Attributive Tags Practice

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Attributive Tags Practice

Review your Mode Essays to look for sentences that incorporate details from your
summer reading, whether they are direct quotes or paraphrases.
Identify (HIGHLIGHT!) and select twenty sentences that use details from your summer
Either on a separate piece of paper or on the computer, write out each of the twenty
IF they dont already have one, you MUST rewrite each sentence to include an
attributive tag.
o Review Packet #1 to make sure you understand what an attributive tag is and for
examples; make sure you include a reference to the author and include the page
You will not be rewriting the twenty sentences together as a paragraph; just make a
numbered list of sentences.

Example (Just an Example)

1. According to Bob Ross, there are no mistakes. Just happy accidents (53).
2. This is another sentence, according to Bob Zimmerman, that is just an example (8).
3. Samuel Clemens asserts it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think youre
an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt (762).
4. Marcos Garcia asserts that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell (65).
5. Example
6. Example


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