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International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

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Eect of single tensile overload on fatigue crack growth behavior in DP780 MARK
dual phase steel

Shengci Lia, , Yinghui Zhanga, Liang Qia, Yonglin Kangb
School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China


Keywords: The purpose of this study was to analyze the eect of single tensile overload on fatigue crack growth (FCG)
Dual phase steel behavior in DP780 dual phase steel. The compact tension samples were tested under constant amplitude load
Fatigue crack growth and overload condition. The results showed that all the material conditions responded favorably to the single
Overload tensile overloads; the magnitude and extent of crack retardation was amplied due to an increase in overload
Plastic zone
ratio (OLR) and a longer crack length at overload application. The error between the overload aected crack
growth increment and the magnitude of overload monotonic plastic zone size decreased about 30% after in-
troducing the factor (n 1)/(n + 1) into Irwin model. A plastic zone size factor was used to modify the Wheeler
model to calculate the FCG rate during retardation period after an overload, the predicted results were in good
agreement with the experimental data. During the application of an overload, a crescent moon shaped damage
zone was formed ahead of the crack tip characterized by cleavage surfaces, tearing ridges, dimples and voids.
The fracture morphology after crack front reformation was severely damaged due to the premature contact of the
crack anks. Crack branching was not signicant interaction eect for the crack growth retardation under

1. Introduction crack closure [8], crack tip blunting [9], strain hardening [10] and
crack branching [11]. Study on fatigue crack propagation behavior
Dual phase (DP) steel is one of the most widely used material in the under a single tensile overload is helpful to predict the fatigue life under
automotive industry for its combination of high strength and good variable amplitude cyclic loading, and control the loading in en-
ductility. Automobiles are inherently exposed to cyclic loading during gineering. For DP steels, many studies were focused on the heat treat-
the course of driving [1], so it is of great importance to study the fatigue ment technology, microstructure properties and mechanical properties
crack growth (FCG) behavior of DP steel. What is more, FCG behavior [1214]. But investigations concerned with the fatigue crack growth
generally involves variable amplitude conditions due to the complexity behavior have been rarely reported, especially the FCG behavior and
of automotive force situation. failure mechanisms under variable amplitude loading conditions.
The study of the single overload eect on the FCG rate of subsequent The present study was, therefore, aimed at investigating the eect of
cycles forms the basis for the study of the variable amplitude loading the single tensile overload on FCG behavior in DP780 steel. The over-
[2]. The eects of single peak tensile overloads have been reported in load-induced fatigue crack growth behavior was analyzed; the size of
many investigations [36] because this type of loading can signicantly plastic zone was calculated by dierent methods; a modied Wheeler
slow down the FCG rate and increase fatigue life. But this eect has not model was used to calculate the FCG rate; the fatigue fracture surface
been widely used in engineering practice as the overload mechanism was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM).
still remains unclear, improper overload could cause catastrophe
failure. The application of overload results in a very complicated stress- 2. Material and experimental procedure
strain state at the crack tip, the interactions of multiple mechanisms
make overload mechanism complex. Several mechanisms have been The material used in this study was an industrial product of cold-
proposed to explain crack growth delay following a single peak over- rolled DP780 dual phase steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Its
load, including residual compressive stresses [7], plasticity-induced chemical composition and mechanical properties are given in Table 1.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Li).
Received 14 August 2017; Received in revised form 22 September 2017; Accepted 23 September 2017
Available online 25 September 2017
0142-1123/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

Table 1
Chemical composition and mechanical properties of DP780 steel.

Material Chemical composition (wt.%) Mechanical properties

C Si Mn P S Al Fe YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) E (GPa)

DP780 0.08 1.10 1.86 0.010 0.005 0.05 Bal. 546 792 23.3 195

YS: yield strength; UTS: ultimate tensile strength; El: the elongation to failure; E: Youngs modules.

The baseline specimen under constant amplitude load (coded as CA)

was tested with a load ratio (Pmin/Pmax) of R = 0.1, the maximum load
(Pmax) was 1000 N. Overload ratio (OLR) is dened as the ratio between
the applied maximum overload Pol and the constant amplitude max-
imum baseline load Pmax. Single overload with OLR = 1.5, 2.0 were
respectively applied to two samples at about aol = 9 mm (coded as
OL1.5-9, OL2.0-9). Another sample was tested at about aol = 11 mm
with OLR = 2.0 (coded as OL2.0-11). According to the results of con-
stant amplitude condition, the value of K for fatigue crack growth
stable expanding region (Paris region) was about 2050 MPa m1/2,
corresponding crack length was about 716 mm. In order to ensure the
overload applied among the Paris region, and cracks have enough space
to get out of the plastic zone induced by overloading, overloads were
applied at about K equal to 25 MPa m1/2 and 30 MPa m1/2, corre-
sponding crack length were about 9 mm and 11 mm. The overloads
were applied under load control during one cycle by raising the load to
the designated overload value, decreasing to the minimum value and
returning to the same mean load as that prior to the overload. To ob-
Fig. 1. Sample geometry for fatigue crack growth test (in mm). serve the net eect due to overload, exactly the same stress intensity
factor range was maintained just before and after overload. After the
The microstructure is composed of ferrite and martensite, and the samples fractured, fatigue fracture surface was observed by scanning
martensite content is about 23% calculated by Imagetool software. electron microscope (SEM).
Four groups of compact tension (CT) samples were machined from
the as-received steel sheet according to ASTM E647 standard, as shown 3. Results and discussion
in Fig. 1. The notch was perpendicular to the rolling direction. All fa-
tigue crack growth rate tests were performed at room temperature on 3.1. Overload-induced fatigue crack growth behavior
an MTS 810 testing machine at a constant frequency of 4 Hz. Crack
length was measured continuously by the compliance method with a Fig. 3 shows the crack length versus fatigue cycles (a-N) curves. The
crack mouth clip gauge, the experimental set-up and location of the number of delayed cycles, Nd, is the horizontal displacement of the a-N
crack mouth clip gauge were shown in Fig. 2. The stress intensity factor curves. As can be seen, Nd and fatigue life increased after applying
range (K) for the CT sample was calculated as overload, and were increasing with OLR and aol. The a-N curve under
constant amplitude load was smooth and continuous, while the mate-
P (2 + )
K = (0.886 + 4.6413.32 2 + 14.7235.6 4 ), rials under overload were retarded because overload blunted the crack
B W (1 )3/2 (1)
tip and a number of cycles was required to reinitiate and propagate the
where = a/W, and B, W, and P are the thickness, the width of the crack from this notch [15].
sample and the applied load amplitude (PmaxPmin), respectively. Fig. 4 reveals the crack growth rates (da/dN) as a function of stress

Fig. 2. The experimental set-up and the location of the

crack mouth clip gauge.

S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

overload applied, all the experimental value was close to the planned
value. The number of delayed cycles, Nd, varies from 0.14 105 to
2.04 105 cycles, which means the FCG life increases from 13% to
194% compared with the constant amplitude loading condition. It in-
dicates that all the material conditions investigated responded favor-
ably to the single tensile overloads. The minimum crack growth rate,
(da/dN)min, decreases with increasing OLR and aol. The residual com-
pressive stress caused by overload become more severe with increasing
OLR and aol, so the subsequent crack growth rate decreased to reach a
smaller minimum value.
aII, aIII and aIV stand for the measured crack length extension during
each of the corresponding stages as illustrated in Fig. 4. As can be seen,
aII did not change obviously, while aIII and aIV increased with OLR and
aol. It indicates that the crack length aected by overloading at in-
stantaneous acceleration period is not inuenced by OLR and aol, while
the crack length at delayed retardation period and retardation period
are sensitive to the overloading variables. aol is the overload aected
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of a-N curves.
crack growth increment, it stands for the crack growth distance be-
tween the point of overload application and the point at which the
crack growth rate recovers its initial value, and equals to the sum of aII,
aIII and aIV. It also increased with OLR and aol. According to the above
analysis, the magnitude and extent of crack retardation increase with
OLR and aol. The mechanisms are related to the plastic zone at crack tip.

3.2. Plastic zone size

It is generally recognized that there is a direct relationship between

aol and the size of overload monotonic plastic zone size, rmol. According
to Irwin [16], the size of monotonic plastic zone, rm, and cyclic (also
denoted as reversed) plastic zone, rc, for a plane stress condition can
be evaluated from Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively:
1 Kmax
rm =
y (2)
1 KmaxKmin
rc =
2y (3)
Fig. 4. Comparison of FCG rates data obtained for the investigated steels.
where Kmax and Kmin are the applied stress intensity factor, y is the
yield stress. When Kmax = Kol, the overload monotonic and cyclic
intensity factor range (K), which clearly show the delay phenomenon plastic zone size (rmol and rcol) were calculated, as presented in Table 3.
for crack growth after applying a single peak overload. Take OL2.0-11 As can be seen, the error between aol and rmol is more than 30%, which
as an example, the fatigue crack growth behavior under overload can be means the length of the overload aected zone cannot be accurately
divided into ve stages (I V), as shown in Fig. 4: (I) Stable period estimated by Eq. (2). The reason is that this model assumes an elastic-
before overload, (II) Instantaneous acceleration period, (III) Delayed perfectly plastic material response. However, the steel actually strain
retardation period, (IV) Retardation period, (V) Stable period after hardens, so less stress redistribution occurs and the plastic zone sizes
overload. Generally, the crack closure is reduced rapidly due to crack are smaller [17].
tip blunting after a single overload, so the fatigue crack is temporarily Shih [18] introduced the factor (n 1)/(n + 1) to take into ac-
free from crack closure, as a result, a transient initial acceleration of count strain hardening in a manner consistent with the small-scale
crack growth rate occurs immediately after the overloads. The residual yielding antiplane shear solutions, where n is the strain hardening ex-
compressive stress caused by overload would make the crack closure ponent of the Ramberg-Osgood [19] constitutive relation, as shown in
level increase, the subsequent crack growth rate decreased to reach the Eq. (4):
minimum value. As the crack tip reaches out of the plastic zone induced
by overloading, the crack growth behavior gradually returns to that at E
= +
constant amplitude loading. y y y (4)
Table 2 summarized the features of the fatigue crack growth be-
havior under various overloading cases. aol is the crack length while where and are the true stress and true strain, respectively. is an
empirical constant and E is the Young's modulus. E = 195 GPa for the

Table 2
Variables of the fatigue crack growth behavior under overloading cases.

Samples OLR aol (mm) Nd (cycle) (da/dN)min (mm/cycle) aII (mm) aIII (mm) aIV (mm) aol (mm)

5 5
OL1.5-9 1.5 8.871 0.14 10 2.13 10 0.202 0.192 0.713 1.107
OL2.0-9 2.0 8.956 1.38 105 4.05 106 0.214 0.272 1.484 1.970
OL2.0-11 2.0 11.051 2.04 105 1.36 106 0.201 0.537 2.270 3.008

S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

Table 3
The plastic zone size under various overloading cases.

Samples aol (mm) rmol (mm) rshih (mm) rcol (mm) rmcpz (mm) Error of Irwin model (%) Error of Shih model (%) Error of MCPZ model (%)

OL1.5-9 1.107 1.471 1.115 0.320 1.151 32.9 0.7 4.0

OL2.0-9 1.970 2.657 2.013 0.599 2.058 34.9 2.2 4.5
OL2.0-11 3.008 3.910 2.963 0.882 3.028 30.0 1.5 0.7

Fig. 7. An overview of the fracture surfaces of the CT samples.

results are = 1.232, n = 7.257, and the correlative coecient

Fig. 5. Stress-strain curves of the investigated steel. reaches 0.9996.
As can be seen from Table 3, the error between aol and rshih is less
Table 4 than 2.2%, it indicates the estimated results by Shih model are in ex-
Fitting parameters for the Wheeler model. cellent agreement with the experimental results. Besides, it is inter-
esting to nd that the dierence between rmol and rcol (denoted as rmcpz)
Sample m1 C m Correlation coecient
is very close to aol, the error is less than 4.5%.
OL1.5-9 0.02393 1.002 1026 15.622 0.985 It seems that the length of the overload aected zone can be cal-
OL2.0-9 0.81013 1.815 1055 34.195 0.997 culated by the dierence between rmol and rcol, here we named it MCPZ
OL2.0-11 0.9939 1.279 1053 30.416 0.998 model, which combined the eect of monotonic and cyclic plastic zone.
It may be due to the cyclic yielding zone producing residual compres-
sive stresses, and neutralize partial the monotonic plastic zone eect
induced by overload. However, the mechanism call for a further study.

3.3. Description of fatigue crack growth rate

As can be seen from Fig. 4, the relationship of stress intensity factor

range K and FCG rate da/dN is not linear all the while in double
logarithmic coordinates. Paris model cannot be applied to describe the
FCG behavior under overload because it lacks of dependence on the
loading history [20].
Many models based on yield zone corrections ahead of the crack tip
have been developed to predict the FCG subjected to overload. The
Wheeler model [21] is one of the widely used model. It assumes that the
compressive stresses retard crack growth. A retardation parameter Cp is
introduced to calculate the crack growth retardation.
= Cp (CK m)
dN (6)
Fig. 6. FCG curve described by Wheeler model and test data. m1

Cp =

( rm
aol + rol a ) a + rm < aol + rol
investigated steel in this paper. Here, we try to estimate the length of a + rm aol + rol (7)
the overload aected zone by introducing the factor given by Shih, and
expressed as Eq. (5): K
ry = max
2 y (8)
n1 1 Kmax
rshih =
n + 1 y (5) K OL
rol = max
y (9)
The stress-strain curves of the steel are shown in Fig. 5. The data of
true stress and true strain ranging from the yield point to the necking where C, m and m1 are constants that varies from materials; rm and rol
point were tted with Eq. (4) to obtain the constants and n. The are the size of monotonic plastic zone under constant amplitude load

S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

Fig. 8. SEM images of fracture surfaces of OL2.0-11. (a)

Macroscopic fracture surface; (b, c, e-h) are the enlarged
micrographs of the corresponding square area in (a); (d) is
the enlarged micrograph of the square area in (c).

and overload condition, respectively; is the plastic zone size factor. 3.4. Fatigue fractography analysis
Considering the discussion in Section 3.2, will be set equal to (n 1)/
(n + 1), and n = 7.257 in this paper. An overview of the fracture surfaces of the CT samples is displayed
When a = aol, da/dN is minimum, it indicates that retardation oc- in Fig. 7. A dark, curved line was visible at the location of overload
curred immediately after an overload, Wheeler model cannot explain applied when OLR = 2.0, and the through-thickness crack front be-
the delayed retardation phenomenon. So we just use this model to came more curved with an increasing aol. However, this phenomenon
calculate the retardation period, aol in Eq. (7) equals to the crack length were not observed when OLR = 1.5. The formation of the curved crack
where the minimum da/dN achieved, as shown in Fig. 4. fronts can be explained by the change in the magnitude of stress
The calculated parameters of Wheeler model and the correlation triaxiality at the crack tip throughout the thickness of the sample: plane
coecient are given in Table 4 for each material condition. Fig. 6 shows stress at the sample surface against plain strain in the centre of the
the fatigue crack growth curves calculated according to Wheeler model sample [6]. For a given thickness, the shape of the crack front depends
plotted together the experimental points for the investigated steels on the level of the applied load. The rest of the loading area of OL2.0-11
during the retardation period. As can be seen, the results are in good was smaller than OL2.0-9, as a consequence, the stress was higher, so
agreement with the experimental data, and the correlation coecient was the crack front curvature.
reached 0.985 or more. The fracture morphology of OL2.0-11 was observed to analyze the
internal mechanism of single overload eect, as shown in Fig. 8. The
macroscopic fracture surface was shown in Fig. 8(a). Fig. 8(b-c)

S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

Fig. 9. SEM images of fracture surfaces of OL2.0-11, (a,b) at

rapid expanding region and (c) after nal unstable failure.

Fig. 10. Crack branching of OL2.0-11 observed in (a)

overload aected zone and (b) stable period after overload.

indicates that the fracture morphology before applying overload was fracture surface after nal unstable failure was almost all dimples, as
mainly characterized by typical fatigue striations in conjunction with shown in Fig. 9(c).
secondary cracks. During the application of overload, a damage zone
was formed ahead of the crack tip. Fatigue striations were not observed
in this zone, it was characterized by cleavage surfaces, tearing ridges, 3.5. Surface morphology near the fracture
dimples and voids. This is because the local stress may exceed the
fracture resistance of the steel after applying overload, and it also ex- In order to further study the fatigue crack growth behavior, the
plained the transient initial acceleration of crack growth rate occurred microstructure near the fracture was observed by SEM after grinding,
immediately after the overload. The crack front slowly reformed to its polishing and erosion with 4% nital solution, as shown in Fig. 10. Crack
initial shape after the overload applied, and this reformation process growth retardation can be explained by the crack branching mechanism
dissipated some energy, resulting in a delayed retardation in crack in two ways. On the one hand, the crack driving force decreased when
growth [6]. The shape of the damage zone was a crescent moon shaped, the crack branch. On the other hand, the irregular crack path caused by
and the cusps of the moon were on the surfaces of the CT samples. crack branching enhances the roughness-induced closure. In this paper,
The fracture morphology after reformation was severely damaged, however, it can be concluded that the eect of crack branching was not
smooth and at, it denoted premature contact of the crack anks, as signicant for crack growth retardation under overload. Firstly, crack
shown in Fig. 8(d). This observation provides direct evidence for the branching phenomenon were observed in both the overload aected
enhancement of crack closure following the overload [22]. The smooth zone (Fig. 10(a)) and stable period after overload (Fig. 10(b)). Sec-
and at fracture surface was gradually reduced as the crack grows, as ondly, the delayed distance after overloading was about 3 mm for
shown in Fig. 8(e-g). However, many oxides can be still observed in the OL2.0-11, whereas the crack branching distance was less than 20 m,
post-overload region. After the crack grows outside the zone of largest the delayed distance after overloading was much longer than the crack
plastic deformations created by the overload (Fig. 8(h)), the fracture branching distance. What's more, the branching was measured and
surface appeared about the same with the pre-overload one. observed at the surface of the samples, and the branching did not pe-
As the crack continued to grow, it entered into rapid expanding netrate deeply into the material thickness. To sum up, it was concluded
region, where the fracture surface was dierent from that of the stable that crack branching was not signicant interaction eect for crack
expanding region, as shown in Fig. 9(a-b). A quasi-cleavage fracture growth retardation under overload.
was observed, and dimples caused by the ductile fracture mechanism
became more and more predominant with an increasing K [23]. The

S. Li et al. International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 4955

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