Edu201 Bridge

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Student Name: Kylie Paquin

Date: 09/02/17

Portfolio Artifact and Description: Truss Bridge

What you Learned: Working on this project was such a learning experience. This was my first

time ever working with Line Tools. I faced some complications but the longer I worked with it, it

all came together. At first it is hard to see what you are trying to create but it quickly comes


National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed: Standard #3

Students can construct prepare visuals and instruct models.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: If the students were physically able to build a

bridge it would teach them a lot about balance and measurements. They could use those skills in

areas like Student Council where they do a lot of projects to put around the school. Students

would learn how to have a vision and make it a reality. If drawing and model building occurred

in my classroom, I would use it to show my students how you might face difficulties putting

something together but the outcome will all be worth it in the end. Students could use drawing

and modeling in a classroom in many situations. Students can use 3-dimensional shapes to create

figures that represent an item along with what the class is discussing. It would also keep the

students interested because it is such a hands-on experience. A tower could be designed to

resemble the same concepts as the bridge did. When creating a tower, you would still have to

keep symmetry and stabilization in mind.

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