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OHM: Bhkakti.

Once, Narada came to visit Bhuloka (the earth) and found that dharma had all but disappeared. He traveled all over, to
many holy places, and found adharma on the rise. Then he came to the banks of the river Yamuna, where Krishna had
performed His divine lilas. There he met a young woman, who was shedding tears profusely and overcome by sorrow.
Beside her were two very old looking men, who seemed to be practically dead. Narada was intrigued by this sight. The lady
in sorrow was also surrounded by other women, who seemed to be her attendants. When Narada spoke to her she said, "I
am Bhakti and these here are my two sons, Jnana and Vairaagya. They have become old and practically dead but I am still
young. How is this possible, O great sage? Can you tell me the reason? Can you help me?" Narada immediately vowed to
restore Bhakti to her former glory. He started chanting the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and the Vishnu Sahasranamam. But all
to no avail. Then he heard a voice from the sky which said, "Jnana and Vairaagya will be revived if you perform one pious
act." However, the voice did not say what pious act. Narada was perplexed and went from one holy place to another
enquiring from all the sages what "one pious act" he needs to perform. Then he met the four Kumaras, the mind-born sons
of Brahma, who are known as the Sanatkumaras. They are forever young, like five year olds, and travel all over like little
boys, running around naked. However, they were self-realized souls who actually refused to enter into family life when
Brahma ordered them to do so. Instead they opted the life of sanyasis.

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