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TRANSLATE INTO LATIN. ‘Write only as much as you can revise carefully. 'Who “more illustrious in "Greeeo ‘than ‘Themistocles? fwho when he “had been driven into exile did not do harm to his "thankless “eountry, but "did *the same that Corio- Jans had done "twenty Yyears before, 2Quis. Yarws. *Graccia. ‘Write in two ways. ‘Qui. %Cum, ‘Eepeltere. *Bitivan. "Do harm to, Injuriam ferre with Dative, “Ingratus, “Patria. “Pacere. “Tdem. “Viginti. “Annus, “Ante, In the "frst. of the “spring the consul eame to Ephesus, and ‘having received the ‘troops “from Scipio he *held a Spee ch *in-presence-of the "soldiers, Yin which, after extolling, the “bravery, he Mexhorted them "to undertake a Yaew war with the Gauls, who: "had [as he said] helped Antiochus "with *suxilinries, h *Primus. *Ver. *Venire. *Aecipere. *Copiae. ‘Uabere. *Contio, “Ayud. "Mites. “Omit. "Colleudare (Ablative Absolute). "Virtus, “Adhortari. *Suseipore with ad and Gerundive, “Novus, "Bellum. "Cum, Wuvare *Ausitivm, Jury, 1860, ——— _— Z = LATIN GRAMMAR. [5E> Write legibly, and number your answors carefully to correspond with the questions. I. Decling in the singular: facies, ide Wawa eldica/jitins. Decline in the plural: portus, dea, nawis. Write the gender over the/Avlins (rales not required), and mark the quantity of all penul- 9° (2) Give the sigaifoance of the ee See in pees Cnonen abstract nown ftom sedi from aager> ‘noun denoting the masculine agent from dagjueo, ani a frequentative verb from cigo, and account forthe quantity oftheir penultimate vowels, (4) Compare heanitts, juvenis, and adverbs formed from feliz and aeyer: timate and final syllables, TI, Give the principal parts of cao, eaedo, tono, reperto, eurro, paseo, paciseor, marking the quan- tity of the penult Give all the Infinitives and Participles of afeo, wleiseor ; the Present Indicative of flor the Future Indicative Active and the Present Subjunctive Passive of munta, with the qnantity of all penults, TIL, What ease or ences follow supper, tens, recordar, pruor, similis? (2) Give the principal parts ‘of pareo and confito, and the ease that follows exch, (@) Give the rules for the two eases “at Carthage” “from after pudet, do, docev, mone. (4) Give the Latin for “at home,” Carthage,” “ftom Tay,” Sto Athens.” Pu discessie ceterorum nostra tamen, qui remansissemus, eaede te contentum esse dicebas. (5) Give the vales for discesew and ewede, What is the antecedent of qui? IV. Give the rules tor the Subjunetive after Zum, cum, quominus. (2) Would ne or tt non fallow tively? Why? estat and monco te Statuisti quo quemaue profieisel plaveret, * dixisti paululum tibi esse etfam mime morae, quod ego viverem. Reperti sunt duo equites Romani qui te ista cura Gerarent Kloneus est qui finpetret quem legatum velit Exclusi eos quos tu ad mo sclucadum miscras (3) Explain the Subjunetives in the above sentences; the tense of impetret, (4) Give the le for erkuthamn Sony, 1800 MO Grevic GRAMMAR. ¢ [eB CHL the Birerk events maul foe sorter with Ye coco, ; ample of Clin. Ure wha ured docs [fe acer! of he ee Lewes Whal cs fla word ee O Lad. ante peifect-ls accent? Gabe [he ther surerds of tea harne sat WUpele civog aftr bg crow th ee accent forepferGp cetforeh y core a 4 Dechie réles Brxtlng ctx ia, crete» tn Ma. Lingular, and cixoy, vee Pug, Tecdeys oe Ya Duak and (lirah® Greve haz Cen, Dal. and ctoas in thd ge s andl Peccmmbert GFE oa aves, of He Gres. teh (arte of Corgpr and of Hea (ei, AL Parle. of (Povrs deo (a Za ehed Confers copés, rithas ely Sne, road. Decliae Va Conhar- atie 7 ubyas. Laren an aotcert Sig andl comfeare itt GEIS A Dyed wat bilge Be Lrie the Cardinat Nim a tn Give agynepeses (Hava ae te Wards) of He Are hak. eve For Foss, ache and inplect~ fhe Sonferties. Gove syrepeass of Fa Cerf, Pass, of AEC and Hee bres. Act of $e - Stowe. Paepiect Ue Perf Fass Pliz. of Akad ore Phe Ionfper- fet (Fas. of eater. - Where are previS, 2ratow,hir®, or®, Vor, and B$E8e formed (4 2c, Lente, anord, wore), anc from whal~verbs2 * Cudideles for He Sephanae. a7 any Reigher Claes onay ont gueitins T and I, and anawer Sha cg E What ui Ha cnutrucliin won Oyse Clauass af Cir pert of Mhioing? Pw ho suck clauses differ from Pure Furial Causes! What 2s a General Puppoore- Beare? flow are Genersk Suppiniiincs eaferessed? Maw are Povhcblms ore Hie D4 and 9° porsins exfrcssed on Greek © Tremelale: Bp Sebrecy si Sivecco, and sla what fom Me Cast Hirer avads aveuhl Rave ven Ye Direct~ Deacorrte Tvly 1869, Greek Comeposirron; [NB CHO the Grok aids qnust be aarilttn. write He. overall) Tey Ad Xenokkoo® wad Secrefcetag, a messenger ar- wived® from Nantineta anmnoonce ng Chat kes soot’ Goyllug” was dead” 1 oni. 6 Marecveca. 2 Fevopev 7 Adyw. | 9 Dove, & vlog. + dypedoc. 9 TedRdos. | S Gxw. | to 0 dee , Bufo. ( HLs te99 ; Thea ke lard aside the garland, but continuccl & sacrefece. eae es 1 xad. 2 bxetvos. 3 drociFenue 4 orégares. SSE preceded by ly . 6 Scacedew. aes z But wheel the messenger kad added Chis also, Chat fre Rad deed vectorteus, Mane taceeees the garland on agadn. 1 Sree. # Kad, 2 wreorribgue S vexdio (porkipha) 2 bxéivos 6 breedYeuac. Towed m. Jury 1867, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. [Candidates the Prestman Class will uke 1, TL, IML, and a Sophomore Chas will ake TV, V, VIL, her two. Candidates for the LX] Bound the éasin of the Po, of the Mississippi, of the St. Lawrences TI, Name the chief rivers of Ancient Gaul and Modem Fran ‘than Transalpine Gaul? Wh is Mount Blano? Ts Prange larger oF sn ¢ the two principal rivers that rise in the Alps? Wh TIL, Where is the Source of the Danube? of the Volga? of the Ganges? of the Amazon ? Describe the route of the Ten Tho J, or lay it down on a map. Lysander, graphically avid historially, VEL. Supply names left blank in the following passage from the Oration for the Max nilian Taw Non dioam duss urbes potentissimas, Carthaginem et Niemantiam ab eodem —— esse ‘leletas; non commemorabo nuper ita vobis patribusque esse visum, ut in uno ——— spes imperii ponerstar, ut idem cum Jugurtha, idem cum Cimbrig, idem cum Teutonie bellum administeacet Who was Jugurtha? Where was Numantia? VIII. Compare Athens with Sparta IX. Periclee:— the Man and his Poliey ARITHMETIC. A7-Give the work in fll; —retuee ete answer to it simples form ;—and write and arrange your exercise in Bae ees Teale one a * Applicants br AvasckD Staxoina may omit Nos 1, 2 8, and 6, * eee its lowest termsea, 1. Radaee Tgp © Hs owes! top Py What is a prime number? When are two rad to be prime to cach other? Reduce ‘the numerator and denomingtor off the x}Ge HEGGn th their prime factors. 92, Prom 6) subtract at 3 © Mhepify by canceling: Divile 38368049.63 by 0.007253, What is the quotient of 8886,804968 by 72530? What is the third power of 0.12 of 1002 Write these answers in words, 4. Find the cube root of 0.0008 to ive places of decimals, ind the square root of 631.5 to three plices of decitnals, 5. Reduce to their lowest terms as vulgar fraetions the infinite or ciroulating decimals 0525, uae Reduce to a cireulating decimal, “6. From 1 sq. rod 5 oq. ft Subtract 7 sq. ye. 189 9g. in, 7. Find the amount of £50 12s, 6d. ab sinple interest at $ per cent, at the end of 5 years 2 months and 8 days, 8. One metre=8987 inches. Compute from this datum the value of 4 miles in kilometres, LOGARITHMS AND TRIGONOMETRY. 9. What is the logarithm of 1 in any system? of any number in system of which that namber is the dase? In a aystem of whieh the base is 4, what ip the logavitim of O12 of 22 of BP 10, Find hy logarithms, using arithmetienl complements the value of the fn (0.02188)? x (7)9 V0.0046) 28.300 11. Prove the formula for the covine of the sum of to angles, and deduce the formulns for the ine of the double of an angle anil the cosine of the Aalfof an angle, 12 In what quadrants is the cosine positioe, nd in what quudrante negative? Prove the valliee Of 9 | Given in an oblique triangle 60.254, e—0.817, B==46°, Solve completely, ALGEBRA. il; reduce the answers to their sinplst orm; and write and arrange your exereise in leyile and orderly manner. B™ Give the work i, 1, Reduce the following expression to its simplest form: (2b 40) (a? — 6) — (Bab— 28") (Baa? 4-8] — 2 [58-4 Bab — a] )d, 2 Divide 3624-1 — 4122 by 62 —-1— Bat, What is the reason that when different powers of the same quantity are multiplied together we udlded? their exponen 4. Reduce to one fraction, with the lowest possible denominator BaF 2h Bat a+b @ 5. Divide 5 23EY by EEL, and retuee the answer to its lowest terms. a bh 6. Find «, in terms of a, 8, and o, from the equation “ ae What is the value of & when a=2,6—=—1,0=8? Aman bought a wateh, a chain, and a locket for $216. ‘The watch and locket together cost three times as much as the ehain, and the chain and locket together cost half as much as the watch. What was the price of each? 8, Solve the equation a-12 — Be—1 9. Find (@—0)' and (oy—@)" by the Binomial Theorem, 9% Find (@—0 a (ay =) by the Binomial ‘Th Jou, 1808. PLANE GEOMETRY. centre of a circle upon chord bisects the chord and 1. Prove that the perpendicular from the the are subtonded by the chord. mseriby 8 cirele about a given triangle, Prove that two angles are to each other in the ratio of two arcs described from their vertices as centres with equal radii, . 4. Prove that a line drawn through two sides of a triangle parallel to the third side divides those two sides into proportional parts, 5. State and prove the proportion which exists between th parts of two chords which ent each other in a circle. State what proportion exists when two secants are drawn from point without the circle, 6. Prove that two regular polygons of the same number of sides are simila 7 Prove that similar triangles are to each other as the squares of their homologous siden 8 Show how the area of a poly ewmseribel about a circle may be found; then how the trea of 4 circle may be found; then prove that circles are to each other a8 the eqn Sony, 1880,

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