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Chemistry Name. Chapter 10 Worksheet 3 : The Mole Concept Model: The Elephant and the Methane Molecule Lamu= 1.6606 x 10-24 g One elephant has one trunk and four legs. 1 dozen = 12 items One methane molecule, CH4, contains one carbon atom aud four hydrogen atoms 1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 items = Avogadro's Number Critical Thinking Questions i2 1. How many trunks are found in ope dozen elephants? Give your auswer in terms of a number (such as 17 or 3.25 x 10!5 trunks). atehants , MOE - 12 Fecal TV euphent How many legs are found in one dozen elephants? Give your answer in terms of a number (such as 17 of 3.25 x 1025 legs) reget Mls, Tae TgS] v Telephart 3. How many carbon atoms are found in one dozen methane, CH4, molecules? Give your answer in terms of a number (such as 17 or 3.25 x 105 C atoms). Bees > v Ue = 4, How many hydrogen atoms are fornd in one dozen methane molecules? Give your answver in terms of a number (such as 17 or 3.25 x 10!5 H atoms) s2cty ae = (48 _hydltesens 7 5. How many trunks are found in one mole of elephants? G02 m1 Homes 2 A imal elephants an =f 6.02 x10° trunks : 1 6. How many legs are found in one mole Of elephants? 4x bar nw 12.408 H10° bys 7. How many carbon atoms are found in one mole of methane molecules? Corr Cabos | 8. How many hydrogen atoms are found in one mole of methane molecules? Yveorxw = 9. Calculate the average mass (in anu) of one methane molecule (to 0.01 amu). wrekhane > CHy = (zou) + 4 (4.0074) T methane = Hb 04 ame alec 10. Based on your answer to CTQ 9, calculate the mass (in grams) of one mole of methane molecules (to 0.01 g). Tina of mation rents * (404 9 = [6.04 amu Exercises Unless otherwise stated, calculate alt mass values 1, What is the mass of 1.00 mole of Cu’-7——-@ = 3 Bib, 2. What is the mass of 1.00 mole of sodium(1) fluoride, NaF Vyaal NaF = 22.9897 + 18997403 = [4/788 Consider a 1.00 carat diamond (pure C) that has a mass of 0.200 grams. How many carbon atoms are present in this diamond? Give your answer in terms of a number (such as 17 or 3.25 x 1015C ie and as a number of moles of C C BHO we ? {Taoxn™ aes] oil, at euoibten C 4. Consider 1.06 mole of dilytdronen gas, Hp. How many dihydrogen molecules are present? How many hydrogen atoms are present? What is the mass of this sample? Gaz wro™S He medewtes| [7 20y we H atoms] [2 Ol 5ram] 5. Ethanol has a molecular formula of CHjCH2OH. What is the mass of 1.000 moles of ethanol? What is the average mass of one molecule of ethanol? Lend ethord = Yb, 06879 [Lmtecnie. of ether S 6.0888 aww 6. What is the mass of 0.5623 moles of ethanol, eee? n grams. GB. S623 wd ath Yb.0688 Eset tigger ethan 7. a) How many moles of effianal are present in a 100.0 g sample of ethanol? 100.05 ath « — Led = oma b) How many moles ofsacit clement (C, FO) are present ipa 100.0 g sample CoH O otobminl Cen) €) Peete [exam at | c) How many grams of each element (C, H, 0) are (4.100.0 ¢ sample | | of ethanol? 4 34md ¢__ /2aif asec Steet Cy (52.135) , [B4I2,0 8. How many moles of carbon dioxide CO2, are present in a sample of carbon dioxide with a mass of 254 grams? gu cop _I mel CO2 A x TH goHty Coo. = [E77 wel C00) 9. How inany moles of O atoms are present in a 254 g sample of carbon dioxide? Zw O for euety md of Coe —e :77 «2 =] ILS4 mel O 10. How many carbon atoms are wwe found in 0. 500 gof, glycine, H2NCH2COOH? Re tara 2 eae 0.8005 y bm ne SPENT ES erbe doe raasepp tee. 750679 | 11. Indicate whether each of the following statements 16 true OF false, and Explain your reasoniny Nore Boao = 12039 42.09 "72 Do that! 2 FASE a) One mole of Nit; ‘weighs more than one mole of H,0. FALSE ative b) There are more carbon atoms in 48 grams of CO2 than in 12 grams of diamond (a form of pure carbon). 483 (oz * ya > hod C02 5 1% C* on OAC ©) There are equal numbers, of nitrogen atomis‘n one mole of NET; and one? ef Ai ole ofNz, met Na Was 2 the mauhot ok AY atoms a6 Land WZ sé The mumber of Cu atoms in 100 @amSof Cu(s) is the same as the number of f Cu atoms in 100 grams of coppestly oxi Oxide, CuO, Male Ci ofoms im 15 Ce Hoar ty (LO go ©) The number of Ni atoms in 100 moles of Ni(s) is the same as the number of 7 Ni atoms in 100 moles of nickel(T) chloride, NiCly, 9) There are more hycogen atoms in 2 moles of NH than in 2 moles of CHy. ao atte ale tod at H ates je Qrok CHy alae ate onky Grd of Hatans tr Zot NHZ

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