Stage 1: Desired Results: Cmlis Backward Design Lesson Plan Subject: Social Studies 11 Date: Monday October 6, 2014

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Date: Monday October 6, 2014

Stage 1: Desired Results

Projected Learning Outcomes met:


- apply critical thinking including questioning, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, and
defending a position to make reasoned judgments about a range of issues, situations, and topics
- demonstrate effective research skills, including: accessing information | assessing information | collecting data | evaluating data |
organizing information | presenting information | citing sources
- demonstrate effective written, oral, and graphic communication skills
- demonstrate skills and attitudes of active citizenship, including ethical behaviour, open-mindedness, respect for diversity, and
- Explain the structure of the Federal Government in Canada

Stage 2: Evidence for Assessing Learning

- Quick Write / Class Conversation
- PPT Quiz
- Exit Questions

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Homework Review [None] Student tasks

Zoe | Annie | Michelle | Vortex | Nevermore | Williams | Jobs | David | Edward | Leo
Quick Write: What are the names of two political parties in Canada, and what are two 7 minutes
points from their ideology?
3 minutes
Understand the stages for passing a bill in the Canadian Parliament.
Mini Vocabulary Lesson Passing a Bill
- Reading
5 minutes
- Committee
- Amendment
- Parliamentarian

A/B Partner - If you were creating your own legislative process, what steps would you
create to make sure that the laws you create are good/fair ones?
- Once students have had a chance to chat and jot down some thoughts, have them read 25 Minutes
H Passing a Bill
- Guide discussion on similarities/differences between their process and the Canadian
Consolidation Use Friesen Handout on the Stages of Passing A Bill to review
Quick Quiz: - PPT Questions relating to the passage of a bill on PPT 10 Minutes
Homework: - Opening Section of Constitution/Charter Questions 10 minutes

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