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28/05 016 PD a 1.1 - Ball Throwing Task Se a vaneh of fixed an grants twivdge f! | Moder te Slee} Shade? Vat thoy MM iu. they fel, What did you look like? a - What did you say? a ’ » What were you thinking? » How did you feel? *hink - Pair - Share: Baly Vaugudge — ~ Freed /g tae pivdie We” Gan the on brain ber bebte, + IE ve Work ard awd fersSk be Ge |inprow fe our Haier ty 1.3-A Fixed Mindset Fixed Mindset -42 Intelligence is static Sz Leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendancy to... People who hold a Fixed Mindat believe that “we are the way we are”, but that doesnot mean that they have less desire than anyone else for a postive self-image. So of course they want to perform well and appear to be smart. ... avoid challenges Acallenge, by defition shard and sucess is not asd. So rather than risk fling and nae necting the seltimage, Ped Mindset individuals wil often avid challenges and Sek to what they already know they can 6 wel ... give up easily when faced with obstacles “This same thinking applies to obstacles. The difference is that challenges are things that they can decide whether to face while obstacles ae external forces that get in their way. . see effort as fruitless or worse Fixed Mindset individuals ask themselves, “What's the point of working hard and making efforts ‘f afterwards | ight stil be on square one?” Theic worldview tells them that effort isan Unpleasant thing that does not really pay dividends, and so the smart thing to do is for them to ‘avoid it as much as possible, ... ignore criticism or useful negative feedback “The Fixed Mindset logically eads people to beieve that any criticism of their capabiities tii of them as 2 person. Useful negative feedback is ignore, in the best of cases, and taken ‘San insult the rest of the time. This usualy discourages people who are around a Fixed Mindset ‘individual and, after a while, they stop giving any negative feedback, This further folates that person from external influences that could generate some change, feel threatened by the success of others Fixed Mindset indvial ee the suces of others as benchmarks agunst which they wil ook bad. (hen others sucned; they wil tr to convince themselves, andthe peope around them, that he seca was de to ether luck because almost eveything is ue tock nthe Fed Mince euch, orto objectionable actions. They may tr to tarsh te sccess of thers by Bring UP ‘ings completely urelated, ("Ys, But dd you know about Re =") All this confirms a deterministic view of the world. As a result, they may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential. Fixed mindset individuals do nat reach their fullest potential and ther beliefs feed on themselves, forming negative feedback loops. They don’t change or improve much of the time, if ever, and so for ther this confirm that *we are the way we are”. eupwcernca vous 4 Claim - Can you think of a time where you displayed a fixed mindset? 4 Support -What evidence do you have that supports the claim that you displayed a fixed mindset? 6 Question - Write @ question about something that is still unclear or interesting regarding a fixed mindset. 1.4—A Growth Mindset Growth Mindset Intelligence can be developed Leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendancy to Ifyou hold a Growth nde, you Bee that iteligence can be developed, that the brain canbe grown and strengthened ke a musce that canbe tana Te and oor dese ta nproe. embrace challenges And how do you improve? First you embrace challenges because you know you'l come out stronger on the other sie. ... persist in the face of setbacks Similar, obstacles er extra setbacks do not courage you. Your salt snot ted te yur Soc or how you vl lok to ater. Faure san oppartuity to lar and 3, ‘whatever happens, you will win. ... see effort as the path to mastery 1.2 Growth Mindset nv you se fer as nce to rom and mast uel skils tec kooweage you co not view afr ts srething wees or tobe avoided You a ot tured avayy fers that you migt ake arate, or even work ary and that are {s possible, «+. learn from criticism Critica and negative feedback ae sources of information. That doesn't mean that all enticim is worth integrating or that nothing is ever to be taken personaly. Asa Growth Iindeetinvidual, you koow that you can continue change and improve, so negative feedback snot perceived as being directly about you asa person but rather about the currant state of your ables. find lessons and inspiration in the success of others You see the success of others as sources of inspiration, information opportunities to lear. Growth mindset individuals do not view success as = competitive, zero-sum game with others. Lee ILE All this gives you a greater sense of free will. enor crocucas ‘Asa Growth Mindset individual, you note your improvements and this creates positive feedback loops that ‘encourage you to continue learning and improving. ‘Most people do not have a 100% Growth Mindset ora 100% Fixed ihindset; most of us have some of both, ‘The good news is that itis possible to change your worldview from Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset. Carol Dweck’s research indicates that both children and adults can be taught to change their mindsets. 4 Claim - Can you think of a time where you displayed a growth mindset? 4 Support - What evidence do you have that supports the claim that you displayed a growth mindset? 4 Question - Write a question about something that is stil unclear or interesting regarding a growth mindset,

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