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With gratitude to:

My parents, for providing me with the freedom to learn.

Everyone who has provided me with information that was used in this

You, the reader. Without you this project wouldn't have any reason of

2007 Conrad Raw

No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by print, photo print, microfilm
or any other means without written permission from the author. The buyer of the e-
book version is allowed to make one print for personal use.

This page is a gate into your future.

If you decide to turn it, you should do so with an open mind.

The theory and the exercises are structured in such a way that they will
gradually alter your perception of reality by making you more aware of
processes that are normally at work in the background of your life.

If you prefer to let others decide on what your potential as a human is, or if
you rather have others dictate what you can achieve in your life, than dont
go beyond this page. If you want to dance like a puppet on the ropes of
conventionalism, than dont go any further.

Ultimately, your imagination is the only limit to what is possible. You might
want to read that sentence twice as it might contain more insight than you are
currently aware of.

"One ounce of practical experience is worth more than a ton of theory."

Swami Sivananda

Each journey starts with just one single step. Congratulations on taking
that step on your journey of personal and spiritual development. A
journey that will never end as every experience you encounter will add
to your personal development. - Your development as a unique
individual in this world!

This book is meant to give you control over these experiences. Many
things of what is written on these pages is not invented by me, but
taught to me by others, either personally or through other media. Some
of the knowledge you will find here is centuries old, other knowledge
is more recent. This makes it hard for me to extend my gratitude to
everybody who made this book possible, so I hereby thank all off you
who find they should be acknowledged.

So what did I do with all this knowledge? You know, the wheel was
invented a really long time ago, yet it took ages before it became part
of a bicycle and even longer before it became part of the car. Just like
ice-cream was invented hundreds of years ago, but the cones were only
discovered at a much later date. Now, this book contains old and very

modern knowledge, I connect the dots between many insights, so you
can start to use this knowledge in a practical way to improve the
quality and productivity of your life.

This book will also give you the ability to put knowledge in the field
of personal, spiritual and energetic development in a logical, rational
consistent frame. It came to my awareness that there seem to be two
opposites. On one hand you have the logical, rational, left brain
hemisphere group, which considers everything that can not be ex-
plained by using the current definitions of science, or which can not be
experienced directly by the five senses, as not being real. Or, a little
less extreme, just need a logical explanation for everything before it
can accept something as a reality.

On the other side there is a group of people who are airy fairy and
dont have any need for rational explanations, but also dont have any
structure in their spiritual knowledge. This makes it impossible for
them to see the connection between the parts of a bigger whole. Often
they ignore scientific explanations or employ vague interpretations of
scientific terms.

By establishing a consistent, logical and rational frame with this book,

while at the same time providing practical exercises for energetic,
spiritual and personal development, people will be able to put their
own experiences in a bigger picture, being part of a bigger whole. This

will make it easier to get new insights and understand experiences,
which will lead to more rapid personal growth.

After absorbing the information in this book, you will be able to look
at different systems for spiritual, energetic and personal development
and use these insights to quickly discern on what they are based, which
elements might be missing, or why it will not work. Which can save
you loads of time and money on your personal journey.


Zensation is focused on teaching a unique combination of Huna, NLP

and Energy. There is a strong emphasis on the practical side of these
teachings. Zensation aims at providing techniques that people can use
in their day to day lives and thus providing the tools to improve it.

Huna is the word for secret - that which is hidden in the native
language of Hawaii. With this, reference is made to the hidden world,
meaning the world we can not experience directly through our five
senses. It refers to esoteric knowledge. In the same way as people in
Bali discern niskala, the hidden world, as opposed to sekala, the
world as we can experience directly through our five senses. In Huna
you can find one of the most natural and practical forms of ancient
knowledge. It provides each individual with a way to contact his
higher self. By accomplishing this, a person can cause healing,
harmony and manifest whatever one wants.

The big advantage of Huna is that it is completely independent of your

religious conviction; it offers you a system with practical tools. I have
studied various different systems. When I discovered Huna, I did not
merely see that it perfectly summarized the essence of all those
systems, I also saw that it offered a practical workable, easy to learn
method. To be honest I started to think that I had been wasting my

time with the others, although I later came to the insight that this was
just a preparation for things that were going to follow.

Huna differs from other systems in that it satisfies itself with the
theory that is necessary. It is not involved in making up theories that
have no practical value at all. Besides that, Huna also offers a model
that allows people to go about certain phenomena in a rational way,
although they are considered to be unexplainable by the general
population of modern society. This leads to a set of techniques that are
easy to learn, feel natural, and deliver fast results. These qualities
make Huna highly suited for our modern society.

Huna teaches you to heal yourself and others, solve personal problems,
and unravel financial and social difficulties.

Huna is focused on:

- Easy methods to get in touch with your

higher self, your spiritual self. And aligning
your consciousness, sub consciousness and
spiritual consciousness, which allows you
to transform your will into reality.

- Improving your relations (in the broadest

sense of the word), and cutting off negative
energetic ties with other people.

- Waking up your spiritual consciousness, so
that it becomes an active part of your live.

- Getting rid of negative emotions and

limitations from the past.

- Attaining spiritual and emotional


- Altering your consciousness to higher levels.

- Breathing methods to control your energy

and to aid you in relaxation.

Because Huna was practiced on the remote islands of Hawaii, where

the missionaries arrived relatively late, it was able to conserve its pure
form for a long time. In Zensation though, Huna will be combined
with many techniques from many different sources of knowledge.
Zensation is focused on techniques that have proven their usefulness
repeatedly and which can be used in our day to day lives. There is a
key principle in Huna that says it is naive to think that all knowledge is
contained in one school.

A very interesting anecdote is the following one: The population of

Hawaii saw the missionaries arriving at their island and listened to
their stories about Jesus. This really interested them, indeed, and they
thought that the things that were achieved by Jesus were great. After a
while they were really fascinated and told the missionaries they would
love to see some of these miracles. As reply they got to hear that for
these miracles there should be a church. Filled with enthusiasm, the
people started to build a church. When it was finished, they again
asked to witness a miracle. This time the reply was that they should
pray. After that it didnt take long before the inhabitants of Hawaii that
truly wanted to accomplish something, went back to the ancient
practices of Huna. Out of this evolved a nickname for the white people
that can be translated as those who are without breath.

The reason for this is found in the fact that the Christian method of
praying contains only some of the key elements that are necessary to
make it a practical and effective technique. The only times it does
work, is when these key elements are present accidentally. One of
these key elements is the energy that has to be used and which the
Huna- practitioners mainly get from their breath. Hence the nickname.

Please note that Zensation is focused on practical information that you

can incorporate into your own religious system. Also in Christianity,
for instance, there is room for this knowledge. Other systems are
treated with respect and in with dignity.

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming. NLP studies the

structure of the human cognitive process and how a human being
experiences the world. Based on the models that are developed during
this study, they developed a number of techniques to quickly change
thoughts, behaviors and beliefs which limit you. This text contains a
selection of techniques that have proven their effectiveness in the
world of personal transformation.

The structure of this book is also based on NLP principles. It is mainly

a do-it-book. People who are expecting nice sounding theories,
beautiful stories or text without any real content, will not be able to do
much with this book. There is a certain structure in the division of the
chapters as well as in the exercises. One can do the exercises on
his/her own, but it will be better to respect the order of the exercises as
they take their part in a bigger whole. This means: Dont go on to the
next exercise before having mastered the previous one, as with every
new technique I introduce, I will assume you will have mastered the
previous one, already.

More information about the activities of Zensation can be found on the


Conrad Raw




2. ENERGY 17







8. DREAMS 74




How it all started 87
How is this possible? 89
Why does modern science not know about these elements? 89
Effects of Ormus 92
Spiritual Conscious 92
The key to telepathy 93
Immediate manifestation? 96
Levitation 97
Ormus and Health 98
Food 100


This manuscript has embedded a certain structure, which Ill

explain right now. It will start with some information about energy and
the very essence of this energy. What this energy is, how Einstein
thought about it, what its sources are, and how people can work with
this energy. This will be followed by some exercises through which
one can experience the effects and the reality of this energy,

Next you will find a whole set of breathing exercises. With

each of these exercises comes a thorough explanation about the results
you will get by doing them. After this, the two preceding chapters will
be combined together and the connection between energy and
breathing will be revealed. You will also be provided with some
exercises that give results you can immediately verify. The structure is
always the same. At first you can read about the benefits of each
exercise, the practical application of it, and after that the technique
itself will be given to you.

Then well have a chapter about the difference between our left
and right brain hemisphere. In this part you are also provided with
practical exercises, after which you will be taught how breath and
energy fit into this.

Next, there is a part about brainwaves. What are they? What
are the different brainwaves for? And how can you use them? You will
also read about how these brainwaves are responsible for a big part of
our spirituality. You will be provided with a method to attain control
over these brainwaves and will be instructed on how to apply this
technique to lower your brainwaves to the frequency that is connected
with manifesting. With all this you will have a method, which allows
you to repeatedly, and in a controlled manner attain this level, which
makes every ritual unnecessary.

Following is a chapter on how the human psyche is build up

according to Huna. After that Ill teach you a method that should give
you an opportunity to apply all this in order to reach your goals. This
is the place where all the knowledge you have gathered in the previous
chapters is combined and supplemented with a technique from NLP
which can motivate people very strongly.

After you had the opportunity to gain sufficient knowledge

about the how and why and experience the practical value of this, the
manuscript continues with a chapter about dreaming, which takes
place at another level of consciousness than the techniques explained
previously in this book. To do practical work with this material
requires the preparation from the forgoing chapters, though.

This is followed by some of my experiences with one of the
most powerful systems for personal, spiritual and personal
development I know, and allows people to get acquainted with this
system that has integrated many of the insights in this book.

In the final two chapters I will write more about the nature of
this energy. To place this in the right context though, the preceding
chapters are again essential. The last chapter brings all the previous
ones together.


Most people have at least once seen or heard the formula: E=

MC developed by Einstein But less people know what this formula
means and even fewer people are aware of the huge consequences this
formula has.

The meaning and consequences of E=MC is what you can

read now. The formula means energy equals mass multiplied with the
speed of light raised to the power of 2. The speed of light is a constant,
it does not change. So the speed of light (and the speed of light raised
to the power of two), is always the same number. Thus energy equals
mass multiplied with a number that does not change. Therefore energy
is the same as mass, mass multiplied with a certain number that
doesnt change. You can also turn this around which means mass
multiplied with a constant number equals energy. Mass is energy.

Everything in the material world around us is made out of mass

and thus equals energy. Every material thing equals energy.
Everything tangible in our world is made up by molecules. These
molecules are made up from atoms. Atoms consist of protons, neutrons
and electrons. These protons, neutrons and electrons consist of quarks
and According to what I believe, you can follow this line until a
certain point where you arrive at the core essence of which everything
is made up. Old Hindu texts say matter does consist of anu, but the

subtle energy of which the human body is made, consists of paramanu,
literally: beyond the atom. There is still a discussion about there being
an ultimate smallest particle or that matter on the lowest scale turns
into waves (vibrations, frequencies). These ultimate particles of the
universe, called quanta, seem to behave themselves only as particles
when they are being observed. One can wonder if the act of observing
might actually play a role in the creation of these particles. For
example, during research on subatomic particles, in some cases par-
ticles were discovered, like the anomalon, of which the properties
seem to differ depending on the lab in which they were studied. The
implications of this are of course enormous, as this means science is
not as objective as we used to think. I will be writing more on this in
the last chapter.

In China this is the essential energy which is named chi, ki by

the Japanese, psi in Russia and it is known by the name of prana in
yoga from India. In yoga this prana is considered in terms of
electricity, ions with an electrical charge. But this Prana is not the
same as electricity nor is it the same as electromagnetic fields or
magnetism. In Huna from Hawaii they call it mana. Mana is also
looked upon in terms of electricity, but it is given magnetic properties
also. I write this to show you that this concept of energy is known in
different cultures around the world throughout the ages. At the end of
this book I will tell you more about the nature of this energy.

This energy shows itself in the form of vibrations, rhythms.
Everything in this world has its very own specific vibration or
frequency. The slowest vibration or frequency can be found in solid
matter. Yet the vibration of atoms, the building stones of all matter is
already too fast for us to notice without the use of specialized
equipment. Forms of increasing frequency are: sound, then heat, light
and finally thoughts. Within this realization lies the very important key
that thoughts also have a certain frequency on which they vibrate.
Thoughts vibrate at a frequency that is higher than that of light.

So what is this energy? Energy is the fuel, that we need for

each and every action. If we want to use this energy to reach our
personal goals, than there must be a way for our body to obtain this
energy. And there is. Actually there are different energy systems in our
body. I will talk about the most important ones here.

As I said, our body has several energy systems. I'll mention

only the most important ones. But there are more than these. The
essential energy systems are the chakras, the meridians and the aura,
the energy field which surrounds us. The meridians are the pathways
through which energy moves within our body. It's on these pathways
that the acupuncture-points are located

Next, we have the chakras. The chakras are vortexes of energy.

The rotation of these vortexes is caused by the flow of energy moving

within our bodies. Depending on the direction of their rotation, these
chakras either send energy out or receive it. The direction of the
rotation of a chakra depends on the direction in which the energy that
goes through the chakra flows. This direction of the energy depends
among other things on your emotional state. When we combine these
two systems, we notice that the chakras are located on the same route
as the Chinese meridians. There are 7 main chakras, but there also
other smaller ones in our bodies, for instance in our hands and feet.


Opening The Hand-Chakras

This exercise will open the chakras in your hand so you can feel energy.

By doing it regularly, you will increase the sensitivity for energy in your

Sit or stand in a relaxed manner. Your ankles or legs are not crossed and
your feet should rest flat on the ground.
Rub your palms against each other for 15 to 30 seconds.
When you have done that, place your hands 12- 20 inches apart in front
of you. Keep about 20 inch space between your palms.
Close your eyes.
Move your hands closer to each other until they almost touch, but dont
let them touch!
After that move them away from each other, than again closer to each
other, closer, away, back and forth.

While you are doing this, focus your attention on the sensation you feel
in your hands or between them. You might feel a tingling sensation, a
feeling of warmth, pressure or cold or a feeling that something is
growing or becoming more dense.

After a while you can try this with your eyes open. The difference with
doing the exercise with the eyes open, is that when you have them closed you
will be less distracted by visual information and you can more easily focus
your attention on your kinetic experiences.

Some people will need more time with this exercise than others and a
very small percentage of the population will not develop this sensitivity in
their hands. If you have troubles in experiencing the energy in your palms,
you might first do the mana-accumulator further on in this e-book. The
mana- accumulator increases your energy level; hence it becomes easier to
feel the energy.

The next level in this exercise is doing the same but now feel the energy
by moving the palm of your strongest hand over your naked lower arm. With
most people the strongest hand will be the one with which they write. Go
from side to side and up and down. This exercise requires already a bit more
sensitivity. Just play, feel and experience.


Feeling The Energy Of Others

This exercise is the easiest when two persons are of the opposite
Do the same as in the first exercise, but this time one person holds
his hand up statically while the other moves his strongest hand
closer. To make it easier, the person who moves his hand closer
can imagine that there is a blue or white beam coming out of
his/her palm.
Try this with closed eyes at first, you can open your eyes later.
Now change roles and let the other person move his hand closer
while you hold your hand up statically.

The third mechanism, through which energy is transported, is the energy

field which surrounds us, the aura. This aura is divided in different layers,
because of that the chakras are also divided in several layers.


Aura Touch

Again, rub your hands together to stimulate sensitivity and to open

the chakras.
But this time we add something extra. After you have rubbed your
hands together, shake them off, just like you would do when you
want to shake water off of them. Imagine that there are two small
fires beside you, one on each side. Imagine that all the bad or
negative energy on your hands falls in those fires and gets destroy-
ed when you shake it of. This is done out of politeness before we
enter the energy field of someone else.
Now explore the aura, the energy field of your partner with your
hands by moving your hands along it. Keep your hands at a
distance of 12 to 20 inches away from him/her. Close your eyes if
you find that easier.
Experiment a little with the distance you should keep your hands
Experiment with the places where the chakras are situated.
You might notice that the energy field feels denser and stickier.
These are often places where the bone was broken or where
another injury occurred.

These exercises increase your sensitivity to energy and cause it to
be part of your reality by direct experience. They will improve your
results with every energy method that you might practice, like Yoga,
Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yellow Bamboo.

I talked about the three major systems through which energy is

spread by your body. Attempts were made to explain this through
electricity and electromagnetism. Some believe the energy is to be
found in the electromagnetic field of our bodies, caused by the
electricity traveling through it. If you focus your attention on a part of
your body, for instance your finger, an impulse or signal will travel
from your finger to your brain. This causes an electrical current in you
body. It is just normal physics that this causes an electromagnetic
field. So by moving your attention towards different parts of your
body, you can cause changes in this field. This doesnt provide us with
a complete explanation, though. Experiments have been done with
telepathy and remote viewing from within a Faraday cage. In such a
construction there is no electromagnetic influence. Yet this
construction did not reduce the sending or receiving of information
through telepathy, nor the process of remote viewing. This means this
force can not be explained just in terms of electromagnetism. On top
of that, this energy or force doesnt decrease over long distances. This
is contrary to radio waves. Therefore trying to explain telepathy in
terms of radio waves doesnt make sense. I strongly belief that science
will not make any advance in researching this until we can accept the
existence of a force, other than the ones that are currently accepted in

general by science. Ill shed some more light on this matter at the end
of this book.

Let's talk a little bit more about the properties of this energy. This
energy is charged with or contains emotions, information and
intentions. - Mostly emotions and intentions. It is this feature of energy
that we must keep in mind for telepathy, clairvoyance etc, since this
energy can be transmitted and along with it the information, intention
and emotions.

Kirlian-photography is a special method to make this aura visible

to us. Experiments with Kirlian-movies, with moving images, has
shown that when two people talk to each other, there is a stream of
energy going from one person to the other. The rhythm of this stream
varied depending on the emotion which was transferred with the
spoken words.

Kirlian photos from the aura emitted by the fingertip of two
different persons:

Persons thinking
with hatred about
each other

Persons thinking
loving thoughts
about each other.

Persons kissing


Another feature of this energy is that it harmonizes and attunes itself

to other energy fields. Because of that, in a situation where you place two
persons with a different level of energy in each other's neighborhood, the
energy fields of these persons will attune themselves to each other until a
level of harmony is achieved. The vibration of the energy field from people
who sleep next to each other over a certain period of time, tend to change to a
more harmonious level.

A practical example of this attuning is where a healer

energetically heals a drunken person. There was reported such a case:
The healer heals by sending energy to the person, but what takes place
is an exchange of energy. After a while the healer started to show signs
of being drunk and that without even touching one drop of alcohol.
Research has shown that even more is happening. In many cases a

healer will go into the alpha brainwave frequency, so that there is a
change in consciousness. In many cases I noticed, while watching
healing sessions taking place, the breathing of the healer and patient
were harmonizing. At the end of this book I will tell you about a
mechanism that explains these phenomena.

Another example is where persons who are very sensitive for

energy get into a mass of people where there are very strong emotions
or strong fluctuations in the emotions. Like at a pop concert or a soccer
match for instance. These people will take over the emotion from the
masses. So when the ball goes straight to the goal and the people are
happy, they are overwhelmed by the emotion of joy. When the ball
misses the goal they take over the disappointment from the others.
Thus when they only have sensitivity but no control, they will become
the puppets of the emotions of others. One way to get enough control
is through knowledge.


What Can You Do About It?

Put your thumbs against each other, and do the same with your index
fingers, forming a triangle. Close your other fingers. Cross your ankles.
By doing this, you close off the energy circuits so the energy stays within
your own body.

As a variation you can cross your arms, make fists and sit or stand with
your ankles crossed. This is a natural defensive posture.

A disadvantage of some of the energetic healing methods like

Reiki is that they often dont teach you that you should keep the
energy from the person you are healing out of your own energy field
or remove it afterwards. This can be done easily by shaking the energy
off your hands while simultaneously imagining the bad energy going
from your hands down about 6 feet into the ground or falling into and
getting destructed by two fires you imagine burning besides you.
Alternatively you could hold your hands under some cold running
water. If you dont do anything like this, you run the risk of taking
energy which is charged with the properties of the disease into your
own energy field.

This property of energy to contain information, intention and

emotions explains why it is possible that a clairvoyant can know a lot
about the owner of a ring, just by holding it in his hand. A ring is made
of metal and preserves this energy excellently. Clothing is less suitable
for this since it doesnt preserve the energy as well. The stronger the
emotions are, the stronger the energetic fingerprint is that they leave
behind. Furthermore, as we will see later on, stronger emotions equal
more energy.


What are the sources of this energy? Due to the fact that
everything contains or even consists out of energy, there are a lot of
sources for this energy. But what is of importance to us is how we can
obtain more energy. Since it is this energy we need for telepathy or
healing (ourselves and others).

The most important sources of energy that are available to us


Emotions: Thinking of certain emotions, while imagining that you

are re-experiencing them or imagining very vividly how it would feel,
how it would be to experience a certain emotion, will evoke the energy
that corresponds with this emotion. NLP is a very practical tool for
this. One problem with this source is that youll get the energy charged
with this emotion. So if you experience a negative emotion, you will
evoke the energy belonging to that bad emotion.

Food: Of course! The disadvantage with this source is that when you
eat something that was alive, youll take up some of the energetic
properties of that what you eat. For example: If you eat the meat of an
evil cow, this will have an influence on you, then. Of course this
example is a bit far fetched. Furthermore this influence is so small that
you can neglect it, yet the influence is still there. Fortunately I havent
met that many evil cows in my life. An idea for the next horror movie,
maybe? Mad cows on the other hand..

Physical Activity: When you engage in physical activities, the

nutritious substances which are stored in your body are released and
with that you also release the energy that is contained in these
nutritious substances.

Nature: Nature has a huge amount of sources for psychic energy.

Mountains, rivers, bushes or flowers are all rich in energy. A good

exercise to increase the sensitivity of your palms is to first practice
with plants. Especially in the morning before sunrise or at the most
before the sun rises fully up in the sky. Try feeling the energy field of
different trees, without touching them. Notice the difference between
different kinds of trees.

Once there was conducted an experiment in which plants where

hooked up to a lie detector in order to see if plants would show an
emotional response. An emotional response means a reaction that
could be registered by the lie detector, such as a change in the moisture
level and chemical properties strong enough to be registered. The lie
detector registered a change when the person doing the test had the
real intention to burn one of the leaves of the plant. The plants also
seemed to react to the madly barking dogs. A very important point

here is that the plants did not set the lie detector off when the person
doing the test didnt have the real intention to burn the leaves.

Breath: Breath is the most important and most practical source of

energy. The reason for this lies in the fact that breath is important and
the vital breath (prana) flow is related to the life-rhythm. That we can
change in the easiest and most direct way. Because of that Ill write in
greater detail about this source of energy.


Sniff Sniff

This exercise is great when you feel a bit drowsy or are a bit down.

Breathe in twice through your nose (sniff, sniff) and breathe out twice
through your mouth (ha, ha). So what you do is breathing in for two
half breath steps and breathing out for two half breath steps. The speed
is about 1.5 seconds for the two inhalations and 1.5 seconds for the
two exhalations. But if the rhythm becomes uncomfortable or you tend
to hyperventilate, do it slower. Youll notice that breathing in this
manner for 1 or 2 minutes makes you feel more energized and aware
real fast.

Yoga has several different branches. One of those branches is
focused entirely on breathing techniques. This is called Pranayama, the
yoga focused on the mastery of the life energy.

The most important points in our body where we take in energy

according to the yogis, in the order of their importance are:

1) The nerve endings, in the tip of the nose

2) The lung tissue
3) The tongue
4) The skin

Note that this Prana is not the same as electricity nor is it

magnetism. And its neither electromagnetism. But all these are
manifestations of Prana.



We can collect an extra charge of vital force (energy, mana) if we are

reasonably healthy and not starved out. Because if we are sick the
energy is needed to heal ourselves, so it is hard to get an extra charge.

The Kahunas, the practitioners of Huna, believe that humans can,

through an action of the mind, increase the amount of vital force that

they had already extracted out of the air and food, by speeding up this
extraction process.

Imagine a rain of golden dust all around you. Gold is a color

associated with wisdom and can only be used with the best intent for
another living being. Now stand with your feet about 30 inches to 3
feet apart, and hold your hands above your head. Now lower your arms
until they are about 45 between the head and the shoulder. Your
hands are open and your thumbs are horizontally pointing to each
other. Your arms are above your head, but parallel with a straight line
from your body.

Note that this position is different than the one you might have seen in
witchcraft. Note that it is similar to some sacred pictures from Egypt.
The difference with the one taught in witchcraft, is that with the mana-
accumulator your hands and feet are outside your auric field, so that
you collect energy from outside instead of recycling your own energy
for a big part.

Now concentrate on the centre of your palms, until you feel a tingling
sensation or a sensation of heat or cold there. Feel the energy! If you
dont feel this sensation in the beginning, this is no problem, just keep
paying attention to it. Imagine how it would be like if your palms
sucked in energy, drawing in energy like if they were magnets. When
you have that feeling, breathe in and imagine the energy filling up
your whole body. Then breathe out, while rotating your arms past your
ankles, thus bending forward. Breathe out quickly with a HA sound.
Dont use your voice too much with that, though.
So, you breathe out by making a Haaaa sound. This has to do with
the pressure on the lungs, the energetic effect on your Dan Tien (just
below the navel), the concentration of O2 and CO2 in your blood.
Dont overuse your vocal chords in doing this. The effectiveness will
increase even more when you do this with your nose pointed in the
direction of the magnetic north.
After breathing out, move up to a standing straight position again and
breathe in while doing that. In the same time imagine the golden
energy being sucked into every cell of your body.

Start building up the speed, doing the inhalations, exhalations and

movement faster and faster. Until you have come to a rhythm you can
keep doing for a while, comfortably.

When you finished, take some slow deep breaths to get back to your
normal rhythm. This should also help when you are a bit dizzy.

This is one of the fastest methods to increase your psychic energy. If

you do this for 2 minutes you will need 2 hours less sleep. When I was
at University I did this exercise when I had to hand in papers and
needed to work all night on them. I didnt sleep but I did this exercise
and I felt more energized in the morning than if I would have slept.
This of course doesnt mean you would never need to sleep. You need
sleep to restore your body and mind.

After doing the mana- accumulator, you will notice the following

- An increased feeling of well- being.

- More physical strength.
- A stronger will, determination.
- A sharper mind.
- Quicker and better remembering.
- Pictures and colors look brighter.
- Vision and hearing are sharper temporarily.

Now that we have more energy, it becomes easier to do the

following exercise. This one is meant to increase your sensitivity for
the energy field of others. It allows you to feel someone approaching
without seeing him. With enough practice you can also start to feel
where someone is situated who is thinking about you.


Feeling the Presence of Others

Person A stands up closes his/her eyes and relaxes. The other person, person
B stands behind person A, at a distance of about 6 to 9 feet. Person A has to
become aware of the energy field around him/her, just by placing his/her
awareness outside his/her body. Try not to place your focus of awareness
inside your body, but instead place it in a circle that surrounds you. When

person A is ready, s/he nods and person B slowly walks closer to Person A,
trying to walk as quietly as possible. Person A really tries to feel the presence
of person B, when s/he does, s/he gives a signal with his/her hand to person
B. Person B then moves back and waits again for the signal that person A is
ready, and then moves closer. Really try to feel the difference, dont use your
ears in this exercise.

Change places.

The next level of this exercise is trying to notice from which direction the
person is coming.

The difference between a living creature and a lifeless object is

that the lifeless object passively undergoes the influences of the
universe or cosmic powers. The living creature on the other hand
obtains mastery over the prana, transforms it and uses it to achieve its
own goals. For most people this happens outside of their awareness,
youll notice how valuable it is to do this with your conscious
attention. This is what youll be learning to do through this course.

According to the yogis, the whole universe consists of Akasha

and prana, energy. When prana acts upon Akasha, all forms of matter
are created. This view is in accordance with the theories from nuclear
physics, where they consider all forms of matter to consist of energy
that is arranged in a specific manner.


The Energy Ball

First carry out an exercise like the mana- accumulator to increase your
Next, place your hands close to each other, fingers curled, like if you
where holding a ball. Although your fingertips dont touch.
Imagine that you are inhaling golden energy, each time you inhale.
After inhaling, exhale and at the same time imagine a stream of golden
energy going through your shoulders, through your arms and out your
palms. Let this energy flow into an energy ball you visualize between
your hands.
Notice that the energy between your hands is becoming denser, or that
the pressure or tension between your hands is increasing when you add
more energy.

How can you use this? Well, you can imagine a picture or emotion
or a combination of a picture and an emotion and place them between
your hands and visualize how they get saturated with energy. This
energy ball, which consists of energy charged with a very precise
intent or emotion, can then be sent to someone else. You do this by
really throwing it to someone. When you throw it, also let go of it in
your mind.

This psychic energy moves through channels which are called
nadis in yoga. There are about 72.000 nadis, some say they
correspond with the nerves, but that is not the case. Although there
does seem to be a connection between the nadis and the nerves, as
we will notice in further exercises. With most people some of the nadis
are clogged. In Huna they talk about aka-threads in this context.
Everything we look at or touch gets connected with us with an aka-
thread. Through these aka-threads we can send and receive telepathic
information. These aka-threads make it possible for us to hold an
object in our hands and tell almost everything about the owner.


Cleaning the Nadis

Never do this exercise immediately after dinner, wait at least 30


Open your right hand and put your index and middle finger against the
inside of your palm.

Youll be using your thumb to close of your right nostril. The little
finger and the ring finger are for closing the left nostril. Your fingers
should be placed on the wing of your nose, just beneath the place
where the bone of your nose ends, in order to be able to cut off the air
when you apply pressure. Be careful that you dont use your nail when
applying pressure; only use the fleshy part of your fingers.

Stand or sit in a comfortable and relaxed position with your back

Inhale and exhale once, deeply without closing your nostrils.

Then slowly and deeply inhale through the left nostril and close the
right one with your thumb.
After having inhaled fully, close both nostrils and hold your breath
for 1 to 2 seconds.
Keep your left nostril closed and exhale all the air out of your
lungs through your now open right nostril.
Once your lungs are emptied, you immediately breathe in again
through you right nostril.
Then you close both nostrils for 1 to 2 seconds, again.
After that you inhale through your left nostril, while you keep the
right one closed.
Hold your breath.
Breathe out through the right nostril.
Do this alternative nose breathing for a couple of minutes, without

The yogis consider two of the channels of psychic energy to be

very important: Ida and Pingala. Pingala is the right channel with a
positive stream, whereas Ida is the left channel with a negative stream.
I already tell you that in general the left side of the body is ruled by the

right side of our brain, the right hemisphere. And the right side of our
body is in general controlled by our left brain hemisphere. Ill write
more about that later. With the alternative nose breathing you
stimulate both hemispheres and get them in a state of harmony.

If you are a bit tired and need more energy, that can be
achieved by breathing through you right nostril for a while, as you
close the left with the tip of your finger.

On the other hand, when you are nervous, worried and need
some calming down, self-confidence and harmony, than you do the
same but you breathe through the left nostril.

By doing the alternative nose breathing, you start the

development of a state of mental, physical and emotional harmony
which brings along a state of mental, emotional and physical power
and strength.

The Yogis discovered that the pulse has a different rhythm in

the brain than in other parts of our body. The rhythm of pulse beat
doesn't equal the one at which the heart beats; it follows the rhythm of
your breath. In England there have been experiments with results
clearly indicating that there is an obvious connection between the
pulse rate in the brain and the breathing.

Applying this knowledge they found a rhythm at which the
balance between the number of inhalations and the rhythm in the brain
was optimal. This rhythm is breathing in for 6 heartbeats; hold your
breath for 3 heartbeats and breathing out for 6 heartbeats. After
breathing out, you immediately breathe in again. If you are a bit tense
or stressed, you will notice that breathing in this particular pattern for a
couple of sets, will relax you very fast. Furthermore, if you use this
breathing pattern in yogic exercises for which no specific breathing
pattern is given, the effect of your exercises will increase manifold.


Let me tell you some more about our brain. Our brain consists
of 2 hemispheres or parts. There is the left hemisphere and the right
hemisphere. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical tasks, verbal
tasks, linear thinking and paying attention to details. The right
hemisphere is the visual, summarizing, intuitive side. In most people
one of these hemispheres is the dominant one, the one that is used
most often. Research has shown that humans change the nostril
through which they predominantly breathe approximately every 90
minutes. I was shown that it has an effect on the activity of the
hemispheres of the brain.

It was concluded from research done at the Dalhousie

University in the United States, that the verbal left hemisphere and the
spatial right hemisphere change their level of activity when the breath
changes it's passageway from one to the other nostril.

Other research has shown that people get an extra boost, more
energy for thinking logically, linguistically or for doing math when
they breathe through the right nostril while holding the left one closed
by pressing the tip of a finger onto the fleshy part of the nose. Don't
use your nail when you are doing this. Otherwise, when you want an
extra boost, more energy for right brain activities like spatial, creative
or summarized thinking, you should breathe through the left nostril.

You can also change your predominantly active hemisphere by
lying on the corresponding side (this means the opposite) of your
body. This happens automatically while you are sleeping. As I said
before, generally, it is your left hemisphere which is responsible for
the right side of your body, and it is your right hemisphere that
governs the left side of your body.

The human brain produces waves of electricity, which can be

measured and registered by an EEG. The frequency of these waves is
measured in oscillations per second or Hertz.

7 - 14 oscillations per second represent the alpha brainwave

frequency range.

4 - 7 vibrations per second are called the theta brainwave


4 and less oscillations per second represent the delta brainwave

frequency range.

More than 14 vibrations per second lie in the beta brainwave

range. This equals our day to day awake consciousness, which
is active when we are awake and paying attention to

We have only learned to function, or are only used to function in
this beta brainwave range. Alpha on the other hand is the frequency
which is active when we are daydreaming, are in a light trance or a
light hypnotic state. Theta is the level of dreaming and trance. Delta is
the frequency range in which astral traveling and out-of-body
experiences occur.

Nowadays it is possible to get commercially produced CDs that are

specifically designed to attune your brainwaves to a certain frequency.
The mechanism which makes this possible is the following: in one of
the headphone is played a tone with a frequency of for instance 2000
Hz, in the other headphone you will have a tone with a frequency of
2100 Hz. Your brain will be attuned to the difference between these
two tones, 100 Hz. Because of the phenomena called interference and
resonance, you can add the effect of the two waves up, so that you
have a tone of 100 Hz and the brain starts giving off waves of
electricity which have that same frequency. This way you can pinpoint
at which frequency you want to have your brain functioning with, very
fast and accurate. The huge advantage of this lies in the fact that each
brainwave resembles a certain state of consciousness. Because of these
technological devices we can now very precisely select the state of
consciousness we want to experience.

Synchronizing the brainwaves of the hemispheres has many

advantages that are recorded scientifically in many different and
independent studies. All research has shown that synchronizing the
brainwaves leads to: relaxation, diminishing stress, an increased
feeling of wellbeing, feeling better about yourself, making migraines
and headaches less intense, diminishing depression, a stronger immune
system, lower blood pressure, better sleeping patterns, ending sleepless
nights, improved intuition, extra sensory perception, creative
visualization, and so on. Not all of these effects will occur the first
time you try this since your brain needs a bit of time to get used to the
new possibilities and method of operating.

Research has shown that synchronizing the brainwaves is the very

essence of Zen meditation. If you combine this with the knowledge
that the effect of doing a ritual is that your brainwaves drop down to
the alpha or theta level, and knowing the purpose of doing a ritual, you
are no longer depending on certain aids, materials (like expensive
herbal mixtures, candles of a certain color etc.), other people or
external factors. So all this is no longer needed if you'd have a
technique which allows you to drop down into alpha quickly,
effectively and in a controlled manner. And that is exactly what you
will learn in the next exercise. This method originates from the Silva
Mind Control system from Jos Silva, and is a training program to get
you to the alpha brainwave level. If you practice this diligently you
will be ably to stay aware although being in the alpha level and even
reach further into the theta level. I am actually a teacher from this
system and have aranged a special bonus audio download for you as it

will make things easier for you. You can acces this at:



When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom if that is

necessary, and set an alarm clock for 15 minutes to avoid that you fall
back into sleep again. Than get in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes
and look upwards approximately 20 degrees. This action already
creates alpha waves in your brain.

Now count backwards from 100 to 1 with about 2 seconds between

each number.

Keep your focus on this while you are doing it.

This exercise works with the fact that when we wake up, we have to
go from theta to beta. And in between lies the alpha frequency range.
Most of the times we stay a bit in the alpha level before we wake up to
start the day.

Youll need about 7 weeks to get this technique perfected and to get
control over the lower levels of the alpha region and to eventually drop
into theta.

Do this 100 1 method for ten successive days, then do the same with
50 1, 25 - 1, 5 -1, each time for ten successive days.

Be sure to use the same phrase to wake up, certainly in the beginning.
This will give you better control against spontaneously waking up. In
the Silva Method they use Im going to count from 1 to 5. At five Ill
open my eyes and Ill be fully awake, feeling fit, feeling better than
before. 1 2 3 at five Ill open my eyes and Ill be fully awake,
feeling fit, feeling better than before. 4 5. [open eyes] Im fully
awake, feeling fit, feeling better than before.
Once you master this method, you can try the other one where you go
from beta to alpha, instead of going from theta to alpha and try to go
deeper from the alpha level itself. This is a more practical skill in your
daily life.

Sit in a comfortable chair or on the edge of your bed, with your feet
flat on the floor, your back straight and your hands loosely in your lap.
Relax your body by going over each body part and consciously
relaxing it. How would it feel if my [feet] were relaxed? Relax your
left foot, then your right foot, your left leg, your right leg, etc. Keep
doing this while you pass across your throat, face, eyes until you reach
your skull. If this doesnt relax you, tense each muscle and then let it

Look at a point which is about 45 degrees above the level of your eyes.
Focus on that point until you notice your eyelids becoming a bit heavy.
At that moment you close them. Count from 50 -1 for a period of 10
days, after that go from 10 - 1, and from 5 -1 each for 10 days. Once
you get to that point, make a habit of doing this 3 - 4 times a day and
staying in that relaxed state for about 15 minutes. To wake up, you use
the same method as above.

From the very first morning you start this program, practice
visualizing in the meditative state.
Picture some things from your daily environment in your mind. Look
at them from all sides, turn them upside down, change the colors, -
play! To make it easier, you can project everything on a screen
standing 6 feet in front of you, at a distance that is; so things are not
directly on your eyelids.

Note that the first couple of times you enter the alpha level,
you'll feel some real body sensations of relaxation. After a while your
body will get used to that, though; and you will no longer feel that
sensation. This only means that your body has gotten used to it. You
still enter the alpha brainwave range and it also indicates that you have
become more aware within the alpha level than you used to. Once you
arrive at this level, you can go even deeper into the theta range. This is
called dynamic meditation as opposed to passive meditation where you
just try not to think. The dynamic meditation gives you control over
yourself and is also the state of consciousness in which magic occurs.

I am actually a teacher of this system and have aranged a special

bonus audio download for you as it will make things easier for you.
You can acces this for free at:


One of the core principles of Huna is the idea that we consist of

3 selves. The idea that our personality consists of three different
entities, each with their own characteristics and properties, allows us to
bring certain possibilities of the human mind into a rational context.
Even if this would not be true, the theory still provides a model that
goes way beyond the model which is now the standard in western
psychology: one personality divided in two parts, the consciousness
and the subconscious and perhaps a spiritual part. The Huna model
also seems to be more easy to use for practical purposes.

In Huna we discern the lower self, the middle self and the
higher self. Their names reflect their position in relation to our
physical body and the different levels of evolution that each of the
selves has went through.

The lower self is situated at the solar plexus, but also penetrates
every cell of your body. The middle self is situated at the same level as
your brain(s) and the higher self is situated above your head and is also
connected with and penetrates your body. The three selves are
connected to each other by aka-threads. Each of the three selves has its
own functions, characteristics and properties. The lower self is the
least evolved on the evolutionary and growth scale. Each of the three
selves uses energy. The lower self produces all the energy for the other

selves. This lower self, unhilipili, uses mana. The middle self, uhane
uses mana-mana, which has a higher voltage than mana. The higher
self, aumakua uses mana-loa.

The three selves all have their own form of mental activity. The
lower self is responsible for the process that we know as remembering.
The middle self can not remember, but it can rationalize and think and
by doing that it can come to a right understanding of what goes on
around us. The higher self uses a form of mentation (= thinking) that is
superior to that of the middle self and can also observe the past and the
part of the future that is already crystallized, set. Because of the
different forms of mentation it is impossible for the middle self and the
lower self to really understand the higher self. The three selves do pass
information between each other by using the aka-threads.

The lower self equals what we know under the name of the
subconscious and thus operates at the alpha brainwave level.
Unhilipili, the lower self is the servant of the higher and middle self
and is like a little brother to these other selves. It controls the different
automatic processes within your body. So it does control the automatic
actions of your muscles, like your heart, and it controls your breathing.
It doesnt control the muscle actions we activate by using our will.
Therefore breathing exercises are very powerful to connect to this
lower self since this is something which is normally regulated by our
unconscious. It is the center of our emotions. Just think about how
difficult it is to consciously make you cry. First the emotion has to be
there. This emotion can be evoked consciously but you still have to
experience, relive the emotion before you can start to cry. The
techniques of NLP are very good to re-experience something in such
an intense way that your subconscious, thus your lower self, gets
involved and releases the emotions. On the other hand when
something touches us intensely and unexpectedly, then there is a
stream of emotions which we can not control with our conscious
intent. And we can hardly stop the flow of the emotion.

Love, hate, fear, you name it, are all emotions that originate
from the lower self. They can be so strong that they shove aside the
will of the middle self and force it to experience the feelings of the
emotion or to react to it. It is also this lower self that reacts to hypnotic
suggestions. It thinks literally and therefore takes these suggestion
literally, too.

This has certain consequences. First of all, you hand your wish
over to the higher self during the Ha-rite or Huna- prayer through the
lower self. This lower self is used to working with the literal meaning
of things, so you have to keep that in mind when you are formulating
your wishes. You can work with symbols if you are sure that your
subconscious mind attaches the same meaning to the symbols as your
conscious mind does. Secondly, the lower self operates at the level of
emotions; therefore it is very good to use an emotion when you are
telepathically sending energy balls to someone. Even so the

effectiveness of the Ha-rite will increase when you can incorporate
emotions to the wish you transfer to your higher self.

In the Huna prayer or the Harite, the lower self contacts the
higher self through an aka-thread through which it sends mana to the
higher self. It is this lower self that connects with people and objects
through the aid of the aka-threads by vision or touch. Each time such a
connection is made, an aka-thread is attached and more or less
permanently connected to the aka-body in the region of the solar

Once the aka-thread is there the lower self can send a

projection, the aka-finger, of its aka-body substance to follow the
connection and connect with the person or thing on the other side of
the thread. Each time this aka-thread is followed, the connection is
made stronger and more permanently. Through this aka-thread then
information can be sent out and received. This is how telepathy works
and how wishes can be transferred to the higher self. This is one of the
reasons why just crying out psalms doesnt work, unless in the rare
occasions where all the necessary requirements are present by
coincidence. Because it is the lower self that transfers our wishes to
the higher self, this will work even better when this is done at the
alpha brainwave level.

The most important task of the middle self, our waking conscious
located in our brain and corresponding with the beta brainwaves, is to
control the lower self. This lower self namely, has also to do with our
urges. The middle self functions as a filter through which reality is
filtered before we consciously experience it. It is in the middle self that
our beliefs and belief systems reside. If there is a conflict between the
lower self and the middle self, the middle self will always be the one
that wins. Therefore it is very important to formulate your wishes at
the level of the middle self, then transferring them to your lower self at
the alpha brainwave region and notice how it reacts on it.

The higher self works with mana-loa, mana with the highest
voltage and responsible for miracles. This is active when you project a
thought and it becomes reality, when you set a goal and notice that it
gets achieved in a mysterious way. This higher self, Aumakua is
connected to the Poe Aumakua, the family of higher selves. This way
we are all connected. In this dimension where everything is connected
through a sort of wheel mechanism, everything that happens fits in a
certain order and evolution of things. At this level the past, present and
future are taking place at the same time. There is a certain direction in
the crystallization of the future but it is not rigid, it is like a wheel-
work, so one change can affect another event.

There is only one sin in Huna and that is intentionally causing

harm to another self. And that doesnt only mean causing harm to
other persons, it also means that you shouldnt look or talk negatively
upon yourself or your selves. I will seldom tell anyone what to do, -
but here I do. This is of huge importance: do not intentionally cause
harm to other selves, especially your own. Respect yourself and your


The three selves or the states of conscious corresponding with

these are of course just a model and not very linear or strictly marked
out. It is more that they resemble frequency ranges which overlap each
other slightly.

Living Being:

Higher Self

Middle Self

Lower Self
The Lower Self equals the subconscious. The alpha brainwave
frequency range.

The Middle Self equals the waking conscious. The beta frequency

The Higher Self equals the spiritual conscious. The theta and delta

This Higher Self is part of something bigger formed by the

collection of all the Higher Selves of all living things, through which
all these living things are also connected. We call this the Poe
Aumakua or the family of Higher Selves.

This family of Higher Selves equals what is called Akasha or
the Akashic records, the bigger whole in which all matter is present in
its formless substance, or the blueprint of our physical reality. It is
what we explore during astral traveling or when we are dreaming and
our brain drops into the theta or delta frequency. On this astral level
there is no division into time and space. That is why in this state we
can perceive information from remote locations or even experience
situations in the past or future, or at least the part of the future that is
already crystallized, more solidified. Since the future is shaped by the
evolution of the whole of which all people are part as individuals, and
these all have free will which causes a moldable future subjected to

The structure of time and space is shaped at the beta level, or

the middle self, and then projected onto the lower self or subconscious.
Yet, this lower self communicates with the higher self and therefore
can get access to information independent of time and space, during
dreams for instance.

If you want to manifest something, make it become reality in

your physical reality, than you first formulate the wish on the beta
brainwave level and than you place it into the subconscious, the lower
self. The lower self than delivers it to the higher self, part of the family
of higher selves, akasha, from which it can become matter or can come
to us through the path of the higher self of other living beings by
accidental encounters.
You can find more information on how to do this practically in
the next chapter.

This knowledge is also hidden in the ancient Om symbol; here

in Sanskrit:

Actually it is AUM. Formed by Ang, Ung and Mang. The
AUM symbol consists of four sounds, which succeed one another and
represent the path our consciousness flows through. The symbol has
four parts. The first part is the curl on the bottom left, it symbolizes the
material world, the state of the waking conscious, beta. The second
part is the curl on the right side in between the two curls on the left.
This part resembles the state of dreaming, the active subconscious, the
alpha. The third part is the curl on the upper left. It stands for deep
sleep, theta, and the latent subconscious. The point on top symbolizes
the absolute, super conscious. The half circle is used to symbolize it is
indefinite, thus not limited by time or space, which is something that
can not be understood if one limits him/herself to two dimensional
thinking. That is why the point, the state of the super conscious, is not
connected to the other parts, but is still part of them.

It describes the path of our consciousness, on its way to
enlightenment. It starts with the A, the waking conscious. Then it
flows into U, the dreaming, the subconscious. Next it goes through
M, the state of deep sleep. It finishes its path with the silence that
follows after the M. If one says two succeeding OM sounds, than
there is always a silence, a break, in between them. This stands for
Samadhi, the state in which you are one with everything and there is
no longer any division between you and your surroundings. Note that
this is also the order which is placed in the structure of the exercises in
this book.

When you sing the OM sound correctly, a sound is created that

has a frequency of 8 HZ. In other words: the frequency of the magnetic
field of the earth, the Schumann resonance. This is also the frequency
of the lower self, the subconscious, which can communicate with the
higher self.

In the sixties a Swiss researcher, Hans Jenny, was studying the

effect that sound waves have on materials placed on vibrating metal
plates. He photographed the shapes the materials took on when under
influence of the vibration caused by sound. When he used the OM
sound, the materials took on a geometrical shape, which is called the
Shri Yantra, a mandala that has been used for thousands of years in
India as a symbol for OM.

The process that I teach you in this book contains the necessary
elements for learning the skill of manifesting. The Shri Yantra, the
figure used to represent OM, literally means instrument (yantra) for
wealth (shri). This means that this concept can bring you all spiritual
and material wealth. In the last chapter I will give some information
that can help you understand how these two are related, as opposed to
what is often told in the New Age movement due lack of


There is only one sin and that is intentionally causing harm to

other selves even your own. When you harm a lot of other selves or do
it a lot, the connection with the higher self will gradually fade away.
Therefore it will become harder to achieve the goals you set out to do.
Because of this, a person should be free of guilt of harming other
selves. To achieve that, you have to make up for the harm that you
caused and if that isnt possible you should do good deeds without
your personal benefit in mind. This can also be used for harm caused
to people that you cant get in touch with anymore.

It is special for this concept that the higher self doesnt

interfere with the free will of the lower self and middle self. So they
can make mistakes and learn from them. Life doesnt stand still; it
moves on.

The first step to getting what you want is deciding what you want.
And for most people it is there where it goes wrong already. A lot of people
dont know what they want. They just live and let others or circumstances
run their lives. So look for something you want. For this it is necessary to be
able to stand still for a moment and set aside some time for yourself. Only if
you take that time you will achieve what you really want.


The Motivator

Lets say you want to achieve something but you lack the necessary
motivation. Then you can use this technique. It is important to do the
technique completely, meaning doing both part A and B.

Think about what you want to change in your current situation, the
opposite of what you would like to achieve. If possible think about
which negative belief is keeping you from getting the results you

1) Close your eyes and become aware of how you feel if you think
about the unwanted situation, which you want to change but need more
motivation for doing so.

2) Imagine yourself one month later. How does the frustration feel
after building up for one month because you lacked the motivation to
change your unwanted behavior, your negative belief or undesired
situation? If you look into the mirror, how do you look? How does
your environment respond to you?

3) Imagine yourself one year from now. You still havent taken the
necessary steps to change. So now you are one year further but still
have the unwanted behavior, or limiting belief. How bad do you feel

about yourself, knowing that you could be in a better situation but
arent because you didnt take the necessary steps to reach that point?
How do you look when you look at yourself in the mirror? How does
your environment respond to you or treat you?

4) Imagine yourself two years later. Two years in which you still have
the limiting belief or the unwanted behavior or situation. Two years of
knowing that things could be different, but you didnt take the steps
that were necessary to change. How do you see yourself, how do you
feel? How does your environment respond to you? How does your
environment make you feel? How do you look in the mirror? Can you
look yourself into the eyes, knowing you limit yourself? How alive do
you seem to be?

5) Imagine yourself ten years from now. Ten years of knowing you
could have experienced things differently if you had taken the
necessary steps. Ten years of wanting things to be differently. How do
you feel knowing you didnt take the actions you should have been
taken and now still being at a point where you dont want to be at all.
How do you feel knowing this? How do the people surrounding you
respond to you with knowing this?

6) Imagine yourself twenty years from now. Twenty years in which

you kept yourself stuck in an undesired situation. Look back on this
period of twenty years in which you craved the whole time for things
to be different, but you didnt take the actions that were necessary to
bring about change. How does it feel? How do you see yourself? How
do you feel yourself in your surroundings, knowing that things could
have been very different if only you had taken the right actions twenty
years ago?

Take this realization with you and come back to the now.

Now, imagine that you take the steps, learn the things, or make the
necessary changes to reach the positive result you desire.

1) Imagine yourself one month from now. How do you feel while you
are putting into action the changes necessary to reach your goal? How
do you see yourself? What changes in your environment in the way
you are perceived by others?

2) Imagine yourself one year from now. One year, in which you could
experience the benefits of reaching your goal, having your positive
belief or your desired situation. How lively do you look when you look
into the mirror?

3) Now, in your mind go two years further. How has your life
changed? Which new resources do you have now as a result of taking
the right action two years ago? How did this affect your life? In which
way can you contribute to others because of this? How does it feel to
look in the mirror and be proud of all the things you reached in two

4) Imagine yourself ten years later. How has your life changed in a
positive way in these ten years as a result of making the necessary
changes? How lively do you feel because you took these steps ten
years ago? How do you look in the mirror?

5) Imagine yourself twenty years from now. How much has changed in
this period by taking the steps that are necessary to bring about this
positive change? Which positive experiences have you experienced in
these twenty years and how have you built onto these during the years?
What positive effect does this have on your surroundings? How do you

Open your eyes and come back to the now.

With this exercise it is important you feel the emotion, the desire to
reach your goal!

Do this each time you fall back into your old habit patterns that
hold you back of getting what you want. For example, if you think you
weigh too much and should slim. Lets say you plan to go jogging
each morning to achieve that goal. In the morning you notice that you
rather stay in bed than going for a run. At that moment think about
your current situation that is not the way you want it to be. Compare
that with the goal you want to reach and let the dynamic power that
results from that comparison be your motivation.


Phobia Cure

This is an exercise to get rid of a phobia, a trauma or an experience

with strong negative emotions attached to it, fast.
You can do this for yourself, but you can also lead someone else
through it.
1) Close your eyes.
2) Imagine you are in a movie theatre.
3) In front of you is a movie-screen and on it you see the situation
where you experience the phobia or where you suffered the trauma.
You see yourself on the screen. The movie is without color and sound.
4) Now imagine floating out of your body and see yourself sitting in
the movie-theatre and watching the movie of the phobia or trauma.
When the movie has ended and the situation in which the phobia or
trauma occurred is over, float into your body on the movie-screen.
5) See everything out of your own eyes now. Everything is in color
and there is sound, too.
6) Rewind the whole situation very fast. It is important to do this fast.
7) Start again at the end of the situation, where everything is ok and
rewind it again, fast.
8) Do the rewinding 3 times in total.


Circles of Excellence

1) Remember a situation where you had the resources that you think
you need now, or remember the situation in which you felt they way
you want to feel.

2) Mentally draw a circle on the ground and give it a color.

3) Recall and fully re-experience a state in which you had these

resources and which was totally satisfactory for you. When you are
fully experiencing that state, on its strongest point, step into the circle.

4) Step out of the circle and think of something neutral. Like what you
had for breakfast.

5) Step into the circle again and feel again how you experience that
state. If that doesnt happen, repeat everything from step 3 on.

6) Think of a situation in the future where you would want to use this
state. For instance, if you are afraid to talk to a group of people, and
you made a circle of self- confidence for that. See yourself stepping
inside that circle and see how that state is useful for you there.

7) Step out of the circle and again think of something neutral.

Now the only thing you have to do to reach that state, whenever you
need it is to step into that circle.

In order to manifest your wishes it is important that your lower
self, your unconsciousness, is in harmony with your middle self, your
consciousness. If there is a conflict between the middle self and the
lower self, the lower self will win by interrupting the plans of the
middle self that neglects the needs of the lower self. The lower self
regulates all automatic processes within our body and mind. The lower
self can win for instance by causing us to break a leg during an action
that had become automatic through repetition. There are stories where
it was better for a person not to go somewhere, yet he did. But when
getting into his car the person bumps his/her head against the roof. To
get in the car is an action that s/he has done perhaps thousands of
times, so it became automatic and within the control of the lower self.
This lower self not only governs the processes that have become
automatic, like riding a bike or walking, it also regulates physical
processes within your body. Therefore it can also make you sick. I
advise you to listen to its warning signals since it has a more direct
connection with your higher self. Yet do not get paranoid in searching
a reason or an explanation for everything that happens in your life.

It is important to believe that you deserve that what you are

wishing for. If you dont think you deserve something or you are not
convinced that you can get something, you will not get it.

The Ha rite doesnt work, or at least not as effective as it is

supposed to, when some of the key elements which you have learned
in the preceding chapters, are missing. Things like: having enough
energy, the will, the belief that you deserve it, etc. This can for
instance be the case when you are sick. When you are sick, you need
energy to heal first so there will not be much energy left for
manifesting. Of course this depends on the nature of your illness and
the amount of energy that is needed to achieve your goal.

The Ha rite will not work if your wish is moving in the

opposite direction of that in which humanity as a whole is evolving,
unless you have a tremendous amount of energy. This has to do with
all the higher selves being connected to each other in the Poe

Furthermore, the more people will benefit from your wish, the
easier it will be to realize it. This also has to do with the fact that all
higher selves are connected with each other. Take this into account and
choose a goal that benefits as many people as possible. So, once you
have formulated your intent, your goal, check how many people could
benefit even in the slightest way from you achieving your goal.


Ha-Rite Huna Prayer

Once youve decided what you want, you should check what it will
provide you with and what consequences it will have. For instance it
could be that people in your direct environment think you no longer fit
in with them. Also if you for instance want a new car, you should also
take the costs for insurance and taxes into account.

Avoid disbelief. So dont pray or wish for something you consciously

or unconsciously dont believe you deserve or could get. Be sure to
know that you deserve it.

First do an exercise to increase your energy.

Next, for the best results, youd go to the alpha level. Once you are
there, visualize that what you want between your hands, like when
doing the energy ball exercise. So you hold your hands like if you are
holding a ball. Fingertips dont touch. Your shoulders are relaxed.
Imagine that you inhale golden energy and how it flows from your
shoulders through your arms into your palms. Then exhale with a
Haaa- breath while imagining and feeling how the energy flows into
the image or representation between your hands. Imagine and feel the
image getting saturated with energy. Keep repeating this until you
think the visualization is charged with enough energy.

Now send the image to your higher self. You do this by moving the
representation of your wish above your head and while you exhale
with a Haaa- breath, you release it there.
Next visualize a hollow chord going from your plexus (about the same
height as your heart, but more centrally located on your chest) up to a
place above your head. Send golden energy through this chord with a
Haaa- breath, 4 times.

The thing you desire can cost a lot of energy or not a lot of energy.
The more energy is needed to achieve your goal, the more you have to
repeat the whole technique. But be careful not to change your mind
when you are repeating it. If you do, than energy will be needed to
undo that which was already set in motion.

Some helpful hints:

- Imagine the situation as you wish it to be, not

how it changes, but what it would be like if it is
already completed.
- Be careful if you decide to work with words
rather than pictures. If you want to use words,
you need to carefully select them beforehand
because they can have all kinds of connections
and can have a whole lot of meanings for the
- You better work with pictures and you can make
these much stronger by adding emotions to them.
If you desire, you can make them even more real
by adding sounds and smells to them.
- Visualize exactly what you want, but leave your
lower and higher selves free in the method they
choose to accomplish it.

The Huna prayer has to be repeated a couple of times, depending on

the amount of energy needed to obtain that what you wished for, unless you
are very gifted. But that will not be the case for most people. Pay attention
when you are repeating the prayer that you dont change the original goal,
because, if you do you will have to spend energy on undoing that what was
already realized on the way to obtaining your goal. For instance if you do the
Ha rite to get a new car and after a couple of times you decide youd rather
have a convertible version, than things that got already laid out for you will
have to be changed, which takes up energy.

Also be careful to formulate your goal as specific and precise as

possible. For instance if you want to win when you have a money bet on a
soccer team, dont visualize the team winning, but visualize you winning the
bet. If you dont, it might be that the team wins but perhaps only after the 90
minutes which can cause you perhaps to loose the bet.


When we are sleeping, our brainwaves reach alpha and theta

frequencies and if you sleep very solid, you even reach the delta

You might notice that when you do exercises to increase your

energy, that your dreams become more vivid and that you also have
more dreams which you remember. If you wan to improve your ability
to remember your dreams, there are a couple of things you can do.
First of all you can take a pad of paper and a pen and lay them next to
you bed with the intention of writing down your dreams immediately
after waking up. If you do that for a while, youll start to remember
more and more dreams and more details of them. Before you go to
sleep you say to yourself: I now go to sleep and Ill have a dream that I
remember. You can also go to alpha before you go to sleep. Youd
best do this sitting up or else you might fall asleep. At the alpha level
you say to your self: I now go to sleep and Ill have a dream that I

When you are sleeping, your waking consciousness, your

middle self, is not active. Only the lower self and higher self remain
active. This combined with the fact that your brainwaves lower to the
theta and even delta brainwave frequencies, explains why you can
have dreams that predict the future.

You can also ask for specific information in your dreams: I
now go to sleep and Ill have a dream that tells me about . / explains
to me . /shows to me in a format that I can understand.

In your sleep, you are in the lower brainwave regions and your
lower self is active. Therefore sleep is a great period for telepathy. If
you want to send something to someone telepathically it will be the
easiest when you do it while s/he is asleep.


This chapter is different from the rest of this book since it is

where I go beyond what I can explain in our current scientific terms.
Because of my experiences with this and the power that is involved, I
decided it was too important to leave out.

It was odd that this knowledge, which I had been searching for
over ten years, would be found in Bali. My journey in Bali began at
the airport of Denpasar surrounded by an immense upheaval and
cabdrivers trying to sell their services. The roads are life threatening,
hundreds of scooters, shooting, passed from all directions. For most
Balinese they are essential for their survival though. Yin and Yang.
More than once you can see a farmer with all his merchandise packed
onto the scooter, loaded with more weight than I would dare to place
in my car. It was strange that I would find this powerful spiritual and
energetic system somewhere between these hectic scenes. During the
drive, the driver pointed out a yellow bamboo growing at the side of
the road, a rare kind of bamboo. According to the legend, a person that
was made invulnerable to all kinds of weapons through black magic
could still be harmed by a weapon made of this yellow bamboo. So the
name Yellow Bamboo in itself tells you something about the strength
of this system already. A power I would soon experience myself.

The people who had brought me into contact with this system
took me, after a ceremony during full moon, to a temple. To reach the
temple we had to go through a small jungle, with the bright full moon
being our lantern. In the temple a high priest was waiting for us. He
started a ritual while we were doing a meditation with a special mantra
while we would focus on reaching the super-conscious state or Satori.
Most systems known to the westerner require years of practice to
achieve that state. Through Yellow Bamboo you can achieve this
much faster. We got there that night.

The next day we were fasting on a diet of water and rice. We

also started with the special physical exercises and breathing methods
that are focused on building up your inner power or tenega dalam. Up
until now, Yellow Bamboo is one of the fastest and most powerful, yet
safe, methods I have found for achieving this purpose. Because we
develop this power so rapidly it doesn't take long before we can start to
use skills like telepathy and remote viewing. But the power is shown
the strongest and with the most amazement when it is used to knock
out an attacker without physical contact at a distance of one to six feet.
I've placed a free video for you on my website where you can see this
demonstrated. I've witnessed several of these demonstrations during
my stay in Bali. Ive even done them myself after an intense training.

There was one demonstration where an attacker ran towards a

Yellow Bamboo practitioner. The practitioner suddenly beamed his
energy towards the attacker, who then dropped to the ground without
being touched at all. They were about six feet apart. They also
demonstrated an attack where the practitioner just invoked the energy
but remained standing still being passive. The attacker dropped to the
ground before he could touch the Yellow Bamboo practitioner.
Another demonstration involved a jacket on the ground and a guy who
wanted to steal it. The thief was pulled back by the practitioner over a
distance of a couple of feet, just by using energy.

All these demonstrations have in common that one person had

to have bad intentions towards the other one. These demonstrations are
certainly not the essence of the system, although they do show you
how powerful the force is thats involved here. It is also used for
healing. So imagine how strong the healing power of this energy must

I'm totally aware that this might be way too far outside of what
you are usually thinking of what is possible within the human
potential. I've witnessed and even done this myself so for me the case
is a bit different. I've tried to understand this rationally and in scientific
terms, but I just have to accept that this system has something to offer
that goes way beyond what science can explain right now.

I'll give you a bit of explanation though, but it is not complete

and the missing parts can not be filled in with Western scientific
knowledge at this moment. The different breathing exercises used in

this system all follow the triangular breathing pattern: breathe in, hold
for a certain time, breathe out, breathe in, hold, breathe out, etc
What happens in your body as you gradually start to extend the
amount of time you hold your breath is the following. When you
breathe in you suck oxygen (and the other molecules, but they don't
matter here) in your lungs. Here the oxygen gets attached to
hemoglobin and so it can be transported through your body, by holding
the breath, the balance between O2 and CO2 changes. There will be
less oxygen to transport and you will need more hemoglobin. The
concentration of hemoglobin increases while you hold your breath.
Hemoglobin contains iron atoms and has magnetic properties. So by
breathing in this way you certainly change the magnetic or
electromagnetic properties of you body. Now I can rationalize how
intent would fit into this, but it just goes beyond what one can explain
with scientific terms.

Please remember that this knocking out is not what this system
is about. It has way more possibilities. You can find out more about
these on my website.


Apparently there is a relationship between the frequency of the

magnetic field of the earth and the frequency of the electrical impulses
in our brain. When these are more or less the same we can access the
powerful abilities of our mind.

Following naturally occurring phenomenon the magnetic poles

of the earth swap position roughly about every 300.000 years. The last
time this happened was about 780.000 years ago, more than double
that time. Just before such a swap occurs there is a weakening of the
strength of the magnetic field of the earth. This weakening in strength
seems to be something that is going on now. The magnetic field of the
earth decreased 5% in strength over the last 100 years and 50% over
the last 500 years. On Google Earth you can get diagrams that show
how much the poles are moving and how this process seems to be
speeding up in the last couple of years.

If, and this is of course a bit of speculation, there is a straight

relationship between the frequency of the earth's magnetic field and
the power of our mind to access the alpha brainwave level, this would
mean we can get access while going less deeply in meditation. The
consequences for our electricity grid would be less positive, though.

We also need the magnetic field for our health. When we first
brought astronauts into space, they got health problems due to lack of
exposure to a magnetic field. Since the further away you go from the
earth, the weaker the magnetic field is. This problem was solved by
putting magnets in the fabric of the spacesuits.

It seems that there is a connection between magnetism and our

health. Already in the fourth century BC the Chinese wrote about the
magnetic properties of magnetite, a volcanic crystal. In the classical
Chinese book on medicine Medical Canon of The Yellow
Emperor- there is a text about the use of magnets in acupuncture. The
ancient Egyptians, people in Japan and India also wrote about the
healing properties of magnets.

Over the centuries, several scientists studied magnetism. Like

Paracelsus and Pasteur for example. And in 1954 Linus Pauling
received the Nobel price for discovering the magnetic properties of
hemoglobin in our blood.

Many health complaints can be relieved by a better blood

circulation, which causes more oxygen to flow to the cells. If you put
normal magnets on the body, the blood circulation increases within 2
minutes, as well as the amount of oxygen in the blood.

A healthy body is alkalic and thus not acidic. Many of our
modern foods cause an acidic environment in our body, though. Raw
food helps you to keep your body alkalic. A diet of raw fruits and
vegetables helps to cure many illnesses that are considered being
difficult to heal. Such a diet does require good knowledge and super-

A positive magnetic field causes an acidic environment in our

body. For our health we need a negative magnetic field. There still is
some discussion, though, about the different effects of the different
magnetic fields on our health, so it will require some more research.

An interesting experiment on this was published in the

American "Journal of the National Medical Association." in
September 1990. In this experiment the researchers placed a petri-dish
with cancer cells into the diamagnetic north pole of a machine that
produced magnetic fields. Another dish with cancer cells was placed in
the diamagnetic south pole of the machine. After 3 weeks the dish in
the north pole showed a significant decrease in the growth of the
cancer cells. In the other dish the growth rate was slightly increased.

Some places on earth have a stronger negative magnetic field

than other places. Lourdes, for example, is such a place. Many people
gather there for the healing water. Remember this while reading the
things I will write about in the next chapter.

The results from the research on pulsating magnetic fields can
not always be applied to static magnetic fields. This forms a problem
as it is financially more rewarding for researchers to study the
pulsating magnetic fields as this research can lead to the development
of machines for which patents can be claimed.

Here I provide you with a, not exhaustive, list of illnesses

where magnetism provides relief or even complete recovery.


Alzheimers disease

Arthritis and rheumatism

Breathing problems (like asthma)


Cancer (Russian research showed that the negative side effects of

chemotherapy were less strong when the therapy was combined with a
treatment with magnets.



Carpal tunnel syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Digestive problems

Heart diseases


Kidney stones

Mental and emotional problems


Multiple Sclerosis


Prostate problems

Sleep problems

Skin problems

Stamina and sport results

Okay, this is not a book on magnetism, so I leave it at an

introductional level and wont go into details about the effects of
magnetism on the cells in our body. For people who would like more
information on this I recommend the following resources:

This gives a good overview and a list of the scientific research on this

For an explanation of the health benefits of magnetism and an

overview of case studies of illnesses treated with magnetism. This
book also offers practical solutions for people who want a solution for
a specific problem.

In my research on magnetism I came across something else:

Something that might offer a way to explain everything that is
spiritual or paranormal on a scientific base. I will write about that
in the following chapter.


All our modern science originates from alchemy. Even Newton

was actively involved in alchemy. Many people know the stories of the
alchemists searching for the philosophers stone or a way to make

In school youve probably heard about this in your first

chemistry class, and they probably taught you that it is not possible
and ridiculed it. Our educational system has a rather slow mechanism
to incorporate new information, yet this is the information age where
information moves quickly.

In this chapter Ill tell you about the methods used to make
this. I hope that by writing this down, people from various
backgrounds, active in different fields, with different passions and
specializations will be stimulated to look deeper into this and discover
more about what is possible with this and what the implications are of
what follows.

A Scientific Base for Energy

How it all started

In the 70s a farmer in Arizona, US, David Hudson, discovered

some strange material while he was searching for gold. He did a lot of
research and put the results of that in patents. Later he started giving
lectures on his research. Working with patents creates a problem for
future development, though, and also slows it down. But there were
more people that were discovering strange phenomena. They were
discovering the same material independent of each other, but
interestingly enough they came to very similar conclusions on their

Barry Carter has now become the central point, were people
share their personal experiences. His website:

Through the centuries there are many traces of this energy

ormus- but I wont discuss these here. If you want to learn more about
that, you can find it on the website I just mentioned.

A Solution for the Pollution of the Earth

Barry Carter and his colleague Jim had designed a machine to

clean medical equipment by using ozone. The ozone didnt penetrate
the surface enough to disinfect the equipment. Barry and Jim decided
to use their machine in another field: to clean polluted soil. They were
testing their machine on the soil of a goldmine, which was heavily
polluted with heavy metals. The results of this process were really
amazing and provided water of a clearer quality than tap water.

During this cleaning process a couple of practical problems occurred,

but these would lead to a great discovery. One part of the machine
they were using consisted of charcoal briquettes. After using the
machine they found some sort of slimy substance in these charcoal
briquettes. This slimy substance floats of in the air when it is being
dried in a dark environment. If it is put in light it disappears with a
flash of light. One of the men wanted to adjust a rubber ring which
was part of the machine. While doing that he got a shock. At that time
he was standing on an isolated bucket. This energy could therefore
not be electrical in nature. Free energy from heavy metals and toxic
waste? Sounds great as a solution for the pollution from the industry,
doesnt it?

Even weirder is that when the charcoal briquettes, which were

in the filtering system of Barrys and Jims machine, were replaced
and broken up, they found gold inside the briquettes. Yes, inside. Free
energy, toxic waste purified and gold on top of that? The story gets

even more bizarre after that, but Im not going to go into the details

How is this possible?

Well, there seem to be certain elements that exist in a state

which is not known in the general scientific community now. This
state is called the M-state. Elements exist as solid mass, liquid, or as
gas and some elements can appear in this M-state. The elements of
which we currently know that they can appear in this M-state can be
found in Hudsons patents and are: cobalt, nickel, copper, ruthenium,
rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, and
recently mercury can be added.

Why does modern science not know about these elements?

General science doesnt know this state of matter and therefore

doesnt have any equipment for the detection of elements in this state.
The method that is generally used for the detection of specific
materials is spectrographic analysis. The problem is that with this
method of detection, elements in the M-state are not visible. These ele-
ments do become detectable if one brings the substance in which there
are elements in the m-state, into a pulsating electromagnetic field, like
the one of a microwave. This means they go from the M-state into a
state of solid matter. Gold is one of these elements that can exist in the
M-state and if one places sea-water, which naturally contains very

small amounts of gold, in an electromagnetic field, the amount of gold
in the sea-water increases. This increase can be found by
spectrographic detection.

These elements that can appear in the M-state are called ormus.

Ormus answers to all the properties of energy as I have listed

earlier in this book. For example I talked about the breath being one of
the most important sources of this energy. Well, ormus, meaning
these elements in their M-state, can also be found in the air and can
even be extracted from it using a machine. On the site of Barry Carter
you can find step by step instructions on different ways to isolate

One of the properties of ormus is that it moves away from a

magnetic field. In Indonesia there exists an exercise to increase
peoples spiritual powers, in which they put people in a river for a
certain time with just their heads out of the water, under the
supervision of experienced people, of course. Now what happens with
ormus in water? Ormus has the property to move away, from a
magnetic field, so ormus in water will move away from the magnetic
field of the earth and levitate over it. Hence the people breathe it in
when their heads are just over the water.

This property of ormus is used in a so called water-trap, to
extract the ormus, in such a machine the water runs through a
magnetic field and a pipe is placed just behind that field to collect the
ormus, as the ormus is repelled by a magnetic field.

An interesting phenomenon to note which also occurs in

Indonesia, is the experience where during a spiritual experience some
energy turns into some sort of gold in solid form. This manifested gold
is pretty rare and has a very high spiritual value. I have seen it in Bali
in different forms. Sometimes it has the form of a weapon, on other
occasions it is just a small rock. Is this ormus life-energy turned
into solid matter? They call it yellow iron.

So ormus is repelled by magnetic fields, or in other words:

elements in their M-state are repelled by magnetic fields. So what
happens when one does bring the ormus in a strong magnetic field? If
one places ormus in a strong magnetic field, the elements return to
their solid state and they then loose the special properties they had
while they were in the M-state. Placing ormus in a microwave converts
it into solid matter. For instance, if seawater is being placed in a
microwave, the amount of gold in it increases measurably, although in
very very small quantities, micrograms. If ormus is the life energy, and
Im more and more convinced that it is, then this also means the
energy, chi or prana is gone when the elements are appearing in
their solid state.

A cell-phone by the way, works in a similar way as a
microwave, but on a lower capacity. People ingesting ormus therefore
should not use a cell-phone just like that and need special precautions
because the ormus will be converted into solid matter. Several people
found this out the hard way. Also, in my opinion, at this stage it is not
advisable to just ingest ormus without medical supervision. Mainly,
because it changes the ratio in which some essential minerals appear in
our bodies.

And even more so, because we dont know so much about the
effects, yet. I will now tell a little bit more about the effects of ormus.

Effects of Ormus

Spiritual Conscious

There once was a test in which the brain activity was measured
from someone who had ingested ormus. Within a short time, the whole
brain synchronized, this means: both hemispheres operated in
complete harmony. This state is reached by yogis only after years of

Some people reported out-of-body experiences when they

smelled the ormus. Others mentioned seeing colors around people,
similar to seeing auras.

The key to telepathy

Many efforts have been made to come up with an explanation

of telepathy. One of the models used most frequently is that of the
radio waves. This doesnt make sense, though. Telepathy works almost
instantaneous. So, unlike radio waves there is no delay for crossing a
large physical distance. Also, telepathy still works when the person is
in a Faraday cage, a metal construction through which radio waves can
not pass. The Russians already discovered this while doing research on
using telepathic communication in submarines.

In 1982 a very interesting experiment in quantum physics was

done, that relates to this. The experiment showed that subatomic
particles communicate with each other one way or another.

The subatomic particles have a specific direction in which they

spin. When such a particle was split up in two parts and one part was
placed in a field that forced it to change its spin direction, the other
part that had no physical connection with it anymore also changed its
spin direction. The part reacted on changes in the other part with
which it formed a bigger subatomic particle as a whole before. This
happened instantaneously, without regards of the distance between the
two parts. This experiment proved Einsteins theory about the
impossibility of communication faster than the speed of light wrong by
the way.

But how does this communication take place? Without
becoming too technical, the answer seems to be found in the
phenomenon of quantum coherence. Particles on the quantum level
have a certain direction in which they spin, and because of this
spinning they create a spin field. The transfer of information in such a
spin field is instantaneous (or as good as). If there also exists a
mechanism for spin fields in biological systems, then that might have
implications for consciousness and the transfer of information. Barry
Carter writes about the strange result of a fellow researcher (Dr.
Alexander Shpilman). This researcher generated a spin field generator.
He did experiments showing that, if one creates a spin field coherence
(this means creating coherence in the direction of the spinning of the
subatomic particles) one can transfer the effects of alcohol to water.
Several persons participating in this experiment showed signs of
alcohol intoxication after drinking water that was exposed to this

Barry Carter thinks that ormus in water and biological systems

is the medium for the transfer of information through coherence in the
quantum spin. When a person ingests ormus the coherence between
body and mind seems to increase.

In another experiment researchers placed living cells from

humans in a glass connected to a measure equipment. The persons
these cells were taken from were placed in a different room. When
these persons had a certain reaction to a stimulus, there was a
measurable reaction in their cells which werent connected with their
bodies anymore through any physical means. When the people were
brought to the other side of the road, the reaction still occurred.

Interesting to note is, that you can also use the technique of the
energy balls to store information in water, for instance, to help
someone to stop smoking or get rid of other bad habits. Also
interesting to mention in regards to all this is the research done in
Russia that showed that if you add a certain substance to water, and
then remove that substance completely on the molecular level, you can
still detect the electromagnetic properties of this substance in the

Is this maybe how homeopathy works? In homeopathy they

add a substance to water and than dilute the water until the substance
itself is no longer present in the water.

I once saw a demonstration by an alchemist who was able to

remove alcohol from wine through doing energy work. I also
witnessed a kahuna adding mana (life-energy) to water and charging it
with the characteristics of alcohol. Someone who drank this water
became drunk.

Is this the way through which biological systems transfer

information, regardless of space or time. Maybe it is no coincidence
that in Yellow Bamboo the same word is used for telepathy and remote
viewing, a similar name for the same mechanism.

Immediate manifestation?

If you went through this book in the written order, you have all
the keys for manifesting or creating your own reality. According to my
theory someone who has more energy will manifest his desired
outcomes faster and faster. Putting it in other words: someone who has
more ormus assuming that ormus is indeed the life energy and what
connects mind with matter- will have things manifested more and
more quickly. The fact that the coherence between body and mind
increases when a person takes ormus, seems related to this.

One personal report of a person taking ormus, which can be

read on Barrys site, is especially interesting in this context. The guy
noticed that every thought he had (in mind) became reality (physical,
body), instantly. This went on so far that he ended up having to do
count to keep his mind occupied whenever he wasnt thinking about
something specific. Since also, if he would think about something
negative, like a car would crash into his car, it would become reality,

The physicist D. Bohm has a theory about the implicit order

and the explicit order. The explicit order being reality as we know it

while the implicit order is some sort of energetic or spiritual blueprint
for the physical reality.

The kahunas charge mana with a specific information, emotion

or intent which they than transfer to their higher self Aumakua, part of
the family of all the higher selves, the Poe Aumakua, which connects
all people. Remember the schematic overview in the drawing in
chapter 6, where I explain that this Poe Aumakua is also the Akasha.

Old Hindu texts explain that matter is build from anu, but the
subtle energy of which the human body is made up, consists of
paramanu, literally: beyond the atom.


In one of my newsletters, for which you can sign up at my

website, I wrote about an experiment conducted at the University of
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. On internet you can find movies from this
experiment at:

This was an experiment on diamagnetic properties of certain

materials. It is the phenomenon where certain materials are exposed to
a strong magnetic field and than respond by creating a magnetic field
themselves which is opposite in orientation to the one to which they
were exposed. Some of the elements that have this property are
hydrogen and carbon.

This also happens to be the main elements that can be found in

living creatures.

During this experiment they placed, among other subjects, a

frog in a strong magnetic field. The diamagnetism causes a magnetic
field to be created with the force oriented in the opposite direction of
the field to which it is exposed, meaning a magnetic field that repels
the other magnetic field. Like two magnets repelling each other. What
happened as a result of this is that the frog started to levitate.

Our body consists mainly of these diamagnetic elements.

During this experiment they also played with having a tiny magnet
levitate between two fingers.

Ormus moves, levitates, away from a magnetic field. Is it by

absorbing more energy ormus- that levitation becomes possible for

Ormus and Health

Ormus also shows some very beneficial applications in the

health field. I already explained in the chapter on magnetism that the
health applications for which magnetism can be used are pretty widely
spread. The discovered results when looking into the areas where
ormus can be applied to health are really amazing. I will just select a
view to illustrate this.

There was a cat, which had an accident and therefore lost its
tail. A tail normally doesnt grow back on. The cat was given ormus
though and its tail started to grow again. A recent picture shows it has
grown back to normal completely at this moment.

You can see and read the story at:

In another case there was person with a piece of his tooth

broken off. Normally teeth dont re-grow the parts that break off. The
man took ormus and his tooth grew again.

Even with cancer, ormus in some cases seemed to be able to

change the cancer cells back to healthy cells.

Barry Carter had a grey beard and under the influence of ormus
it started to get its color back. This happened from the root, so it was
certainly no paint. In the same line, there was a man who placed a
bottle of water in a pot with magnetite, a magnetic material, for 5 days.

He drunk this water for about 3 months and came to the conclusion
that his hair started to get back its color.


One of the main problems with our food these days is that it
contains less vitamins and minerals than before. The quality really
decreased. By adding ormus to the soil and the quantities needed are
remarkably small- you get a bigger harvest and the growth cycle
shortens, so you can harvest more frequently. Doesnt this put a
heavier burden on the soil? The strange thing is that is not the case and
the harvest even contains more minerals and vitamins than normally.
On top of that the fruits are bigger: oranges become as big as melons,
walnuts become as big as tennis balls.

Also the ormus keeps the insects from eating the harvest. So
there is no need for toxic pesticides anymore.

Such a relatively easy and cheap to produce product, might be

a solution for places with a similar problem like Bali.

The economy of Bali depends almost completely on tourism, as

the fruits that grow there are not export quality, although there is a big
variety of exotic and healthy fruits. Maybe the economy of such a
place can develop an export branch for fruits when they would enrich

the soil with ormus. On top of that the growth cycles will be shortened
so a farmer can harvest more times a year and thus get more profit.

Is this the end....

Or is it just the beginning


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