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Rodriguez 1

Jason Lee Rodriguez

Melissa Jushchyshyn

Composition and Language I ENG1010 UF

08 August 2010

Video Game Facts

I love playing video games. I have been gaming for about 20 years now, and throughout most of that time

I have heard people curse video game playing to the fullest. The effects of video games are a highly

controversial topic depending mostly on people’s perception of key factors such as violence and fun.

Many people see gamers, as people who waste their lives away in front of the television screen, but these

people are wrong. Gamers do more an excessive amount of thinking sitting in front of the television

screen then most people do during other activities. They also enhance their ability to read maps,

comprehend what they have read, and make logical decisions quickly following some variation of the

scientific method.

The effect of video games on the brain is a research area that has been gaining much popularity as the

number of children and adults who play video games has been rapidly growing. Some people believe

violence in video games promote violent behavior amongst gamers, there is not enough sufficient data to

validate this claim. There have been numerous studies resulting in data that supports video games ability

to increase aggressive behavior and emotional outbursts, while decreasing inhibitions. From few of these

studies, it can be assumed that video games do have at least some sort of behavioral effect on the player,

but the extent and long range consequences of the assumed behavior changes after one has retired from

the video game are not easily defined. Unfortunately these early studies were not much help in

determining a relationship between aggression and video games. These experiments helped to show that

there was a relationship, but there was not enough evidence to prove it strongly in either direction

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Many argue that even though research on video games and aggressive behavior must be considered

preliminary, it may be reasonably inferred from the more than 1,000 reports and studies on television

violence that video game violence may also contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitization of

violence” (Kardaras). So far there are studies that may say that violent video games cause aggressive,

but it must also be pointed out that violence in a video game is not clearly defined. What one person may

describe as violent can be completely different from the definition from the next person. So these studies

are still inconclusive. There are some positive effects of video games though.

Kids who play video games stay away from drugs or the negative environment in which they may live.

Video Games also help in the development of hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and also improve critical

thinking skills. Even the military uses 3-D virtual games which simulate battlefield possibilities or how they

would react to certain situations. There are thousands of video game title that all different from one genre

to the next, so calling a video game a “hazard” is just utterly ridiculous (klblader).

It is obvious that video games have entered the mainstream media; there are also many who hypothesize

that video games can have a positive effect on impressionable youth, and believe that it is worth the time

and effort to explore these possibilities. Video games can be described as purely artificial natural

teachers. They are pure artificial natural teachers: in the way that they teach the intended lesson, provide

continuous practice, and give rewards for skillful play. They can be compared and contrasted to actual

real-life teachers. This is where they really shine. Now video games and their effects on human health,

the strangest of the positive effects of video games can be seen in healthcare. Certain games are used to

help autistic children and other children with developmental disorders. (Koojimans).
Rodriguez 3

Works Cited:

klbladder, . "Effects of Video Games ." Quazen. N.p., 08 May 2008. Web. 8 Aug

2010. <>.

Kardaras, Eleni. "The Effects of Video Games on the Brain." Serendip. N.p., 07 Jan

2008. Web. 8 Aug 2010. <

Kooijmans, Thomas A. . "Effects of Video Games on Aggressive Thoughts and

Behaviors During Development." Great Ideas in Personality. G. Scott Acton, 01 Dec

2004. Web. 8 Aug 2010.


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