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Comic Strip Rubric

Student Name _______________

4 3 2 1

Scenes There are 4-6 or There are 4-6 (or There are 4-6 (or There are less
8-10 scenes. 8-10) scenes. 8-10) scenes. than 4-6 (or less
They list all the They list some There are than 8-10)
most important the most important events scenes. There
events that important events in history, but are few
occur in history. that occur in either highlights important events
history. unimportant in history, and
events. highlights only

Historical Figure The historical The historical The historical It is hard to tell
figure is clearly figure is clearly figure is who the
identified, and identified, and identified, but historical figure
his/her actions his/her actions actions and is, and actions
and dialogue are and dialogue dialogue are too and dialogue are
well-matched to match to their general. not clear.
their actions and actions and
dialogue in dialogue in
history. history.

Landscape Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and

props are props are props are props seem
directly related directly related generally related randomly
to the historical to the to the to the historical chosen OR
figure and historical figure. figure. distract the
enhance reader.
understanding of
the scene.

Spelling There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more
Punctuation/ spelling, spelling, spelling, than 5 spelling,
Grammar punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, and punctuation, and
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.

Score ______/20

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