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Problem 1.Let (X,Y) be two random variables, whose joint density function is defined by

(, ) = > , >

Are X and Y independent? Prove your answer.


For the given function,

x() = x,y(, )

=0 -x-y dy

=e-x [e-x /-1] =


y() = x,y(, )

=0 -x-y dx

=e-y [e-y /-1] =

Thus the joint density of x,y(, )= -x-y

= x(). y()

Hence x and y are independent of each other.

Problem 2: Let X and Y be two independent wide-sense stationary process with means of mx
and my, respectively. Their autocorrelation functions are expressed by Rx() and RY(),
respectively. Let V=X(1-Y).

a) Is V is a wide-sense stationary?

b) Are V(t) and X(t) jointly wide sense stationary?

Prove you answer for the above questions.



a. A wide sense stationary process is one if its mean value remains same with time and the auto
correlation function of the process is dependent on the time difference between samples.

So considering a process x(t) according to the definition of the wide sense stationary process

mx(t)=mx and Rx(t+,t)= Rx() where mx is the mean of process x(t) and Rx is the auto correlation

Now given are two process X(t) and Y(t) which are wide sense stationary. Thus it holds true for both
process that mx(t)=mx and Rx(t+,t)= Rx() and my(t)=my and Ry(t+,t)= Ry().

It is also said that both X(t) and Y(t) are independent process, thus it turns out that

E[V(t)]= E[X(t)]-E[X(t)Y(t)]=x-x*y

Now the auto co- relation of V(t) is given as

Rv(t,)=E[(X(t)-X(t)Y(t)(X(t+ )-X(t+ )*Y(t+ ))]

= (x- x*y)( Rx()- Rx()* Ry())

Since X(t) and Y(t) are wide sense stationary on substitution we get

Rv(t, )= Rv()

Thus V is Wide sense stationary process.

b. Now to prove that V(t) and X(t) are jointly Wide sense stationary it is as follows:
On calculation we get that

Rvx(t, )= E[ W(t)X(t+ )]

But since X(t) and Y(t) are independent thus

Rvx(t, ) becomes dependent on time difference of Rvx() .

Hence both V(t) and X(t) are jointly wide sense stationary.

Problem 3: A DSB-modulated signal u(t) = A m(t) cos(2fct) is mixed (multiplied) with a local
carrier xL(t) = cos(2fct+) and the output is passed through a low-pass filter (LPF) with
bandwidth equal to the bandwidth of the message signal m(t). Denote the power of the signal at
the output of the LPF by Pout and the power of the modulated signal by PU. Plot the ratio Pout
/PU as a function of , for 0 .


Answer :

Given DSB Modulated signal u(t) = A m(t) cos(2fct).

With local carrier xL(t) = cos(2fct+)

Let y(t) be mixed signal, than

The mixed signal is given by y(t)=u(t)xL(t)

y(t)=Am(t)cos(2fct)cos(2fct + )

y(t)= A 2 m(t)[cos(22fct + )+cos()]

Now the lowpass filter cut offs the frequiencies above W where W is defiend as the bandwidth of
signal m(t).

In this scenario output of the filter is z(t)=A 2 m(t)cos()

Now, considering the power of m(t) to be PM,

Then the output signal z(t) is Pout= PM A2 /4 cos2().

Thus the modulated signal power u(t)=Am(t)cos(2fct) is

PU = A2/ 2 PM.

Thus Pout /PU = 1/2 cos2().

Based on this the plot is obtained as given below:


Problem 4: A narrowband FM signal is defined as follows:

X(t)=Ac cos(2fct)-Ac sin(2fct)sin(2fmt),

Where fc and fm are carrier frequency and message frequency, respectively.

a) Determine the envelope of the modulated signal

b) What is the ratio of the maximum and minimum values of the envelope?
c) What is the average power of the un-modulated signal?
d) Determine the average power of modulated signal.
e) What is the ration between power of signals calculated in parts (c) and (d)?
f) Expand the angular argument of the narrow-band FM signal

((t)=2fct+(t)) in the form of power series and restricting to the maximum value of 0.5
radian, show that:

Note: For small x, the below power series is approximately given by:

g) What is the value of the harmonic distortion for =0.5.


Given Narrow band FM signal as


X(t)=Ac cos(2fct)-Ac sin(2fct)sin(2fmt) ----1

Using trigonometric relations we get


It is similar to an AM signal, except that the lower side frequency has negative sign.

Now the signal can be expressed in terms of complex envelope as:


X(t)= Re
( t) expj2 fct

The complex envelope of the FM wave

() is

() =

(): periodic function with fm

On expanding in the form of complex series,

substituting x=2 fmt and comparing the obtained equation
with nth order Bessel function the complex envelop of the
given FM signal is


The ratios of the maximum and minimum values of the envelope are:


For the given equation X(t)=Ac cos(2fct)-Ac sin(2fct)sin(2fmt)

Ac cos(2fct)+2/2 Ac sin(2fct)sin(2fmt)

X(t)=Ac cos(2fct)+ Ac/2[cos(fc-fm) 2t-Cos 2(fc+fm)t]


Power of modulated signal

Ptrms=(Ac/2)2*1/R +( Ac/22)2* 2/R

=Pc[1+( 2/2)]

Average power of un-modulated signal is= Am2/2R.

Ratio between power signal is = Am2/Ac2 [1+( 2/2)]

For s(t) = A sin(ct + pksin(mt))

By definition

power series expansion gives

This expansion tells that bandwidth is infinite.

Now since

By using definition

The FM signal obtained is

Thus =

for sinusoidal phase modulation

s(t) = A sin(ct + pksin(mt))

if pk << 1 then we can approximate (1.4) by

s(t) = A sin(ct + pksin(mt))

= A { sin( ct) cos(pksin(mt)) + cos(ct) sin(pksin(mt)) }
~ A { sin( ct) + pk cos(ct) sin(mt) }
= A { sin( ct) + 0.5 pk sin((c + m) t) - 0.5 pk sin(( c - m) t)}

When =0.5 the number of significant side frequencies become 4.

= A { sin( ct) + 0.5 pk sin((c + m) t) - 0.5 pk sin(( c - m) t)

Problem 5: The signal at the receiver of a communication system is expressed as follows:

r(t)=10 cos (106t+400 sin250t)

Determine : a) The bandwidth of r(t)

b) If r(t) is recognized as an FM signal, what is its message signal?

c) Repeat part b , if r(t) is recognized as a PM signal.


Band with fro any signal is given as= 2*Fm where Fm is the frequency of the signal

Now received signal is r(t)=10 cos (106t+400 sin250t)


We know that = 2 Fm

In the given signal = 250 t

thus 2*Fm=250/

Bandwith B= 2B(+1)

Where =400

Thus Bandwith B= 2* 2 Fm(+1)

= 2* 250/(400+1)

= 500/(500)

B= 25000/

b. The signal when considered as FM shall be as:

FM= Ac Cos [2fct+ 2Kf0 () dt

2Kf0 () dt= 400 sin250 t

0 ()= 400 sin 250 t/ 2Kf

m(t) dt=d/dt[400 sin 250 t/ 2Kf ]

= 250 * 400 cos 250 t/2Kf

Thus in FM message m(t)= 50000 Cos 250 t / Kf

c. When considering PM

we get PM= Ac Cos[2fct+Kpm(t)]

where m(t)= sin 250 t


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