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The Best of Supply Chain Management Review

Principles of
Supply Chain
David L. Anderson, Frank F. Britt, and
Donavon J. Favre
When this article was published, David
L. Anderson and Donavon J. Favre were

consultants in Andersen Consultings anagers increasingly nd themselves assigned the
Strategic Services Logistics Practice. role of the rope in a very real tug of warpulled
Frank F. Britt, an alumnus of that one way by customers mounting demands and the
practice, was Vice President of Marketing opposite way by the companys need for growth
and Merchandising at Streamline Inc. and protability. Many have discovered that they can keep the
rope from snapping and, in fact, achieve protable growth by
treating supply chain management as a strategic variable.
These savvy managers recognize two important things. First,
The most requested article in the they think about the supply chain as a wholeall the links
10-year history of Supply Chain involved in managing the ow of products, services, and infor-
mation from their suppliers suppliers to their customers cus-
Management Review was one that
tomers (that is, channel customers, such as distributors and
appeared in our very first issue retailers). Second, they pursue tangible outcomesfocused on
in the spring of 1997. Written by revenue growth, asset utilization, and cost.
Rejecting the traditional view of a company and its compo-
experts from the respected Logistics
nent parts as distinct functional entities, these managers realize
practice of Andersen Consulting (now that the real measure of success is how well activities coordi-
Accenture), The Seven Principles nate across the supply chain to create value for customers, while
increasing the protability of every link in the chain.
of Supply Chain Management,
Our analysis of initiatives to improve supply chain management
layed out a clear and compelling by more than 100 manufacturers, distributors, and retailers shows
case for excellence in supply chain many making great progress, while others fail dismally. The suc-
cessful initiatives that have contributed to protable growth share
management. The insights provided
several themes. They are typically broad efforts, combining both
here remain remarkably fresh ten strategic and tactical change. They also reect a holistic approach,
years later. viewing the supply chain from end to end and orchestrating efforts
so that the whole improvement achievedin revenue, costs, and
asset utilizationis greater than the sum of its parts. Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w 3
Seven Principles

Unsuccessful efforts likewise have a consistent prole. ity, or which we are most likely to retain, confessed a lead-
They tend to be functionally dened and narrowly focused, ing industrial manufacturer. This knowledge is essential to
and they lack sustaining infrastructure. Uncoordinated change correctly matching accounts with service packageswhich
activity erupts in every department and function and puts the translates into revenues enhanced through some combina-
company in grave danger of dying the death of a thousand tion of increases in volume and/or price.
initiatives. The source of failure is seldom managements dif- Only by understanding their costs at the activity level
culty identifying what needs xing. The issue is determining and using that understanding to strengthen scal control can
how to develop and execute a supply chain transformation companies protably deliver value to customers. One suc-
plan that can move multiple, complex operating entities (both cessful food manufacturer aggressively marketed vendor-
internal and external) in the same direction. managed inventory to all customer segments and boosted
To help managers decide how to proceed, we revisited the sales. But subsequent activity-based cost analysis found that
supply chain initiatives undertaken by the most successful one segment actually lost nine cents a case on an operating
manufacturers and distilled from their experience seven fun- margin basis.
damental principles of supply chain management. Most companies have a signicant untapped opportuni-
ty to better align their investment in a particular customer
Principle 1: Segment customers based on the ser- relationship with the return that customer generates. To do
vice needs of distinct groups and adapt the supply so, companies must analyze the protability of segments,
chain to serve these segments protably. plus the costs and benets of alternate service packages, to
Segmentation has traditionally grouped customers by ensure a reasonable return on their investment and the most
industry, product, or trade channel and then taken a one-size- protable allocation of resources. To strike and sustain the
ts-all approach to serving them, averaging costs and prot- appropriate balance between service and protability, most
ability within and across segments. The typical result, as one companies will need to set prioritiessequencing the rollout
manager admits: We dont fully understand the relative value of tailored programs to capitalize on existing capabilities and
customers place on our service offerings. maximize customer impact.
But segmenting customers by their particular needs
equips a company to develop a portfolio of services tailored to Principle 2: Customize the logistics network to the
various segments. Surveys, interviews, and industry research service requirements and protability of customer
have been the traditional tools for dening key segmentation segments.
criteria. Companies have traditionally taken a monolithic approach
Viewed from the classic perspective, this needs-based to logistics network design in organizing their inventory, ware-
segmentation may produce some odd couples. For the manu- house, and transportation activities to meet a single standard.
facturer in Exhibit 1, innovators include an industrial dis- For some, the logistics network has been designed to meet
tributor (Grainger), a do-it-yourself retailer (Home Depot), the average service requirements of all customers; for oth-
and a mass merchant (Wal-Mart). ers, to satisfy the toughest requirements of a single customer
Research also can establish the services valued by all segment.
customers versus those valued only by certain segments.
Then the company should apply a disciplined, cross-func- EXHIBIT 1
tional process to develop a menu of supply chain programs
and create segment-specic service packages that combine Needs-Based Segmentation
basic services for everyone with the services from the menu High
that will have the greatest appeal to particular segments. This
does not mean tailoring for the sake of tailoring. The goal is Innovators
M Grainger
Sales and Merchandising Needs

to nd the degree of segmentation and variation needed to M Home Depot

maximize protability. M Wal-Mart
All the segments in Exhibit 1, for example, value consistent
delivery. But those in the lower left quadrant have little inter- M Auto Zone
est in the advanced supply chain management programs, such M Staples
as customized packaging and advance shipment notication, Traditionalists
that appeal greatly to those in the upper right quadrant. M Small Retail Stores Logistics Optimizers
M Small Industrial M Chrysler
Of course, customer needs and preferences do not tell M Maytag
the whole story. The service packages must turn a prot, and Distributors M Westinghouse
many companies lack adequate nancial understanding of Low
their customers and their own costs to gauge likely prot- Low High
Order Fulfillment Requirements
ability. We dont know which customers are most protable Source: Andersen Consulting
to serve, which will generate the highest long-term protabil-

4 Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w
Neither approach can achieve superior asset utilization ketplace. But today, the company enjoys lower inventory and
or accommodate the segment-specic logistics necessary warehousing costs and much greater ability to maintain price
for excellent supply chain management. In many industries, levels and limit discounting. Like all the best sales and opera-
especially such commodity industries as ne paper, tailoring tions planning (S&OP), this process recognizes the needs
distribution assets to meet individual logistics requirements and objectives of each functional group but bases nal opera-
is a greater source of differentiation for a manufacturer than tional decisions on overall prot potential.
the actual products, which are largely undifferentiated. Excellent supply chain management, in fact, calls for
One paper company found radically different customer S&OP that transcends company boundaries to involve every
service demands in two key segmentslarge publishers with link of the supply chain (from the suppliers supplier to the
long lead times and small regional printers needing delivery customers customer) in developing forecasts collaboratively
within 24 hours. To serve both segments well and achieve and then maintaining the required capacity across the opera-
protable growth, the manufacturer designed a multi-level tions. Channel-wide S&OP can detect early warning signals
logistics network with three full-stocking distribution centers of demand lurking in customer promotions, ordering patterns,
and 46 quick-response cross-docks, stocking only fast-mov- and restocking algorithms and takes into account vendor and
ing items, located near the regional printers. carrier capabilities, capacity, and constraints.
Return on assets and revenues improved substantially Exhibit 2 illustrates the difference that cross supply chain
thanks to the new inventory deployment strategy, supported planning has made for one manufacturer of laboratory prod-
by outsourcing of management of the quick response centers ucts. As shown on the left of this exhibit, uneven distribu-
and the transportation activities. tor demand unsynchronized with actual end-user demand
This example highlights several key characteristics of seg- made real inventory needs impossible to predict and forced
ment-specic services. The logistics network probably will be high inventory levels that still failed to prevent out-of-stocks.
more complex, involving alliances with third-party logistics Distributors began sharing information on actual (and fairly
providers, and will certainly have to be more exible than the stable) end-user demand with the manufacturer, and the
traditional network. As a result, fundamental changes in the manufacturer began managing inventory for the distributors.
mission, number, location, and ownership structure of ware- This coordination of manufacturing scheduling and inven-
houses are typically necessary. Finally, the network will require tory deployment decisions paid off handsomely, improving ll
more robust logistics planning enabled by real-time decision- rates, asset turns, and cost metrics for all concerned.
support tools that can handle ow-through distribution and
more time-sensitive approaches to managing transportation. Principle 4: Differentiate product closer to the
customer and speed conversion across the supply
Principle 3: Listen to market signals and align chain.
demand planning accordingly across the supply Manufacturers have traditionally based production goals
chain, ensuring consistent forecasts and optimal on projections of the demand for nished goods and have
resource allocation. stockpiled inventory to offset forecasting errors. These manu-
Forecasting has historically proceeded silo by silo, with facturers tend to view lead times in the system as xed, with
multiple departments independently creating forecasts for only a nite window of time in which to convert materials
the same productsall using their own assumptions, mea- into products that meet customer requirements.
sures, and level of detail. Many consult the marketplace only
informally, and few involve their major suppliers in the pro- EXHIBIT 2
cess. The functional orientation of many companies has just
made things worse, allowing sales forecasts to envision grow- Market Signals
ing demand while manufacturing second-guesses how much
product the market actually wants.
Such independent, self-centered forecasting is incompat-
Manufacturers Distributor End User
ible with excellent supply chain management, as one manu-
facturer of photographic imaging found. This manufacturer Uneven Distributor Stable End-User Demand
nicknamed the warehouse the accordion because it had



to cope with a production operation that stuck to a stable

schedule, while the revenue-focused sales force routinely
triggered cyclical demand by offering deep discounts at the
Time Time
end of each quarter. The manufacturer realized the need to
implement a cross-functional planning process, supported by Distributor Demand End-User Demand
demand planning software. Manufacturer Forecast New Vendor-Managed
Inventory (VMI) Forecasts
Initial results were dismaying. Sales volume dropped
sharply, as excess inventory had to be consumed by the mar- Source: Andersen Consulting Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w 5
Seven Principles

While even such traditionalists can make progress in approach enhances their exibility to make product congu-
cutting costs through set-up reduction, cellular manufactur- ration decisions much closer to the moment demand occurs.
ing, and just-in-time techniques, great potential remains in The key to just-in-time product differentiation is to locate
less traditional strategies such as mass customization. For the leverage point in the manufacturing process where the
example, manufacturers striving to meet individual customer product is unalterably congured to meet a single require-
needs efciently through strategies such as mass customiza- ment and to assess options, such a postponement, modular-
tion are discovering the value of postponement. They are ized design, or modication of manufacturing processes, that
delaying product differentiation to the last possible moment can increase exibility. In addition, manufacturers must chal-
and thus overcoming the problem described by one manager lenge cycle times: Can the leverage point be pushed closer to
of a health and beauty care products warehouse: With the actual demand to maximize the manufacturers exibility in
proliferation of packaging requirements from major retailers, responding to emerging customer demand?
our number of SKUs (stock keeping units) has exploded. We
have situations daily where we backorder one retailer, like Principle 5: Manage sources of supply strategically
Wal-Mart, on an item that is identical to an in-stock item, to reduce the total cost of owning materials and
except for its packaging. Sometimes we even tear boxes apart services.
and repackage by hand! Determined to pay as low a price as possible for materials,
The hardware manufacturer in Exhibit 3 solved this prob- manufacturers have not traditionally cultivated warm rela-
lem by determining the point at which a standard bracket tionships with suppliers. In the words of one general man-
turned into multiple SKUs. This point came when the brack- ager: The best approach to supply is to have as many players
et had to be packaged 16 ways to meet particular customer as possible ghting for their piece of the piethats when
requirements. The manufacturer further concluded that you get the best pricing.
overall demand for these brackets is relatively stable and easy Excellent supply chain management requires a more
to forecast, while demand for the 16 SKUs is much more enlightened mindsetrecognizing, as a more progres-
volatile. The solution: make brackets in the factory but pack- sive manufacturer did: Our suppliers costs are in effect
age them at the distribution center, within the customer our costs. If we force our supplier to provide 90 days of
order cycle. This strategy improved asset utilization by cut- consigned material when 30 days are sufcient, the cost
ting inventory levels by more than 50 percent. of that inventory will nd its way back into the suppliers
Realizing that time really is money, many manufacturers price to us since it increases his cost structure. While
are questioning the conventional wisdom that lead times in manufacturers should place high demands on suppliers,
the supply chain are xed. They are strengthening their abil- they should also realize that partners must share the goal
ity to react to market signals by compressing lead times along of reducing costs across the supply chain in order to lower
the supply chain, speeding the conversion from raw materials prices in the marketplace and enhance margins. The logi-
to nished products tailored to customer requirements. This cal extension of this thinking is gain-sharing arrangements
to reward everyone who contributes to the
EXHIBIT 3 greater protability.
Packaging Postponement Some companies are not yet ready for such
progressive thinking because they lack the funda-
Level I Level II Level III
mental prerequisite. That is, a sound knowledge
Procure/Source Manufacture Assemble Unit Pack Carton of all their commodity costs, not only for direct
Steel Coating
Same Base Wal-Mart materials but also for maintenance, repair, and
M+D1>41B4 Card Target operating supplies, plus the dollars spent on utili-
KMart ties, travel, temps, and virtually everything else.
Same Base
This fact-based knowledge is the essential foun-
Home Depot
M9<9>7E1< Card dation for determining the best way of acquiring
Plastic Molding Plastic every kind of material and service the company
Same Base
Product buys.
ME<; With their marketplace position and industry
Same Base
structure in mind, manufacturers can then con-
Components Subassy
Product sider how to approach supplierssoliciting short-
M,G? Colors
term competitive bids, entering into long-term
contracts and strategic supplier relationships,
Postponement Leverage Point outsourcing, or integrating vertically. Excellent
supply chain management calls for creativity and
Source: Andersen Consulting

6 Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w
Principle 6: Develop a supply chain-wide technol- Ironically, the information that most companies require
ogy strategy that supports multiple levels of deci- most urgently to enhance supply chain management resides
sion making and gives a clear view of the ow of outside of their own systems, and few companies are adequate-
products, services, and information. ly connected to obtain the necessary information. Electronic
To sustain reengineered business processes (that at last connectivity creates opportunities to change the supply chain
abandon the functional orientation of the past), many pro- fundamentallyfrom slashing transaction costs through elec-
gressive companies have been replacing inexible, poorly inte- tronic handling of orders, invoices, and payments to shrinking
grated systems with enterprise-wide systems. Yet too many of inventories through vendor-managed inventory programs.
these companies will nd themselves victims of the powerful
new transactional systems they put in place. Unfortunately, Principle 7: Adopt channel-spanning performance
many leading-edge information systems can capture reams measures to gauge collective success in reaching
of data but cannot easily translate it into actionable intelli- the end-user effectively and efciently.
gence that can enhance real-world operations. As one logis- To answer the question, How are we doing? most com-
tics manager with a brand-new system said: Ive got three panies look inward and apply any number of functionally ori-
feet of reports with every detail imaginable, but it doesnt tell ented measures. But excellent supply chain managers take a
me how to run my business. broader view, adopting measures that apply to every link in the
This manager needs to build an information technology sys- supply chain and include both service and nancial metrics.
tem that integrates capabilities of three essential kinds. (See First, they measure service in terms of the perfect order
Exhibit 4.) For the short term, the system must be able to han- the order that arrives when promised, complete, priced and
dle day-to-day transactions and electronic commerce across the billed correctly, and undamaged. The perfect order not only
supply chain and thus help align supply and demand by sharing spans the supply chain, as a progressive performance mea-
information on orders and daily scheduling. From a mid-term surement should, but also view performance from the proper
perspective, the system must facilitate planning and decision perspective, that of the customer.
making, supporting the demand and shipment planning and Second, excellent supply chain managers determine their
master production scheduling needed to allocate resources ef- true protability of service by identifying the actual costs and
ciently. To add long-term value, the system must enable strate- revenues of the activities required to serve an account, espe-
gic analysis by providing tools, such as an integrated network cially a key account. For many, this amounts to a revelation,
model, that synthesize data for use in high-level what-if sce- since traditional cost measures rely on corporate accounting
nario planning to help managers evaluate plants, distribution systems that allocate overhead evenly across accounts. Such
centers, suppliers, and third-party service alternatives. measures do not differentiate, for example, an account that
Despite making huge investments in technology, few requires a multi-functional account team, small daily ship-
companies are acquiring this full complement of capabilities. ments, or special packaging. Traditional accounting tends to
Todays enterprisewide systems remain enterprise-bound, mask the real costs of the supply chainfocusing on cost
unable to share across the supply chain the information that type rather than the cost of activities and ignoring the degree
channel partners must have to achieve mutual success. of control anyone has (or lacks) over the cost drivers.
Deriving maximum benet from activity-based costing
requires sophisticated information technology, specically a data
Key Aspects of Supply Chain Technology Strategy warehouse. Because the general ledger organizes data accord-
ing to a chart of accounts, it obscures the information needed
for activity-based costing. By maintaining data in discrete units,
the warehouse provides ready access to this information.
Strategic To facilitate channel-spanning performance measure-
ment, many companies are developing common report cards.
These report cards help keep partners working toward the
same goals by building deep understanding of what each
Planning and
Decision Support company brings to the partnership and showing how to lever-
age their complementary assets and skills to the alliances
greatest advantage. The willingness to ignore traditional com-
Operations and
pany boundaries in pursuit of such synergies often marks the
Transaction Management rst step toward a pay-for-performance environment.

Translating Principles into Practice

Supplier Manufacturer Customer
Companies that have achieved excellence in supply chain
Source: Andersen Consulting management tend to approach implementation of the guid- Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w 7
Seven Principles

ing principles with three precepts in mind: win-win relationships among trading partners. Emphasizing
revenue growth can signicantly increase the odds that a
Orchestrate improvement efforts supply chain strategy will create, rather than destroy, value.
The complexity of the supply chain can make it difcult to
envision the whole, from end to end. But successful supply Remember that Rome wasnt built in a day
chain managers realize the need to invest time and effort up As this list of tasks may suggest, signicant enhancement
front in developing this total perspective and using it to inform of supply chain management is a massive undertaking with
a blueprint for change that maps linkages among initiatives profound nancial impact on both the balance sheet and
and a well-thought-out implementation sequence. This blue- the income statement. Because this effort will not pay off
print also must coordinate the change initiatives with ongoing overnight, management must carefully balance its long-term
day-to-day operations and must cross company boundaries. promise against more immediate business needs.
The blueprint requires rigorous assessment of the entire Advance planning is again key. Before designing specic
supply chainfrom supplier relationships to internal opera- initiatives, successful companies typically develop a plan that
tions to the marketplace, including customers, competitors, species funding, leadership, and expected nancial results.
and the industry as a whole. Current practices must be ruth- This plan helps to forestall conicts over priorities and keeps
lessly weighed against best practices to determine the size management focused and committed to realizing the benets.
of the gap to close. Thorough cost/benet analysis lays the
essential foundation for prioritizing and sequencing initia- Recognize the difculty of change
tives, establishing capital and people requirements, and get- Most corporate change programs do a much better job of
ting a complete nancial picture of the companys supply designing new operating processes and technology tools than of
chainbefore, during, and after implementation. fostering appropriate attitudes and behaviors in the people who
A critical step in the process is setting explicit outcome are essential to making the change program work. People resist
targets for revenue growth, asset utilization, and cost reduc- change, especially in companies with a history of change-of-
tion. (See Exhibit 5.) While traditional goals for costs and the-month programs. People in any organization have trouble
assets, especially goals for working capital, remain essential to coping with the uncertainty of change, especially the real pos-
success, revenue growth targets may ultimately be even more sibility that their skills will not t the new environment.
important. Initiatives intended only to cut costs and improve Implementing the seven principles of supply chain man-
asset utilization have limited success structuring sustainable agement will mean signicant change for most companies.
The best prescription for ensuring success and minimizing
EXHIBIT 5 resistance is extensive, visible participation and communica-
tion by senior executives. This means championing the cause
Relationship Between Supply Chain
and removing the managerial obstacles that typically present
Principles and Financial Outcomes
the greatest barriers to success, while linking change with
Revenue Asset Cost overall business strategy.
Seven Principles Growth Utilization Reduction
Many progressive companies have realized that the tra-
1. Segment Customer
Based on Needs
ditionally fragmented responsibility for managing supply
chain activities will no longer do. Some have even elevat-
2. Customize Logistics Network ed supply chain management to a strategic position and
established a senior executive position such as vice presi-
3. Listen to Market Signals
And Plan Accordingly dent-supply chain (or the equivalent) reporting directly to
the COO or CEO. This role ignores traditional product,
4. Differentiate Products
Closer to Customers functional, and geographic boundaries that can interfere
with delivering to customers what they want, when and
5. Source Strategically
where they want it.
6. Develop Supply Chain
Technology Strategy* Reaping the Rewards
7. Adopt Channel- The companies mentioned in this article are just a few of
Spanning Measures the many that have enhanced both customer satisfaction
and protability by strengthening management of the supply
High Medium Low
chain. While these companies have pursued various initia-
* Information technology provides the infrastructure required to capture benefits tives, all have realized the need to integrate activities across
across the supply chain
Source: Andersen Consulting
the supply chain. Doing so has improved asset utilization,
reduced cost, and created price advantages that help attract
and retain customersand thus enhance revenue. Te n C l a s s i c s f r o m S u p p l y C h a i n M a n a g e m e n t R e v i e w 8

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