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Kelompok 2 : - Erza muhammad galib (122016042)

- Desty ulfah prawinda (122016014)

- Cristina (122016024)
- Delvi febrina (122016020)
- Fathur rahman (122016021)
- Narancy maiza arbella (122016025)
- Surya setiawan (122016036)
- M. Chobid rivaldo (122016035)
- Naufal nashrullah (122016040)
- Nanda wahyu saputra (122016048)
- Yokasari (122016032)

Tugas Bahasa Inggris mendefinisikan about shapes :

-Circle : in euklid geometry, a circle is the set of all points on the field at a
distance, called the radius, from a certain point, called the center. The circle is
an example of a simple closed curves, deviding the field into the inside and the

- silinder

a solid object with : - two identical flat ends that are circular or elliptical.

-and one curved side. It has the same cross section from
one end to the other.

- rossed rectangle is a crossed ( self- intersecting) quadrilateral wich consits of

two opposite sides of a rectangle along with the two diangonal.

- triangle is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It is one of the basic
shapes in geometry. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted

- cone are with curved side that resembles a pyramid terms of irregurar areas
of the base circle. According to the indonesian big dictionary, cones is tapered
rolls of paper of a leaf or petal bamu to place the beans and so on. Or other
means according to the same source, that the cone is grounded object or
space that round and merunjung to a single point.
- trapezoid flat two dimensional wake is formed by four in the fruit ribs that
two of wich are parallel but NOT the same length. The trapezoidal ribs
perpendicular against three ribs parallel-called right angled trapezium.

-The rombus has a square as a special case, and is a special case of a kite and
parallelogram. In euclidean geometry, a rhombus (0) (plural rhombi or
rhombuses) is a simple quardintel

-square is a regular quadrilateral, which means that it has four equal sides and
four equal angles (90-degree angles, or right angles).[1] It can also be defined as
a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length. A square with

vertices ABCD would be denoted ABCD.

-octagon (from the Greek oktgnon, "eight angles") is an eight-

sided polygon or 8-gon.

A regular octagon has Schlfli symbol {8} [1] and can also be constructed as a
quasiregular truncated square, t{4}, which alternates two types of edges. A
truncated octagon, t{8} is a hexadecagon,

- kite is a quadrilateral whose four sides can be grouped into two pairs of
equal-length sides that are adjacent to each other. In contrast, a parallelogram
also has two pairs of equal-length sides, but they are opposite to each other
rather than adjacent. Kite quadrilaterals are named for the wind-blown, flying
kites, which often have this shape and which are in turn named for a bird. Kites
are also known as deltoids, but the word "deltoid" may also refer to a deltoid
curve, an unrelated geometric object.

A kite, as defined above, may be either convex or concave, but the word "kite"
is often restricted to the convex variety. A concave kite is sometimes called a
"dart" or "arrowhead", and is a type of pseudotriangle.

-A cube is a region of space formed by six identical square faces joined along their edges.
Three edges join at each corner to form a vertex. The cube can also be called a regular
hexahedron. It is one of the five regular polyhedrons, which are also sometimes referred to as
the Platonic solids.

Parts of a cube
Face Also called facets or sides. A cube has six faces which are all squares, so
each face has four equal sides and all four interior angles are right angles.
See Definition of a square. In the figure above, drag the 'explode' slider to
see the faces separated for clarity.
Edge A line segment formed where two edges meet. A cube has 12 edges.
Because all faces are squares and congruent to each other, all 12 edges are
the same length.
Vertex A point formed where three edges meet. A cube has 8 vertices.

Face Diagonals Face diagonals are line segments linking the opposite corners of a face.
Each face has two, for a total of 12 in the cube. The length of the face
diagonals is given by the formula
face diagonal

where s is the length of one side (edge). Since the faces are squares, this is
the same as the diagonal of a square.
Space Diagonals Space diagonals are line segments linking the opposite corners of a cube,
cutting through its interior. A cube has 4 space diagonals. The length of the
space diagonal is given by the formula
space diagonal

where s is the length of one side (edge).

-A pentagon has 5 straight sides. The shape must also be closed (all the lines connect up):

Pentagon Not a Pentagon Not a Pentagon

(straight sides) (has a curve) (open, not closed)
-A decagon is a 10-sided polygon. It also has ten vertices - which is where the sides meet -
and angles. A regular decagon has congruent sides and angles. Each angle measures 144
degrees. They all add up to 1,440 degrees..

-A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. It is also sometimes called a septagon, though this

usage mixes a Latin prefix sept- (derived from septua-, meaning "seven") with the Greek
suffix -gon (from gonia, meaning "angle"), and is therefore not recommended.

-A regular hexagon is defined as a hexagon that is both equilateral and equiangular. It is

bicentric, meaning that it is both cyclic (has a circumscribed circle) and tangential (has an
inscribed circle).

The common length of the sides equals the radius of the circumscribed circle, which equals

times the apothem (radius of the inscribed circle). All internal angles are 120 degrees. A
regular hexagon has 6 rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and 6
reflection symmetries (six lines of symmetry), making up the dihedral group D6. The longest
diagonals of a regular hexagon, connecting diametrically opposite vertices, are twice the
length of one side. From this it can be seen that a triangle with a vertex at the center of the
regular hexagon and sharing one side with the hexagon is equilateral, and that the regular
hexagon can be partitioned into six equilateral triangles.

Like squares and equilateral triangles, regular hexagons fit together without any gaps to tile
the plane (three hexagons meeting at every vertex), and so are useful for constructing
tessellations. The cells of a beehive honeycomb are hexagonal for this reason and because the
shape makes efficient use of space and building materials. The Voronoi diagram of a regular
triangular lattice is the honeycomb tessellation of hexagons. It is not usually considered a
triambus, although it is equilateral.

-A regular dodecagon is a closed figure with sides of the same length and internal angles of
the same size. It has twelve lines of reflective symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 12.
A regular dodecagon is represented by the Schlfli symbol {12} and can be constructed as a
truncated hexagon, t{6}, or a twice-truncated triangle, tt{3}. The internal angle at each vertex
of a regular dodecagon is 150.


The area of a regular dodecagon of side length a is given by:

And in terms of the apothem r (see also inscribed figure), the area is:

In terms of the circumradius R, the area is:[1]

The span of the dodecagon is the distance between two parallel sides and is equal to twice the
apothem. A simple formula for area (given side length and span) is:

This can be verified with the trigonometric relationship:


The perimeter of a regular dodecagon in terms of apothem is:[2]

The perimeter in terms of circumradius is:

This coefficient is double the coefficient found in the apothem equation for area

-A Parallelogram is a flat shape with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.

| and || show equal sides

-A right triangle (American English) or right-angled triangle (British English) is a triangle

in which one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90-degree angle). The relation between the sides
and angles of a right triangle is the basis for trigonometry.

The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse (side c in the figure). The sides
adjacent to the right angle are called legs (or catheti, singular: cathetus). Side a may be
identified as the side adjacent to angle B and opposed to (or opposite) angle A, while side b is
the side adjacent to angle A and opposed to angle B.
If the lengths of all three sides of a right triangle are integers, the triangle is said to be a
Pythagorean triangle and its side lengths are collectively known as a Pythagorean triple.

- Prism

prism is waking up three-dimensional space bounded by the base and lid are identical triangular-n and the sides
erect a square or rectangle.

a.Prisma has the shape of the base and roof are congruent.
b. Each side of the side of a rectangular prism.
c. Prisma has upright ribs.
d. Each diagonal field on the same side have the same size.

- Pyramid
Limas is waking up space that have shaped pedestal in terms of n (triangle, square, or pentagon) and the field
side of the establishment has a triangular shape that intersect at one point. Well the point of intersection of the
sides of the pyramid upright on call with the top point of the pyramid.

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