Al Chemistry Manifesto

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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.



Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn D.C., PhD.

Copyright 2012-

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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.


So what is Alchemistry?

Alchemistry is a means of using chemicals for developing realizations.

In the way of enlightenment, and gaining realizations of Source (GOD) or

Totality, there have been traditionally viewed four principle ways
(Ouspensky) to develop realizations.

In this way (Four Ways) using either of the following four ways one can
begin to unlock higher realizations of Source (GOD).

The four ways include: The way of the Fakir, the way of the Monk, the way
of the Yogi, and The way of Alchemistry.

In that reading order the realizations become easier to manifest, although

harder to learn from and master.

What that means is although it is easy to become a Fakir (feats of strength

and endurance) and that to bring about realizations of Self (GOD or Totality)
becoming a Fakir does not develop either as high or as speedy realizations of

In contrast, the way of Alchemistry is the hardest and most expensive of the
ways, but it provides the highest and quickest road or way to realize Totality

It should now be understood that the inner self once realized is GOD itself.
Man is the microcosm of the macrocosm. (see Achieve Any Desire
Manifesto for more explanations on this providence).

Those who have experience in using these four ways to realized aspects of
Totality, understand that limitations of time, leads to using yoga and
Alchemistry. Alchemistry as mentioned is quicker than the way of the Monk
(fasting, devotion, and Bhakti/Love or silence and pilgrimages).

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Often times the way of the Yogi (mental mastery enabling Samadhi the
breathless state) leads to developing control and use of Alchemistry.

In the way of this portion of the Manifesto, alchemical strategies will be

given to speed up the ability of the individual to realize aspects of Totality.

Although there is no direct goal to using chemicals for realization, among

the leading reasons to use alchemistry is to develop longevity, health,
rejuvenation, anti-aging and even deathlessness.

With that in mind the next idea of alchemistry is understand the nature of
kaya kalpa.

Kaya Kalpa is an ancient siddha term to relate to chemical preparations. In

medieval times the term alchemistry was brought to light, however before
the times of alchemistry when chemistry for realization was talked about
(although it wasnt widely discussed like it was in medieval times or even
now) they talked about using kaya kalpa.

These terms directly relate to each other and both significantly impact
wisdom and teachings throughout history.

A common idea of alchemistry is that there is a Philosophers Stone, or a

metaphysical ingredient or chemistry which bears the individual who takes
it, the ability to achieve any desire.

In the first part of this manifesto, there is a yogic way to develop Achieve
Any Desire Siddhi (spiritual power). The alchemical version of that yogic
process to become one with that siddhi Prakamya or the ability to Achieve
Any Desire will not be directly talked about in this manifesto.

Some ideas based on developing health, vitality, anti-aging and realization

of Totality (many needed for developing Soruba Samadhi) will be expressed
in this portion of the manifesto.

At times there will be theory that explains how to build your own alchemical
preparations, and some theory which although scientifically sound, though

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not having been put into full practice are built on inner realization and
Samadhi (the breathless state of Oneness with Source).

This does not mean that the ideas are wrong or do not provide the desired
outcome, rather myself although understanding how to use and make the
preparations may not have used each individual remedy, or not used it to
exhaustion or perfection and maximal use.

Saying that, the art of alchemistry and kaya kalpa is a science that is unique
in that body design, weight/height, food intake, beverage choice or even
sublimation of body fluids (semen, food, B12, or even lacrimation) all
directly impact the amount, formulation and type of mixture you would need
to master the actual science of alchemistry.

Although this is true, that there are some discrepancies in artful ways to
make preparations for each individual, what will be talked about in this
manifesto will be direct ways to use the remedies regardless of unique
individual attributes instead of using it for mastery and perfection.

In this way you will learn ways to make or purchase alchemical preparations
so that you can begin the practice and useful initiation of realizations that
even wrongly dosed or partitioned, will still yield beneficial results.

With that, another concept that will be talked about here is the idea that
under no counsel is the ideas here supposed to substitute medical counsel for
illness or disease, and in no way will guarantee realizing the nature of
deathlessness, immortality, Soruba Samadhi, anti-aging or even rejuvenation
and erasure of disease.

One may question then, why this manifesto? The ideas shared here are
reflections of self realized potentials through use of chemistry. In this way
by meditating and realizing both Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Soruba Samadhi
(the breathless states of union with Source) through the use of these
preparations and unlocking these findings themselves through Samadhi and
union with GOD (Totality) the following statements about their use can be
made. This is the way that siddhas in the past unlocked the hidden potential
of material (chemical) use, this is the way of medicinal preparations, and this
is the way of science.

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Trial and or error, is a significant use and strategy in the way of using these
remedies to perfection. Using and allowing intuitive breakthrough not shared
by myself but by your internal hunch higher self or even meditation and
Samadhi will also benefit the use of this manifesto.

Saying that, the idea that Alchemistry and Kaya Kalpas somehow are special
and priceless for realizations and physical changes, the next idea has to also
be shared to give perspective on this manifesto and realization made to
impact the views of this manifesto.

Through yoga and Samadhi (both Nirvikalpa and Soruba) the following
statements can be made.

Monatomic are legitimate chemistry to bring about changes. Also chemistry

can be made by yourself to save expenses youd pay others. Using the
techniques taught here could provide you a new career choice. Also manna,
soma or other similar ideas shared in websites or by other teachers truly does
not relate to a chemical process which can be bought or made but instead
relates to the ambrosial fluid which is released through the tongue (uncut)
touching the uvula or going beyond it. This is the true essence of Manna,
Soma or Ambrosia the fluid released in Soruba Samadhi, a process which
directly is influenced as a surrender to Source (GODself).

With this idea, that true manna, soma or ambrosia is the fluid released from
the midbrain and medulla, paying for these counterfeited ideas which truly
are just in the best preparations of monatomic, or energetics of the
ingredients talked about in this manifesto, as mentioned you can save great
amounts of money through preparing your own, or learning how to make
educated purchases.

Why would you use alchemistry then?

How does having skin, hair, ligaments, bones, or even muscle become
younger or healed sound like to you? If you are worried about aging or are
looking for a way to directly influence the speed of recovery from an illness
or disease (even aging) then using alchemistry is a smart idea.

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In this way yogis in ancient India and China (called siddhas) used chemical
preparations (often called kaya kalpa) to increase life span to allow the
highest of yogic realizations and enlightenment to occur (Soruba Samadhi).
In this way they prepared their bodies to allow descent of consciousness
(GOD) into all cells of the body a process that makes the body either light,
able to migrate to other bodies after death, or even deathless in the sense that
death has no bearing on physicality because one had already through
chemical changes sublimated the cells turning them to light and non

While you may not seek to create physical changes to form the light body or
even incorruptibility and longevity or agelessness, you may be interested in
using Alchemistry for realizations or even Samadhi and health.

This manifesto will help with that process as well.

Deathlessness is a nature that suggests that physically your body is

immutable to nature or even effects of time and decay. A body that is
chemically altered to withstand decay and conditions of weather or illness is
a body that is prepared to move throughout the universe (or at least able to
stay for prolonged period of time on earth) until such time as one gives up
physicality and merges consciousness into omnipresent spirit (liberation or

In this way deathlessness through chemical means is more than a way to

overcome the limitation of the body and death but is a way to allow
consciousness to keep expanding in the body, keeping it youthful or even
enabling the needed time to become liberated and never having to be born

Incorruptibility is yet another process which can be developed through

alchemical changes. By chemically preparing the body to become pure light,
or accept changes of cellular reconstruction as spirit which is guided to
become regenerative or new again, the body which would have been injured
or aged can become new or youthful again.

The process of these two process (deathless and incorruptibility) are both
directly influenced by chemical means. In non alchemical changes, the body

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that is both deathless and incorruptible has changed physically through a

chemical process and the ingestion of ambrosia fluid, released from the
medulla (mid brain anatomy).

In this way by ingesting a secretion that often is contained for life in the
medulla and that which causes physical decay of the body, the body once
ingesting the ambrosia of the medulla, creates physical alterations to become
a body made of light.

Other ways of mastering physical to light changes, although do not sound

like they use alchemistry are alchemical in nature. One such principle is
sublimation of body fluids.

By sublimating lacrimation (tears), semen, Vitamin B12 or animal bi-

product ingestion, as well as fasting for giving digestion and digestive
enzymes time to regenerate and store up again in the organs of digestion, the
body will begin to overcome the limitations of disease and aging and
become more light instead of physical dense. As you can see though even
these strategies are ways that incorporate chemical changes, and in this way
by determining the exact make up of chemicals that support these changes in
nature, you can develop the process without having to rely on these
fundaments, or at least drastically reduce the needed time or involvement in
using these advanced strategies.

The formation of the Golden body or body that sheds various auric colors
(rainbow body) is another physical to light process that can also be changed
through alchemical means.

Again by using the correct mixtures found in nature your body can be made
shine with brilliance or auric conditioning of cleanliness.

The process of alchemistry is not just for metaphysical processes that appear
to be divine though! Using alchemistry talked about in this portion of the
manifesto you can also decrease the process of aging.

This as you will gather is drastically important for those who would like
nothing less than to age gracefully, have less pain, overcome limitation of

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sensory dysfunction or even premature baldness, greying of hair or wrinkled


Let us now move from the introductory information and get into the process
of understanding alchemistry and kaya kalpa formation.

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Homeopathy is a scientific art of using minute amounts of a chemical

found in nature (sometimes synthetics) to bring about an energetic change in
an individual.

Homeopathy is based on a premise that like treats like. Simply put, if there is
something in nature that brings about a change in a healthy individual who
does not have limitations, than this mixture will bring about improvement to
these characteristic changes in an individual who has these given tested

The idea that I put forth is based on theory of how this processes works

All things are energetic. You, me, the plants, minerals, diseased tissue,
microbes, virus, or even fracture and clogged artery or lymphatic duct
(among some basic examples).

What the idea or premise that could be why homeopathy works is a

statement that things in nature have an energetic signature. As energy they
also have a signature or sin/cos like wave (as they are energetic), like the one
shown below.

In this way your illness (most often is caused by diseased tissue and tissue
that is dis-eased with differentiating characteristics to another illness which
would have a differing wave sine) also has a sin wave to its energy

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The thing is Dr. Hanuman the first Homeopath (inventor of this great
science) understood that like treats like.

This is how I think it works metaphysically, and is a theory which should

test the time. The illness has a signature (sin wave), the homeopathic remedy
with sin wave the same, is out of synch or delayed because it is non
deranged (this in contrast to the illness tissues energy pattern which although
having the same signature is delayed or out of synch).

By adding the homeopathic remedy to the illness (the sin waves, both the
same but delayed) will overlap each other and cancel each other out (both
the remedy and the illness or dis-ease). This is semi-advanced physics and
the nature of constructive and destructive wave theory.

With this understanding put forth, the ideas is to understand what in nature
will give the needed realization, heal the tissue, and promote deathlessness
or even create golden aura or light body formation, can then be used
homeopathically to arrive at these physical changes or realizations.

This however is the beginning of the use of homeopathy in alchemistry.

Homeopathy although having an infinite amount of degrees of dilution, two

important strategies exist for its alchemical use and preparation.

Monatomic, and Energetics.

Let us first look at monatomic.

Monatomic means there is one solution of atoms with one atom of the
ascribed element in dilution (mono-atom or mono atom elements).

Saying it in English or more simply, when you purchase a gold bracelet or

watch in a store, it is made up of multiple metals or minerals.

If it is pure gold it then has more characteristic or unique characteristic

qualities that impact and create changes that are unique to gold atoms.

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In this way by using an element in pure form can get costly. But by taking
minute amounts (atoms of the element) will often be enough to get desired
results or realizations and changes to affect chemical make up or physical

In this way you can use dilutions of gold (or any other element) and dilute it
until you get atomic form of dilutions that contain one atom of the element.

This is the formation of monatomic. Using under twenty grams of gold as

we will see and forming solid monatomic is a strategy. Another strategy
which is discussed here is using homeopathic solutions as a great way to
create many doses (or a lot) from a little.

Another reason to make monatomic is because they are more easily digested
and absorbed by the tongue or stomach. Think about it this way. If you
ingested pure copper, it would take days (maybe longer) to dissolve the
metal and allow the atoms of copper to become absorbed by the small
intestine. If however you created ground up copper or even monatomic
liquid solutions which will be talked about in this manifesto, then they can
be absorbed more speedily, fully and without strain on the digestive system.

The other way of making homeopathic remedies alchemical, is a strategy

which seems bizarre at first read, but works none the less.

It is the way of energetics. Homeopathy works in a weird way. Each dilution

(when they are successed, which is a term to mean it is tapped between
dilutions) adds strength to its signature. In this way something that is more
dilute (although needs more successive succession or tapping between
dilutions) is more powerful than something that is less dilute.

What this means is if you create dilutions with non atomic signature (means
less than avogadros number or 23 times one part diluted in a hundred) or
less than observable atoms in the dilution (1 part in a hundred of dissolved
solution) you gain even greater potent strength of solution.

This is the other way of making or purchasing homeopathic remedies for

alchemical changes.

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The following is how youd purchase homeopathic remedies from a dealer.

For Monatomic youd purchase 23C (meaning 23 dilutions of one part in a

hundred solutions, which would make then monatomic as one atom in
solution is 10 to the 23 dilute 6.022 X 1023), then youd take approximate 6
drops of that remedy to effect changes in monatomic solution form.

If you were deciding instead to use energetic potentials, youd use 1M or 5M

(1 or 5 thousand dilutions of one part element in one hundred part solution).
In this way you would have non observable amounts of atoms in solution but
would have a super strengthened signature.

Both processes work, and provide realizations, physical changes or even

alchemical support.

Later in this work some elements will be talked about for things they do.
If you were making these remedies you either consult a homeopathic
manufacturer or yourself learn how to mix either sugar, lactose, or alcohol
based dilution for the elements into a solution of its base.

I am not the best at making these mixtures but work with homeopaths
directly who could make mixtures of majority of elements found in nature.
Although more costly than making them yourself, should you require a
remedy, or differing strength consult me at and Ill
be in touch.

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Monatomic Powders:

The following are some ways to create monatomic solutions of four key

These four elements are beneficial for developing needed realizations and
Soruba Samadhi (the conscious surrender to Source/GOD) that develops
divine physical changes as follows.

A) Gold: First degree Soruba Samadhi. Physical manifestation of body

that shimmers golden, has lusture or even shines metallic colors
(rainbow body).

Making Monatomic Gold using Silicon Dioxide:

19.26 g (Au) + 5.868 g (SiO2) = 22 g (Siam) + 3.13 g (O2)

That would mean to make 22 grams (the highest mastery number of

numerology) youd need to combine 19.26 grams of gold (Au) with 5.868
grams of Silicon Dioxide (Si02).

Silicon dioxide can be purchase bulk in the way of making food products.
Gold can be purchased through jewelers. Combining the two would require a
high-heat burner or furnace and/or oven.

One has to check the boiling point of each element we will talk about and
get a furnace that can heat up to the highest of those elemental melting
points. Silicon melts 1,410 Degrees Celsius. Gold a melting point of 1,064
Degrees Celsius, (Copper 1,085; Silver 962; and Platinum 1,768 Degrees

It is these four elements (Gold, Copper, Silver, and Platinum) that are used
to develop Soruba Samadhis divine transformative alterations.

Gold for first degree Soruba Samadhi (a rainbow, or golden/metallic

shimmering body).

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Copper for second degree Soruba Samadhi (a body that is muscular and able
to withstand hunger and thirst)

Silver for third degree Soruba Samadhi (a body that is light, incorruptible
and deathless).

And Platinum for fourth degree Soruba Samadhi (a body that can achieve
any desire, gain access to any locale, have dominion, or subjugate others).

This is the way of elements for alchemical changes to arrive at these divine

Two schools of thought (through my alchemic non liquid monatomic

method exist). The first is a calculation based on forming 22 grams of Siam
(Monatomic Gold). 22 grams is an idea based on mastery of numerology and
the idea that 22 is a prime master number. In this way you could argue that
22 grams is an arbitrary unit/mass and could be 22 milligrams, or
micrograms, or even Terra Grams (which would mean having a lot of initial

In this way the second idea of alchemistry using elemental monatomic

suggest another concept based on the weight of spirit. Spirit is said to be 21
grams (this noted when the body weights 21 grams less upon death, and
release of spirit). As spirit can not be calculated exactly the idea is that it is
likely breathe or a mixture of elements that are expired as follows. Nitrogen
(78%), Oxygen (16%) and Carbon Dioxide (4%) with water vapor the
remaining 2%.

In this way using the formula for Gold (Au)

a) Making Monatomic Gold using Silicon Dioxide:

19.26 g (Au) + 5.868 g (SiO2) = 22 g (Siam) + 3.13 g (O2)

Oxygen being 16% of the 21 grams or 3.36 grams of O2 youd need 1.07
times the amount of gold to build more Silica Gold (Gold Monatomic) or
1.07 times (X) the grams of initial 19.26 grams of gold (Au) or 20.61 grams
of Gold.

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20.67g (Au) + 6.30 g (SiO2) = 23.61 g (Siam) + 3.36 g (02)

The logic again behind this argument for monatomic conversion of

elemental gold to effect physical change to body that shimmers metallic or
colored auras is that 21 grams is the weight of spirit. Spirit is breathe, and
exhaled breath is 16% Oxygen (O2). That means in 21 grams of spirit there
is 3.36 grams of Oxygen (O2). Every number in the first equation (a) has to
be multiplied by 1.073 to get the higher value needed to make more amounts
of Silica Gold (Siam).

b) Making Monatomic Copper using Silicon Dioxide:

15.26 g (Cu) + 14.43 g (SiO2) = 22 g (SiCu) + 7.68 g (O2)

Or youd need 15.26 grams of copper with 14.43 grams of Silicon Dioxide
(SiO2) to form 22 grams of SiCu (Silica Copper) if you wanted to use
numerology means of prime master numbers for physical changes.

Or you could use

6.68 g (Cu) + 6.31 g (SiO2) = 9.62 g (SiCu) + 3.36 g (02)

To form the alchemical process to master spirit conversion (21 grams spirit
at 16% oxygen) which would mean youd use 6.68 grams of copper (Cu)
plus 6.31 grams of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) to get 9.62 grams of SiCu. Just as
the case of forming 23.61 grams of Monatomic Silica Gold (for spirit
conversion) you would use 9.62 grams of SiCu or Silica Copper in this
formula or mastery.

c) Making Monatomic Silver using Silicon Dioxide:

17.47 g (Ag) + 9.73 g (SiO2) = 22 g (SiAg) + 5.18 g (O2)

Or youd need 17.47 grams of silver with 9.73 grams of Silicon Dioxide
(SiO2) to form 22 grams of SiAg (Silica Silver) if you wanted to use
numerology means of prime master numbers for physical changes.

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Or you could use

11.33 g (Ag) + 6.31 g (SiO2) = 14.27 g (SiAg) + 3.36 g (02)

To form the alchemical process to master spirit conversion (21 grams spirit
at 16% oxygen) which would mean youd use 11.33 grams of Silver (Ag)
plus 6.31 grams of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) to get 14.27grams of SiAg. Just
as the case of forming 23.61 grams of Monatomic Silica Gold (for spirit
conversion) you would use 14.27 grams of SiAg or Silica Silver in this
formula or mastery.

d) Making Monatomic Platinum using Silicon Dioxide:

19.23 g (Pt) + 5.92 g (SiO2) = 22 g (SiPt) + 3.16 g (O2)

Or youd need 19.23 grams of Platinum with 5.92 grams of Silicon Dioxide
(SiO2) to form 22 grams of SiPt (Silica Platinum) if you wanted to use
numerology means of prime master numbers for physical changes.

Or you could use

20.45 g (Pt) + 6.29 g (SiO2) = 23.39g (SiPt) + 3.36 g (02)

To form the alchemical process to master spirit conversion (21 grams spirit
at 16% oxygen) which would mean youd use 20.45 grams of Platinum (Pt)
plus 6.29 grams of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) to get 23.39 grams of SiPt. Just as
the case of forming 23.61 grams of Monatomic Silica Gold (for spirit
conversion) you would use 23.39 grams of SiPt or Silica Platinum in this
formula or mastery.

In this way you could use these four elements (Gold, Copper, Silver and
Platinum) also in homeopathic remedies to effect changes. Using that
strategy you could take the homeopathic remedies for realizations (one time
dose) or multiple times over time to get desired results like what is talked
about here in the powdered monatomic.

If it is not clear the way in which youd make the powered monatomic
would be to add either the Gold, Copper, Silver or Platinum (to the SiO2)
silicon dioxide. Youd then heat that combination in a high heat burner to
the desired melting point.

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Once they are mixed youd then allow them to cool in solution form as the
Oxygen (O2) will be released as a gas.

Once cool you could then ingest the AuSi, CuSi, AgSi, or PtSi (which ever
one youre making). In the way of divinity each expression builds upon the
one below. In this way you could take Gold monatomic, then Copper, then
Silver then Platinum.

As you can also see from the formulas and calculations, using the
formulations for Spirit Conversion (release of 3.36 gram of Oxygen) is not
much different than the other numerological prime master number

One would not have to take more than the spirit conversion formulations for
each, and although cost of platinum would make this more expensive than
doing Yoga (taught pranayamas in the Advanced Yoga Seminar DVD)
which are inexpensive, free techniques once learned, using these monatomic
is directly quicker, easier to do and less time consuming a practice.

The most expensive of these formulations would be for the present day (Late
2012) initial platinum.

20.45 grams of Platinum at a conversion rate of grams to ounces which is

20.45 grams or 0.7213 ounces of platinum.

0.7213 Ounces of platinum at todays rate (late 2012) is $1,185 US dollars.

Each of the other elements (Gold, Copper or Silver) is less costly than this
price. Silicon dioxide can be purchased on the net for inexpensive negotiable

In this way if you have access to or can purchase an oven/burner, and can
get element gold, copper, silver or platinum from a jeweler or other store,
you can begin to make monatomic.

As mentioned the Silicon Dioxide is inexpensive and can be purchased on

the internet in less than or even bulk amounts.

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Another way to create alchemical changes is through the use of herbs.

Herbs unlike medicine generally do not have side effects, although they take
longer to create desired effects.

Medicine derived from plants (herbs) take a portion (the suggested or

clinically derived most active ingredient) and maximize or compound this
active ingredient.

As mentioned because most medicines take only the active ingredient, they
have more side effects than herbs with all parts of the plant (or cofactors of
portions of the plants active ingredient such as stem or leaf, rather than
medicines active ingredient of stem or leaf).

Because of this, a chemical process of using herbs instead of chemical

medicine is a great way to gain alchemical changes in yourself or others.

Certain herbs have been shown to have physical altering effects. Eliminating
pain, reducing inflammation, increasing circulation, restoring youthful
appearance or even increasing the appearance of luster or health are some of
the key uses of herbs.

The following are herbs which have beneficial physical changes to it.

A) Gotu Kola: This herb appears to act as not only a brain circulatory
enhancer, but through limited trial in myself has been shown to create
light body alterations.

Even between 750-1,500 mg of concentrated (not standardized) gotu kola

has been shown to give realization of the light body. In this way using gotu
kola for speeding up the third degree Soruba Samadhi or light body
formation, incorruptibility and maybe even deathlessness could be enhanced
through taking and supplementing with this herb.

B) Goji Berries: These herbs have been shown to be a health benefit to

those who consume them. It is my understanding that the pit inside

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them likely (like the pit inside the pit of a cherry, apple seed, apricot
seed or even plum seed) has anti-cancer ingredients.

The Goji Berry has been eaten by people in Asian countries for centuries.
Having eaten repeated amounts of these berries and in large quantities, I also
noticed that I was receiving intuitive realizations of Source through
ingesting these berries. It may be said that Goji Berries help develop inner
realization of Source in greater amounts, when ingested in higher degrees.

C) Saw Palmetto: This herb is a herb that has been touted to help
decrease the size of prostate, and eliminate both prostatic cancer, and
benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). It is a good idea to
take saw palmetto to affect healing of the male aging process.

Saw Palmetto like Pumpkin Seeds gives high dose of zinc which appears to
be directly linked to prostate health and possibility of both female and male
immune system health (anti-sickness).

In the next manifesto (Optimal Health Manifesto) there will be great detail
about diet and exercise. Protein from seeds as well as certain berry and herbs
also will be shared in that Manifesto.

D) Cocoa: Some think that eating chocolate is a bad idea for health.
Spending over 2.5 years without eating chocolate then meditating on
the idea to eat chocolate in dark 80% or higher formulations (closer to
raw cacao), I began to eat 85% and 90% and even as high as 99%

Although bitter and not as sweet (as they decrease the amounts of sugar and
chemicals that are found in common chocolate bars) the realization is that
chocolate can be used in high doses to increase the likelihood of eyes opened
(third eye focus) Samadhi.

Eyes opened Samadhi is beneficial for abundance as it increases (or seemed

to have increased) the amount of time which could be devoted to wakeful
non sleep living.

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Some may feel this is due to the caffeine in the cocoa, however the
realization of eyes opened Samadhi, and its potential for developing
wakefulness and non sleep seems founded on more than caffeine intake.

Cocoa also appears to be good for creating iron stores and in many
civilizations has been and is still used by those who are acclimatizing to high

Leading into that, another idea of how to use alchemistry to gain realizations
or physical changes is through a recently new chemical idea- the process of
Orthomolecular doses.


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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.

Orthomolecular dose (or medicine) is taking high doses of a vitamin,

mineral, liquid, amino acid, essential fatty acid or even herb.

In this way you take high dose for shorter period of time. The idea is to
supersaturate the system (chemical processes, organs, blood or even
intestine) so that stores which could have been depleted to genes which
could have been shut off, or dysfunctional could be altered, improved or
even turned on or off to make significant changes that lose doses could not

In this way things like Vitamin C or even Vitamin B6 could be taken in

extremely high doses for shorter periods of time.

Vitamin C to detoxify the intestine after a virus, or allergic response.

Vitamin B6 to create dream realization or decrease or even burst a ganglion

Much work has been done by Applied Kinesiologist and doctor George
Goodheart as well as some more promising nutrient companies like
Nutriwest whove adopted principles based on Orthomolecular medicine.

One only has to learn the process about what nutrients are key for what
physical or dis-ease process, and then either seek counsel from someone
knowledgeable in nutrition and biochemical sciences or take high dose for
short periods of time.

Many of the most common vitamins, minerals and herbs can be safely taken
in high orthomolecular doses without side effects.

If you are not sure on side effects or possible drug or physical interactions
seek a medical (Medical Doctor, Chiropractic, Natruopathy, Nutritionist or
even Herbalist) for more information on its use.

Kaya Kalpas:

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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.

The idea of herbs and minerals for realization or physical changes is

not new.

As mentioned ancient siddhas used the term kaya kalpa to speak about
ancient ways of using herbs and minerals to create realizations or physical

Mixing the previously mentioned herbs and minerals is what kaya kalpa is
grounded on.

It is said that ancient siddhas formulated these formulas through tests or

proofs, much like Dr. Hanuman and the early homeopaths used to test proofs
on homeopathic remedies.

In this way using healthy test subjects the ancient siddha way would have
been to test things in nature (minerals or herbs) and see the effects of using
these chemical ingredients on health, longevity and even physical changes
like light body formation and even deathlessness.

The homeopathic as well as monatomic systems of elements have been

shown to work and are talked about here based on inner and outer

Supplementing with these herbs, and these monatomic (or energetic) will
provide needed realizations for developing physical and non physical but
mental realization and changes.

In this way one can begin to use the monatomic formulations or the
homeopathic remedies.

Another leading way of using homeopathic remedies or formulation as a less

expensive means for realization and meditational calmness and Samadhi (the
breathless state) enhancement is using homeopathic formulations based on
the building blocks of Ormus.

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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.

As mentioned in the beginning of this manifesto, many companies are

formulating alchemistry based either on monatomic or even ormus (white
Gold) based on the idea this is manna.

Again it should be stressed that manna or soma or ambrosia is not these

formulations but is the fluid released from the mid brain (medulla) as the
tongue is raised unconsciously (see Achieve any Desire Manifesto) through
Soruba Samadhi.

In this way true ambrosia, manna or soma is the liquid directly released from
the midbrain, not a powdered gold found in nature.

Although this is true, taking the formulation and compound that was said to
be manna (Possible Ormus) through research by leading chemical groups
has been shown through self test and testing of other students to enhance
meditational calmness and Samadhi.

Here is a hypothetic use of known Ormus Substance to what they do

physically/ realizational wise.

Cobalt 27
Nickel 28
Copper 29
Ruthenium 44
Rhodium 45
Palladium 46
Silver 47
Osmium 76
Iridium 77
Platinum 78
Gold 79
Mercury 80

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Alchemistry: Manifesto Part 2 Dr.

Cobalt: Eliminates Sickness 30 X Cobaltum Metallicum

Nickel: Eliminates Arthritis 1000 C Niccolum Metallicum

Copper: Loss and aging of hair 1000 C Cuprum Metallicum

Ruthenium: Vasculature 1M

Rhodium: Cures Cancer 100 X

Palladium: Creates Indestructible Body 1M Palladium

Silver: Detoxifier 75 X Argentum Metallicum

Osmium: High Blood Pressure 100 X

Iridium: Anti Bacterial 1M

Platinum: Longevity/Abundance 1 M, 5 M Platinum Metallicum

Gold: Realizing Colored Aura 1M Aurum Metallicum

Mercury: Channeling 100 X Mercurius Vivus

The second column (M, X, C) is homeopathic strength, and the third column
is the homeopathic common name.

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