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Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

(1) There are many attractive things about the Mission District in San Francisco. (2) First of all, there is
lively music everywhere. (3) The Spanish Choir of San Francisco, led by Juan Pedro Gaffney, presents
public performances. (4) They sometimes use these performances to raise money for people suffering
natural disasters in Central America. (5) The district is full of beautiful art too. (6) The wall paintings in
Balmy Alley are the work of some of the artists who live in the neighborhood. (7) These murals are very
special to the people of the Mission. (8) As artist Ray Paltan says, "The murals begin to reflect the
community itself." (9) Although the Mission Dolores Basilica is older, Saint Peter's Church is also a very
important place. (10) Father Dan McGuire is the leader of St. Peter's Church. (11) He says the new
immigrants in the area are successful because they bring with them an interest in family and tradition.
(12) In addition, the comfortable environment of this multicultural neighborhood helps people feel at

The main idea of the reading is that ____________.

many new immigrants live in the Mission District

a lot of artists live in the Mission District
there are many reasons people like living in the Mission District
there are two important churches in the Mission District

The paintings in Balmy Alley ____________.

were probably all painted by Ray Patlan

are probably a mixture of different painting styles
probably show only pictures of churches
were painted by famous artists

According to the paragraph, the Spanish Choir of San Francisco ____________.

performs in San Francisco

performs in Central America
is led by Father McGuire
sings only slow, serious songs

A good heading for this paragraph is ____________.

How Multiculturalism Works

How Churches Have Helped the Mission District
The Music and Art of the Mission District
Some Things People Like about the Mission District

According to Father McGuire, because new immigrants are interested in family and tradition, ____________.

they are multicultural

they join the church
they become successful
they raise money to help other people

Where should this sentence go? People from that area care about others who still live there.

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after sentence 2
after sentence 4
after sentence 7
after sentence 9

Immigrants are ____________.

Latino people
people who come from Central and South America
people who move to another country to live
religious people

Some people in the Mission District ____________ murals.


Choose the correct sentence.

Mark said, "I want to see the murals."

"I want to see the murals." said Mark.
Mark said "I want to see the murals."
"I want to see the murals" said Mark.

Choose the correct sentence.

Paul said "The Mission District is a really good place to live."

Paul said. "The Mission District is a really good place to live."
Paul said, "The Mission District is a really good place to live".
Paul said, "The Mission District is a really good place to live."

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