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Kingdom : Plantae (Angiosperms, Eudicots, Asterids)

Order: Lamiales

Family: Scrophulariaceae

Genus : Verbascum thapsus (latin name)

Also known as velvet plant.

The genus includes about 25 species. Scientific name - altered barbascum - comes from the Latin.
Barba ( beard") and is associated with pubescent plants. Amnog the people, this plant has several
names, the most common - "bear's ear."


Mullein is herbaceous, biannual plant, 50-150 cm tall, with erect stems and large, regular, elliptical
leaves which form a rosette. The leaf plate is about 30 cm long and 10 cm wide. The whole plant is
covered with gray and white or yellow tomentose pubescence. The flowers are bisexual and have
irregular shape, the color is light yellow.

The bracts are lanceolate and sharpened. Pedicels are shorter, more adherent to the common axis of
inflorescence. Calyx is lobed with lanceolate lobes. The corolla is up to 20 mm in diameter, falling,

There are 5 stamens , differing among themselves by structure. Fruit - capsule with dense pubescence
elliptical shape, the length of 5-8 cm The seeds are small, brownish-black.. It blooms in summer from
June to late August.

Mullein is widespread plant in many areas. Tunes and naturalized in Australia and New Zealand, North
and South America. Distributed in Central and European Russia, the Caucasus, Altai, East Siberia, as well
as in Central Asia. It grows in open places, often on sandy soils, on the cliffs, on the banks of rivers and
on roadsides. Furthermore, mullein diluted in parks.
Medicinal properties, mostly have mullein flowers. The flowering period is collected entirely flowers
(corolla with stamens). While collecting the flowers need to be very careful, as the corolla easily changes
its color (from golden brown to off), which may lead to the loss of medicinal qualities.

Each flower mullein blooms in the morning and in the evening fade or crumble. Blooming flowers are
harvested before noon. Dried flowers are collected on paper, with good ventilation and can in drying
ovens at maximum temperature of 50 C.

In the dried material beaters become brittle and well pounded into powder. It should be noted that the
dried material is very hygroscopic, therefore sealed vessels used for storage of dried flowers. Shelf life of
dried raw materials for 2 years. Seeds harvested in the fall, in September or October.

Medicinal Uses

The scientific medicine uses decoctions, solutions, liquid extracts and dry matter of the plant mullein
usual. Contained in the flowers of the mucous substance (sugar, flavonoids, saponins, etc.) Have
pronounced antiviral, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Preparations from plant mullein simplify the catarrhal phenomena on the mucous membranes of the
gastrointestinal tract and are also used in the treatment of diarrhea, gout, abdominal pain, reflex help
reduce painful swelling and tissue.

Decoctions and infusions of this plant are the flowers used in the treatment and prevention of colds,
with laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, in severe forms of pneumonia. Mullein flowers are part of the
various medicinal teas cough. No less effective Mullein drugs in the treatment of digestive disorders:
colitis, diarrhea, gastritis, enterocolitis.

Diuretic properties of this plant are used in the treatment of chronic cystitis. External used for removing
warts; boiled the flowers and leaves are applied to burns and wounds, powder of dried flowers sprinkled
with cuts and sores, an aqueous extract of mullein flowers are used in viral herpes. In the form of lotions
for the treatment of diseases of the joints (arthritis, gout, rheumatism), and inflammation of the facial

Side effects
Keep in mind that drugs mullein are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Talin contained in
mullein, carcinogenic agents and therefore this plant contraindicated in patients with cancer. Often
enough meets allergic to mullein.


Broth mullein is used as a hair rinse to strengthen the hair follicles, as well as in the form of compresses
on the face is applied to areas affected with purulent acne. Tincture of mullein flowers are used to
remove warts.


Infusion of the leaves of mullein is used in the treatment of alopecia, and seborrhea. Dry powder mullein
herb is used to treat vitiligo and psoriasis. For the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, diathesis,
neurodermatitis, a bath-based decoctions of this plant.

Traditional medicine

In folk medicine, a decoction of the roots is used for diarrhea, to rinse the mouth with dental pain, and
the powder is taken as anthelmintic. Rubbing in the skin fresh juice of this plant helps to get rid of warts.
Fresh juice from the stem mullein helps to treat bronchitis and inflammation of the airways.

Decoction of the flowers and leaves of mullein is recommended to wash the eyes during eye
inflammation. Mullein is popularly known as a diuretic, decoctions of its leaves and roots used for
chronic cystitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, liver
and spleen, colds, rheumatism, headaches and other illnesses.

For the prevention and treatment rachitis scrofula, a bath of this plant. Packs for the treatment of boils,
ulcers, festering wounds, hemorrhoids and lichens do of decoction of the leaves. Post-burn wounds, as
well as cracks in the skin and soles of the feet sprinkle the powder of dried grass.
Mullein is widely used both in traditional and in folk medicine due to the wide range of medicinal
properties that allow you to treat whooping cough and colds, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal diseases,
rheumatism, cystitis and arthritis.

The plant verbaskum (Mullein) is highly regarded in folk medicine, being used for the treatment of colds,
bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, skin, and heart disease. Also, this plant is widely used in the curing of
diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and spleen.

Mullein ( royal scepter, the bear's ear)

Effect: removal of pain of various origins; eliminating inflammatory processes; treatment of injuries and
difficult healing wounds.

With the use of this type of mullein are treated with such diseases and symptoms:


bronchial asthma;

inflammation of various etiologies;





periodontal disease;

Gastrointestinal diseases.

Mullein ordinary

Effects of the ordinary Mullein:





a diuretic;

wound healing;


Drug intake of ordinary mullein helps in the following pathological conditions:


coughing up blood;

whooping cough;





accompanied by watery eyes;

dyspnea; t


chronic cystitis;







Medicinal mullein

In folk medicine the medicinal mullein is taken in the following pathological conditions:

neurological disorders;



diseases of the liver and spleen;


catarrh of the upper respiratory tract;

nervous exhaustion;

physical exhaustion;






Purple mullein

Effect of purple mullein:

1. Increased blood pressure.

2. Stimulation of cardiac activity, namely an increase in heart rate and increase in the amplitude of its
bioelectric activity.

3. Stimulation of the motor activity of the intestine.

Mullein paniculata

Mullein paniculata is used in the following pathological conditions:

gynecological diseases of inflammatory origin; ARI; bronchitis; dyspnea; pneumonia; arthritis; whooping
cough; coughing up blood; neuralgic pains; hoarseness; burns; hemorrhoids; rheumatism.

Useful properties of mullein













a diuretic;

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