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Treatment of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

Karen E. King and Paul M. Ness

The appropriate therapy of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is dependent on the

correct diagnosis and classification of this family of hemolytic disorders. Although the
majority of cases are warm AIHA, there are several distinct types of cold AIHA and a
number of drug-induced etiologies of AIHA, which must be investigated to determine if
stopping a drug will induce a remission. In warm AIHA, corticosteroids are standard,
followed by consideration of splenectomy in recalcitrant cases. If steroids and splenectomy
are insufficient, other forms of immunosuppressive therapy are typically initiated. In cold
AIHA, keeping the patient warm in often sufficient, but therapy directed at an underlying
lympholiferative disorder may be helpful. Brisk hemolysis, inadequate responses to ther-
apy, and worsening anemia require transfusion therapy. Although the pretransfusion
workup is made difficult by the presence of the autoantibody, transfusion services can
usually provide blood safe for transfusion by excluding underlying alloantibodies. When
transfusion is urgently required and compatible blood cannot be located, incompatible
blood may be provided as a life-saving measure. Communication between the transfusion
service and the hematologist is critical to assess the risks in these settings. Hemoglobin-
based oxygen carriers may provide an important bridging therapy in the future. Requests for
least incompatible blood do not enhance transfusion safety and often result in unneces-
sary delays.
Semin Hematol 42:131-136 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

A utoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) can be classified

into two major types on the basis of the in vivo and in
vitro characteristics of the causative autoantibody: those as-
the red blood cells (RBCs). Eluate studies, testing the auto-
antibody dissociated from the patients RBCs against a panel
of RBCs, typically reveal a panagglutinin. In the indirect an-
sociated with warm antibodies, reacting optimally at 37C, tiglobulin test, the patients serum is tested against untreated
and with cold antibodies, reacting optimally at 0 5C. The and enzyme-treated RBCs at 20C and 37C; tests are read for
AIHAs associated with cold antibodies can be further subdi- hemolysis and agglutination. Such a battery of assays will
vided into the more common cold agglutinin syndrome and delineate whether the antibody is an agglutinating and/or
the rare paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH). Both the sensitizing antibody and define its hemolytic potential.
warm and cold types of AIHA can be idiopathic, or secondary Results can be combined with the clinical and hematologic
to infection or diseases such as leukemia or systemic lupus findings to classify the patient. Sometimes more specific test-
erythematosus. ing must be performed, such as a cold agglutinin titer and
The diagnosis of AIHA is usually made on the basis of both thermal range for cold agglutinin syndrome, a Donath Land-
clinical findings and laboratory results of a peripheral blood steiner test for PCH, adsorption procedures to differentiate
smear, the direct antiglobulin test (DAT), eluate studies, and alloantibody from autoantibody, serum and eluate studies
indirect antiglobulin tests. A peripheral blood smear reveals investigating the specificity of the autoantibody, and assess-
anisocytosis with microspherocytes. Polychromatophilia is ment for drug-associated antibodies. These results allow clas-
often seen, indicating bone marrow compensation. In cold sification into warm AIHA, cold agglutinin syndrome, or
agglutinin syndrome, agglutination may be prominent on the PCH (Table 1).
peripheral smear. The DAT using anti-IgG and anti-C3 (C3d) Occasionally, unusual patients may not be classifiable into
will detect the presence of IgG and/or complement coating
one of the three types of AIHA. Some have mixed-type AIHA,
a combination of warm and cold type AIHA1; they may have
the classical serologic features of both: IgG and complement
Transfusion Medicine Division, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Balti-
more, MD.
on RBCs and a high-titer IgM cold antibody together with an
Address correspondence to Paul M. Ness, MD, Transfusion Medicine Divi- IgG warm autoantibody in the serum, or IgG and C3 on the
sion, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21287-6667. RBCs with low-titer IgM cold autoagglutinins of high thermal

0037-1963/05/$-see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 131
132 Treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Table 1 Classification and Typical Serologic Features of the Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias
Warm Autoimmune Cold Agglutinin Paroxysmal Cold
Hemolytic Anemia Syndrome Hemoglobinuria
Direct antiglobulin test IgG, IgG and C3 C3 only C3 only
Immunoglobulin class IgG (sometimes IgA) IgM IgG
Eluate IgG Nonreactive Nonreactive
Serum IgG antibody reacting IgM agglutinating IgG biphasic hemolysin
with most, or all, RBCs antibody, often with (Donath-Landsteiner
at the antihuman titers >1,000, reacting antibody)
globulin phase at 30C in albumin
Specificity Rh I, i P

range in the serum. Another group of unusual patients with The basis of the clinical response to corticosteroids is prob-
hemolytic anemia has all the clinical and hematologic fea- ably multifactorial. Steroids have been shown to have an early
tures of warm AIHA present with a negative DAT and no effect on tissue macrophages, so that IgG- and C3-coated
detectable serum antibodies so-called Coombs negative RBCs are not cleared as rapidly by the reticuloendothelial
AIHA.2 More sensitive assays, such as the enzyme-linked an- system (RES); this activity can be demonstrated within the
tiglobulin test or the radiolabeled antiglobulin test, may be early days of therapy.4 Another mechanism by which corti-
necessary to identify RBC-bound IgG in these cases. costeroids act in AIHA is to alter antibody avidity.5 Several
weeks of therapy are usually required before a third mecha-
nism, decrease in antibody production, is observed. Among
Therapeutic adults, permanent remission of AIHA occurs in approxi-
Approaches to AIHA mately 20% to 35% of patients.6 Consequently, additional
therapy is generally required for the initial presentation or the
Corticosteroids relapses that are common in warm AIHA.
For warm AIHA, corticosteroids are the initial therapy of
choice and the mainstay of therapy (Table 2). Many hematol-
ogists use a standard approach in adults, consisting of an
initial course of prednisone, 60 to 100 mg per day for 1 to 3 Approximately 50% of patients will have a complete initial
weeks. There should be some evidence of clinical improve- response to splenectomy, although patients may continue to
ment within several days to 1 week. Approximately 80% of require low doses of prednisone (15 mg/d) to maintain
patients have a good initial response to corticosteroid thera- adequate hemoglobin levels.7 Late relapses are not uncom-
py.3 After stabilization of hematologic parameters or the mon, presumably due to enhanced antibody synthesis and
elimination of the requirement for transfusion support, the increased hepatic sequestration after the spleen, the primary
dosage of steroids may be gradually tapered. If a relapse oc- location of RES destruction, is removed.8
curs, the dose is often increased to produce another clinical Patients who have had a splenectomy need to be educated
remission. Most clinicians consider a maintenance dose of about the risks of overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis syn-
prednisone of greater than 15 mg per day to represent a drome. This entity is often due to infections with encapsu-
therapeutic failure. To reduce the side effects of chronic ste- lated bacteria. This is a medical emergency since patients may
roid administration, many clinicians will attempt to treat the rapidly progress from an apparent flu-like illness to bactere-
steroid-dependent patient on an alternate-day schedule. mic shock. The risk of overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis
syndrome has been quantitated as 3.2% with a mortality rate
of 1.4%.9 The risks of both infection and mortality can be
Table 2 Therapy for Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia reduced by the use of pneumococcal and meningococcal vac-
cines. Prophylactic antibiotic regimens are controversial;
however, many advocate the use of penicillin, or tri-
Autoimmune Cold Paroxysmal
methoprim-sulfamethoxazole as an alternative. Febrile ill-
Hemolytic Agglutinin Cold
Anemia Syndrome Hemoglobinuria nesses in these patients must be given prompt attention and
antibiotics should be started rapidly.
Corticosteroids Avoidance of Supportive care
Splenectomy Cytotoxic drugs Other Immunosuppressive Therapy
Immunosuppression Rituximab Several immunosuppressive agents have been reported to be
Danazol Plasma exchange successful in the treatment of warm AIHA, but in a literature
IVIg of case reports and small series of patients. The unfortunate
High-dose paucity of randomized therapeutic trials makes it difficult to
cyclophosphamide determine which immunosuppressive drugs and what doses
should be employed for patients who have failed initial ther-
K.E. King and P.M. Ness 133

apy with corticosteroids and splenectomy. Immunosuppres- are case reports of success and failure. The results are
sive regimens should be considered when conventional ther- probably incomplete and potentially misleading because
apy has failed or cannot be tolerated as in (1) the patient who of the lack of controlled trials, use of IVIg in conjunction
fails to respond to splenectomy or relapses after the spleen with multiple other agents, and its application to the most
has been removed; (2) when splenectomy represents an un- refractory cases.
acceptable medical risk; and (3) for the patient who cannot Plasmapheresis has a temporizing measure and it is not a
tolerate corticosteroid therapy. practical approach for long-term management of AIHA. Plas-
Azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and other single agents mapheresis is often less efficient in treating diseases caused
have been effective in warm AIHA.10 However, their adverse by IgG antibodies such as warm AIHA than for syndromes
effects can be limiting, including gastrointestinal intolerance, due to IgM antibodies because of the extravascular distribu-
hemorrhagic cystitis, and bone marrow suppression. tion of IgG antibodies and their rapid reaccumulation in the
Several case reports describe the successful use of cyclo- blood after mechanical removal.
sporine in warm AIHA,11 but results overall have been mixed.
Cyclosporine has nephrotoxicity and must be used with cau-
tion in patients with renal failure and kidney function should Treatment of Cold
be closely monitored in all patients. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias
Mycophenolate mofetil is now frequently used to prevent The mainstay of therapy for cold agglutinin syndrome is
kidney allograft rejection and to treat other autoimmune con- avoidance of the cold (Table 2). Acute hemolytic crises can be
ditions. A few case reports show efficacy of this drug in warm prevented if patients maintain a high temperature in their
AIHA, and mycophenolate is worthy of further evaluation in indoor environment and wear additional clothing outdoors.
clinical trials.12
By diligent avoidance of the cold, many patients with cold
High-dose cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg/d for 4 days) fol-
agglutinin syndrome can be managed without transfusions;
lowed by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor has been ef-
mild, compensated anemia may not require treatment for
fective in patients with refractory AIHA and other chronic
prolonged periods of time or only episodic transfusions.
autoimmune diseases that have not responded to less aggres-
For more severe, partially compensated, idiopathic cold
sive forms of conventional therapy.13 Early studies have
achieved complete remission in the majority of patients and agglutinin syndrome, medical therapy is generally unsatisfac-
partial remission in others, but long-term evaluation will be tory, and corticosteroids are not efficacious in most. Splenec-
required to assess cyclophosphamides role in warm AIHA. tomy is not usually effective because the liver is the dominant
Rituximab is a genetically engineered chimeric murine/ site of sequestration of RBCs heavily sensitized with C3.
human monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody which targets B-cell Chlorambucil has been used with some success but the asso-
precursors and mature B cells. Plasma cells do not carry the ciated hematopoietic suppression can be limiting.16 In pa-
CD20 antigen. The reported success of rituximab has not tients without underlying hematologic malignancy, ritux-
been limited to warm AIHA secondary to B-cell neoplasms. imab has been encouraging, but long-term evaluations of
Rituximab has induced complete remissions in some patients more patients are needed. One study treated 27 patients with
with idiopathic warm AIHA, including in refractory disease primary chronic cold agglutinin disease with 37 courses of
and in children.14 The typical dosing regimen of rituximab rituximab and achieved complete remission in one course of
for this indication is 375 mg/m2, once a week for 2 to 4 therapy, partial remission in 19, and no remission in 17
weeks. One series of 15 patients showed continuous remis- courses of therapy.17 These results are consistent with the
sion in 10 patients, relapse after remission in three cases, and pathophysiology of cold agglutinins typically associated with
failure to respond in two others. abnormal lymphocytic clones detected by flow cytometry,
Warm AIHA is similar in many aspects to the more com- even when bone marrow morphology fails to disclose a lym-
mon autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), and phoproliferative disease.
there are increasing different immunosuppressive therapies As with warm AIHA, plasmapheresis may be a temporizing
that are being evaluated for ITP. It is likely that single agents measure. Plasmapheresis is more likely to be successful in
or therapeutic regimens combining drugs that prove useful in cold agglutinin disease, since the typical antibody is IgM,
refractory ITP later will be evaluated in AIHA, but the oppor- approximately 80% of IgM is in the intravascular space, and
tunities for large evidence-based clinical trials of these agents it can be removed efficiently by plasmapheresis. Special at-
will be limited by the lower number of AIHA patients. tention may be required to maintain the core body tempera-
ture at 37C, as with use of an in-line blood warmer.
Additional Therapies for Warm AIHA PCH is an unusual form of cold AIHA that most commonly
Danazol, an attenuated androgen, has been successful in the occurs in children following a viral infection; therapy is gen-
treatment of some cases of warm AIHA.15 In this clinical erally supportive. Although many children may receive cor-
setting, its mechanism of action is uncertain. ticosteroids, they typically are already improving as the ther-
Because of the experience for intravenous immunoglob- apy is initiated. The efficacy of corticosteroids for these
ulin (IVIg) in ITP, it was predicted to be rewarding in patients has not been established and their use cannot be
warm AIHA; however, the literature is discouraging: there confidently recommended.
134 Treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Table 3 Serologic Problems in AIHA tients with warm autoantibodies: by determining the pa-
Alloantibody stimulated by previous transfusion or tients red cell phenotype, extensive serologic evaluation to
pregnancy can be masked by autoantibody exclude underlying alloantibodies can be circumvented, al-
All cross-matches may be incompatible due to lowing blood to be safely and expeditiously provided.
Positive DAT causes phenotyping problems
Issues Complicating Transfusion Therapy
Blood transfusion may be required when AIHA presents with
Transfusion Therapy for AIHA fulminant hemolysis or for chronic hemolysis that becomes
symptomatic before a response occurs to primary therapy.
Serologic Difficulties in AIHA The presence of RBC autoantibody coating the patients RBCs
Transfusion therapy can be complicated in AIHA due to se- or appearing as a panagglutinin in the serum contributes to
rologic complexities (Table 3). Although AIHA may present the general risks of a blood transfusion (allergic and febrile
with an ABO and/or Rh typing discrepancy, accurate blood nonhemolytic transfusion reactions and transfusion-trans-
group identification usually can be determined without spe- mitted infectious diseases). The autoantibody can make it
cialized techniques. In an emergency or if ABO results are not difficult to detect coexisting RBC alloantibodies, which can
clear, group O donor RBCs are employed. Since the panag- cause severe hemolytic transfusion reactions; in addition, the
glutinin in the patients serum typically reacts with all donor RBC autoantibody itself can increase destruction of donor
RBCs, cross-matching blood may be a difficult and time- RBCs. Despite these concerns, transfusion may be required in
consuming process. AIHA and it can be life-saving (Table 4). Conley et al docu-
Patients with AIHA often are candidates for chronic trans- mented a series of patients with AIHA and reticulocytopenia
fusion programs, and knowledge of the patients RBC pheno- despite intense erythroid hyperplasia in the bone marrow22:
type, including Rh (C, E, c, e), Kell, Duffy, and Kidd blood in all five cases, transfusions were required as a life-sustaining
group antigens, may be useful. By dissociating autoantibody measure for profound anemia in patients transferred from
from the patients RBCs, phenotyping procedures can be per- other hospitals, where transfusions had been withheld be-
formed. Aliquots of the patients untransfused RBCs can be cause of serologic incompatibilities. Reticulocytopenia per-
frozen for extended phenotyping later. The phenotype can be sisted from 4 to 160 days before the onset of adequate eryth-
used to guide the exclusion of alloantibodies by indicating ropoiesis or control of the hemolytic process with
which antigen specificities the patient is at risk of developing. corticosteroids or splenectomy. This experience emphasizes
The most important problem in a patient with a history of
that transfusion should not be withheld in AIHA, despite old
previous pregnancies or multiple transfusions is detecting
dogma to the contrary, and in many cases transfusion re-
and identifying an alloantibody that may be hidden by the
quirements should be regarded as a medical emergency.22
autoantibody.18 Sophisticated immunohematology laborato-
The transfusion management of patients with AIHA re-
ries use a combination of techniques including differential
quires careful communication between the clinician and the
allogeneic adsorption and autoadsorption, to detect underly-
transfusion service. It is important to know the capabilities of
ing alloantibody.
Another difficult issue is transfusion of patients whose au- the transfusion service for performing specialized immuno-
toantibody demonstrates a specificity. Some cases of warm hematologic procedures or where these procedures may be
AIHA can be shown to have Rh specificity, most often auto available on a referral basis. It is also critical to assess the
anti-e, but is is unclear if e negative blood transfusions are history of pregnancies and previous transfusions with great
advantageous and result in improved erythrocyte survival, as care; it is unlikely, for example, that a previously untrans-
compared to antigen-positive blood.19 In cases of cold agglu- fused male will have masked alloantibodies.
tinin syndrome, the autoantibody often demonstrates speci-
ficity against I or i antigens, and auto anti-P is commonly
associated with PCH. Table 4 Transfusion Therapy in AIHA
When compatible units cannot be located, many clinicians
If patient is clinically stable and responding to therapy,
request least incompatible blood with the hopes that addi-
transfusions may not be required.
tional safety will be provided. Such requests only serve to Reticulocytopenia indicates high likelihood of early need
delay needed blood transfusions and offer no additional pro- for transfusion support.
tection to the patient.20 Of critical importance is that the Incompatible blood may be required; least
clinician and the transfusion medicine physician cooperate in incompatible blood is not useful and may cause
assessing and managing the transfusion needs in AIHA when significant delay in the provision of urgently needed
anemia is severe and progressing. RBCs.
Many patients with AIHA require chronic transfusion sup- Neurologic signs such as confusion suggest transfusion
port, but they may present occasionally with urgent transfu- is urgently required.
sion needs when a complete serologic evaluation can not be Leukocyte reduced donor RBCs are recommended to
performed. A recent study by Shirey et al21 evaluated an avoid febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions that
may mimic a hemolytic reaction.
algorithm of providing antigen-matched donor blood for pa-
K.E. King and P.M. Ness 135

Clinical Issues With Transfusion Transfusion in Cold Agglutinin Syndrome

Occasionally a transfusion may be required before serologic Similar to warm AIHA, cold agglutinin syndrome may have
evaluation is completed; even after thorough serologic eval- complex serology that complicates transfusion management.
uation, the optimal blood for transfusion may be incompat- ABO discrepancies can make it difficult to determine the
ible. The clinician must understand that in some circum- ABO group. Washing the patients RBCs with warm (37C)
stances, serologically incompatible blood is safe for normal saline to remove the IgM autoantibody can facilitate
transfusion and can be expected to have in vivo survival determination of an accurate ABO group. If the ABO typing is
comparable to the patients own RBCs. Reluctance to trans- not clear from the serologic testing, group O RBCs can be
fuse patients due to serologic incompatibility or an incom- administered. If transfusion is required for patients with cold
plete evaluation can be devastating. Patients with severe ane- agglutinin syndrome, blood warmers are often suggested de-
mia may appear to be hemodynamically stable, but they have spite limited data to support this recommendation.
life-threatening anemia and should be transfused immedi-
ately regardless of the serologic evaluation or compatibility. Alternatives to Red Blood Cell Transfusion
The onset of confusion in a patient with worsening anemia is In recent years, numerous biotechnology products have been
a particular clinical indicator of an imminent transfusion re- developed as alternatives to blood transfusion and progress
quirement (Table 4). While it is difficult to generalize as to in the development of blood substitutes as artificial oxygen
the appropriate transfusion trigger for a patient with severe carriers has accelerated. Although there have been substan-
AIHA, factors such as the rate of onset, presence or absence of tial efforts to develop chemicals such as perfluorocarbons
accompanying hypovolemia, and, most important, the un- into clinically useful blood substitutes, hemoglobin based
derlying health status and cardiorespiratory reserve must be oxygen carriers (HBOC) appear more likely to provide an
considered. If the heart and lungs are healthy and there is no alternative to blood transfusion.
significant hypoperfusion, good tissue oxygenation can be Currently, the most promising HBOC preparations consist
maintained at subnormal hemoglobin levels. of extracted hemoglobin from lysed RBCs recovered from
Experiments in acute, normovolemic anemia in rats,23 outdated human or bovine blood. These materials are chem-
dog,24 and baboon25 have focused on the whole-body oxygen ically manipulated by polymerization or binding to macro-
extraction ratio (ER): the heart is the major organ at risk. molecules to increase in vivo survival and to decrease the
With progressive hemodilution, healthy animals with normal potential for adverse reactions due to vasoconstriction. Case
coronary vasculature maintained normal levels of oxygen reports have demonstrated their successful use in AIHA and
consumption through a moderate increased cardiac output, sickle cell anemia for patients refusing blood therapy.27 These
coronary blood flow, and in the ER up to a ratio of 50%. As products will have an important role in transfusion practice
in the future. For patients with AIHA without available com-
the hematocrit fell below 10%, however, oxygen consump-
patible blood, HBOC may become a lifesaving therapeutic
tion declined, and the animals were no longer able to increase
bridge until compatible blood can be found.27
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