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International Mobility & Collaboration Centre

Universiti Sains Malaysia

11800 Penang

Referring to the matter above, I, Ananda Sabil Hussein, SE, MCom, Ph.D, a lecturer as well as
the Programme Chairperson of Entrepreneurship of Brawijaya University would like to offer my
highest recommendations regarding the application of Zaneta Azzahra Izdihar who is currently
studying in the Brawijaya University.

I am in full support of this students application as she has shown an excellent academic
achievement as a student of Financial Management in the Faculty of Business and Economics,
here in Brawijaya University. She has managed to obtain a CGPA of 3.98 and had received the
Award of Excellent from the Student Executive Board of Business and Economics Faculty.

In addition to being excellent in her studies, she also has shown a tremendous potential in the co-
curricular activities. She possesses good leadership qualities, liked by her fellow students and
had been elected as the Head of Creative Division of Brawijaya Entrepreneurship Student Club.
Her excellent leadership qualities as well as her commitment and responsible nature make her the
perfect candidate for the program that she has applied.

Again, I would like to stress that she is the perfect candidate for the program and accepting her
into the program will be beneficial for her as a person as well as for the program. In the long run,
it is hoped that with the knowledge gained from the program, she would make Brawijaya
University proud.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Ananda Sabil Hussein, SE, MCom, Ph.D

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