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Terms and Definitions

. Electrical system
is the combination of operational electrical equipment for the generation,
further transmission, conversion, distribution and consumption of electrical
energy with the purpose of performing work in the form of mechanical work,
for the generation of heat and lighting or in electrochemical processes.
. Operational electrical equipment
refers to all objects used in electrical systems and which serve to make use of
electrical energy. These can be classified as permanently installed, fixed and
mobile equipment, as well as hand-held appliances.
. Electrical operating areas
are clearly defined rooms, areas and cabinets for electrical systems, which
serve to accommodate operational equipment.
. Maintenance
is an overall term which includes the inspection, servicing, repairs, replace-
ment and monitoring of electrical systems.
. Trained electrical worker
is a person who possesses a specialized electrical qualification (e.g. special
training, several years assisting skilled electrical workers, knowledge and
experience, knowledge of the applicable standards, and the ability to recog-
nize hazards and to properly judge the tasks assigned) for the installation
and operation of electrical systems and operational equipment.
. Electrotechnically instructed person
is a person with less qualification than the trained electrical worker. Only
knowledge and technically correct behavior, as well as the performance of
tasks assigned, are required of this person.
. Electrotechnical layman
is neither a trained electrical worker nor an electrotechnically instructed per-
son. He is not responsible for the installation, modification and operation of
electrical systems. He may work only under the continuous surveillance and
leadership of a trained electrical worker.

Analysis and Design of Low-Voltage Power Systems. Ismail Kasikci

Copyright  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
ISBN: 3-527-30483-5
2 1 Introduction

. Electrotechnical regulations
are the generally recognized rules of technology found in the standards and
to which the professional trade union refers. Such standards are parts of the
accident prevention regulations and thus legally binding electrotechnical reg-
ulations. Compliance with these regulations is absolutely essential.

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