Counseling Discussion Guide With Script

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1. Describe the problem in a non-threatening manner. Be specific. Get to the point.

The purpose for this meeting is
I asked you here to discuss
I want to spend some time discussing how you

State why you are having this conversation. Suggestions.

I have a concern about

A problem has occurred in

Describe what you know. Suggestions.

I saw
When I was told, I looked into the issue by

2. Indicate your reason for concern and ask for help in solving the problem.

Describe how you feel about what you know. Suggestions.

I am very concerned aboutbecause

I do not think it is right thatbecause
I am upset that errors in the function keep occurringbecause

3. Discuss details and probe for causes. . Listen openly and respond empathetically.

Encourage the other party to give their side of the story. Suggestions.

Now, thats what I know but what is your view

Is that the way you saw it
OK, now what is your reaction?

Ask as many questions as you need to understand the situation from the other persons
perspective. Suggestions.

Well, how do you know that

And then what happened?
If you did that, then why did

4. Ask the employee what can you do to improve or change this situation? PAUSE!!
Discuss alternatives for solving the problem. Suggestions.

What do you suggest as a way to address this issue

5. Decide on specific actions to be taken, when and communicate that to the other party.

I believe you must

In the next meeting, as Point 4 in the agenda, you will


6. Summarize the conversation. Schedule a follow-up meeting. Express your confidence in
the employee. Discuss consequences if there is no improvement. Suggestions.

Lets recap, you willand I will

Follow up. Suggestions.

I will contact you next

This sounds like a good plan and I believe you have the ability to do it, however if this
does not work, I will


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