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Rendezvous with Indian Art Forms

By Greeshma R Prasad - THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Published: 05th February 2014 10:26 AM
Last Updated: 05th February 2014 10:26 AM


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Her tryst with India and Indian art forms can only be called destiny. How else would you explain
the love that Cecile Bellat, a singer and theatre actress all the way from France, felt for Auto
Kathakali and Tholpavakoothu, two artforms of Kerala. Cecile Bellat the pop singer from France is Now, a Car That Runs
here in the city to put up a shadow puppetry show at the Alliance Franaise on Wednesday. on Waste

Though Cecile Bellat studied philosophy and literature in college, the future had something else
in store for this svelte woman who was always passionate about songs and dance. As a child I
used to spend hours in my room choreographing. And again when I used to listen to English songs Nation
on the radio I used to make an attempt to learn them. I have never taken any classes in acting Sting Operation on
and singing back in France, Cecile quips. Experience is Ceciles teacher. Opinion Polls
So how was this French actress smitten by Keralas very own Kathakali? I had two friends who
underwent training in Kathakali, Mohiniyattam and Kalaripayattu in India. It is they who
introduced me to this art form. And I took an instant liking for the art form as it is dynamic and Sport
very male unlike Mohiniyattam which is a seduction dance which I can never appreciate. Somdev Goes Past Del
Probably being a feminist I cannot appreciate women dancing for men, Cecile says. Potro in Dubai
Cecile came to Kerala two years back and got the basic lessons in Kathakali. Though it has only
been two years since Cecile took up Indian art forms she has always been interested in Asian arts.
It is not just Kathakali that Cecile has tried her hands at. Cecile also took an interest in
Tholpaavakoothu, again something she learned from her two friends. And in the pursuit of
Tholpaavakoothu she traveled all the way to Shoranur, Palakkad, and learned a bit of that too.
Here she learned how to manage the puppets, make them and so on. I did not stick on for too
long because after all puppetry is something you become better at with experience. And in
puppetry after learning to manage the puppets the next most strenuous job is learning to make
the puppets, she says. The puppets Cecile says are often made of bull skin, goat skin and so on. Page 1 sur 3

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