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1. In any process application feedback control requires ?

a remote loop

an open loop,

a closed loop

an internal loop

2. An ON-OFF control system can not solve critical process control problems because it has:

only two possible outcomes

to large an output range

too small an output range

too slow an output

3. A proportional controller has a proportional band of 380% . The gain will be?





4. The rate of integral setting on a controller are often graduated in repeats pe r minute, which
other term is used?

sensitivity per min

minures per repeat

gain per min

proportional per sec.

5. A locally mounted temperature controller is controlling the temperature of distillate from an o
verhead condenser, which uses cooling water as the manipulated variable. The temperature rang
e of the controller is 2 to 200 degrees C. and the normal control temperature is at mid range,
the controller has a proportional band setting of 58 % and a reset time of 3 minutes. If the c
ooling water temperature increases as a step change by 21 degrees c. after 2.56 minutes by ho
w much will the output of the controller change, considering open loop situation.





6. In on-off control, the value of the controler output depends only upon:

the amount of offset in the system

the sign of the error

the rate at whichthe eror has occurred

how long the error has existed

7. A process load change will cause a pure proportional control system to have:


dead zone

no noticable effect

continuous cyclic action

8. A high controller gain setting is the same as:

A minimum offset

high reset

low sensitivity
narrow proportional band

9. Automatic process control is, generally speaking:

a collection of gadgetry which the Instrument department takes care of

a "black box" on the instrument panel,

a system of components consisting only of instruments

a system of control that does not need constant human intervention

10. The mathematical relationship k2 e dt refers to which of the following control modes?

positive feedback integral term

negative feedback proportional term

positive feedback derivative term

negative feedback integral term

11. A controller with settings PB = 110%, Reset = 1.5 minutes is the same controller with setting

k1 = 1.1, k2 = 1.5 rpts/min.

k1 = 110, k2 = 1.5 min.

k1 = 0.91, k2 = 0.67 rpts/min.

k1 = 1.1, k2 = 0.67 rpts/min.

12. A controller with settings PB = 180%, Reset = 2.3 min is subjected to a 20% step change at
time t = 0, after 2 min the controller output change in percent will be? (consider open loop o





13. An error signal that can be represented by the function e = Atn. psi/min where A = 1.4, n
= 1.89 and t = time in mins., is transmitted to a direct acting controller having a PB = 24%, an
d an integral setting of 1.6 repeats/min. If the system is in an open loop situation, what is the
output from the controller after 1.81 min when the initial value of the output was 7.3 psi

-28.54 psi

52.64 psi

43.14 psi

77.05 psi

14. An error signal that can be represented by the fuction e = Atn psi/min where A = 1.6, n =
1.62 and t = time in mins, is transmitted to a reverse acting controller having a PB = 350%, an
d an integral setting of 1.2 min/repeat. If the system is in an open loop situation, what is the o
utput from the controller after 1.36 min when the initial value of the output was 10 psi

8.395 psi

8.922 psi

8.490 psi

11.28 psi
15. An error signal that can be represented by the function e = Atn psi/min where A = 1.88 an
d t = time in mins., is transmitted to a reverse acting controller having a PB = 440%, and an i
ntegral setting of 1.2 min/repeat. If the system is in an loop situation, what is the output from t
he controller after 0.729 min when the initial value of the output was 8.0 psi

3.695 psi

7.742 psi

9.354 psi

insufficient data

16. An error signal that can be represented by the function e = Atn psi/min where A = 1.8, an
d t = time in mins., is transmitted to a reverse acting controller having a PB = 410%, and an in
tegral setting of 0.74 min/repeat. If the system is in as open loop situation, what is the output f
rom the controller after 0.798 min when the initial value of the output was 8.0 psi

7.272 psi

8.462 psi

7.443 psi

7.451 psi

17. The main purpose for reset action in a control loop is to:

increase controller gain

eliminate offset

decrease controller gain

speed up response

18. Automatic controllers operate on the difference between set point and measurement, which i
s called:




19. All control systems that fit into the usual pattern are:

non self-regulating

closed loop

on / off


20 Gain and proportional band are:

controller functions calibrated in time units

two different control modes

reciprocally related

adjusted independently of one another

21. A proportional controller will have an offset difference between set point and control point:

that depends on process load

at all times

that will eventually vanish

equal to the proportional band setting

22. If it were possible for a proportional controller to have true 0 % proportional band, the con
troller gain would have to be:




23. If the proportional band of the controller is adjusted to minimum possible value, the control
action is likely to be:


with maximum off/set



24. All process control systems may be assumed to be:



linear for the purpose of initial consideration but with the full knowledge that this may not be t
he case.

nonlinear for the purpose of analysis with the exception that the system may prove to be linear

25. A proportional controller is employed to control a process that is subject to a load change.
Narrowing the proportional band will:

never causes cycling

always cause cycling

not change the offset

decrease the offset

26. The most common combination of control modes found in the typical process plant is:

proportional plus integral

on / off

proportional only

proportional, plus integral and derivative

27. The integral dial on a controller is calibrated in:

integral units

gain units


minutes or repeats/min

28. What some manufactures call rate others call derivative.



29. If the closed loop control system has too much gain it will cycle. The only loop component
that has a conveniently adjustable gain is the:

valve operator

measuring transmitter


30. A P & I controller with an error of 9%, a gain of 2.3 and a reset of 0.94 min/repeat in ope
n loop would produce an output signal that would ramp at the rate of :





31. The response of derivative action to a step input is:

a step

a sinewave

a ramp

a spike

32. When the damping coeffcient (x ) is unity, the system is


critically damped


highly fluctuating

33. A stable system is

for which the output response is bounded for all bounded input

which exhibits an unbounded reponse to a bounded input

which satisfies the conditions of a dynamic system

which can be easily controlled

34.The number of poles in a system with transfer function [1/ ( s2 + 2s + 1) ] is


35.The reaction rate of a process is determined by :

the slops of its reaction curve

the period of oscillation

the time of the dead time (or time lag)

the maximum point of its reaction curve

36. The lapse time between the moment of the step change is made and the moment the reco
rder first begins to reflect that change is called :

process rate

integral time

dead time

37. During the start-up of the hypochlorate plant you have the opportunity to tune the three m
ode level controller installed on the inlet separator. Using the Ultimate Sensitivity Method you es
tablish that the system oscillates with aperiod of 1.26 min. The proportional setting that creates
the oscillations is 190 %. The optimum settings for good control ( One quarter amplitude decay
QAD ) using the Ziegler and Nichols method will be :

Proportional band = 317, Reset = 0.630 min/repeat, and 0.157 Rate-min

Proportional band = 422, Reset = 0.504 min/repeat, and 0.180 Rate-min

Proportional band = 380, Reset = 1.59 min/repeat, and 0.210 Rate-min

Proportional band = 238, Reset = 0.840 min/repeat, and 0.140 Rate-min

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