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Construction Area: sft

Saleable Area: sft

Size: storyed
Ht. of Tower: rmt
FSI consumed in each flat: sft
Saleable Flats: Nos.
Total Flats: Nos.

Cost psft of
Cost Head Description Cost for Budget saleable
area (Rs)
- Land related costs
1 Land cost & Land lease during construction 1 Tower
2 FSI & TDR 1 Tower

A Preconstruction costs
1 Site Development costs 1 Tower
2 Enabling Costs 1 Tower

B Consultants fees 1 Tower

C Liasoning & Approval Costs 1 Tower

D Civil Works 1 Tower

D1 Waterproofing works 1 Tower

E Finishes 1 Tower

F Electrical Works 1 Tower

G Plumbing Works 1 Tower

H Fire fighting works 1 Tower

I Elevators 1 Tower

J Solar System 1 Tower

Sub total (1) *Sub-Total
Taxes & Levies
Additional Fuel / Elct. charges power
1 Tower
@6000/- per day for 24 months
Sub total (2) Total I
K Extra - Ordinary Items
1 Stack parking 1 Tower
2 Puzzle parking 1 Tower
3 Area Development around the tower 1 Tower
4 Site security
5 Water man for Trees for 30months 1 Tower
Development of RG Area (approx. 60,000
6 1 Tower
sft@150/- per sft)
7 Club House with GYM & swimming pool 1 Tower
8 Marketing & Broking Chg. 1 Tower
9 Legal Expenses 1 Tower
10 Interest Cost for Bank Loan 1 Tower
11 Bank charges 1 Tower
12 Property tax
13 G &A 1 Tower
14 Insurance Cost (C.A.R.) 1 Tower
Grand Total
Cost psft of Cost psft of
Budget (Rs) saleable saleable
Budget (Rs)
area (Rs) area (Rs)
Name of the Project:
Construction Area:
Saleable Area:
Ht. of Tower:
FSI consumed in each flat:
Saleable Flats:
Total Flats

Package Sub Package Head Cost for

No. Head

- Land related cost

1 Land payment 1 Tower
2 Land lease rent during construction 1 Tower
3 FSI premium 1 Tower
4 TDR cost 1 Tower

A Preconstructional Works
1 Site Development
1a Boundary wall towards adjoining back Colony 1 Towers
1b New Project Office for 20 Nos. of Staff 1 Towers
1c MS Water Tank for Construction water 1 Towers
1d Sintex type water tank for Drinking water tank 1 Towers
1e Construction of Material yard 1 Towers
1f Establishment of Site Laboratory 1 Towers
1g Existing Drainage line diversion works 1 Towers
2 Enabling Cost
2a Demolitions 1 Towers
2b Temple & Caretaker's room Reallocation 1 Towers
2c Existing Underground Water Tank demolition & redoing chg. 1 Towers
2d Drainage Services for Labourers 1 Towers
2e Stores Development 1 Towers
2f Temporary Baricadding using 24 Guage G.I. Sheet 1 Towers
2g Road Development 1 Towers
2h Animal Shed & Caretaker room Reallocation 1 Towers
2i Maintenance of existing DG Set 1 Towers
2j Temporary Power connection for Tower works 1 Tower
2k Temporary Water connection for Tower works 1 Tower
2l Service lift for 18 months 1 Tower
2m Service lift intermediate changes (approx. 6 changes) 1 Tower
2n Service lift final dismantling 1 Tower
2o Shifting & Re-installing existing Sub-Station 1 Towers
2p Electrical Cable trench along the road 1 Towers
2q Break Tank at Entrance for 50,000 Ltrs. 1 Towers
B Architect's & Consultant Fees

1 Lewis & Hickey - Principal Architect 1 Towers
2 Nikhil Sanghvi & Associates - RCC Consultant 1 Towers
3 Avinash Raj - Electricals 1 Towers
4 Sharat Rao - Plumbing consultant 1 Towers
5 Knight Frank - PMC 1 Tower
C Liasioning & Approval Costs
1 Civil Works 1 Tower

2 Electrical Works 1 Tower

D, D1, E Civil Works for Tower (as per attached sheet for D, D1 & E) 1 Tower
Package Sub Package Head Cost for
No. Head

F Electrical Works
1 External Infra. Works 1 Towers
1a HT Works
1b Ext. Lighting
1c DG Set & AMF Panel
1d Civil Works
1e [Unitised SS, Liasioning etc]
2 Typical Flat with Building 1 Tower
3 Typical Building
3a HT Works 1 Tower
3b LT Works 1 Tower
3c DG Set & AMF Panel 1 Tower
3d LT Cables & Termination 1 Tower
3e Distribution Boards 1 Tower
3f Point Wiring 1 Tower
3g Earthing & Lightening Arrestor 1 Tower
3h Telephone system
3i TV System 1 Tower
3j Lift Electrical Works 1 Tower
3k External Lighting 1 Tower
3l Light fixtures 1 Tower
3o Other Items (Puzzle parking electrical works in Stilt) Wiring & Socket
outlets 1 Tower

Add, VAT@5%
Add, Service Tax @4.12%
G Plumbing Works
1 Internal Works in flat 1 Tower
2 External Infrastructure works 1 Towers
3 STP Plant & Machinery 1 Towers
4 Civil Works for STP, domestic, fire 1 Towers

Add, VAT@5%
Add, Service Tax @4.12%
H Fire Fighting Works
Piping works (provision) without sprinkler 1 Tower
Infrastructure Works 1 Towers

15 I Elevators 1 Tower

Cost / Sft.
Amount of Saleable Cash Flow Amount

Sheet I - Master Summary, Tower A, Kalyan (E)

Name of the Project:

Saleable Area:
Ht. of Tower:

Cost Head Cost Head Description Cost for Amount Cost per Sft. of Cash Flow Amount (KF)
Saleable area Required
Cost per sqft of Cost per sqft of Remark
salable area built-up area
A Preconstruction costs
Site Development costs 1 Tower

Enabling Costs 1 Tower

D Civil Works 1 Tower 0

D1 Waterproofing works 1 Tower

E Finishes 1 Tower

F Electrical Works (Tower+Capital) 1 Tower

G Plumbing Works 1 Tower

H Fire fighting works 1 Tower

I Elevators 1 Tower

J Solar System 1 Tower

Taxes & Levies
Additional Fuel / Elct. Chg. Towards construction
1 Tower
Total I
K Extra - Ordinary Items
Stack parking 1 Tower
Puzzle parking 1 Tower
Area Development around the tower 1 Tower
Water man for Trees for 30months 1 Tower
Service Lift 1 Tower
Development of RG Area 1 Tower
Club House with GYM & Swimming pool 1 Tower
Total 2

UG Tank & Break Tank 1 Tower

Grand Total
Sr. Item Description Unit Qty. Cement / RMC Rate Amount Fly Ash Rate Amount Natural/ Rate Amount Agg1 Rate Amount Agg2 Rate Amount Admixture Rate Amount TMT Rate Amount Rubbles Rate Amount Bricks/ Rate Amount Cheken Rate Amount Red Rate Amount 30mm Rate Amount FRP Flush Rate Amount Vitrified / Rate Amount Granite Rate Amount White m arble Rate Amount Aluminum Section Rate Amount 6mm thk. clear Total Project Qty. Project Material Material Labour Rate Add, Service Project Labour Total Labour Composite Amount Composite Rate / Sft.
Crush Fe500 Blocks Miranti / Flush door Door Ceram ic/Kot Stone step form with anodizing glass Am ount Tax Amount Rate / Sft.
Sand Salwood with lam. a/
Bags/cum Kgs Cum Cum Cum Kg MT Cum Nos sqft Sqmt sqmt sqmt sqmt Rate / Sft.
D Civil Structural Works

1 Excavation for footing M3 1

2 Murum brought from outside for backfilling M3 1

3 Antitermite Treatment M2 1
4 Backfilling in foundation M3 1

5 Soling in plinth M3 1 1.35 556.54 788.89

6 M40 (upto 4th slab) M3 1 7.9 238.94 1944.25 150.1 2.65 409.59 0.33 1100.88 392.35 0.37 772.35 308.63 0.39 794.87 334.80 4.39 35.55 156.06

7 M35 (upto 4th slab) M3 1 7.2 238.94 1771.98 136.8 2.65 373.30 0.35 1100.88 416.13 0.37 772.35 308.63 0.4 794.87 343.38 3.00 35.55 106.65
8 M30 (Site Mix) (up to 4th slab) M3 1 6.9 238.94 1698.15 131.1 2.65 357.74 0.37 1100.88 439.91 0.37 772.35 308.63 0.38 794.87 326.21 2.36 35.55 83.90

9 M30 (RMC) (up to 4th slab) 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 M20 Plum concrete 60:40(RMC for PCC) 1 0.6 3487.5 2155.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.4 556.54 233.75

11 M20 Plum Concrete 60:40 (Site mix) M3 1 3.024 238.94 744.23 1.296 132.46 176.82 0.275 1100.88 326.96 0.171 772.35 142.64 0.24 794.87 206.03 0.00 0.4 556.54 233.75
12 UCR Masonry 1:6 M3 1 1.78 238.94 438.07 132.46 0.00 0.37 1100.88 439.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.7 556.54 409.05

13 Reinforcement Fe500 (upto 4th slab) MT 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 36774.308 38613.0234
14 Box Type W.P. M2

15 Binding Wire MT 1 0.00 1 70.705 74.24025

16 Labour cost (up to 4th slab) @ 18% sqft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

17 M40 (Above 4th slab) M3 1 7.9 282 2294.63 150.1 2.65 409.59 0.33 1484.10 528.93 0.37 1113.07 411.84 0.39 1113.07 468.83 4.39 35.55 156.06

18 M35 (above 4th slab) M3 1 7.2 282 2091.31 136.8 2.65 373.30 0.35 1484.10 560.99 0.37 1113.07 411.84 0.4 1113.07 480.85 3.00 35.55 106.65
19 M25 M3 1 6.36 282 1847.33 120.84 2.65 329.74 0.38 1484.10 609.07 0.38 1113.07 422.97 0.39 1113.07 468.83 2.24 35.55 79.63

20 PCC M15 M3 1 4.58 282 1330.31 87.02 2.65 237.46 0.482 1484.10 772.56 0.319 1113.07 355.07 0.365 1113.07 438.77 2.62 35.55 93.14
21 Brick Masonry 115mm M2 10 1.4 282 406.64 46.55 2.65 127.02 0.24 1484.10 384.68 0.00 0.00 435 6 2662

22 Block Masonry 150mm (Block size: 230*150*100) M2 10 1.83 282 531.54 60.8 2.65 165.91 0.24 1484.10 384.68 0.00 0.00 435 8 3549.6
23 Brick Masonry 230mm M3 1 1.02 282 296.27 32.30 2.65 88.14 0.2 1484.10 320.57 0.00 0.00 380 6 2326

24 Reinforcement Fe500 (Above 4th slab) MT 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 42039 44140.95
25 Binding wire MT 1 0.00 1 76650 80482.5

26 Internal scratch coat plaster 12-15mm thk. M2 10 0.97 282 281.75 30.86 2.65 84.21 0.17 2473.50 454.13 0.00 0.00 1.25 2 2.5
27 External double coat plaster 20mm thk. M2 10 1.3 282 377.60 41.14 2.65 112.26 0.25 2473.50 667.84 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Labour cost for Item no.17 to item No.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

D1 Waterproofing Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

a Waterproof plaster 15mm thk to vertical area M2 10 1.5 282 435.69 0.00 0.262 2473.50 699.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
b B.B. Coba to Terrace of Avg. thickness 115mm M2 10 5.53 282 1606.24 0.00 0.68 2473.50 1816.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 318 4.693 1522.22

c B.B. Coba to Sunken Area M2 10 5.53 282 1606.24 0.00 0.68 2473.50 1816.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 318 4.693 1522.22
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

E Finishes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

a Vitrified Flooring M2 10 3.15 282 914.95 0.00 0.44 1484.10 705.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 10 516.48 5164.80

b Vitrified Skirting M 1 0.0182 282 5.29 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 3.87 3.87
c Toilet Ceramic Tile flooring M2 10 3.15 282 914.95 0.00 0.44 1484.10 705.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 10 408.88 4088.80

d Kitchen / Toilet dedo Tiling M2 10 2.07 282 601.25 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 10 408.88 4088.80
e Staircase Landing & Midlanding flooring (Granite) M2 10 3.15 282 914.95 0.00 0.44 1484.10 705.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 10 1807.68 18076.80

Staircase Landing & Midlanding flooring (Kota) M2 1 0.315 282 91.49 0.00 0.04 1484.10 64.11 0.00 0.00 1 365.84 365.84
f Staircase Treads (Granite) M 1 0.1 282 29.05 0.00 0.01 1484.10 16.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 677.88 677.88

Staircase Treads (Kota) M 1 0.1 282 29.05 0.00 0.01 1484.10 16.03 0.00 0.00 0.32 137.19
g Staircase Riser (Granite) M 1 0.05 282 14.52 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 271.152 271.15

Staircase Riser (Kota) M 1 0.05 282 14.52 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 137.19
h Granite window frame in step form with Marble M 1 0.08 282 23.24 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 217.89 217.89

l Granite for door threshold M 1 0.031 282 9.00 0.00 0 1484.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 217.89 217.89
n Kitchen top with G ranite, sandwiched with each 1 0.95 282 275.94 0.00 0.087 1484.10 139.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 2.69 322.8 868.33 2.78 1452.6 4038.23
Cuddappa 600mm (Main Platform)
Kitchen top with G ranite, sandwiched with each 1 0.63 282 183.96 0.058 1484.10 92.96 1.64 322.8 529.39 1.77 1452.6 2571.10
Cuddappa 400mmwide (Service Platform)
p Toilet Counter 600mm wide in Granite each 1 0.23 282 66.81 0.00 0.035 1484.10 56.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1.14 1484.88 1692.76
Entrance Lobby 0.00

Steel grey granite M2 1 0.05 282 14.52 0.00 0.01 1484.10 16.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 271.152 271.15
Italian marble m2 1 0.21 282 61.00 0.03 1484.10 48.08 0.00 1 3766 3766.00

Vitrified tiles M2 1 0.315 282 91.49 0.00 0.044 1484.10 70.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 516.48 516.48
Jaisalmer marble M2 1 0.21 282 61.00 0.00 0.03 1484.10 48.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 860.8 860.80

Painting -ceiling and wall M2 1 1 80 82.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Pop False ceiling m2 1 0.45 355 164.54 0.00

typical Lift Lobby 0.00 0.00

Vitrified tiles : M2 1 0.315 282 91.49 0.00 0.044 1484.10 70.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1 516.48 516.48

Painting wall & ceiling : M2 1 1 80 82.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Steel grey granite : M 1 0.05 282 14.52 0.00 0.01 1484.10 16.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.16 271.152 43.38

False ceiling : m2 1 0.45 355 164.54 0.00

q Interna l 0mm thk. Gypsm punning works M2 1 1 85 87.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

r Internal painting OBD M2 1 1 80 82.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

s External painting works APEX M2 1 1 55 56.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

t Balcony Structural steel Railing works MT 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

u Carpentry Works 0.00

1 Main Door with Door Frames Each 1 0.00 3650.00 15100.00 0

2 Master Bed / Kid's Room door with frame Each 1 0.00 2200.00 6950.00 0
3 Master Toilet / Common Toilet FRP door Each 1 0.00 0.00 4100

4 Gr. Floor Duct Door Each 1 0.00 0.00 4500.00 0

5 Staircase door with frame for 2h fire rating Each 1 0.00 3950.00 15100.00 0

6 Electrical meter room door with door frame Each 1 0.00 0.00 10000.00 0
7 Internal duct door Each 1 0.00 0.00 4500.00 0

8 Stilt toilet FRP door Each 1 0.00 4100

9 Society office main door with frame Each 1 0.00 0.00 4500.00 0

10 Lift machine room floors Each 1 0.00 1800.00 4500.00 0

Electrical Shaft door Each 1 0.00 2100.00 11300.00

11 Iron Mongery per Flat 1 0.00


v Aluminum Works 0.00

1 Kitchen Dry Balcony door with 6mm thk Glass panel M2 1 0.00 1 3264 3264.00

2 French windows with 6mm Asahi / SG Glass M2 1 0.00 1 3264 3264.00 1

3 Alu. Louvered windows M2 1 0.00 1 3264 3264.00


Wastage Factors
Fly Ash
Crush Sand
Metal 1
Metal 2
Fly Ash Bricks

Item No. Description Amount (Rs.)




VAT ( 5 %)

SERVICE TAX ( 4.12 %)

Sheet III - Civil Item Basic Pric

Basic Descripti Unit Basic

Bulk MaterialsMateri on
Cement OPC 53 50 kg Bag
Steel TMT Fe 500 Ton

Sand River Brass

Metal M 10 Brass
M 20 Brass
Rubbles Brass
Stone Dust Brass
Bricks (6x4x9) 1000 Nos
Bricks (4inch) 1000 Nos
Sand Process Sand Brass
Fly Ash Bricks 4 x 4 x 9 " Size Nos
Fly Ash DIRK Pozzocrete 60 Ton
Admixture BASF Rheobuild 1126 Kg

Vitrified - Floor Tiles 600 x 600 mm ( HR J) Sq.Ft
Ceramic - Floor Tiles 300 x300 mm ( HR J) Sq.Ft
Porcelin - Wall Tiles 600 x 600 mm ( HR J) Sq.Ft
Dado Tiles - Wall 400 x 250 mm ( HR L) Sq.Ft
Black Granite Zebra Black - Cut size Sq.Ft
Labour Rate Description Rate

1 Pop punning-(labour+material)
2 Internal painting (O.B.D)(labour+material)
3 internal painting (Oil paint)(labour+material)
4 Internal painting-Entrance lobby (plastic paint)(labour+material)
5 External painting-apex-(labour+material)
6 Pop false ceiling- Entrance lobby & lift lobby(labour+material)
7 Gypsum false ceiling- Entrance lobby & lift lobby(labour+material)

8 Flooring work-vitrified tiles (labour)

9 Skirtting work-vitrified tiles (labour)
10 Flooring work-Italian marble (labour)
11 Flooring work-kota stone (labour)
12 Flooring work-kota stone skirting (labour)
13 Flooring work-kota riser (labour)
14 Flooring work-kota tread (labour)
15 China mosaic flooring (labour)
16 Door frame work-double patti (labour)
17 Lift Door frame work- (labour)
18 Kitchen platform work (labour)
19 Wash basin counter-(labour)

20 Moulding- full round(labour)

21 Moulding- half round(labour)
22 Champering - kota stone tread
23 Polishing of kota stone
24 Groove in kota stone tread

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