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Environmental Health Perspectives

Vol. 74, pp. 3-9, 1987

Biological Markers in Environmental Health

by the Committee on Biological Markers of the National
Research Council*
The National Academy of Sciences/National Research the kinds of information and concepts being used by the
Council (NAS/NRC) was asked by the Environmental committee. An extended report from the Committee on
Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institute of Biological Markers and its Subcommittee on Reproduc-
Environmental Health Sciences to conduct a study of tive and Developmental Toxicology is in preparation and
the scientific basis, current state of development, val- will be published separately by the National Academy
idation, and use of biological markers in environmental Press and will contain the findings and conclusions of
health research. The project is being conducted by four the committee.
subcommittees of the Committee on Biological Markers
within NRC's Board of Environmental Studies and Tox- Concepts and Definitions
icology. These groups will evaluate the status of bio-
logical markers for specific biological systems: markers Biological markers are indicators signaling events in
of reproductive and developmental effects, with an em- biological systems or samples. It is useful to classify
phasis on neurodevelopmental effects; pulmonary sys- biological markers into three types, those of exposure,
tem markers of exposure, effects, and susceptibilities; effect, and susceptibility, and to describe the events
markers of immunological changes as they relate to can- particular to each type. A biological marker of effect
cer, including childhood cancer; and markers of ecolog- may be an indicator of an endogenous component of the
ical toxicity, including markers of ecosystem exposure biological system, a measure of the functional capacity
and altered processes. of the system, or an altered state of the system that is
As part of this project, the Subcommittee on Repro- recognized as impairment or disease. A biological
ductive and Developmental Toxicology convened a sym- marker of susceptibility is defined as an indicator that
posium January 12-13, 1987, in Washington, DC. In- the health of the system is especially sensitive to the
vited speakers described their research and its possible challenge of exposure to a xenobiotic compound (a com-
application to the development and use of biological pound originating outside the organism). A biological
markers. This issue of Environmental Health Perspec- marker of exposure may be the identification of an ex-
tives contains the proceedings of that symposium. ogenous substance within the system, the interactive
product between a xenobiotic compound and endoge-
In this introductory article, the parent committee sets nous components, or other event in the biological system
forth in general terms the broad concepts and definitions related to the exposure. Of utmost importance is the
of biological markers and discusses the use of markers correlation of biological markers of exposure with health
in environmental health research. The committee's de- impairment or potential health impairment.
liberations are continuing; the following is offered as an It must be emphasized that there is a continuum be-
introduction to the symposium and as an indication of tween markers of exposure and markers of health sta-
tus, with certain events being relatable to both types
*Members of the National Research Council's Committee on Bio- of markers. The terms biological monitoring and health
logical Markers include Bernard Goldstein, Chairman, James Gibson, monitoring are also in common use, and their distin-
Rogene Henderson, John Hobbie, Philip Landrigan, Donald Mattison,
Frederica Perera, Emil Pfitzer, Ellen Silbergeld, and Gerald Wogan. guishing features are subject to debate (1). In essence,
National Research Council staff for the committee include Devra biological markers can be used for both biological mon-
Davis, Richard Thomas, Diane Wagener, Frances Peter, and Leslye itoring and health monitoring.
Wakefield. See Appendix for affiliations and addresses of committee Once exposure has occurred, a continuum of biological
Address reprint requests to: Committee on Biological Markers, events may be detected. These events may serve as
National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washing- markers of the initial exposure, internal dose, biologi-
ton, DC 20418. cally effective dose (dose at the site of toxic action, dose

at the receptor site, or dose to target macromolecules), ent compound or its metabolites in the body) can all
altered structure/function with no subsequent pathol- influence internal or biologically effective dose. Figure
ogy, or potential or actual health impairment (Fig. 1). 2 is a general model showing the relevant body com-
Even before exposure occurs, there may be biological partments for a variety of routes of administration. An
differences between humans that cause some individ- inhaled carcinogen might produce tumors in the lung,
uals to be more susceptible to environmentally induced but if the same material were ingested and eliminated
disease. Biological markers, therefore, are tools that via the kidney, renal tumors might be produced. If the
can be used to clarify the relationship, if any, between parent compound is responsible for the observed tox-
exposure to a xenobiotic compound and health impair- icity, the amount of metabolite reaching the target may
ment. be of no consequence. If metabolites are responsible,
however, metabolism in the liver, the target organ, or
Markers of Exposure elsewhere as a result of metabolic cooperation between
several tissues is an important determinant of internal
External exposure is the sum of the xenobiotic ma- and biologically effective dose.
terial presented to an organism, whereas internal dose Exposure to environmental agents has classically
is the amount of the xenobiotic compound that is actually been assessed by mathematical modeling based upon
absorbed into the organism. Biological markers of in- assumptions concerning emission sources, environmen-
ternal dose may include pharmacokinetic data, such as tal fate, and the location of individuals in space and time.
half-life, circulating peak, or cumulative dose. Biologi- Exposure has also been assessed by ambient monitoring
cally effective dose is the amount of material interacting using chemical or physical analyses of food, air, water,
with critical subcellular, cellular, and tissue targets or or soil, coupled with measurement or estimation of ac-
with an established surrogate. tual human intake of these media, and by biological
Several factors should be considered before making markers of exposure including measurements in body
qualitative or quantitative estimates of exposures. For fluids such as blood, urine, saliva, cerebral spinal fluid
example, the concentration, duration of exposure, and or, for reproductive and developmental systems, follic-
physicochemical nature of the toxicant are all relevant ular fluids, amniotic fluids and cells, and semen. Ex-
to the selection of an appropriate marker of exposure. amination of other biological samples, such as hair,
The physicochemical properties of the xenobiotic sub- feces, or teeth, may prove useful. The use of such bi-
stance and its stability in the environment or matrix in ological markers is a more preferable means for accu-
which it occurs influence exposure and accuracy of ex- rately estimating exposure than are the more indirect
posure monitoring (2). approaches of modeling or ambient monitoring.
Differences among species and individual variations
in physiological characteristics such as sex, age, and
health status can significantly affect the absorption and Markers of Effect
distribution of the chemical and its metabolites. Indi- For present purposes, the effects on, or responses of,
vidual response to environmental temperature, such as an organism to an exposure are considered in the con-
the ingestion of large quantities of water, also may af- text ofthe relationship of exposure to health impairment
fect absorbed dose. Diet or hormonal status can alter or the probability of health impairment. An effect is
gut motility and gastric emptying time, which in turn defined as: an actual health impairment or (by general
influence absorption by changing residence time in the consensus) recognized disease; an early precursor of a
small intestine or stomach, respectively. disease process that indicates a potential for impairment
Blood flow, capillary permeability, transport into an of health; or an event peripheral to any disease process
organ or tissue, the number of receptor sites, and route but correlated with it and thus predictive of develop-
of administration (which determines the path of the par- ment of impaired health.



FIGURE 1. Simplified flow chart of classes of biological markers (indicated by boxes). Solid arrows indicate progression, if it occurs, to the
next class of marker. Dashed arrows indicate that individual susceptibility influences the rates of progression, as do other variables described
in the text. Biological markers represent a continuum of changes, and the classification of change may not always be distinct.

I Organs (3 Media for biological monitoring

FIGURE 2. A general model showing the possible metabolic pathways of a xenobiotic compound by three routes of exposure and their association
with target tissue dose. CSF, cerebral spinal fluid. Adapted from Elinder et al. (1).

A biological marker of an effect or response, then, health effects are often less readily related to environ-
can be any change that is qualitatively or quantitatively mental exposures than are the markers of exposure de-
predictive of health impairment or potential impairment scribed above.
resulting from exposure. Biological markers are also Later in the course of the response to the xenobiotic
useful to identify an endogenous component or a system compound, or after an internal dose reaches a sufficient
function that (by general consensus) is considered to duration or intensity, the affected tissue will exhibit
signify "normal" health, e.g., blood glucose. It is im- altered function-a response that may be a subclinical
portant to realize, however, that these markers rep- manifestation of disease. Biological markers useful at
resent points on a continuum whose boundaries may this stage are likely to be related to the affected organ
change as knowledge increases. or system, for example, organ-specific markers as de-
Early biological responses may include alterations in termined by biochemical analyses. When the biologi-
the functions of the target tissue shortly after exposure. cally effective dose reaching the target tissue is suffi-
Organs or tissues that are not directly involved in the cient to alter function irreversibly, overt disease may
disease process may also exhibit a response proportional develop. Disease characteristics (e.g., acute neurotoxic,
to the biologically effective dose. These responses, such adverse cardiopulmonary, testicular, ovarian, fetal, or
as lymphocyte sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) or placental effects) occurring shortly after an exposure
red cell 8-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) ac- may be directly linked to the xenobiotic compound.
tivity, may be thought of as surrogates for the response However, it may be difficult to relate disease (e.g., ovar-
occurring in the target tissue and could thus be used as ian or testicular failure) to an exposure distant in time
markers of response at the site of action. An example unless the disease has characteristics or biological con-
of a marker that is closely related to external dose, sequences (e.g., mesothelioma or chloracne) specific to
biologically effective dose, and health status is carboxy- a certain type of exposure. Most biological markers used
hemoglobin (COHb) (3). Unfortunately, markers of to describe the disease state will be specific to the dis-

eased organ or system and may have little relationship defect (9), and low levels of AFP are associated with
to the xenobiotic compound that initiated the disease fetal karyotypic abnormalities (10,11). Accordingly,
process. For environmental health research, the most AFP is a nonspecific marker of health status. Its value
useful biological markers will be those that can be at- for environmental health research would be in studies
tributed to a specific environmental exposure. exploring the relationship of these disease entities to
A mechanistic approach to understanding the basic
Markers of Susceptibility events resulting in an adverse health effect can be ap-
Some biological markers indicate individual or pop- plied to the selection of an appropriate biological
ulation differences that affect response to environmen- marker. This is best demonstrated in research on car-
tal agents independent of the exposure under study. An cinogenesis. Many carcinogens have been shown to be
intrinsic genetic or other characteristic or a preexisting mutagenic or otherwise damaging to DNA. Therefore,
disease that results in an increase in the internal dose, much research has been directed toward developing
the biologically effective dose, or the target tissue re- short-term assays for genetic toxicity, such as the Ames
sponse can be markers of increased susceptibility (4). Salmonella mutation assay and tissue-culture assays for
Such markers may include inborn differences in metab- determining chromosomal aberrations or increased in-
olism, variations in immunoglobulin levels, low organ cidence of SCEs. These assays have been adapted to
reserve capacity, or other identifiable genetically de- assess human exposure to potential carcinogens. For
termined or environmentally induced variations in ab- example, the Salmonella assay has been used to ascer-
sorption, metabolism, and response to environmental tain mutagenic activity in urine from persons exposed
agents. Other factors that may affect individual sus- to mutagenic chemicals, e.g., by smoking cigarettes, by
ceptibilities include nutritional status of the organism, working with industrial chemicals, or as a result of
the role of the target site in overall body function, con- treatment with cytostatic chemotherapeutic drugs (12).
dition of the target tissue (present or prior disease), and The frequency of chromosomal aberrations and, more
compensation by homeostatic mechanisms during and recently, lymphocyte SCEs has been used to assess hu-
after exposure (5). The reserve capacity of an organ to man exposure to genotoxic agents, both physical (i.e.,
recover from an insult at the time of exposure may also radiation) and chemical (13). Techniques based on spe-
play an important role in determining the extent of an cific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, fluorescence
impairment. spectrophotometry, thin-layer chromatography, and
gas chromatography have been used to detect DNA
Selection of Biological Markers adducts resulting from exposure to mutagens and car-
cinogens (14).
Ideally, a biological marker of exposure should vary
consistently and quantitatively with the extent of ex- Validation of Biological Markers
posure (especially at low doses) and should be specific
for the environmental exposure of concern. Specific It is essential to validate the use of a biological change
markers of exposure include the presence of a xenobiotic as an environmentally induced marker by establishing
compound or its metabolites in body tissues or fluids that a relationship exists between an exposure and the
and in excretory products. Blood and urine are the most biological change of interest. One useful approach is to
commonly analyzed. For example, exposure to mer- develop a matrix of information from experimental stud-
cury, lead, or arsenic can be confirmed by the presence ies in animals and clinical studies in humans that enables
of the metal in urine; the determination of p-nitrophenol one to make estimates for humans (Table 1). Markers
in urine is used as an indicator of exposure to parathion, of acute effects for short-term, low-level exposures to
and the presence of chlorinated pesticides and poly- a pollutant can be determined in both animals and hu-
chlorinated biphenyls in adipose tissue is used as a mans. A comparison of this information with markers
marker of exposure to these lipophilic chemicals.
Other biological markers may reflect a particular Table 1. Example of a matrix for determining the validity of a
change that is characteristic of exposure to specific xe- biomarker.
nobiotic compounds. Examples include the reduction of
acetylcholinesterase activity in the plasma of persons Nature of External Internal Health
Species exposure exposure dose effect
exposed to organic phosphate insecticides (6) and the
appearance of 8-aminolevulinic acid in the urine of those A Acute X X X
exposed to lead (7). Nonspecific markers can also be Chronic X X X
useful, particularly if they can be related to environ- B Acute X - X
mental exposure. For example, serum a-fetoprotein Chronic
(AFP) has been used in China as a biological marker for Human Acute X X X
preneoplasia of the liver, which is common in that coun- Chronic ? ? ?
try. The production of AFP has been found to be pro- X = Marker determined.
portional to the tumor load (8). In addition, high levels - = Marker not yet determined.
of AFP in maternal serum suggest a fetal neural tube ?= Not yet tested.

for chronic effects resulting from the long-term expo- proaches now in use. Biomarkers of exposure also hold
sure of animals to the same pollutant could lead to the the promise of demonstrating which individuals in a
development of markers that are predictive of health potentially affected population (e.g., residents in the
effects in chronically exposed humans. neighborhood of a hazardous waste dump) have inor-
dinate levels of exposure. Developments in the field of
Quality Control biological markers are also likely to lead to a more ac-
curate determination of the proportion of highly sus-
In addition to selection and validation, the develop- ceptible people within the population (30) and of the
ment of adequate laboratory procedures for application results of human exposure.
of suitable tests to measure markers is fundamental to Since health risk is determined by a complex of ex-
the assurance of accurate, objective, and verifiable find- posures and effects in humans, in vivo studies in a va-
ings. Most tests of quality assurance are statistical, riety of laboratory-animal models may be necessary to
based on an assumption of a Gaussian distribution of provide the background data required for the identifi-
measurements (15,16), but some criteria for quality as- cation of appropriate biological markers. It will also be
surance transcend statistical criteria. They may involve necessary to find markers that distinguish environmen-
considerations of sensitivity, instrument design, and tally induced health changes from the background of
methodology, as well as limitations on the applicability disease due to other causes. Since the toxicity of some
of tests in circumstances where the expected result may chemicals is mediated either by activation or by detox-
not be different from background levels (17). ification biotransformation reactions, and since these
General issues of quality assurance and quality con- processes differ across species, it is important to estab-
trol have been addressed by the EPA (18-20), the Food lish that a test animal has a metabolic pathway similar
and Drug Administration (FDA) (21), the Organization to that of humans.
for Economic Cooperation and Development (22), and A frequent source of uncertainty in risk assessment
other regulatory organizations (23-27). The FDA guide- is the shape of the dose-response curve at low levels of
lines for good laboratory practice (GLP) (18) are now exposure (29,31). It is often impractical to conduct an-
incorporated into the standard procedures of most test- imal studies of effects at low doses, mainly because large
ing and analytic laboratories and are intended to reduce numbers of animals are required to detect the relatively
the chance of contamination or changes in biological var- low incidence of effects that result from such exposures.
iables introduced by sample storage, processing, or Furthermore, environmentally induced health effects in
measurement (28). Contamination is an important con-
cern when measuring markers of exposure. The appli- humans are usually associated with high exposures and
cation of GLP goals to the analysis of biological samples, hence high risk. Sensitive molecular markers being de-
especially human tissue, has been considered by oper- veloped will permit study of the relationships between
ational units within the Centers for Disease Control, low ambient levels of chemicals and the formation of a
the National Bureau of Standards, and various clinical predictive molecular marker. This could lead to the dem-
laboratories (15-17,24-25). onstration of dose-response relationships pertinent to
low-level human exposure.
None of these benefits or other potential benefits of
Use of Biological Markers in biological markers will be possible, however, without
Environmental Health Research extensive and continued research on the basic mecha-
Biological markers are powerful tools that can be used nisms by which chemicals interact with tissues and or-
to address many different issues confronting environ- gans of humans and other organisms. The need to fur-
mental health scientists. Markers that indicate the oc- ther our understanding of the biochemical interactions
currence of an internal dose, a biologically effective involved in the development of disease remains the first
dose, or the presence of an incipient disease can be priority for environmental health research.
useful in hazard identification, for example, as the qual-
itative step that causally associates an environmental
agent with an adverse effect (29). Markers can also be
Ethical Issues
used to determine dose-response relationships and to A number ofimportant ethical issues have been raised
estimate risk, especially at the low doses relevant to about the use of biological markers (32-35), especially
most environmental chemicals. Thus, the development about markers of susceptibility. Does society have an
of biological markers may enable scientists to make bet- obligation to protect individuals beyond informing them
ter use of laboratory animal data (usually obtained at of their risk? Can an employee be forced to leave his or
high-dose exposures) in estimating the effects of low- her job once a susceptibility marker has been detected?
dose exposures in humans. Another major role of mark- There is concern that focusing on the detection of sus-
ers is clarification of the extent of exposure in human ceptible individuals could replace efforts to remove toxic
populations. Methods of direct or indirect measurement chemicals from the workplace. Other ethical consider-
of total exposure through analysis of body fluids are far ations arise from the degree to which susceptibility
more likely to be of value in epidemiological studies than markers are predictive. For instance, it makes a dif-
are most of the modeling and ambient monitoring ap- ference whether the marker is totally predictive of an

adverse response, reasonably highly predictive, or only Donald Mattison

minimally predictive. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR
Ethical issues also extend to the use of markers for National Center for Toxicological Research
making decisions about consumer products. For ex- Jefferson, AR
ample, should an item of value or of convenience to the
general public be withdrawn from commerce because a Frederica Perera
few individuals are susceptible to adverse effects from Columbia University School of Public Health
New York, NY
use of the product, or should susceptible individuals be
responsible for avoiding contact with the product? Emil Pfitzer
The history of our civilization contains many examples Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc.
of ethical issues and questions raised by new develop- Nutley, NJ
ments in science and technology. As we move rapidly Ellen Silbergeld
into an era of greater understanding of the interactions Environmental Defense Fund
between genetic material and exogenous chemicals or Washington, DC
other important biological interactions, we must antic- Gerald Wogan
ipate and be prepared to address the ethical issues that Massachusetts Institute of Technology
will certainly arise. Cambridge, MA

Proceedings of the Symposium REFERENCES

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