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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 3 ) , 1 8 3 , 2 5 5 ^ 2 5 9

Forty lives in the bebop business: mental health on the verge of becoming absorbed into official
academic culture.

in a group of eminent jazz musicians{ And Shipton (2001) states, quite simply,
that Of all the musical forms to emerge
GEOFFREY I. WILLS in the twentieth century, jazz was by far
the most significant. In order to increase
the comprehensiveness of the study of artis-
tic creative persons, therefore, it seems
timely to focus on jazz musicians.

Present study
Background Above-average levels of There is now a comprehensive literature In the present study I have not been as
psychopathology have been that convincingly demonstrates a link be- ambitious as Jamison, Post and Ludwig in
tween psychopathology and creativity in terms of the size of the sample. I have tar-
demonstrated convincingly in groups of
the arts. Specifically, the work of Andrea- geted a particular period of jazz, which it
outstanding individuals working in the son (1987), Jamison (1993), Post (1994) is possible to refer to as the classic era of
arts.Currently, jazz musicians have not and Ludwig (1995) points to a connection American modern jazz, that lasted from
been studied in this regard. between creativity and affective disorders, about 1945 to about 1960. Bebop, the first
but there is also evidence of other psycho- manifestation of modern jazz, Lies at the
Aims To investigate any evidence of pathology. As just one example of this, Post midpoint of what has become known as
psychopathology in a group of eminent (1994) found that 40.4% of his sample of the jazz tradition . . . bebop is the point at
eminent composers exhibited DSM cluster which our contemporary ideas of jazz come
jazz musicians.
C (anxious type) personality disorder traits. into focus (DeVeaux, 1997). By the early
Method Biographical material relating Jamison, Post and Ludwig studied 1960s, the music was changing again, lar-
biographies of eminent creative persons in gely as a result of what was known as
to 40 eminent American modern jazz
order to carry out their assessments. In The New Thing, The New Wave, or Free
musicians was reviewed and an attempt the largest of these studies, Ludwig (1995) Jazz. In targeting a particular era of jazz,
was made to formulate diagnoses using gathered biographical data on 1004 famous I am nevertheless mindful of the words of
DSM ^ IV. men and women and concluded: Harrison et al (2000) when they say that
My findings show consistently that members of In reality, the parameters according to
Results Evidence was provided of the artistic professions or creative arts as a which periods are demarcated are so mani-
whole . . . suffer from more types of mental diffi- fold and overlapping that valid periodiza-
levels of psychopathology in the sample of
culties and do so overlonger periods oftheirlives tion may be almost impossible to achieve.
jazz musicians similar to those found in than members of the other professions.
Still, the period 19451960 gave promi-
other previously investigated creative Eysenck (1995), in his overview of nence to a large group of innovative and
groups, with the exception of substance- creativity, felt that a number of studies virtuosic jazz musicians who form a conve-
related problems. An interesting supported the theory that: nient and compelling group for study. Jazz
. . . there is a common genetic basis for great musicians from other eras will form com-
connection between creativity and
potential in creativity and for psychopathological parison groups who may or may not reveal
sensation-seeking was highlighted. deviation . . . it appears to be psychopathology
similar personal characteristics.
in the absence of psychosis that is the vital
Conclusions The link between element in creativity.
psychopathology and creativity in the arts A recent book by Nettle (2001) METHOD
was given further weight.Future studies of explores these themes further. Sampling
Between them, the workers mentioned
jazz musicians using larger samples and Forty jazz musicians who are regarded
above have studied psychopathology in fine
making comparison with groups from generally as having emerged as innovators
artists, architects, classical musicians (com-
different eras of music would give greater on their instrument and often regarded in
posers and performers), entertainers, ac-
other ways, for instance as composers or
clarification to this area. tors, playwrights and writers of fiction
arrangers, in the period 19451960 were
and poetry. One area of creative endeavour
selected using the standard jazz texts The
Declaration of interest None. that has been given scant attention is jazz,
Encyclopaedia of Jazz (Giants of Jazz
even though Jamison (1993) mentioned
section) (Feather, 1960), Jazz Masters of
three jazz musicians in her study and Lud-
the Forties (Gitler, 1966) and Jazz Masters
wig (1995) included seven in his. This is un-
of the Fifties (Goldberg, 1965). Twenty-six
fortunate because, as DeVeaux (1997) says:
(65%) of the musicians were African
. . . there is little doubt that in recent years it
American and 14 (35%) were Caucasian
(jazz) has made substantive leaps toward be-
coming Americas classical music. . . it may well American. All were born in the period
be . . . that jazz is in the same position as another 19121936 and all were deceased. The
See editorial, pp.193^194, this issue. vernacular art form, film, was a generation ago: sample (Table 1) consisted of six


trumpeters, three trombonists, four alto the category of cannabis-related disorder Heroin-related disorder
saxophonists, one alto doubling tenor saxo- was omitted owing to a lack of information Twenty-one subjects (52.5% of the sample)
phonist, five tenor saxophonists, three in the biographical material. were addicted to heroin at some time dur-
baritone saxophonists, five pianists, five ing their lives. It must be noted that heroin
bassists, four drummers, one guitarist, one use was widespread among modern jazz
vibraphonist and two arrangers. musicians in the period after the Second
Following the approach of previous RESULTS World War and there were a number of
researchers, biographical material was reasons for this. After the war there was a
reviewed. Twenty-two musicians had bio- Family background dramatic increase in the availability of
graphies devoted to them, in some cases Information on family psychiatric history heroin because supply routes from the Far
more than one. Where biographies per se was rather patchy. It was ascertained that East and Turkey were re-opened by the
did not exist, whole chapters devoted to in- four subjects (i.e. 10% of the sample) had Mafia. Heroin travelled via Marseilles
dividual musicians in jazz histories and problems in this regard: Art Peppers par- directly to New York and was made easily
reference works were referred to, supple- ents, Stan Getzs maternal uncles and Bill accessible (Shapiro, 1988). It flooded
mented by jazz magazine interviews and Evanss father had alcohol-related disor- urban black neighbourhoods to plague the
articles, providing extensive information ders, whereas Stan Getzs mother had lives of average working-class African-
on personality, health and other details. depression and Bill Evanss brother died Americans (DeVeaux, 1997). Modern jazz
by suicide. Erroll Garners twin brother was a revolutionary music that was rejected
had severe learning difficulties. Seven sub- by the general public, and heroin, like the
Ratings jects (17.5%) experienced an unhappy music, was defiantly anti-establishment
Where possible, I attempted to transform or unstable early life: for instance, Dizzy (Hentoff, 1978). It thus tended to be
the biographical data into psychiatric diag- Gillespie and Charles Mingus remembered adopted by disaffected musicians.
noses by using classifications and criteria being beaten by their father, and Charlie Heroin addiction was felt to be a
from DSMIV (American Psychiatric Asso- Parkers father deserted the family when contributing factor to early death in five
ciation, 1994). The categories used were: Parker was 10 years old. Miles Davis had of the subjects. A further subject, Chet
heroin-related disorder,
disorder, alcohol-related an acrimonious relationship with his Baker, lived until the age of 58 years but
disorder, cocaine-related
cocaine-related disorder, schizo- mother, who whipped him when he was remained a lifelong addict. Fourteen sub-
phrenia and other psychotic disorders, young. On the other hand, he was one of jects overcame their addiction but five re-
mood disorders and anxiety disorders. five subjects (12.5%) who came from lied on other substances, such as alcohol,
The categories of family background, sen- well-to-do or middle-class backgrounds. cocaine and methadone, to sustain them.
sation-seeking, late-life deteriorations and Daviss father was a wealthy dentist and
suicides also were added. Although the ranch owner. Serge Chaloffs father was a
use of cannabis by jazz musicians has been symphony orchestra pianist and his mother
Alcohol-related disorder
a topic for discussion (e.g. Shapiro, 1988), was a music conservatory teacher.
Eleven subjects (27.5%) were dependent on
able 1 Forty eminent modern jazz musicians and their instruments
alcohol and six (15%) abused alcohol at
some stage during their lives. Eleven
subjects (27.5%) were comorbid for other
Trumpet Trombone Alto saxophone disorders, such as heroin and/or cocaine
Dizzy Gillespie J. J. Johnson Charlie Parker dependence at certain times in their lives.
Fats Navarro Frank Rosolino Art Pepper Five of the alcohol-dependent subjects
Clifford Brown Bill Harris Paul Desmond eventually overcame their dependence.
Chet Baker Eric Dolphy
Miles Davis Alto/tenor saxophone
Howard McGhee Sonny Stitt Cocaine-related disorder
Tenor saxophone Baritone saxophone Piano Three musicians (Miles Davis, Art Pepper
Wardell Gray Serge Chaloff Bud Powell and Bill Evans) developed a dependence
Dexter Gordon Gerry Mulligan Thelonious Monk on cocaine. In each case it followed the ces-
Stan Getz Pepper Adams Erroll Garner sation of heroin use. In the case of Bill
Hank Mobley Lennie Tristano Evans, there was a 10-year abstinence
John Coltrane Bill Evans before the commencement of cocaine use.
Bass Drums Guitar Other musicians known to use cocaine
were Thelonious Monk and Chet Baker.
Ray Brown Kenny Clarke Charlie Christian
Oscar Pettiford Art Blakey Vibraphone
Charles Mingus Philly Joe Jones Milt Jackson
Paul Chambers Shelly Manne Arranger Schizophrenia and other psychotic
Scott La Faro John Lewis
Gil Evans Three subjects (7.5%) had psychotic


Schizophrenia Rosolino, although not diagnosed as having hospital operations and answering the tele-
Bud Powell had numerous admissions to depression, died by suicide after attempting phone. John Coltrane exhibited obsessive
psychiatric hospitals and was diagnosed as (successfully, in one case) to kill his two compulsive features related to excessive
having schizophrenia. Many musician sons. practising, consumption of sweet foods,
colleagues believed that his illness was dieting, searching for the perfect mouth-
triggered after he was beaten over the head Mood disorder due to a general medical piece and constantly exploring various
by police when he was 21 years old. condition religions. In relation to Coltrane, it is inter-
Although he exhibited schizophrenia-like esting to note that obsessionality can have
Two subjects fell into this category: Miles
symptoms such as possible paranoid delu- an adaptive function in creativity, and Storr
Davis had depression as a result of pain
sions (fear of being attacked and murdered), (1972) discusses the use of ritual to induce a
caused by sickle-cell anaemia, whereas
possible auditory hallucinations (laughing suitable state of mind.
Gerry Mulligan experienced mood swings
inappropriately to himself) and inappropri- caused by hypoglycaemia.
ate affect (fatuous smile, grimace, fixed Sensation-seeking
stare), throughout a 10-month hospital Dysthymic disorder Zuckerman (1994) has described sensation-
admission in 1945 it was reported that he seeking as the tendency to seek novel,
Two subjects, Paul Desmond and Bill
talked garrulously to all who would varied, complex, and intense sensations
Evans, appeared to have dysthymic disor-
listen and was generally over-active . . . his and experiences and the willingness to take
der. Both experienced low self-esteem,
thoughts were flying away with him risks for the sake of such experience. It
guilty ruminations and a pessimistic out-
(Gitler, 1966) and, therefore, a more accu- seems to be a necessary but not sufficient
look. In the case of Desmond, dysthymia
rate diagnosis may be one of schizoaffective ingredient of an antisocial personality
was related to alcohol dependence, whereas
disorder, because schizophrenia was grossly (Zuckerman, 1994) and has been linked
with Evans it was related to heroin
overdiagnosed and mania was under- to borderline personality disorder (Reist
diagnosed around the middle of the 20th et al,
al, 1990). It seems possible, therefore,
century. To complicate the picture further, that sensation-seeking is a characteristic
one medical researcher suggested that Cyclothymic disorder of all DSM cluster B (dramatic type)
Powell might have developed epilepsy as a Charles Mingus displayed symptoms of a personality disorders. Sensation-seeking
result of his beating. These issues will not cyclothymic mood disorder, being mainly also has been linked to creativity, in the
be resolved fully until the Powell estate hypomanic with irascible, paranoid and form of divergent thinking (McCrae,
releases the medical records. grandiose features. Oscar Pettiford pre- 1987), and to a preference for complexity
sented a similar picture, being irascible, and abstraction in art (Furnham &
Substance intoxication delirium grandiose and unrealistic in his business Bunyan, 1988).
dealings. When alcohol-free, he was In terms of the sample as a whole being
Thelonious Monk experimented freely
reported as appearing depressed. rated as exceptionally creative, I felt that it
with a variety of drugs and appeared to
would be interesting to look at the docu-
experience a particularly adverse reaction
Anxiety disorders mentation of sensation-seeking tendencies
to amphetamines. There were regular epi-
in biographical material.
sodes when he went without sleep for sev- Two subjects (5%), Art Pepper and John
eral days, pacing up and down and not Coltrane, appeared to have anxiety dis-
appearing to recognise anyone. After tak- orders. Art Pepper carried out obsessive Disinhibition
ing to his bed for a few days he would compulsive washing rituals and had phobic One of the sensation-seeking factors identi-
then return to normal. This presentation anxiety regarding the sight of blood, fied by Zuckerman (1994) is disinhibition.
conforms to a diagnosis of substance
intoxication delirium, as described in
Table 2 Mood disorders

Substance-induced psychotic disorder Musicians Diagnosis

Miles Davis developed sickle-cell anaemia Miles Davis Mood disorder due to sickle-cell anaemia, with depressive features
and used excessive amounts of cocaine Paul Desmond Dysthymic disorder
and barbiturates to control the arthritic
Bill Evans Dysthymic disorder
pain. As a result, he developed paranoid de-
Gil Evans Major depressive episode
lusions and auditory hallucinations, search-
Stan Getz Major depressive disorder, recurrent1
ing in his house for imaginary people whose
Charles Mingus Major depressive disorder, recurrent, superimposed on cyclothymic disorder1
voices he thought he heard.
Gerry Mulligan Mood disorder due to hypoglycaemia with mixed features
Charlie Parker Major depressive episode1
Mood disorders
Art Pepper Substance-induced mood disorder with depressive features1
Eleven subjects (28.5%) definitely or prob-
Oscar Pettiford Cyclothymic disorder (?)
ably fell into this category (Table 2). Four
Frank Rosolino Major depressive episode (?)
subjects received in-patient treatment for a
depressive disorder and one subject, Frank 1. In-patient hospital treatment.

2 57

This is typified by a liking for parties, social wounding the other) and then killed him- did not determine the presence of specific
drinking, sex with many partners, new and self. J. J. Johnson, having been ill for a mental disorders, stating only that 23%
often illegal experiences and experimenta- number of months, died by suicide at the of the sample population had significant
tion with drugs. Five of the subjects age of 77 years. psychiatric impairment. The Epidemiolo-
(12.5%) shared a remarkably similar pro- gic Catchment Area Study (Robins & Re-
file regarding disinhibition. These were DISCUSSION gier, 1991) found incidences of 6.8% for
Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Art Pepper, mood disorders, 1.5% for schizophrenia,
Shortcomings of the study
Stan Getz and Serge Chaloff. Chet Bakers 14% for alcohol dependence and misuse
favourite drug experience was the kind of Ludwig (1995) and Post (1994) discuss and 6% for drug dependence and misuse.
high that scares other people to death a the shortcomings in their studies and the
speedball. Its a mixture of cocaine and same criticisms can be levelled at the pre- Drug-related problems
heroin. Charlie Parker consumed enor- sent one. Information was taken from soft
There was a much higher rate of drug-
mous quantities of food, used heroin in biographical data and interpreted as facts.
related problems in the present sample than
increasing amounts, was known to drink A single investigator attempting to trans-
in those of Ludwig and Post, with 52.5% of
16 double whiskies in a 2-hour period and late descriptions of subjects in biographies
jazz musicians having heroin addiction at
entered into hundreds of affairs with into specific DSM diagnoses cannot
some time during their lives. As has been
women. Art Pepper described his appetites achieve high levels of validity and reliabil-
noted previously, heroin use was wide-
thus: I always prided myself on being able ity. Biographers may be biased in the way
spread for a number of reasons among
to stay up longer than anybody else, drink that they select and interpret facts, and
modern jazz musicians after the Second
more than anybody else, take more pills, information is retrospective. Ideally, the
World War, but as modern jazz gradually
shoot more stuff, or whatever. Stan Getz subjects should have been selected from
became more accepted, and as younger mu-
was dependent on heroin and alcohol and a list provided by a group of experts.
sicians saw the harm caused to their older
was a prolific womaniser. Serge Chaloff The present sample of 40 subjects is small
colleagues, usage began to fall off (Hentoff,
was described by a colleague as being like and rose to prominence in a very specific
1978), so a more recent sample of jazz
Charlie Parker: He had such an amazing era that had a strong influence on them as
musicians undoubtedly would not show
tolerance for doing whatever he did to him- individuals. Nevertheless, objective data
the same rate of addiction.
self that he hardly ever knew it was a prob- were available in the form of documented
lem . . . never got enough of anything. behaviours, such as medical or psychiatric
illnesses. Often there were several biogra- Consideration of occupational
Miles Davis appeared to exhibit ex-
phies of one subject, each written from a stress
treme disinhibition. He misused a variety
of substances, including heroin, alcohol, different standpoint and providing cross- In a previous large-scale study (Wills &
barbiturates and cocaine. He had many corroboration of data. Cooper, 1988), the effects of occupational
sexual relationships, sometimes simulta- stress on mental health and substance
neously, and he had a liking for orgies Statistical comparisons with other misuse in popular musicians were ex-
and voyeurism. Other subjects, including studies plored. Arguably, the fullest picture is
Dexter Gordon, Paul Chambers and Philly It was interesting to compare and contrast provided by using the diathesisstress
Joe Jones, demonstrated voracious multiple rates and types of mental health problems model (Meehl, 1962). One may ask why
appetites. in the sample of jazz musicians with those Dizzy Gillespie survived to become an
of previously documented creative groups. elder statesman but his fellow innovator
Overall, the statistics for jazz musi- Charlie Parker died aged 34 years. Re-
Thrill- and adventure-seeking
cians were comparable with those of com- search (see Ludwig, 1995) shows that,
Thrill- and adventure-seeking is another with regard to psychopathology in the
posers and musical performers provided
sensation-seeking factor identified by arts, for substantial numbers the predispo-
by Post (1994) and Ludwig (1995). For
Zuckerman (1994). In the present sample, sition for mental disorder is established
instance, 28.5% of jazz musicians had
Chet Baker and Miles Davis had a love long before they launch their careers.
mood disorders compared with 41% of
of fast sports cars, and Scott La Faro, a There is also a greater tendency in their
musical performers (Ludwig) and 34.6%
notoriously reckless driver, died in a car families for mental illness and they show
of composers (Post); and 10% of Lud-
accident at the age of 25 years. On one more problems during childhood and ado-
wigs and 1% of Posts composers had a
occasion after a drinking session, Stan Getz lescence than members of non-artistic
psychotic illness compared with 7.5% of
successfully swam across Londons River professions.
jazz musicians. Figures for alcohol prob-
lems were similar, with 40% of Ludwigs
musical performers, 21.2% of Posts com- Wider implications of sensation-
Late-life deteriorations posers and 27.5% of jazz musicians. seeking
and suicides Thus, the present study tended to confirm Despite the social reasons for drug usage, it
It was felt that from the age of 54 years previous findings regarding mood dis- is interesting to look at it in relation to the
Thelonious Monk had a dementing process orders and alcohol problems in creative topic of sensation-seeking.
caused by excessive drug usage. He died persons. Comparable statistics for the Sensation-seeking, mainly in the form
from a cerebral aneurysm, aged 64 years. general population during the time period of disinhibition and thrill- and adventure-
At the age of 52 years Frank Rosolino studied are not easily available. The Mid- seeking, was described in biographical
shot his two sons (killing one and seriously town Manhattan Study (Srole et al,al, 1962) material relating to many of the current


sample, suggesting that their substance-

related problems were part of the wider
spectrum of their appetites and not simply
the result of the influence of their working & Evidence of a link between psychopathology and creativity in the arts is given
further support.
The connection between sensation-
seeking and creativity is a topic worthy of & Further illumination of the creative process might be gained by an intensified study
further investigation. One may speculate of its link with sensation-seeking.
that those high in creativity and sensation-
seeking may represent a subset of persons
& Psychopathology is neither necessary nor sufficient for creativity.
who are attracted to becoming performers
in the field of popular music as a whole,
when one also considers the biographies & Information was taken from soft biographical data and interpreted as fact.
of a number of eminent deceased rock
musicians. One can carry this speculation & A single investigator attempting to translate descriptions in biographies into
further, for instance when looking at the specific DSM diagnoses cannot achieve high levels of validity and reliability.
bohemian artistic world of fin-de-siecle
& The present sample of 40 subjects is small and rose to prominence in a very specific
Paris. Januszczak (2002) refers to the ether
addiction of the poet Max Jacob, the ab- era that had a strong influence on them as individuals.
sinthe addiction of the playwright Alfred
Jarry, the opium smoking of Picasso and
the alcoholism of Utrillo, Toulouse-Lautrec
and Modigliani. The latter also used hash-
ish and cocaine. GEOFFREY I.WILLS, PhD, 13 Mile End Lane, Davenport, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 6BN, UK. E-mail:
At the present time, of course, the con-
nection is pure conjecture. Solely with re- (First received 30 October 2002, final revision 26 February 2003, accepted 17 March 2003)
gard to jazz musicians, there is a need to
study larger samples and to make compari-
sons with groups from different eras of the despite this. Connections with sensation- Ludwig, A. M. (1995) The Price of Greatness: Resolving
the Creativity and Madness Controversy.
Controversy. New Y
music. seeking are highlighted, suggesting an
Guilford Press.
avenue for further exploration.
McCrae, R. R. (1987) Creativity, divergent thinking and
Non-pathological sample openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social
characteristics REFERENCES Psychology,
Psychology, 52,
52, 1258^1265.

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American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic schizophrenia. American Psychologist,
Psychologist, 17,
17, 827^838.
present study, it needs to be stated that and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edn)
many of the sample were exemplary, (DSM ^ IV).Washington, DC: APA. Nettle, D. (2001) Strong Imagination: Madness, Creativity
and Human Nature.
Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
well-balanced human beings. For instance, Andreason, N. C. (1987) Creativity and mental illness:
Clifford Brown was regarded universally prevalence rates in writers and their first-degree Post, F. (1994) Creativity and psychopathology: a study
relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 144,
144, 1288^1296. of 291 world-famous men. British Journal of Psychiatry,
as being kind, generous, conscientious
165, 22^34.
and highly intelligent. Eric Dolphy was DeVeaux, S. (1997) The Birth of Bebop: A Social and
Musical History.
History. London: Picador. Reist, C., Haier, R. J., DeMet, E., et al (1990) Platelet
known to be gentle, unassuming, helpful
MAO activity in personality disorders and normal
and considerate. John Coltrane, Thelo- Eysenck, H. J. (1995) Genius: The Natural History of
controls. Psychiatry Research,
Research, 30,
30, 221^227.
Creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
nious Monk and Erroll Garner generally
Robins, L. N. & Regier, D. A. (eds) (1991) Psychiatric
were liked very well. Pepper Adams was Feather, L. (1960) The Encyclopaedia of Jazz.
Jazz. New York:
Disorders in America: The Epidemiologic Catchment Area
an exceptionally cultured person who Horizon Press.
Study. New YYork:
ork: The Free Press.
was interested in art history and literature, Furnham, A. F. & Bunyan, M. (1988) Personality and
Shapiro, H. (1988) Waiting for the Man: the Story of
and his friends regarded him as an excel- art preferences. European Journal of Personality,
Personality, 2, 67^74.
Drugs and Popular Music.
Music. London: Quartet.
lent museum guide. Many musicians, such Gitler, I. (1966) Jazz Masters of the Forties.
Forties. New York:
Shipton, A. (2001) A New History of Jazz.
Jazz. London:
as Miles Davis, Art Blakey and J. J. John- Macmillan.
son, overcame early problems to become Goldberg, J. (1965) Jazz Masters of the Fifties.
Fifties. New
Srole, L., Langer, T. S., Michael, S. T., et al (1962)
very successful and highly respected elder Y
ork: Macmillan.
Mental Health in the Metropolis: the Midtown Manhattan
statesmen of jazz. M., Thacker, E. & Nicholson, S. (2000) The
Harrison, M.,Thacker, Study.
Study. New Y
ork: McGraw-Hill.
This study offers a further perspective Essential Jazz Records, Volume 2.
2. London: Mansell.
Storr, A. (1972) The Dynamics of Creation.
Creation. London:
on the link between psychopathology and Hentoff, N. (1978) The Jazz Life.
Life. New Y
ork: Da Capo. Secker & Warburg.
creativity in the arts, and adds weight to
Jamison, K. R. (1993) Touched With Fire: Manic Wills, G. & Cooper, C. L. (1988) Pressure Sensitive:
the finding that outstanding workers in Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament.
Temperament. New Popular Musicians under Stress.
Stress. London: Sage.
the arts can suffer from above-average Y
ork: The Free Press.
Zuckerman, M. (1994) Behavioural Expressions and
levels of mental health problems but Januszczak, W. (2002) French undressing. Sunday Times
Januszczak,W. Biosocial Bases of Sensation Seeking.
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(London), 13 Jan.,
Jan., 18^23. Cambridge University Press.

Forty lives in the bebop business: mental health in a group of
eminent jazz musicians
BJP 2003, 183:255-259.
Access the most recent version at DOI: 10.1192/bjp.183.3.255

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