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What is what?
Wordpress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in
non-geek speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content
management system (or CMS) in existence today.

Released on 27th may, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little

Announced as opensource in oct 2009.
Based on PHP and MYSQL.
Thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, which
reduces cost and deployment time.

WordPress is mostly used for updating, customizing and managing the website
from its back-end components.

Wordpress is free as in freedom.

Wordpress is easy to use and learn.
Wordpress is extendable by using themes and plugins.
Wordpress is search engine friendly.
Wordpress is easy to manage.
Wordpress is safe and secure.
Wordpress can handle different media types.

It is possible for you to get online and get publishing quickly.

Can we make any kind website what we want and that can be modified by
certain themes and plugins( provide additional functionality)

User management:
Provide an role to access the website .
1. Administrator
2. Editor
3. Author
4. Contributor
5. Subscriber

1. Adminstrator:
Most powerful user role.
Add,edit and delete post of any users.
Install,delete,edit plugins and themes.
Add,delete user( other admin too) and edit their details (include pwd also).

2. Editor:
Full control on the content sections.
Add,delete,edit and publish any post,comment( others post also).
Dont have access to change settings, install plugins and themes and cant able to add

3. Author:
Write,edit and publish their own post .
Able to delete their post after it post published.(only ability to delete their own post).
Cant create category (add with existing one)
Can add tags to their post.
Only able to write and view the comments.

4. Contributor:
Add and edit their own post
Cant publish post (even their own).
Cant create category (add with existing one)
Can add tags to their post.
Cant upload file(images,videos etc.,)

5. Subscriber:
Login to wordpress site
Update their user profile.
Able to change their password.
Cant write post, view comments.

1. Super Admin:
This role only available at wordpress multisite network.
Able to add and delete sites.
Can add ,edit and delete users, themes and plugins also.
2. Customize existing user role:
Plugins are needed to customize the user role.

3. Create new user role:

Plugins are needed to create a new user role.

Media Management:

Add images,videos and provide description ,title and caption .

Search Engine Optimization(SEO):

Plenty plugins for SEO.

Available in more than 70 languages.

1.Open SourceLarge communities of developers share their code with others (save cost

and time to write and implement new one).

2.Easy of useDont need a programming knowledge and easy to setup and update.

3. Manage your website from any computer.

4. No HTML editing and FTP software are required.

5. Search engine facility.

6. Control of site.

7. Site design is 100% customizable.

8. Extend the functionality with plugin.

9. Multiusers accessing.
10.Rapid development

11. Add more functionality (plugins).

1. Its a open source , it always at the target of hackers.
2. Some malicious code or bug to hinder the functionality of the site.
3. It contain more functionality so it take more time load the site.
4. Frequently updating the site might hamper its functionality (Before updating make
sure to take a backup of our site).
5. It uses MySQL as a database backend which is less secure.(cyber attacks and easily

Wordpress Installation:
1. Go to click the download wordpress button.
2. Create a empty database in our phpMyAdmin.
3. Extract the zip files from the downloads and keep it on your corresponding folder.
(Eg: c:/wamp64/www/wordpress)
4. In browser , open the file (localhost/ wordpress)
5. Select our language , Click continue.
6. Its give the information about the installation procedure and click the Lets go.
7. Then to enter the information about the database (database name,
username,password,database host and table prefix).
8. Then click submit.
9. Confirmation screen will be opened and click the Run Insatll.
10. Enter the administrative information.
11. After installation success, to receive the confirmation message, click login.
12. Then wordpress admin panel will be opened and to enter the corresponding username
and password.

Wordpress stuffs:
This is used to display tool for writing our content for our pages.

This is used for displaying tools for writing posts.

This is used for creating the menus which is displayed in various pages or

This displays the option for editing the settings that can be able to viewed by the
administrator only.

Uploading of image, video, audio are done in this option.

This option is used for choosing the themes for our website. This is the outline for
website or it is the design for the website.

In dashboard, click dashboard post option . It shows the following menus,

1. All Post
2. Add New
3. Categories
4. Tags

1.All Post:(How to update)

This option shows all post in the site and here it displays the entire details of the post.

It displays the title, authors, categories, tags, comments and date.

The mouse is hover over the post it displays the option below to the post.(edit,quick


When clicking edit option it displays an edit post dialog box and can edit the whatever
you need.
After complete the edit process to click the update and the post to be updated.

Quick Edit:
In Quick edit option can able to edit the title,slug and date of the post.
Also select the category of your post.
Click the update button to update the changed content.


To delete the corresponding post .


To click the view button , it displays the corresponding post.

In the right corner there is a preview button , which displays the post
These post can also able view while the time of add post and edit post.

2. Add New:(How to publish)

To click the add new option displays the editor page of the post.
The editor as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) used to add the
actual content to our post.
Click publish to publish our corresponding post and then your post get

3. Categories:
To add a new category to write a name of the category you want to add .
The slug created automatically which displays in the url and we can able to
display the post related to that categories.
These categories list which displays the count for the post related to the category.
Here also we can create ,edit and delete a new category.

Here to make a categories as a subcategories of something.
In parent category to select the parent of the corresponding category.

4. Tags:

To add a new tag in the section.

To write a name for the tag and the slug created automatically.
The tag are the keys to search theses particular post.
The list which displays the details of the created tag and count also.

Bulk Action :(Edit, Delete)

1. Edit: There is option to edit the entire post by clicking the checkbox near to title.

2. Delete: Also delete the entire post by bulk option.

5.How to create a sticky post:

In wordpress editor to make a sticky post,

In the publish option to edit the visibility option check the public->stick this post
to the font page.

6. How to set featured images:

In editor to click the featured image to set a featured image .
To select a image from the media and click the set featured image.

1.How to create a wordpress page:
To click Add New option to open the editor.
To provide a title for the newely created page.
Similar way to create a post and can able to add media.
Can use publish option and page attribute to set the category for the page and
template to display the page (Front page and full width).


Can arrange pags in hierarchies.

There is no limit to how many levels you can nest pages.


Some themes have custom templates.


Pages are ordered alphabetically, but we can choose our ordering sequence.
2. How to use editors:
In Wordpress WYSIWYG editor will open while clicking edit,quick edit option or
creating a new page.

The editor has an title section and can able to edit our content by using the
styling facilities and also able to add media.
Here can use the sticky post, visibility and page attributes that are already
viewed in post option.
Able to add featured image.

3. How to publish:
Click the add new button will open the editor.
Here we can write the content what you want to publish.
And the editor is used as we discussed in the above sections.
Afterwards clicking the publish buuton.

4. How to update:
All pages option shows all pages in the site and here it displays the entire details of the

It displays the title, authors, categories, tags, comments and date.

The mouse is hover over the page it displays the option below to the page.(edit,quick


When clicking edit option it displays an edit page dialog box and can edit the whatever
you need.
After complete the edit process to click the update and the page to be updated.

Quick Edit:
In Quick edit option can able to edit the title,slug and date of the page.
Also select the category of your page.
Click the update button to update the changed content.


To delete the corresponding page .

To click the view button , it displays the corresponding page.
In the right corner there is a preview button , which displays the page
These page can also able view while the time of add page and edit page

1. How to create Main menu:
To create a menu we need to click AppearanceMenu option in dashboard
Then in the Name box we need to give the name for the menu.
After that in menu structure box we need to add the pages or post to be displayed
in the menu.
Then to create it as a main menu we need to click the MAIN MENU checkbox in
menu settings.

2. How to create Submenu:

In wordpress we can able to make sub menu and just drag and drop
the selected pages or post to corresponding location.
The submenu to be placed under the selected main menu by just drag
and place the post or page left of them.
After creating the menu make sure to save the changes.
3. How to create custom menu:
In edit menu option to click the create new menu option, which
makes you to create a custom menu option.
Provide the name to the newely created menu and click the save
Then in menu structure to add menu items from the left side.
In menu settings,
o Auto add pages:
Check the automatically add new top level pages to this menu.
Display location
Check the primary option which decides the location to
display the menu( primary location).
4. How to create a page as a menu:
In left side column pages and posts are displayed and if we
need to fix the page as a menu.
Check the needed pages as a menu and click the add menu
option .
Otherwise choose all the pages by click select all button.


1. How to upload a photo ,file etc.,:

Dash board->Add new option to upload a new media.
Here to select the files from the any folder in your system.
Those files are stored in our media library.
2. How to use uploaded photo to post:
In post and page section there is one add media option to add the files
to the post and page whatever we need.
3. How to crop the uploaded image:
To crop the image in the media library just click the image
It will open a attachment details page in which we need to select the
edit image option in bottom of the image.
Then it will show the edit image page where we can able to crop the
image by giving scale value in scale option or just drag the image in
square shape to scale the image to be cropped and click on the save
button in the bottom right corner.

In dashboard click the settings, then below settings are appeared.

o General
o Writing
o Reading
o Discussion
o Media
o Permalinks
1. General Settings:

Site Title It displays the name of the site in the template header.

Tagline Displays a short sentence about your site.

WordPress Address (URL) It is the URL of WordPress directory where your all core
application files are present.

Site Address(URL) Enter the site URL which you want your site to display on the

E-mail Address Enter your e-mail address which helps to recover your password or
any update.

Membership Anyone can register an account on your site after you check this

New User Default Role The default role is set for the newly registered user or

Timezone Sets the time zone based on the particular city.

Date Format Sets the date format as you need to display on the site.

Time Format Sets the time format as you need to display on the site.

Week Starts On Select the week day which you prefer to start for WordPress calendar.
By default it is set as Monday.

Site Language Sets the language for the WordPress dashboard.

2. Writing :
Formatting This field defines two sub options for better user experience.

o The first option to graphics on display will turn text-based emoticons into
graphic-based emoticons.

o The second option WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML

automatically corrects the invalid XHTML placed within the posts or pages.

Default Post Category It is a category to be applied to a post and you can leave it
as Uncategorized.

Default Post Format It is used by themes to select post format to be applied to a post
or create different styles for different types of posts.

Post via e-mail This option uses e-mail address to create posts and publishes posts on
your blog through e-mail. To use this, you'll need to set up a secret e-mail account with
a POP3 access, and any mail received at this address will be posted.

Mail Server It allows reading the e-mails that you send to WordPress and stores them
for retrieval. For this, you need to have POP3 compatible mail server and it will have
URI address such as, which you should enter here.

Login Name To create posts, WordPress will need its own e-mail account. The Login
Name will use this e-mail address and should be kept as a secret as spammers will post
links redirecting to their own websites.

Password Set password for the above e-mail address.

Default Mail Category It allows selecting custom category for all the posts that are
published via Post by e-mail feature.

Update Services When you publish a new post, WordPress will automatically notify
the site update services in the box. See the Update Services on the codex for the long list
of possible services.

3. Reading settings:
Front page displays This section is used to display the front page in any of the
following format

a. Your latest posts It displays latest posts on the front page.

b. A static page It displays the static pages on the front page.

c. Front Page You can select the actual page you want to display on front page
from the drop down.

Posts Page You can select the page from the drop down which contains posts.

Blog pages show at most The number of posts to be displayed per page or site. By
default, it is set as 10.

Syndication feeds show the most recent The user can view the number of posts
when they download one of the site feeds. By default, it is set as 10.

For each article in a feed, show This section is used to display the post by selecting
any of the following formats

Full Text It displays the complete post. It is set as default.

Summary It displays the summary of the post.

Search Engine Visibility After clicking on the checkbox, Discourage search

engines from indexing this site, your site will be ignored by the search engine.

4. Discussion settings:
Discussion between blogger and visitors.

Default article settings These settings are default to the new pages you create or
new posts. This contains three more settings. They are

o Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article When you publish
articles then it sends a notification (sends pings and trackback) to other

o Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)

Accepts pings from other blogs.

o Allow people to post comments on new articles You can allow or

disallow other people to comment on your article using this setting.

You can change the settings as per your will for individual articles.

Other Comment Settings This setting has the following options

o Comment author must fill out name and e-mail When you check this
box, it is mandatory for visitors to fill their name and email address.
o Users must be registered and logged in to comment If you check this
box, only those registered visitors can leave comments, if not checked
anyone can leave any number of comments.

o Automatically close comments on articles older than days This option

allows you to accept comments only for a particular time period as per
your wish.

o Enable threaded (nested) comments When you check this option,

visitors can reply or have a discussion and get responses.

o Break comments into pages with top level comments per page and the
page displayed by default If your pages are getting a lot of comments
then you can split them into different pages by checking this box.

o Comments should be displayed with the comments at the top of each

page You can arrange the comments in the form of ascending or
descending order.

Email me whenever This setting contains two options, namely

o Anyone posts a comment When you check into this box, the author gets
an e-mail for every single comment that is posted.

o A comment is held for moderation This is used in case you do not want
your comment to be updated before it's moderated by the admin.

Before a comment appears This setting allows how your posts are controlled.
There are two more settings as followed

o Comment must be manually approved If you check this box then only
the approved comments by the admin can be displayed on the posts or

o Comment author must have a previously approved comment This can

be checked when you want to approve a comment of an author whose has
commented and his e-mail address matches the e-mail address of the
previous posted comment. Otherwise the comment is held for moderation.

Comment Moderation Contain only a specific number of links that are allowed
into a comment.

Comment Blacklist You can input your own spam words which you do not
want your visitors to enter into the comments, URL, e-mail etc.; later it would
filter the comments.
Avatars Avatar is a small image that displays at the top-right-hand corner of the
dashboard screen beside your name. It is like your profile picture. Here you have
a few more options where you can set your avatar for WordPress site.

o Avatar Display It displays your avatar besides your name when it is


o Maximum rating You have a four other options of avatars you can use.
They are G, PG, R and X. This is the age section where you select
according to which type of audience you want to display your posts.

o Default Avatar In this option, there are few more types of avatars with
images; you can keep these avatars according to your visitors e-mail

5. Media settings:
Thumbnail size Set the size of the thumbnail.

Medium size Set the height and width of medium size images.

Large size Set width and height of larger images.

Uploading files After checking this checkbox, the uploaded image will be arranged
into year and month based folder.

6. Permalink settings:
Common settings

o Check any of the radio buttons to choose your permalink structure for your

o Default It sets the default URL structure in Wordpress.

o Day and name It sets URL structure according to the date and name in your

o Month and name It sets the URL structure according to the month and name
in your post.

o Numeric It sets numbers in the URL structure in your post.

o Post name It sets post name in the URL structure in your post.

o Custom Structure It sets the URL structure of your choice by writing the
desired name in the given text box.

o These are optional. You can add custom structure for main category or tag
URL. If your text box is empty then default settings is used. Here you have
two options.

o Category Base Add custom prefix for your category URL.

o Tag Base Add custom prefix to your Tags URL.

In appearance-> themes , the available themes are displayed and here can able to add the
extra themes from the outsource.

What is what?
Themes is used for choosing the themes for our website. This is the outline for website
or it is the design for the website.

1. WordPress Customizer
2. Starter Content
3. Custom Header
4. Plugin Compatibility and More
How to install themes? what are ALL the possible ways to install a theme?
Here to select the theme that are available in the wordpress and to activate the
needed theme.

And can able to make the live preview but it is not fully displayed while to be
activated (slight varaiation).

Also customize the selected theme.

Can able to add some more theme by clicking add new option and which
displays the featured, popular,latest, favorites and can filter that based on feature.

Otherwise download from the outsource it to be in the form of zip file and then to
extract the zip file afterwards to install such themes.

And to make activate the theme.

How to uninstall themes:

The active themes cant be uninstalled so first to activate other theme afterwards to click
the theme and in the right corner delete button to be there.

By clicking the delete button to uninstall theme.

How to customize theme based on that theme settings:

In the active theme there is an customize button to click the customize button
customizing option will appear.

Here to set a logo,title and tagline.

Set the header area.

Blog optionTo display the blog in the displayed location.

Fonts: To select the font color and size on here.

Footer: To select what are the things are present in the footer option.

Color: To select the background color, font color.

Background Image: To select the background image.

Menu: To select the menus and here also able to add menus.

Widget: To select the widget of the themes

Staic front page: View of the page.

Additional css: To add the css to our themes.

What is what?
Generally the plugin provide some additional functionality.

A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added
to a WordPress website.

They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites.

WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate
seamlessly with WordPress.
How to install plugin? what are ALL the possible ways to install a plugin?
In dashboard -> plugin-> add new, here to add an extra plugin by clicking the available
plugin on here.

Here the feature,popular and recent plugin are there just click the install now option to
inastall the plugin and able to search the plugin by using tag name.

Otherwise upload the plugin from the outsource.

Outsource plugin are uplpoaded in the form of zip file and then install the plugin.

How to uninstall the plugin:

Here can able to activate ,deactivate or edit the functionality of the plugin.

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