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To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to offer my recommendation for Isaac Suarez Castro as a future student
at your university. I had the pleasure of teaching Isaac this past year, and it was in that time
that I came to see his hardworking attitude, his inherent intellect, and a sense of maturity
rare amongst his classmates.
Isaac is the type of student who even upon receiving a satisfactory grade will seek
ways they can improve for future performances. In addition to arriving to each class
prepared and ready to learn, Isaac was an excellent contributor to group work as he would
lead his team toward success. Isaac is a very driven student who sees his long-term goals as
something exciting to work toward and achieve.
There is always a certain sort of fun as a teacher in being able to sit back and see
when a student already grasps a concept and can move further than you had intended, and
this is something I saw often in Isaac. His hardworking attitude put him ahead of the curve
in terms of intellect, so concepts that were often difficult for others to grasp came naturally
to Isaac. Isaacs intelligence was respected and admired amongst his classmates who
learned from what he had to contribute to class.
Lastly, I was always very impressed with the level of maturity Isaac exhibited in my
class. His ability to treat others with kindness, stay on task, and display respect on a daily
basis are traits that will serve him well in the future.
As you can likely see in his transcript and curriculum vitae, Isaac is a strong student,
but there is more to him than that. Isaacs perseverance, intellectual drive, and sureness of
self will not only serve him well in the future, but will also be a fantastic addition to any
college campus. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Patrick N. Milum
English 3
Lamar High School

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