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F. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the.

1. _____ ostrich cannot fly.

2. Long ago, there lived _____ giant in the jungle.

3. He ate _____ acorn yesterday. _____ was yummy.

4. Affendi has a cat. ________ cat is brown.

5. Sau Ling has ________ trumpet.

6. Mala has ________ new dress. ________ dress costs RM20.

7. We visited ________ Zoo Negara last Sunday.

8. _______ sun rises in the east.

9. I buy ________ ice-cream for my little brother.

10. Lisa gave me ________ orange pie. _____ pie was delicious.

11. I dreamt of _____ alien last night. _____ alien is scary looking.

12. The woodcutter saw _____ eagle trapped under a rock.

13. Sau Ling bought a present. She gave ______ present to Mala.

14. The poor farmer found _____ wand in the field.

15. My fathers car is very dirty. I help him to wash ______car.

16. The wicked queen gave Snow White ____ apple.

17. I bought _____ bicycle. _____ bicycle is red.

18. I bought _____ box of chocolate. _____ chocolate is scrumptious.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. historic city. / a / Melaka / is


2. went / Melaka. / I / to


3. took / I / there. / bus


4. bought / I / souvenirs / some


5. had / fun time. / a / I


6. the capital city / Malaysia. / of / Kuala Lumpur / is

7. went / my family. / to / I / with / Kuala Lumpur


8. took / a bus ride / We / around / Kuala Lumpur.


9. fun / had / during / I / the holiday.


10. bought / some / I / souvenirs / my cousins.


Circle the adjectives of shapes below.

oval circle conical triangle square

rectangular cone round rectangle triangular

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Underline the correct answers.

1. The television set is ( rectangular, oval )
in shape.

2. The egg is ( round , oval ).

3. This musical instrument is ( triangular,

square ).

4. The party hat is ( round, conical ) in


5. The new shiny coin is ( square, round ).

6. The cheese is ( rectangular , square ).

Read the text below and circle the correct answers.

Once, there was a giant who lived alone in a castle. The children from
the village often played beside the castle. The giant tried to make friends
with them. The children would runaway whenever they saw him. They were
afraid of him. This made the giant very sad.

One day, the giant suddenly heard a child crying. When he looked out
his window, he saw a little boy on the branch of a tree. The little boy could
not come down. Immediately, the giant rushed out of his castle. Although
the other children were afraid, they did not want to leave their friend
behind. The giant smiled at the little boy and gently lifted him down. The
little boy hugged and thanked him. From that day on, the children played
with the giant every day.

1. Where did the giant live ?

A. In a forest B. In a castle

C. In a valley D. In a hut

2. Why do you think the giant was lonely?

A. He chased the children away.

B. He did not like to make friends.

C. He lived far away from the village.

D. He had no friends.
3. Why was the giant sad ?

A. The children made fun of him.

B. The children were frightened to see him.

C. Many children came to his house.

D. The children stepped and plucked his plants.

4. From the story, we know that the giant was _________.

A. hardworking B. selfish

C. kind D. wicked

5. From the text, what does immediately mean?

A. quickly B. one moment

C. slowly D. finally
Write a sentence each using the given words.

1. cat killed - mouse


2. princess beautiful long hair


3. mother baked cake


4. dog saved boy


5. rose beautiful thorns


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