Rappler - in Demand and Hard To Fill - Jobs To Consider and Prepare For

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In demand and hard to fill: Jobs to consider and prepare for

Not sure yet about your future career path? Here's more information from edukasyon.ph founder Henry Motte-

Henry Motte-Munoz
Published 6:53 PM, February 28, 2016
Updated 6:53 PM, February 28, 2016

By June 2016, many high schoolers will be entering their nal high school years. More than just two years of
schooling, senior high school signals the ofcial start of the career journey of every student.

The journey begins with the selection of the senior high track where they choose between the Academic, Tech-
Voc, Arts and Sports tracks. To help senior high schoolers select the right track that ts what they want to be
when they grow up, we have highlighted 10 of the in-demand yet hard-to-ll occupations from 2013-2020
according to the Department of Labor and Employment.*

These careers are in-demand because of the high number of job vacancies while hard-to-ll occupations are
occupations that companies nd difcult to ll up due to the lack of applicants and proper qualications.


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Industries hiring: Health and Wellness

Length of specialized study: 12-16 years
Tuition investment: High
Average salary: P28,000 / month

Students have to take a four year pre-medical degree. After which they must accomplish their Doctor of
Medicine (M.D.) and a one year postgraduate internship to qualify them for the licensure exam for medical
doctors. A doctor who passes the board exam is classied as a general medical practitioner.

In order to gain a medical specialization, a doctor has to take another 3 to 6 years of residency training at the
related clinics and hospitals before taking the related board exams for that specialization.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Academic Track: Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) strand

Are you graduating soon? More content for fresh grads:


5 things employers hate about hiring fresh grads

Fresh grads: Do employers care about where you went to college?

The highest-paying jobs for fresh grads in the Philippines 2015

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Industries hiring: Renewable Energy; Ownership, Dwellings, and Real Estate;

Agribusiness; Manufacturing; Mining; Wholesale and Retail Trade; Agribusiness;
Construction; Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism; Power and Utilities
Length of specialized study: 5 years
Tuition investment: Average

From government agencies, NGOs, to corporations, all of them need engineers to design solutions for
business needs. Engineers that are currently in demand include ones from the following elds: sanitary,
materials, mechanical, industrial, chemical, electrical, civil, and geodetic.

Engineers have to graduate from a 5-year bachelor degree in a chosen engineering eld. They need to pass the
associated engineering board exam to gain an engineering license.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Academic track: Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM)


Industries hiring: IT-BPM; Wholesale and Retail Trade; Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism;
Ownership, Dwellings, and Real Estate; Banking and Finance; Agribusiness;
Manufacturing; and Education
Length of specialized study: 5 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average salary: P10,000 42,000 / month
Accountants ensure that individuals, businesses and organizations keep an accurate record of their nancial
transactions through nancial statements, annual reports, and audit reports. They provide advice to their
clients on complicated tax laws and investment opportunities. Accountants can be part of auditing rms, a
large company or even maintain their own practice.

Accountants spend an average of 5 years of bachelor degree study in accounting. They need to pass the
accountancy board exam to be a licensed Certied Public Accountant (CPA).

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Academic Track: Accountancy, Business and Management
(ABM) track or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) tracks.

Computer programmers

Industries hiring: IT-BPM, Wholesale and Retail Trade

Length of specialized study: 2-4 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average salary: P21,000 33,000 / month

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Computer programmers, also known as software engineers, make sure that software are able to execute their

functions smoothly. They understand the languages of computers such as C, C++, Java, PHP, .NET, and others
in order to be able to code, test, and debug computer programs.

In the age where everything is now digitized, computer programmers are needed by businesses who want to
stay ahead of the game. They may work for other companies or start their own software development
businesses as well. Taking up further study in Computer Science or Computer programming can take
anywhere from two to 4 years of study.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Computer

Programming (NC IV)

Web developers

Industries hiring: IT-BPM

Length of specialized study: Less than 1 year- 4 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average entry level salary: P16,000-25,000 / month

Web developers are akin to computer programmers but they are focused on the development of applications
on the web. They help create the visual elements that users see on webpages by using programming
languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.

Small to large sized companies need web developers in creating their websites and smartphone applications
as well. Web developers can be employed full time, as consultants, or even do freelance work.

As with the Computer Programmers, senior high school graduates with Computer Programming (NC IV) as
their specialized study can already apply for employment. Taking up further studies in Computer Science,
Information Technology, Computer Programming or Web Development can take anywhere from less than one
year to 4 years and varies from certicate courses to a bachelor degrees.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Computer

Programming (NC IV)


Length of specialized study: Less than 1 year 2 years

Tuition investment: Low
Average salary: P20,000 / month
Draftsmen create drawings that become the basis for technical details and specications. Draftsmen are
normally associated to architecture and construction but their skills are applied to many other areas.

Lesser known elds of expertise for draftsmen are: aeronautics, mechanics, and electronics. Draftsmen use
computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) tools and software to create drawings that illustrate technical
details and specications. They also use tables, technical handbooks, and calculators in creating their

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Senior high school students can take Technical Drafting (NCII) and apply for employment after graduation.
Further study to become a draftsman can entail anywhere from less than one year to two years for certicate
courses. A warning though, the type of drafting training received matters a lot with employers.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Technical Drafting


Industries hiring: IT-BPM

Length of specialized study: Less than 1 year 4 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average salary: P15,000-25,000 / month

Many kids are familiar with animators through their favorite Disney or Pixar movies. They are able to create an
illusion of movement through digital or hand-drawn pictures, models, or puppets.

Recently, computer generated animation has become mainstream with television, the internet and in gaming
industries. Animators need to have both artistic ability and technical know-how. Animators can be employed
by entertainment or television companies but they can also create their own animation companies for
outsourced work.

Animation (NC II) can be taken in senior high school and thus can lead to employment. Further animation
studies can take from less than a year up to four years of study ranging from certicate courses to bachelor

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Animation (NC II)


Industries hiring: Agribusiness

Length of specialized study: 4 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average salary: P13,000-22,000 / month

Agriculturists are more like scientists who delve into the complicated science of growing crops, cultivating soil,
and raising livestock. From the study of the soil to studying the production and yield of crops; agriculturists are
needed in food and crop related industries, NGOs, or government. Agriculture studies normally take at least 4
years for bachelor degrees after which you can become a licensed agriculturist by taking the board exam.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Academic track: Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) , Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Anything under Agri-Fishery Arts


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Industries hiring: Power and Utilities, Manufacturing

Length of specialized study: Less than 1 year
Tuition investment: Low
Average salary: P13,000 / month

Electricians are those who install electric wiring systems for lighting, security, re, and other equipment. They
may work for construction, electric, telecom, or service companies or have their own electric maintenance
servicing business.

Senior high school students can take up any of the following Technical Vocational Livelihood specializations:
Broadband Installation (Fixed Wireless Systems) (NC II), Telecom OSP and Subscriber Line Installation
(Copper Cable/POTS and DSL) (NC II), Telecom OSP Installation (Fiber Optic Cable) (NC II). Further studies to
become an electrician can take less than a year.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track : Broadband

Installation (Fixed Wireless Systems) (NC II), Telecom OSP and Subscriber Line Installation (Copper
Cable/POTS and DSL) (NC II), Telecom OSP Installation (Fiber Optic Cable) (NC II).


Industries hiring: Education, Government

Length of specialized study: 4 years
Tuition investment: Average
Average salary: P13,000-24,000 / month
With the shift to K to 12, the Department of Education and private schools nationwide are looking for more
teachers who have the right qualications and licensing.

To become a teacher, one must rst choose which education level they would like to teach: early childhood,
elementary, secondary, Special Education (SPED) or Technical education. They need to complete a 4-year
bachelor degree in education and pass the Licensure examination for Teachers (LET) to gain a professional
teacher license.

Senior high school specialized track to consider: A student can select any of the four tracks depending on
what subject area he/she wants to teach.

With the fast changing trends in the world of work today, its important that parents have the right information
on career possibilities their children can take advantage of.

Finding the track that can best support ones career goals can be extremely daunting for every teenager. But
with proper research online on the different career tracks and consulting the school guidance counsellors on
inclinations of their kids, parents will be able to guide kids to the right career path that can ensure them far
greater futures. Rappler.com

The author is the founder of the social enterprise edukasyon.ph, a website that provides information on senior
high schools, courses, colleges and scholarships all over the Philippines. They conduct regular career clinics
nationwide in public and private schools to help students discover their dream careers and the education t for

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their dreams. For parents, they conduct info sessions at companies to help their employees nd the right

career tracks for their kids.

*Jobst Labor Market Information (LMI) report 2013-2020

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