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6. Conclusions and Federal Action Plan

In this final chapter, we present our conclusions regarding ways in which HTS
power technologies may be used in the future to address the growing demands
on the U.S. power transmission grid. We also review the recommendations from
the OSTPs 1990 national action plan on superconductivity R&D that relate to
HTS and suggest recommendations for a 2002 action plan.

Based upon our observations concerning the impact of the evolving electricity
market on the U.S. transmission grid, the simulation results, and the engineering
analyses described in this report, we draw the following conclusions:
1. Significant transmission constraints exist in many areas of the U.S. These
constraints have resulted from increased demand, increased power transfers,
and very small increases in transmission capacity over the past several years.
2. These transmission constraints have contributed in some cases to decreased
reliability and price differentials between load areas.
3. High-temperature superconducting underground cables provide an
attractive retrofit option for urban areas that have existing underground
transmission circuits and wish to avoid the expense of new excavation to
increase capacity. This situation exists because HTS cables have almost zero
resistance, very small capacitance and inductance, and high power capacity
compared with conventional cables of the same voltage. Thus, the HTS cables
provide changes in power flows that reduce stress in heavily loaded circuits,
thereby increasing reliability or power transfer capacity and relieving
transmission constraints.
4. When operated at high utilization, HTS cables provide energy savings
benefits compared with conventional cables per unit of power delivered for a
range of HTS cable parameters consistent with existing data and engineering
estimates. However, whether or not the concomitant HTS cable operating
cost savings are greater than the increase in acquisition cost compared with
conventional cables depends upon the cost of electricity.
5. HTS cables can provide a parallel transmission path at lower voltage to
relieve high-voltage transmission constraints. The implementation of this
approach for long-distance transmission circuits will depend on the

development of periodic cooling stations and sufficient manufacturing

capacity for HTS wire.
6. When operated at high utilization, HTS cables provide energy savings
benefits compared with conventional overhead lines per unit of power
delivered for a range of HTS cable parameters consistent with existing data
and engineering estimates. HTS cables may also provide concomitant life-
cycle cost benefits for situations in which the usual cost advantage of
overhead transmission lines is mitigated by site-specific concerns, such as
high land use demands or right-of-way costs, or the expense of obtaining
siting approvals or increasing power transfer capacity at higher voltage.
7. Flywheel energy storage systems using HTS magnetic bearings are in the
demonstration stage and have the potential to achieve performance
characteristics that will make flywheels competitive with batteries in a wide
range of electricity storage applications.
8. HTS transformers can provide increased power capacity with the same
footprint as conventional transformers and could be sited inside buildings
because they eliminate fire hazards associated with oil. If estimated HTS wire
cost reductions from a new manufacturing facility are achieved and the wire
meets performance requirements, HTS transformers are projected to be cost
competitive with conventional transformers for a range of parameters
consistent with existing data and engineering estimates.
9. Superconducting magnetic energy storage systems that use low-temperature
superconducting coils and HTS current leads have already found a niche
market for distributed reactive power support to prevent grid voltage
collapse and for maintaining power quality in manufacturing facilities.

Federal Action Plan for HTS Research and Development

During the early years of HTS research, the White House OSTP developed a
national action plan on superconductivity R&D that included the following
recommendations related to HTS:1

Continuation of superconductivity R&D with an emphasis on HTS through a

cooperative effort involving federal laboratories, industry, and universities,
that is coordinated by OSTP

1The National Action Plan on Superconductivity Research and Development Annual Report for 1990,
Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy, February 1991, p. 12.

Strengthening of the program to develop HTS wire for commercial products,

led by the DOE and the national laboratories
Increasing attention paid to the development of the enabling technology of
compact refrigeration to enhance the performance and reduce the cost of
superconducting (and semiconducting) devices, led by the DoD and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The implementation of these recommendations was mixed. The DOE High-

Temperature Superconductivity for Electric Systems Program has led a decade-
long effort that has made substantial progress on wire development and is now
focusing on second-generation wire to reduce cost. Through the SPI, the DOE
and a number of industrial concerns are jointly funding several HTS power
technology demonstration projects. However, by emphasizing compact
refrigeration and giving the lead to the DoD and NASA, the 1990 OSTP
recommendation led to the development of small and expensive custom
cryocoolers that are not appropriate for electric power systems.2 Thus, the need
still exists for development of affordable cryocoolers with multikilowatt capacity
to provide cooling for HTS power system components, such as cables and

Based upon the analysis described in previous chapters, a 2002 action plan for
HTS power technologies should include the following recommendations:

The DOE-led HTS power technologies R&D program should continue to

emphasize second-generation wire development, with the goal of providing
HTS wire meeting commercial cost and performance targets.3
The SPI should be expanded, while building on the current demonstrations
that are providing operating experience, to develop new demonstrations
with operational energy or power-transfer benefits. These new
demonstrations should include HTS cable demonstrations at longer lengths
and transmission voltages and demonstrations of HTS transformers and
FESSs at a scale consistent with utility substation and end-user facility needs.
The HTS R&D program should increase the emphasis on and support for the
development of cryocoolers with multikilowatt capacity that can be mass
produced. These cryocoolers should have an efficiency rating greater than

2Nisenoff, M., Status of DoD and Commercial Cryogenic Refrigerators, in Cryogenics Vision
Workshop for High-Temperature Superconducting Electric Power Systems Proceedings, U.S. Department of
Energy Superconductivity Program for Electric Systems, July 1999.
3Proceedings Coated Conductor Development Roadmapping WorkshopCharting Our Course, U.S.
Department of Energy Superconductivity for Electric Systems Program, January, 2001.

todays range of 1420 percent of Carnot at the HTS-power-component

operating temperature.
The HTS R&D program should increase the emphasis on and the support for
the development of standards for HTS-power-component installation and
operation and increase the emphasis on and the support for training of
industrial staff members who will operate and maintain these installations.

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