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Harvest Hymns to Ra and


Opening Gesture and Take Refuge

(Spirits of this Time and this Place)

Holy Spirits of this Time and this Place, accept this
offering of Corn
Holy Spirits of this Time and this Place, accept this
offering of Tobacco
Holy Spirits of this Time and this Place, accept this
offering of Oil
Holy Spirits of this Time and this Place, accept this
offering of Fruit
Holy Spirits of this Time and this Place, accept this
offering of Cakes
Be strengthened in your Work and Ways
And bless our works with your Presence and Power
And grant us your wish fulfilling Luck
(The Four Elements)
To the Spirits of the Four Elements,
To which Lord Ra brought the peace of order,
Accept these offerings of

Earth Water

Fire Air
As each one is presented the elemental pentagram is drawn with offering
and then placed on altar

You who are the girders of the World

Lend your support to our acts and aspirations
That we may ascend unto the heights and dwell
in the light of the Source of All
(To All the Gods)
Say To All the Gods and pour out on either side of the altar a double
libation of wine.
Say To All the Gods and light flame
Say To All the Gods, light incense and fumigate altar, then place on
side stand

Hearken, you Gods holding the helm of holy wisdom,

who, having kindled an upward-leading fire, draw to
the immortals human souls, who leave the dark hole
behind, purified by the secret initiations of hymns.
Hearken, great saviors, and grant me from very divine
books pure light, scattering the mist, so that I know
well an immortal God from a man;
that a daemon, doing cruel things,may not hold me
forever submerged in the streams of forgetfulness,
while I am far away from the blessed ones,
that a chilling Penalty may not bind my soul with the
fetters of life, which, fallen into the waves of cold
becoming, does not want to wander all too long.
But, Gods, leaders towards bright-shining wisdom,
hearken and reveal to me, while hurrying to the upward
leading track, the secret rites and initiation of the holy
(To the Seasons)
Say To the Seasons and place offerings from the harvest before the

Daughters of Zeus and Themis, seasons bright,

Justice, and blessed peace, and lawful right,
Vernal and grassy, vivid, holy powers,
Whose balmy breath exhales in lovely flowers
All-coloured seasons, rich increase your care,
Circling, for ever flourishing and fair:
Invested with a veil of shining dew,
A flowery veil delightful to the view:
Attending Persephone, when back from night,
The Fates and Graces lead her up to light;
When in a band-harmonious they advance,
And joyful round her, form the solemn dance:
With Ceres triumphing, and Zeus divine;
Propitious come, and on our incense shine;
Give earth a blameless store of fruits to bear,
And make a novel mystic's life your care.
(To Ra)
All say To Ra!, and a bell is rung six times . . .

Homage to thee, O thou glorious Being, thou who art

dowered with all sovereignty. O Tem-Heru-Khuti,
when thou risest in the horizon of heaven a cry of joy
goeth forth to thee from all people. O thou beautiful
Being, thou dost renew thyself in thy season in the
form of the Disk, within thy mother Hathor. Therefore
in every place every heart swelleth with joy at thy
rising for ever. The regions of the South and the North
come to thee with homage, and send forth acclamations
at thy rising on the horizon of heaven, and thou
illuminatest the land with rays of turquoise colored
light. O Ra, who art Heru-Khuti, the divine child, the
heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, ruler of the
earth, ruler of the Other World, governor of Aukert,
thou didst come from the Water-god, thou didst spring
from the Sky-god Nu, who doth cherish thee and order
thy members. O thou god of life, thou god of love, all
live when thou shinest; thou art crowned ruler of the
gods. The goddess Nut embraceth thee, and the
goddess Nut enfoldeth thee at all seasons. Those who
are in thy following sing unto thee with joy, and they
bow down their foreheads to the earth when they meet
thee, ruler of heaven, of the earth, of Truth, and of
eternity, thou sovereign of all the gods, thou god of
life, thou creator of eternity, thou maker of heaven
wherein thou art firmly established.
(To Renenutet)
All say To Renenutet! and a bell is rung four times . . .

O Universal mother, Renenutet famed

August, the source of wealth, and various named:
Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine,
Who joyest in peace, to nourish corn is thine :
Goddess of feed, of fruits abundant, fair,
Harvest and threshing are thy constant care;
Who dwellest in fairest seats retired,
Lovely, delightful queen, by all desired.
Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind,
First ploughing oxen to the yoke confined;
And gave to men, what nature's wants require,
With plenteous means of bliss which all desire.
In verdure flourishing, in honor bright,
Assessor of great vineyards, bearing light:
Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind,
Whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.
A car with serpents yoked, 'tis thine to guide,
And orgies singing round thy throne to ride:
Only-begotten, much-producing queen,
All flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.
(BEFORE or DURING the Harvest)
Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase
Swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;
Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health,
And join with these a needful store of wealth.

(AFTER the Harvest)

Goddess, we thank thee for granting our prayer
Filling our cupboards with Summers rich fare;
Blessd we are with great Concord and Health,
Come now and share in our plenteous wealth.
(To the Demiurge)
All say To the Demiurge, we sound the Grand Aum, and then all
intone AUM

(To the One)

Aspire/pray in the silence of your heart. After a time a bell is rung once.

Dedicate the Merit, Closing Gesture

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