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Mankind has Partial-Freewill.

This document supports the Humility Enabled Grace salvation doctrine (HEG). HEG accepts that
man has partial-freewill with the spirit realm influencing man without his knowledge or consent.

We can see the extent of a person's freewill through experimentation. To test any part of man's
freewill we can simply offer a reward and see if a person can exercise freewill to gain that reward.

Example #1: Are beliefs of freewill?

A man claims he has seen a large shark nearby, and a woman believes the testimony. If the woman
is offered $1,000 as payment for her changing her belief to one which dismisses the testimony as a
lie, and she was willing to change the belief to gain the money, could she? No. Therefore, man does
not have the ability to change his beliefs using willpower.

Example #2: Are desires of freewill?

A boy is offered payment for generating a desire to be a long-distance runner. The boy likes short-
distance running, but hates long-distance running. Any desire to engage long-distance running
would only exist whilst the reward is on offer. The boy cannot generate a desire to do long-distance
running, his desire is to receive payment, not to do the long-distance running. We see that man lacks
the ability to change, choose or alter his desires using willpower. Desires are not of man's freewill.

Example #3: Are thoughts of freewill?

A girl is offered payment for generating thoughts about brown dogs for three minutes. To receive
the reward she must not think about anything except brown dogs for three minutes. Can she exclude
all other thoughts and think of only brown-dogs? No. The question arises, where do thoughts come
from and who chooses what thoughts an individual has?

Example #4: Are emotions of freewill?

Is there such a thing as premeditated anger? Do people decide to become angry? Do people aspire
to have certain emotions throughout their day? Do people plan on having an angry afternoon? Do
people choose their moods? The answer is no. A person can offer resistance to a mood but the mood
is not initiated by one's freewill. No-one ever chooses to be happy or chooses to be sad. People can
disapprove or approve of emotions but they cannot initiate them using willpower.

The Bible offers one explanation as to where beliefs, desires, thoughts, and emotions come from.
The spirit realm. The spirit realm also accounts for addictions, urges, compulsive behaviour, some
physical behaviours and some speech. It accounts for Multiple Personality Disorder, Bi-polar
Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, self-harm and many other observable illogical
behavioural issues found in mankind. We know these things are of spiritual influence because they
can be changed by addressing them as spiritual corruptions. The Bible offers a solution to
problematic moods, thoughts, addictions and illnesses which has stood the test of time: Repentance.

How does one come to gain access to Jesus Christ? It is granted by God, according to his grace.
How does one come to find grace in God's eyes? Shame and remorse after doing evil.

Life is a test. God allows the Devil to make people do evil and if the person has no shame they
prove themselves to be evil. It is God's will that all become humble enough for him to be able to
justify granting them salvation-faith in Christ. If a person comes to have shame after sin they may
find grace in God's eyes, only then can they be drawn to Jesus and have their belief supernaturally
changed to the truth. The truth is: Jesus cleanses people of spiritual darkness and one should obey
Jesus to stay in God's grace. Those who do not find grace in God's eyes remain in delusions, unable
to heed the warnings of those who know the truth, Christians. Hell is real. God controls beliefs.

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