Wireless Media Radio or Television Group: Unilago

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Radio or television
Group: Unilago




(1)     Radiodifusión: is the transmission of signals by modulating wave


(2)     VHF: generally used for systems of land navigation and radio

(3)     SHF: the súper-alta frequency (SHF) is a band radio frequency (RF) band in
the range 3-30 GHz SHF and EHF are known as microwave bands and their
wavelengths are short enough to be reproduced by directional antennas signup
and wave guides

(4)     Am: moderate extent

(5)     Fm: moderate frequency

(6)     Television by satélite: is a method of consistent to bounce signal

television emitted from a point on the Earth in a communications satellite
television broadcast

(7)     CATV: (Community Antenna Television - cable television) . Service

which offers television to subscribing homes image transfer

(8)     Cable modem: is a special modem designed to modulate the signal
data over cable television infrastructure

(9)     Fiber optics: sensor to measure voltages, temperature pressure as

well as other parameters

(10) Tube Holgado: isolates external mechanical forces engaged on cable


(11) Voice : dramatic load

(12) Word : conceptual image

(13) SONIDO : physical context

(14) MUSICA : transmits feelings

(15) Mute : valorisation

(16) HF : transmits electromagnetic waves that propagate .is very distant

signal say travel in a straight line

(17) UHF : broadcast digital terrestrial television, cable television via


(18) Broadband: divides the bandwidth in frequencies to transmit the same

signal waves information

(19) BANDA base: emits the signal without altering it not modulated affects
signal transmissions both receivers

(20) GPS : browser GPS satellite position of an object that determines the

(21) COAXIAL: is a cable used to transport signals high frequency that has
two drivers centrally located central one called live responsible for
carrying information and one external called armor that serves as
referenced land and return of the stream.

(22) TDT: is a technology to replace analogue TV convencionale.la image

sound and additional services are transformed into TV digital that is
disseminated dare waves terrestrial.

(23) PSK : known as displacement due to sudden satellite digital modulator.

(24) Header: is the center of the network group, and treat various content
will be transmitting network

(25) Ultraviolet : is the length of waves much more short

(26) X RAYS designates an electromagnetic radiation layers through bodies.

(27) RAYS gama: is a type of electromagnetic radiation, and therefore

consists of photons, usually produced by radioactive elements or
subatómicos processes as the annihilation of a pair of Positron - electron

(28) Beams T: this infrared light long wavelength might have a host of
possible applications, but until recently, had been impossible to produce
beams sufficiently strong and stable

(29) Spectrum ELECTROMAGNÉTICO:b12 energy electromagnetic waves set
distribution. Referring to an object is called the electromagnetic spectrum or simply
spectrum electromagnetic radiation emitting (emission spectrum) or absorbs
(absorption spectrum) a substance. This radiation is used to identify the substance
similar to a fingerprint

(30) Length of A wave: is, as its name implies, a length. In other words; a
distance. A wave length is the distance of the wave in the interval of time
between two consecutive one of its properties maximum

(31) Speed of light: empty is by definition a universal constant value exactly

m/s (usually approximate 3·10 8 m/s), which is 9, 46·10 15 m / year; the
second figure is used to define the interval called light year .

(32) DIMMER: signal , whether this acoustic, electrical or optical loss of

power suffered by it to pass through any means of transmission

(33) Circuit is an electrical network (interconnection of two or more

components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, sources, switches
and semiconductor) containing at least a closed path

(34) Resistance power , symbolized usually as R, is the difficulty or

opposition that presents a body to the passage of an electric current, to
move through. SI

(35) O coil INDUCTOR: is a passive an electrical circuit which, due to the

phenomenon of choke, storing energy in the form of magnetic field

(36) Condensador: in electricity and electronics, a capacitor (capacitance

in English) is a device which stores electricity, is a passive component. Is
formed by a pair of conducting surfaces in a position to influence total

(37) Fuente: in electricity means source to element active which is capable
of generating a potential difference (d. d. p.) between its terminals or
provide an electrical current. Follows a possible classification of electrical

(38) Switch electrical : is a device used to divert or breaking the flow of an

electric current. In the modern world applications are innumerable,
ranging from a simple switch that turns off or high a lightbulb, until a
complex selector transfer multiple layers automatic computer-controlled.

(39) Semiconductor: usually are typically encapsulated in a material

ceramic, metal or plastic, and finished in two or more terminals or metal
PIN. Are designed to be connected between them, normally by means of
welding, a printed circuit, to form the above circuit

(40) The CROSSTALK: for twisted pair cables usually occurs due to
magnetic circuits disturbed and disturbing items or as a result of
imbalances between the threads of admittance couplings both circuits.

(41) Signal ANALÓGICA: is a type of signal generated by some type of

electromagnetic phenomenon and that is representable by a continuous
function that its amplitude and period (representing a data information) is
variable depending on the time

(42) Periodo: an oscillation or wave period (T) is the time elapsed

between two equivalent points oscillation or cycle. Is the minimum period
that separates two moments in which the system is exactly the same
State: same positions, same speeds, same amplitude

(43) Extent : oscillatory motion, wave or electromagnetic signal is a measure

of the maximum displacement or other physical magnitude varies
periodically or quasi periodic variation in time. This is the maximum
distance between the point further away a wave and a balance or

(44) ONDA Nakashima: is a longitudinal wave where the sound travels. If
spreads in an elastic medium and continuous builds a local variation of
pressure or density, which airs on periodic spherical wave or quasi

(45) ONDA ESFÉRICA : in physical, is that wave three-dimensional spread

at the same speed in all directions. It is called spherical wave because
their wave fronts are concentric spheres, whose centers coincide with the
position of the source of disturbance.

(46) Speed :is a physical scale vector expressing an object displacement per
unit time character

(47) Unit of time: time is created physical scale for measuring the interval in
which an ordered series of events happen. The time commonly used
system is the Gregorian calendar and is used in both systems, the
International system and the Anglo-Saxon system of units .

(48) Force: is a physical magnitude that measures the intensity of the

exchange of momentum between two particles or particles systems (in
particle physics language spoken interaction )

(49) Electrical potential: point is work that must take an electrical force to
move a load positive q from the reference to that point, divided by load
test drive

(50) Continuous current:

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