legislative body is the official body with the most superior position. It is made
up of the nine Sultans and the four state governors.

A True B False

39. An agency which is responsible for implementing a policy is the Cabinet.

A True B False

40. The head of the state for states like Melaka, Penang, Sabah, and Sarawak is known as
The State Governor.

A True B False

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