Peace Messenger Issue 1-2008

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VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008



Report to the WPC Executive Committee
Thanassis Pafilis
WPC General Secretary Georges Spriet
General Secretary of Vrede all the member states of the European Union or economic enemy, with just a vague shade of
Hanoi 19-20 November 2007 Belgian Peace Movement abstained. According to the Belgian Ministry of suspicion on nuclear arms, should be isolated
Foreign Affairs, they did so because they felt and treated as a rogue state.
Dear Comrades, A nuclear weapon free zone is a well de- the resolution was politically abused by some The peace movements could however try
Our meeting being held here in scribed region, the countries of which compel Arab countries. Apparently, for them, inviting and grasp the chance that the IAEA resolution
Hanoi is one of the most important ones themselves not to produce, purchase, test or Israel to join the non-proliferation treaty is an offers, to publicly force their governments to
for the World Peace Council. It will possess nuclear weapons. The treaty installing abuse of the political situation. Indeed, accord- act accordingly. Imagine for just a moment
deal with recent developments, the in- such a zone contains a particular protocol that is ing to the non-written Western policy of double that Brussels would officially recognise that
creased and serious activity undertaken to be ratified by the nuclear weapons states from standards, a friend that is trespassing all the Israel possesses nuclear arms, which should be
by the WPC and, mainly, it will set the the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), i.e., China, rules represents no problem, but an ideological continued on page 3
course leading up to our Assembly, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United
which is to take place this coming April States of America. In this protocol, which has Press Release of the World Peace Council about the
in Caracas, Venezuela. legal force, the big five declare to respect the na-
We would like to thank the Viet- ture of this zone, and not to use nor threaten WPC World Assembly the World Peace Conference
namese Peace Committee and this to use nuclear weapons in possible conflicts April 8-13, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela
country, which has shown us such hos- with members of the concerned treaty.
pitality and which constitutes a symbol Up to now, various regions of the world have
in the anti-imperialist struggle. We been declared nuclear weapon free. Latin Amer-
trust that the presence of the WPC in ica and the Carribbean (treaty of Tlatelolco), the
Vietnam will, to the best of our power, South Pacific (treaty of Raratonga), for instance,
contribute to our solidarity with the dif- although discussions continue with the big five
ficult struggle it is waging today. nuclear weapons states. The treaty of Pelindaba
One year and a half has passed for Africa was accepted by the USA but under
since the last meeting of the Executive conditions, and the United Kingdom doesnt
Committee, held in Brasilia, Brazil. want to include Diego Garcia, an island in the
Significant developments have taken Indian Ocean that London rents to Washington,
place, which confirm our assessment or should I say to the Pentagon. The treaty of
and underscore the need for the WPC to Bangkok, declaring South-East Asia nuclear
contribute to the upswing in the peace weapon free, was not signed by the big five.
movement and the peoples struggles. United Nations accept the status of an in-
Humanity as a whole is facing the dependent nation free of nuclear weapons by
accelerated aggressiveness of the im- recognising the official declaration by Mongolia
perialist system. Its concerted effort to in this field. Five ex-Soviet countries in Cen-
secure its domination is accompanied tral Asia declared themselves nuclear weapon
by an exacerbation and an upsurge in free. Antarctica, at the bottom of the ocean, is The World Peace Council (WPC) held a successful Executive Committee meeting on
rivalries over markets and for geopoliti- nuclear free. November 19-20 in the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi. The WPC expresses its gratitude to the
cal and geo-strategic dominance. Little This long introduction just wants to explain Vietnam Peace Committee for its generosity in hosting the WPC Executive Committee.
by little, this struggle is embracing all that the idea of nuclear weapon free zone is well Major item of the agenda, amongst other topics, was holding the next Assembly
continents. It is becoming particularly known in diplomatic and political circles. It has of the WPC, as the highest decision making body of the Organisation. The Executive
acute in regions of strategic importance quite a history as a non-proliferation instrument Committee decided unanimously to accept the readiness of our Member Organisa-
for economic and geopolitical control, alongside the general treaties of NPT, or the tion from Venezuela, COSI (Committee for International Solidarity) to host the WPC
such as the Balkans, Eurasia and Af- Test Ban Treaty for instance. Assembly, and announced the holding of other events around the World Assembly
rica. The huge accumulation of profits Critical observers object that all the easy of the WPC for the dates of 8th -13th April, 2008, in Venezuela; declaring for one
from the predatory exploitation of the regions are now covered by such a treaty. But week Caracas the World Capital of Peace and the anti-imperialist struggle.
working people and countries leads to that the rest of the world consists of really hot Under the above slogan, the WPC is going to hold its (outgoing) Executive
the need for the imperialists to seek new spots, with either countries that possess nuclear Committee Meeting on the 8th April, its Assembly on 9th and 10th April, and an
markets in other countries with more in- arms or regions of high tension where the big open, broad World Peace Conference on 11th and 12th April. The 13th April will
tensive exploitation and robbing of their powers defend important geopolitical and eco- be dedicated to the peoples who are in struggle for the sovereignty against foreign
natural and human resources. These nomic interests. interference, coinciding with the 6th year of the restoration of peoples power after
huge rivalries lead to an intensification Indeed, a treaty for the Middle East would the attempted coup dtat in Venezuela in 2002.
of exploitation of the working people in not only be an agreement on non-proliferation The WPC appreciates the disposition of the Venezuelan government and its
all countries and to a general offensive but, in the first place, an agreement on disarma- institutions which warmly welcomed the decision of the WPC. The Secretariat of the
on popular and democratic rights. ment, due to the fact that Israel already retains WPC will work with COSI and the National Preparatory Committee in Venezuela,
The unprecedented scientific and nuclear weapons. A thorough and effective veri- for the successful holding of the WPC events.
technical opportunities that now ex- fication regime should be put in place in order The WPC is proud to be able to share the aspirations and struggles of the
ist for mankind to meet human needs to create political confidence. Other political and peoples of Latin America, and considers the political developments in the region as
conflict with the exploitation and the military elements are increasing the complexity very encouraging and promising. By holding our Assembly in Caracas, for the first
law of profit that prevails. Popular of this issue as there are nuclearised neighbours time in South America, we write a new chapter in the glorious history of the WPC,
discontent is growing, along with the like Pakistan, and the general mistrust towards opening a new phase for the development of the anti-imperialist peace movement
demand for a different policy. The Iran. world wide. The WPC is entering the next Assembly in a new period, where we all
inability of the imperialist system to A treaty on a nuclear weapon free zone have to demand more from ourselves. We shall make our WPC stronger, based in
deal with the problems, the impasse it is in fact a regional security treaty. It cannot even more countries, more visible and a more useful tool for the coming difficult
is facing and its quest for profit make be realised out of the blue. In the negotiating struggles of the world peace movement. Very soon respective materials, web site
it more dangerous. process, guarantees have to be produced in and invitations shall be issued and sent out.
Internationally, war already con- order to respond to all security demands of The Organisations which participated in the Executive Committee Meeting in
stitutes an inherent part of develop- each country concerned. This way of tackling Hanoi were the following: Vietnam Peace Committee, Cuban Movement for Peace
ments. The overturning of principles the security problems of the Middle East is a and the sovereignty of the Peoples, Greek Committee for international Dtente and
of international law enshrined in the far better way to de-mine the conflict as it opens Peace, Committee for International Solidarity (Venezuela), Portuguese Council for
UN Charter is a reality. Militarisation political perspectives on disarmament and halts Peace and Cooperation, Mexican Movement for Peace and Development, Movement
is taking on huge dimensions. Military the negative spiral toward announced wars. for Peace and Solidarity (Argentine), Japan Peace Committee, Bangladesh Peace
spending has already exceeded what The General Conference of the IAEA (Inter- Council, Brazilian Center for the struggle for Peace and Solidarity of the Peoples,
it was during the cold war. With the national Atomic Energy Agency) of september US Peace Council, Congo Peace Committee, OSPAAAL Spain, All India Peace and
big imperialist powers in the forefront, 2007 passed a resolution on the necessity Solidarity Organisations, Syrian Peace Committee, Korean National Peace Commit-
all countries according to their size of establishing a nuclear weapon free zone tee, German Peace Council, Spanish Committee for the defense of Solidarity and
are being drawn into the arsenal- in the Middle East. It invites countries that Peace, Sri Lanka Peace Council, Lao Peace and Solidarity Committee, Mongolian
building game, while 30,000 people havent yet subscribed to the non-proliferation Union for Friendship and Peace and AAPSO as guest.
a day starve to death and half of the regime to do so. United States and Israel voted The Secretariat of WPC
continued on page 2 against. Except for Ireland that voted in favour, 30 November 2007
continued on page 11
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

US-Led Joint Naval Exercise in the Bay of Bengal:

Editorial (from p. 1) Imperial War Game in South Asia
worlds population subsists on less Hasan Tarique Chowdhury it may even instigate a new cold war in this sue. Perhaps they are not so much concerned
than two dollars a day. This reality is Secretary, Bangladesh Peace Council region and also may accelerate the arms race about the importance of natural resources

so harsh and so blatant that it renders e can recall our history when US among the neighbouring countries of South and geo-political location of Bangladesh!
yet more imperative the need to create Navys Seventh Fleet came to the Asia. They even consider this Naval Drill But the patriotic and peace loving people of
a counterweight to imperialism so as to Bay of Bengal in 1971 to defeat as the first step to establish an Asian NATO Bangladesh are very much concerned about
harness its aggressiveness and help to the Liberation War of Bangladesh. It was (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) aimed the intention of this war game in the Bay of
overthrow it. The World Peace Council the time when this fleet tried to intimidate to encircle China. Bengal. They considered that US imperialism
is called on to contribute to this struggle, India as it fought Pakistan along with Ban- While this is the evaluation of Indian has become desperate to increase its global
especially today when any illusions that gladeshi freedom fighter in a war that led to Security experts and left political parties, plundering and to establish its military he-
had been created in the past are being Bangladeshs birth. It was the period when what would the Bangladeshi security experts gemony all over the world. Its real target is
dispersed by reality. Indian foreign policy upheld the principles of say? Will they welcome again the seventh to expand its arms business and enhance its
We do not wish to repeat the political Non Align Movement and followed the path fleet? Will they hail the impending arms race military dominance by instigating conflicts
assessments we have debated in the past towards self-reliance. But now, the scenario in South Asian Region caused by the recent and arms race among the countries of Asia
many times as regards developments, has been changed. Indian foreign policy? and Pacific region. It also wants to utilize
but rather would focus our discussion on Ironically, last September, the same Although Bangladesh Peace Council the natural resources, port and geo-political
the main spheres in which we are called Seventh Fleet was back in the same waters, and left political parties of Bangladesh con- location of Bangladesh for the same purpose.
upon to take action: equipped with a second aircraft carrier, a demned this war game in the Bay of Bengal. So, the voice has been raised by the people
The three wars unleashed to date nuclear submarine and scores of fighter jets in But, interestingly, the political parties who of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan and the
by NATO and the USA in Yugoslavia, the biggest U.S. naval assembly in 36 years. see themselves as a pioneer of Liberation War people of this region to build up the united
Afghanistan and Iraq, Israels war on According to Reuters, the fleet anchored of 1971 and protector of sovereignty of Ban- resistance against this aggressive conspiracy
Lebanon, the threats made regarding an under cloudy skies in the middle of the Bay gladesh remained silent over this critical is- of US imperialism. n
immediate attack on Iran and the dozens of Bengal was the US aircraft carrier Kitty
of interventions on all continents open Hawk, which was involved in the war against
the way for dangerous situations to arise. Iraq in 2003, while INS Viraat, Indias lone
The consequences of all this are already aircraft carrier, sailed alongside. Declaration of Ansbach
influencing not only the countries di- This event clearly signals that by depart-
rectly affected but also entire regions. ing from Nehruvian foreign policy, the pres- On 24 Nov. 2007, people from the Czech Republic, Italy, the USA, and various regions
Despite the increased reaction to this ent government of India is trying to establish of Germany gathered at the invitation of the Ansbach Alliance for Peace [Ansbacher
and the resistance of the peoples, the US, a closer military ties with USA and also to put Friedens bndnis] for the first Ansbach Peace Conference. The following declara-
NATO and their allies are continuing on itself in the strategic orbit of USA, which is a tion was adopted:
the same path. This has been at the cost long desired agenda of USA. This new trend
of hundreds of thousands of lives and of Indian foreign policy has been seriously We vigorously oppose the use of the Urlas site and the Katterbach barracks by
tremendous destruction. Participation criticised by the cross section of intellectu- the US military. What is being implemented is the stationing of a reinforced aviation
in the war in Afghanistan is on the rise als, security analysts and the left political brigade (airborne troops) with more than a hundred combat helicopters, which can
with the inclusion of non-NATO member parties of India rather than welcomed by the be deployed as a rapid-reaction force at the disposal of EUCOM [the U.S. European
countries. The situation in that country common people. Command] within hours. Contrary to widely-made claims, it is not merely a matter
is deteriorating. The only sector that After a tense face-off with the UPA gov- of improving the housing situation for the U.S. soldiers already stationed here and
is developing is that of opium poppy ernment on the Indo-US nuclear deal, the their families. It is about creating a self-sufficient U.S. military base that can supply
cultivation, which grew by 50 percent Left parties of India are hitting the streets this itself and is completely independent of the region economically.
from 2004 to 2006, meeting 93 percent week in a nationwide mass campaign against The Aviation Brigade from Ansbach is intended to be deployed within hours
of the world market demand for opiates, the US led joint naval exercises involving to any trouble spot in the EUCOM area of command in the future. The combat
according to the pertinent UN report. India, Australia and Singapore. According helicopters from Ansbach have already participated in the U.S. war of aggression
Thousands of civilians, including women to September 2 report of PTI, the four par- against Iraq in 2003, in violation of international law. This is a violation of Article
and children, have been killed by NATO ties kick-started two simultaneous jathas 26 of the German Constitution and of the law of nations. It is up to Germany's leg-
troops. According to assessments made (processions) on 4th September 2007 from islatures, governments, and government agencies to prevent this building project
by the General Secretary of NATO, it Chennai and Kolkata to protest the naval war (Supplementary Agreement to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, 2 plus 4
does not look as if this war will end even games besides organising separate campaigns treaty, etc.)
in the next ten years. against the anti-people policies of the gov- Even according to the tendentious poll of the citizenry that has already been
The situation in Iraq is worsening ernment. Indian Left parties are of the view conducted, there was no majority in favor of the planned expansion. Therefore, we
and the wars consequences, along with that the joint exercises in the Bay of Bengal demand a referendum, in advance of which all the U.S. Army's plans must be made
the plans to attack Iran, are spread- from September 4-9 was a major step towards available to the people.
ing over the entire region. Despite India joining a strategic security coopera- At this conference, we agreed to expand and link more closely the resistance
the nearly universal opposition of the tion with the US, Australia and Japan. The in Germany and all of Europe to foreign military bases and military infrastructure
peoples, including the people of the jathas, led by CPI(M) General Secretary from which wars are planned and waged. Specifically, this means supporting our
USA, and despite the robust resistance Prakash Karat from Chennai and his CPI friends in Vicenza, Italy in their opposition to the expansion of the U.S. base there,
of the Iraqi people and the demand counterpart, A. B. Bardhan from Kolkata, had and in the Czech Republic in their opposition to the installation of the U.S. mis-
for the withdrawal of the occupation coincided with the joint exercises of India sile system. The participants in the Ansbach Peace Conference support the people
troops, neither the Bush administration had have with the navies of the US, Japan, of Ansbach in their struggle against further militarization of their home, and for a
nor the Democratic opposition has Australia and Singapore which concluded civilian future for it.
made any commitment to withdraw. The in Visakhapatnam on September eight. Not Together, we want to resist the increasing militarization of Europe.
USA, NATO and the EU are preparing only the political parties, the high ranking
to intervene in Iran. The more general security experts of India considers this ex- Hannelore Tlke
economic and military importance of the ercise as a recipe for greater instability in German Network Against Military Facilities
continued on page 3 the Asia-Pacific region. According to them

President: Organizational Members of the Secretariat:

Orlando Fundora Lopez
Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberana Congo Peace Committee
de los Pueblos (MOVPAZ) Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberana de los
Pueblos (MOVPAZ)
World Peace Council General Secretary: Egyptian Peace Committee
10 Othonos Str. Thanasis Pafilis
French Movement for Peace
10557 Athens, Greece Greek Committee for International Dtente
and Peace (EEDYE) Greek Committee for International Dtente and Peace (EEDYE) Japan Peace Committee
Member of European Parliament Mexican Movement for Peace and Development (MOMPADE)
Tel: +30-210-3316326 Executive Secretary: Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC)
Fax:+30-210-3224302 Iraklis Tsavdaridis Senegalese Movement for Peace
Greek Committee for International Dtente US Peace Council (USPC)
and Peace (EEDYE) Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC)
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

EDITORIAL: Report to the WPC Executive Committee attention focused on outer space. encountering the peoples massive resistance
(from p. 2) There have been certain important devel- in Japan, which the WPC salutes warmly. We
Eurasian region has drawn the interest of all with East Jerusalem its capital. opments in the recent period, such as: will continue being active against the war
the large powers. Putins visit to Iran and the We express yet again our solidarity with The NATO Summit meeting that took plans in the region and the re-militarization
Caspian region as well as the joint communi- Cuba and demand the immediate implemen- place in Riga in November 2006 officially of Japan.
qu, which is in the form of an agreement to tation of the UN General Assembly Resolu- ratified the organizations transformation One important factor in this situation is
refrain from using the Caspian for an attack tion on the lifting of the blockade. into a global gendarme. It formalized its co- the expansion of the network of military bases
on any country, are clear indications of this. We denounce the military and oppres- operation with Australia, New Zealand and all over the world by the USA but also by
It is obvious that if the war on Iran now be- sive regime in Burma and the recent brutal Japan and officially abolished its 6,000 mile other powers: The huge movement against
ing planned is actually started it will have a crackdown of the unrest, demanding the limit of activity. Thus, it is now preparing the bases that is developing worldwide is
huge impact, with the danger of it spreading respect of democratic and civil rights and operationally to intervene all over the world. promising.
over the region. liberties and free elections. The dispatch of troops to the Middle East and With regard to nuclear arms, imperialist
The tension on the Iraqi- Turkish border We express our serious concern about Africa is already under discussion. A further propaganda is attempting to mislead world
and the preparations under way for an incur- the situation in Pakistan, where we observe expansion of NATO with the inclusion of the public opinion concerning Iran. But as a
sion into northern Iraq are likewise directly one more setback in the rights of the people Western Balkans (Albania and FYROM), matter of fact, it is the US mainly as
related to the war there and would exacerbate to determine freely their future, under the the Caucasus (Georgia) and Ukraine is being well as other nuclear powers that are work-
the situation. The stagnation in Palestine recent state of emergency and the attack on prepared, thus tightening the noose around ing intensively to produce the so- called
with the attempt being made to find solutions the people Russia. smart nuclear weapons and a new genera-
falling within the framework of imperial- tion of nuclear arms. In the same spirit we
ist interests and the uncertain situation in denounce the Indo-US nuclear agreement
Lebanon show that implementation of the and salute the massive protests in the In-
NATO plan for the Democratization of the
Middle East would involve all the countries
WPC WORLD ASSEMBLY dian society.
The WPC reaffirms its clear and prin-
in the region. AND cipled position in favour of the complete
The great battle for control over wealth- abolition of all nuclear weapons in the world.
producing resources is now being brought to
Africa as well. The ground is being prepared
THE WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE At the same time we cannot close our eyes
on who is the main and real threat against
for fresh interventions and the dispatch of peace and security, who used first nuclear
troops. A decision has already been taken to weapons and who dropped the commitment
send 20,000 troops to Chad. Developments not to make use of the first strike. We cannot
in Africa show that it is soon to become the equal the responsibility of the aggressors and
next victim of the rivalries of powers that, the victims. We are not in favour of nuclear
along with everything else, dream of re- tests and we consider them harmful, but at
colonising it. the same we condemn the double moral
Although eight years have passed, the and standards of the US administration,
consequences of the war in Yugoslavia have which considers some of the states which
caused fresh tensions in the Balkans. One hold nuclear weapons as allies and others
main problem is the independence issue in as terrorists
Kosovo, which will give rise to new clashes. Already from early in the nineties a sys-
There are already occupation forces in the tematic attempt had begun to revise the statu-
Balkans deployed in Bosnia- Herzegovina tory principles of the UN and of international
and Kosovo, while new military bases are law as it took shape after the World War Two.
being built. The attempt is aimed at leaving the imprint
For the WPC, the peace movement of todays new world order on the UN and on
and the other social movements, stopping all international organizations. At the same
new wars and interventions along with the time, international agreements that moved in
withdrawal of occupation forces are mat- a positive direction have been undermined or
ters of high priority. At the same time, we denounced. Unfortunately, these objectives
must highlight every type of intervention, were met to a large degree in the UN reform
such as the unacceptable continuation of of 2005 (details attached).
the blockade on Cuba, despite the most The overturning of principles of inter-
recent resolution taken by the UN General national law is expressed in many ways, for
Assembly, a resolution that was even nearly
April 8-13, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela example:
the adoption of an European Consti-
We could also mention the attempt to tution (or reform treaty), in which pre- emp-
overthrow Chavez in Venezuela, the sanc- tive war would be official EU policy.
tions and measures imposed on any coun- The rise and the intensity of imperialist The EU is forming battle groups and the elimination of boundaries for ac-
tries that refuse to submit to imperialist aggressiveness and imperialisms need to planning to set up new naval groups for rapid tion by NATO and its transformation into a
barbarity, and the stirring up of ethnic and impose its domination over the world are intervention. It is preparing to send fresh global organization (resolution taken at the
religious differences so as to create excuses leading to intensified militarization and to troops to replace NATO troops in Kosovo. Riga Summit.)
to intervene. an increase in armaments. The struggle of The new French President has asked for a the re-arming of Japan and the attempt
Particularly in the case of Venezuela, imperialist powers to divide up the markets, new aircraft carrier and the Italian govern- to revise article 9 of its constitution
we would like to express our support to the along with the change in the balance of ment has agreed to the expansion of the US the renouncing of the principle of non-
Bolivarian process backed by the masses power at the beginning of the nineties, has base in Vicenza. intervention in the domestic affairs of other
of the Venezuelan people, trying to deepen literally created a vicious circle. Whoever The USA and NATO are proceeding with countries, a matter that has even reached the
democracy and peoples participation against entertained illusions about an arms reduction the implementation of the missile defence point of a Democracy Fund being set up to
all kind of provocations by the ones who and decreased militarization has been sadly shield. This is actually an offensive system fund such interference.
are loosing their privileges and by foreign disappointed. that has triggered reactions from Russia and This new state of affairs means that the
interventions. The new state of imperialist domination other countries and, mainly, the peoples WPC must reconfirm its support for the
The WPC expresses its solidarity with all has had an impact worldwide. The USA resistance. There have been substantial statutory principles of the UN, its critical
the peoples who resist. We consider that each and NATO are escalating militarization and mobilizations in the Czech Republic and stance vis-a-vis the Security Council and its
people has the inalienable right to choose its armaments so as to carry out their aggres- Poland. Movements in the EU oppose it resolutions, its refusal to accept NATO and
own path and of course to fight against any sive plans. The rest of the large imperialist universally. other military bodies as guarantors of peace,
type of intervention and occupation. We are powers do the same so that they can take Revision of the constitution Article 9 is continued on page 11
struggling: part in the dividing up of the markets under
For the immediate withdrawal of the better terms. Thus, the EU, in cooperation For a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone ... change their defensive posture of no war on
occupation troops from Iraq, with NATO but also autonomously, is estab- (from p. 2) Iran into an offensive and positive campaign
For an end to the war in Afghanistan lishing new military forces. It is upgrading taken into account in discussions for a treaty. for political settlement in the Middle East.
and the withdrawal of NATO troops its arms industry. Russia is proceeding This very fact could open new opportunities World public opinion could pressure political
For the withdrawal of NATO and Euro- with the production of a new generation in Teheran to offer verifiable guarantees that leaders to work in this direction.
pean troops from the Balkans and the Turkish of weaponry and with military cooperation their nuclear efforts are merely civil. For Israel, The central question remains, however, as
troops from Cyprus. with other countries. Japan is rearming and the fundamental advantage lies in the regional to whether the Western political leaders dare,
We are opposed to the dispatch of revising its constitution. And other countries security treaty itself, the subscribing countries can or are allowed to act in a direction that is
troops to Chad and demand the withdrawal are following this same path for various of which engage for pacific relations amongst the opposite of the actual real daily politics:
of the foreign troops from Africa reasons. Smaller countries either because each other. Could Israel ever dream of a better continuing to isolate adversaries, always giv-
We reject any sort of military interven- they participate in imperialist coalitions or guarantee for its security preoccupations? Of ing green light to friends, and saving their own
tion in Iran on whatever pretext because they feel threatened. The result is, course, this whole scenario is totally impossible nuclear strike capability.
Expressing our solidarity with the Pal- however, that today armaments have even without a fundamental solution for Palestine: an Those who are working for a sustainable
estinian people, we consider that the sole just gone beyond cold war levels. Monstrous new independent viable state. peace will one way or another have to change
solution is an independent Palestinian state weapons systems are being developed, with The peace movements over the world could that policy. n
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Summary Report on the World Peace Council Regional Continental Meeting of the Americas
Held at the National Assembly of the Venezuelan Parliament
Caracas, Venezuela August 25th and 27th 2007

he World Peace Council (WPC) regional The afternoon session centred on the strengthening peace forces in combating US Central to this movement is the fight against
continental meeting of the Americas was practical tasks facing the WPC. Delegates imperialism in hemispherical revolutionary US military academies.
held in Caracas Venezuela August 25th heard a financial report, discussed the need struggles now under way in Central and South Bertaccini rejected the fight against ter-
and 27th 2007 at the National Assembly of for more communication and organizational America. rorism as a false struggle. A struggle she said
the Venezuelan parliament. The meeting was efforts by the regional coordination, dis- Special emphasis was placed on the lead- that deflects imperialist, first and foremost
called to discuss the current world and regional cussed questions of language in producing ing role that Venezuela is playing in the world. US, complicity in the militarisation of the
political situation, to establish a framework for the Peace Messenger and stressed the need Fundora said The role of Venezuela is impor- world economies. She called fro a special
continued work within the WPC in the coming to minimize costly travel to meetings were tant because it signifies a break with chains of WPC meeting to discuss the politics of US
year and to begin preparations for the WPC electronic communications such as email, imperialism. All the actions of Venezuela are terrorism. This she said will form the basis
world summit to be convened in April 2008. web sites, bulletin boards and web conference of peace, health and education for the peoples for a WPC policy against US terrorism.
Venezuelan Comit de Solidaridad Interna- calls could be more effectively utilized. of Central and South America. Bertaccini closed by saying that the
cional (COSI) hosted the meeting which was held In the evening a dinner was hosted by The requirement to struggle against im- only way forward is to work with all peace
in a spirit of revolutionary upsurge advancing David Velsquez Interior Minister for Popu- perialism is of first rate importance the WPC movements. The Central American political
within the Central and South American coun- lar Participation and Social Protection. The President noted. He indicated that because situation is complex but what they all have in
tries. In conjunction with the WPC meetings dinner was attended by several deputies of of the Venezuelan revolution imperialism is common is the fight for social justice.
the 40th Anniversary celebrations of the World the Venezuelan National Assembly and the losing its position of world wide domination
Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) were Andean Parliament, executive members of and that peace forces are gaining ground Dominican Republic
also being held in Caracas. This provided a the Communist Party of Venezuela and COSI and are now becoming the leading force Juan Pablo Acosta Garca opened his
youthful and enthusiastic spirit throughout the members and peace supporters. in the world. Venezuela has the same agenda remarks by acknowledging the special guest
meetings. Youth play an important and leading as the world wide struggle for peace and is from Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Garca
role in the socialist revolution in Venezuela and Main Plenum Discussions central in drawing new forces and alliances summarized the situation in the Caribbean
in the broader and growing international peace The morning session of the WPC meet- in this struggle. and said much of the difficulty with the
and anti-imperialist movement. ings was characterized by assessments of the Fundora emphasized the relevance of struggle for peace in this region is due to
world and regional peace forces and the role having the WPC meetings in Caracas. This is geography and languages.
DAY ONE of these forces in the revolutionary social- of particular importance in the face of Ven- He noted that of particular difficulty is
ist movements sweeping Central and South ezuelan President Chavezs announcement freedom of the press. He noted the critical
COSI organized two tours for WPC del- America. Special emphasis was placed on that the Venezuelan people will host the event. situation in Haiti and noted that currently there
egates. The first explored some of the revolu- Venezuelas role as the leading anti-impe- Fundora said we are obligated to ensure suc- is no WPC member from Haiti. Puerto Rico has
tionary changes occurring in Caracas. Visiting a rialist force and the need to strengthen the cess because of Chavezs support. had a peace council that has existed for many
barrio in Caracas and touring a state subsidized anti-imperialist fight back. years and which is being re-activated.
food distribution centre, a medical clinic, a Mexico Noting the completely different cultur-
computer centre for youth and children. The Venezuela Manuel Terraza Guerrero acting chair al realities between Haiti and the Dominican
tour was conducted by the local communist Fermin Toro President of COSI opened for the WPC meeting summarized the role Republic the need to fond new ways to work is
party committee for socialist construction. The the main session with special greetings of of newly emerging forms of peace struggle critical for the development and strengthen-
WPC delegates then visited a local community solidarity with all the regional struggles for on South America. He said in Brazil and ing of the peace movement in this region.
television station where we were interviewed. peace and social justice. He had special Argentina the peace movement is advanc- Garca called for a regional continental
The community television and arts is enjoy- thanks for Hugo Morales for his help in the ing because of these newly formed peace meeting of the Caribbean, USA, Mexico, Cuba
ing growing state funding to compete with the arrangements. He stressed the pride and groups. After 50 years of the Cuban revolu- and Canada to strengthen the revolutionary
private information sources. We then visited a importance of the fraternal relationship with tion in facing different processes of change, struggles of Central and South America.
very popular community radio station where the WPC and COSI. Toro noted that condi- the strengthening of the Cuban peace move-
we were interviewed again. There was great tions are similar in all countries and forms ment is of critical importance as it forms Brazil
interest shown in the WPC delegation and the the basis and conditions which unite all op- the basis of the North American continental Rubens Diniz began his comments
statements and positions of the WPC. pressed peoples and is the critical factor in struggle for peace. It is the bulwark in the bringing attention to the importance of the
the anti-imperialist fight back. anti-imperialist fight back and directly chal- struggles of revolutionary socialism underway
DAY TWO lenges the false notion of the permanence of in Venezuela. He emphasized the importance
Cuba US imperialism. of the international defence of the socialist
Another tour was organized by COSI and Orlando Fundora President of WPC sum- Guerrero noted the difficulties in advanc- gains in Venezuela as part of the anti-impe-
the regional committee of the Communist Party marized the meetings of the WPC in Brazil ing the Mexican peace movement but said rialist struggle.
of Venezuela to a small fishing village in the and commented on the international military Mexico is finding new forms of struggle to Diniz commented on the different forms
Venezuelan National Park located close to Porta situation. Fundora noted the politics sur- overcome this situation. He indicated that of propaganda that the imperialists are as-
Cruz which is approximately 370 kilometres rounding energy and the growing connection Mexican peace forces are building alliances sembling as the centre of its fight against
east of Caracas to attend and hear Venezuelan between oil consumption and the increasing between political parties and citizen move- socialist gains in Venezuela. He said that
President Hugo Chavez address the Venezuelan belligerence of US imperialism. Fundora said, ments and is working with childrens and fighting for peace is also a social justice
nation in his popular Sunday afternoon ad- Imperialism is soaking up the scientists of doctors groups. fight. The fight for peace is a continuation of
dresses and question and answer sessions. the world and putting them to task of develop- On the whole, the Moviemiento Mexi- struggle and not one that can emerge only as
The Venezuelan President greeted the ing new weapons and bio-fuel technologies. cano por la Paz President said there are new conflict arises, commented Diniz. He
WPC delegates one by one and read out the The question of bio-fuels Fundora said puts more positives than negatives. was drawing consideration to the world wide
organizational affiliation. Chavez then pro- the question of food production versus energy attention that the war in Iraq first aroused
ceeded to offer to host the 2008 WPC confer- for cars centre stage. (The Canadian Peace Argentina and then faded. This he said is of particular
ence in Caracas with state support. This an- Congress notes that for Canadian farmers this Rina Bertaccini summarized the previ- interest to peace forces.
nouncement was welcomed enthusiastically question is emerging in the form of the fight ous 2 years of peace work in Argentina as He raised the need to find new ways to
by WPC delegates. It was emphasized by the for the Canadian Wheat Board and corporate characterised by a dominant anti-imperial- maintain and continue the continuity for
WPC Executive Secretary that this offer will control of Canadian agricultural production, ist content. She commented that Argentina the struggle for peace. He said precisely
go along way to ensure the success of the which will be diverted from food production is pursuing building alliances with other because there is an emergence of an anti-im-
April 2008 WPC conference. All delegates to more profitable energy production.) continental peace forces and seeing great perialist block of non-belligerent states that
were encouraged to begin immediate prepara- The WPC President also warned of the progress in the anti-imperialist content of within this emerging block can this continuity
tions for their organizations attendance. issue of water and the control by the large this work. can be found.
trans-national water corporations. Imperial- Bertaccini said the founding in 1947 of He urged the WPC to find new ways to
DAY THREE ism he said is trying to monopolize the fresh the Argentinean peace movement with the build solidarity with other peace forces and
water of the world. The CPC points to the WPC was large and broad in scope, she agreed that Chavez in the framework of the
The WPC meeting of the regional con- Montebello SPP meetings in August which continued that given the current global reali- Venezuelan revolution tasks that were pre-
tinental Americas was convened at 9:00am were in part to discuss Canadas capitulation ties the original peace forces were correct in viously prohibitive to the international peace
Monday August 27th, 2007 in the National for the bulk export of fresh water to the US. their anti-imperialist linkages to peace. movement can now occur. He stressed the
Assembly of the Venezuelan Parliament. Two NATO poses a threat to world peace. The importance of a conscious struggle need to emphasize neo-colonialism and elevate
sessions were held. The morning session Fundora made special emphasis that the against the enemies of peace is a requirement to greater visibility on the WPC agenda.
heard greetings and messages of solidarity sharpening European situation is due to the of the anti-imperialist fight back Bertaccinin
from all the organizations. Canada presented aggressive stance of US-NATO interference in argues. She emphasized the need to overcome Canada
our official greeting (see Appendix A for full the domestic affairs of European countries. financial impediments to WPC work and to Canada reported briefly on the current
text) which was well received. The discus- Fundora commented on the re-establish- find new allies of peace. political situation in Canada with the minority
sions focused on the international situation ment of the Canadian Peace Congress as an In Argentina and South America it is very Conservative government led by PM Steven
and the anti-imperialist fight back and the important milestone and emphasized the im- clear the direction that the peace movement Harper as the leading force in the militariza-
emergence of the world wide revolutionary portance of cooperation between continental is taking. It is one with a strong anti-impe- tion of Canada. It was noted that the energy
socialist movement currently being led by organizations such as the US Peace Council, rialist content. The struggle to halt foreign policies of the Harper neo-con government is
Hugo Chavez and the revolutionary socialist Canadian Peace Congress, MOVPAZ, Ca- military bases, primarily US military bases, the new central issue facing the peace forces.
forces in Central and South America. ribbean Peace organizations as essential in is a reflection of the anti-imperialist content. continued on page 11
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Canadian Public Opinion Solidly Against the

US-NATO War in Afghanistan
Don Currie largest arms suppliers in Europe. Karl Heinz the Canadian military. OConnor has been largest civil society organization in Canada,
Canadian Peace Congress Schreiber, a Canadian lobbyist for Airbus, replaced by the current Defense Minister Pe- rank and file members and supporters of the

and who is presently awaiting extradition to ter McKay, also implicated indirectly in the New Democratic, the Canadian Peace Alli-
anadian public opinion has swung Germany where he faces corruption charges, Airbus scandal. The hearings are not over. ance and the Canadian Peace Congress , the
decisively against the Afghanistan is alleged to have funneled money from Franz With scandal and falling public support Communist Party and the Greens to defeat
war policy of the Conservative Gov- Joseph Strauss former Chancellor of Bavaria dogging the Conservative Government, the the war policies of the Harper Conservative
ernment of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. and head of Airbus, during the 1980s to bring only way the Harper Government can remain Government.
Rising casualties among Canadian troops Mulroney to power and back his campaign for in power is disunity at the polls among pro- Peace demonstrations calling for an
deployed to the Kandahar region of Afghani- a North American Free Trade Agreement peace voters in the next federal election end to the war were held across Canada
stan, revelations of torture of Afghan de- (NAFTA). Airbus would then use Canada as expected in early 2008. The three opposi- last October 27 demanding the withdrawal
tainees and the appalling death rate among a platform to market Airbus weaponry into tion parties the Liberals, New Democratic of Canadian troops and a new mobilization
Afghan civilians due to NATO bombing the US market to compete with large US arms Party (NDP) and the Bloc Quebecois all is beginning for mass demonstrations in
raids has hardened public opposition to the suppliers. Both Strauss and his employee have foreign policy positions formally op- March 2008. Increasingly the slogans of the
war. Testimony before the Senate foreign af- Schreiber were ardent anti-communist op- posing the war in Afghanistan and calling peace movement are demanding the defeat
fairs committee in November 2007 revealed ponents of the German Democratic Republic for Canadian withdrawal. Party leaders, of the Harper Government. If the Harper
ongoing mismanagement of Federal Govern- (the GDR) and had a big stake in inflaming Stephane Dion of the Liberals, Jack Layton Government is to be defeated and Canadas
ment aid funds assigned to reconstruction the east-west arms race. The links between of the NDP and Gilles Duceppe instead of participation in the war in Afghanistan
projects. The Canadian International De- arms dealers and Government war policy is launching a frontal attack bicker and seek ended unity in action on the streets and at
velopment Agency (CIDA) manages a $100 well known in Canada. Former Canadian De- electoral advantage instead of forging a the polls will have to be lifted to a higher
million fund for 2006-2007 part of a total fense Minister Gordon OConnor was forced clear opposition stance towards the Harper level. That is the challenge confronting
Federal Government package of more than to step down when it was revealed that he had Government. the entire democratic left progressive and
$650 million for 2001-2009. The British been a defense department lobbyist for twenty All opposition parties are under pressure peace forces of Canada in the months lead-
based Senalis Council and Canadem, two years in partnership with high Canadian and from the 4 million strong organized labour ing up to the next federal election expected
non-governmental agencies involved with US-NATO officers attempting to sell arms to movement, the Council of Canadians, the early in 2008. n
NGOs operating in Afghanistan provided
testimony to the Senate hearing complain-
ing that federal government funds are not
reaching the Afghan people. Declaration of the 3rd General Assembly of
The daily cost of the war now exceeds
$3 million CDN and is expected to triple Peace Association of Turkey
by February 2009 when the Canadian Istanbul 18 November 2007
Parliamentary mandate to participate in
the NATO led war expires and Canadian
The Peace Association of Turkey convened its 3rd ordinary assembly on 18 November 2007, in Istanbul. The fol-
forces are supposed to be withdrawn. Prime
lowing declaration was discussed and accepted unanimously by the delegates from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir
Minister Harper refuses to commit to hon-
branches of the association, as the final declaration of the assembly. One of the issues discussed in the assembly
oring the Parliamentary decision and has
was the preparation for the European Regional Meeting of the World Peace Council and the "Middle East" Con-
appointed former Liberal Foreign Affairs
ference that will be held on 12-13 January, 2008 in Istanbul.
Minister John Manley, an architect of the
Canadian armed forces combat role in the
Declaration of the 3rd General Assembly of Peace Association of Turkey
NATO-US War to defer a Parliamentary
debate in the hopes of preventing a defeat
In the 3rd General Assembly of the Peace Association convened on November 18, 2007, it was decided to keep on working
of the Harper Government that would bring
actively on the following issues:
on a federal election where foreign policy
1. Peace Association of Turkey declares that the current peace movement should struggle against the worldwide imperialist ag-
and Canada US relations could become the
gression displayed by the USA and its European collaborators; and that more effort should be spent to prevent Turkey from taking
major issue.
part in this aggression.
A media poll conducted from December
2. The long term fundamental mission of the peace movement in Turkey is to prevent our country to be involved in a war. On
6-9, 2007 by the Strategic Counsel com-
this account, the Peace Association of Turkey opposes the sending of the Turkish Army outside the borders of the country for any
prising Canadas most influential newspa-
reason and demands the return of all Turkish soldiers abroad, back home. For the same reason, Turkey should immediately end
per the Globe and Mail and a major private
its membership to NATO, all foreign bases should be closed down and the usage and exploitation of the countrys resources by the
television network CTV, showed that if
imperialist forces should be stopped.
an election were called today 68 percent
3. Peace Association of Turkey will decipher the reasons and results of the escalation of militarism, which has deep effects on
would vote against the Harper Government.
the society and also its close links with the imperialist plans; and will lead the peace movement against the militarization of the
In Quebec the anti-Harper opposition soars
to 82 percent of committed voters who
4. We will not allow our people and country to be divided by nationalism which is an inhuman ideology. The Peace Association
would vote against the Government. Sixty
of Turkey will provide all its effort to ensure that Turkish and Kurdish peoples live together in peace and to build up a working class
five percent of Canadians believe Canadian
patriotism for peace against imperialism.
forces are in Afghanistan at the behest of
5. Peace Association of Turkey declares that it will stand against a military intervention of USA and its collaborators to Iran. The
the US Bush administration and because
Peace Association will provide all its effort to act in solidarity with the people of Iran and to organize our people and intellectuals
Canada is part of NATO. When asked what
to stand against imperialist aggression.
they considered to be the biggest threat
6. Peace Association of Turkey aims at collaborating with anti-imperialist forces in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Lebanon that
facing the world 36 percent of Canadians
are resisting against occupation and war, at giving support to their struggle, at keeping these struggles on the agenda of the public
polled listed climate change and global
opinion in Turkey and all over the world. The Association will establish closer relations with the forces in the Middle East, which
warming, another 11 percent cited the gap
resist against occupation and imperialist interventions and will organize campaigns in order to strengthen the fraternity and peace
between rich and poor countries, 14 per-
between the peoples of our region. It will do its best for the people of Turkey to perceive the developments in Middle East not as an
cent listed lack of respect for human rights,
issue of foreign policy but as a pretext to get the country involved in war.
11 percent considered American foreign
7. The imperialist aggression in the Balkans, which resulted in the disintegration of Yugoslavia enters a new phase. The indepen-
policy to be the greatest threat facing the
dence of Kosovo, as the first step of making up new governments directly controlled by imperialism and managed like a company,
world and only 12 percent mentioned ter-
will ensure the presence of imperialism in the region and will constitute new obstacles for the establishment of peace. The Peace
rorism. The poll revealed that 39 percent
Association declares that the presence of imperialism in the Balkans should be ended immediately and that the Association will act
of Canadians think that Canadas foreign
in solidarity with Balkan peoples for this aim.
policy is less independent than 50 years
8. Worldwide nuclear armament continues to threaten humanity. Control over the researches on nuclear weapons of imperialist
ago pointing to Canadas relationship with
countries that possess nuclear weapons, especially USA and Israel, is not possible. On the other hand, imperialism imposes sanc-
US as the principal cause of declining
tions on some countries under the pretext that these countries try to possess nuclear weapons. The Peace Association declares that
prestige internationally. Thirty three cent
it is dead set against nuclear armament, that the double standard applied in nuclear armament control should be ended and that the
believe the Liberal Chretien Governments
international agreements carrying the resolution of eliminating nuclear weapons signed before Soviet Union was dissolved, should
no to the Bush administrations pressure
be executed.
to join in the war in Iraq to be Canadas
9. Latin America as the centre of peoples governments and ascents against imperialist aggression, gained importance in peace
greatest foreign policy achievement.
movement throughout the world. Peace Association declares that Cuba, above all, and Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uru-
On top of the drop in public support for
guay, Argentina, Brazil and other popular governments should be supported as well as the process of liberation on the continent.
the Harper war policy is the explosive public
10. Imperialist expansionism and rampant plunderage of capitalism leads the world to an environmental catastrophe that will
hearings before the Parliamentary Ethics
have irreversible effects. The Peace Association declares that environmental problems are directly related with the peace movement
Committee investigating the ties between
throughout the world and that the Association will do its best to stop this process.
former Conservative Prime Minister Mul-
roney and Airbus International one of the
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

The European Union: An Obstacle Rather Than An Ally For Peace

Bert De Belder, Anti-Imperalist League/Stop USA, Belgium

he year 2007 has seen two new initia- because of US interference, through NATO. this article, European military forces may The EU has adopted a new EU-Africa
tives by the European Union to get its More detailed plans for the military build-up intervene in any country to interfere directly Joint Strategy at the EU-Africa Summit in
project back on track, after its Consti- of the European Union were formulated at the in internal armed conflicts, under the guise of December 2007, establishing, among other
tutional Treaty had been rejected in popular Kln Summit of June 1999, immediately after combating terrorism. The regions where EU things, an African Peace and Security Ar-
referenda in France and the Netherlands in NATOs war of aggression against Yugoslavia. forces may want to militarily intervene, are chitecture. The latter will go hand in hand
mid-2005. The German presidency of the Six months later, in Helsinki, the objectives hinted at in a paper of the European Defence with a Trade and Regional Integration for the
EU (first semester of 2007) ended with the were set as follows: being able to deploy by Agency: European security interests may be improvement of economic governance and
pompous Berlin Declaration, celebrating the 2003 a force of up to 60,000 personnel within directly or indirectly challenged by tensions investment climate in Africa detailing,
50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. And 60 days, and to sustain it on the ground for at arising not only in the near neighbourhood just to make things clear, that this concerns
on December 13 in Lisbon, the new Reform least one year, for the purposes of humanitar- but also further afield.... By 2025, Europe private sector development, supported by
Treaty or Lisbon Treaty was signed, to re- ian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping and crisis will be externally dependent for 90% of foreign investments. New issues such as
place the failed Constitutional Treaty. management including peace-making. its oil and 80% of its gas. China and India energy and migration are high on the agenda.
What do these two recent documents, the All of these tasks mean intervention (far) will drive global energy demand and seek Of course, the fast-growing relations between
Berlin Declaration and the Lisbon Treaty, beyond the borders of the European Union. new sources in Central Asia, Africa and the China and Africa are a major reason behind
tell us about the issue of peace? The Eu- None of them has any connection whatsoever Middle East. Europes military activities there.
ropean Union wants to promote freedom and to the defense of the territorial integrity of The new Treaty of the European Union If peace and trade go hand in hand, who
development in the world, the 2007 Berlin Europe. The Treaty intends to impose an plans the further expansion of this Euro- stands to benefit? We all know that where
Declaration says. We are committed to the offensive military intervention policy, which pean Defense Agency (EDA), established in the EU commits itself, it wants to get advan-
peaceful resolution of conflicts in the world is in opposition to most Member States na- 2004, to implement any measure needed to tages, says Swedish captain Lennart Dan-
and to ensuring that people do not become tional Constitutions, which stipulate that the strengthen the industrial and technological ielson, head of the EU Staff Group at NATO
victims of war, terrorism and violence. armed forces are confined to the defense of base of the defence sector (TEU, Article headquarters in Belgium (SHAPE). And he
The peaceful resolution of conflicts? the national territory. 27-3). In fact, the defense industry has co- gives the example of the Congo, which has
European military forces are or have until Since September 11, 2001, a number of authored this Treaty article, as nearly all of a major impact on the economy, because of
recently been active in the US-led imperialist other aspects related to the so-called war the thirteen external experts consulted by the many natural resources in the region. If
wars of aggression and ensuing occupation in on terror are increasingly on the security the Defence Working Group to prepare the the region becomes more stabilised, it will be
Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The 27 EU agenda of the EU. These include repressive Treaty have connections with the European beneficial to our trade relations with Africa.
Member States currently have 44,000 mili- measures in the form of judicial, financial, military-industrial complex (BAE Systems, German Defense Minister Franz-Joseph
tary personnel abroad, either on NATO, UN police and intelligence action against a EADS, Thales and other armaments com- Jung echoed this statement by arguing that
or EU missions (respectively taking up 70, 20 number of persons and organisations lumped panies). The EU itself admits that it wants the stability in this region, rich in natural
and 10 percent of the troops). In the Balkans, together on a supposed terrorist list, con- to support the European defense industry: resources, would be profitable for German
NATOs Kosovo force with 15,000 European taining legitimate peoples, revolutionary and While recognising the strategic role of the industry. The EU deployed already two
troops can be reinforced by the 5,000 EU communist forces such as the ELN and the European defense related industries, these military missions in the Democratic Republic
troops based in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while FARC of Colombia, the New Peoples Army are left without support in fragmented mar- of Congo. In 2003, the EU launched Opera-
the EU has also readied its Battle Group and the Communist Party of the Philippines, kets. At a European Defense Agency confer- tion Artemis in the East of Congo, and in the
concept, with two brigades of 1,500 troops the Palestinian Hamas and Popular Front for ence early this year, EU Commissioner for period of the July 2006 elections, the EU
each on standby. At its December 2007 Sum- the Liberation of Palestine, among others. Enterprise and Industry Gnter Verheugen deployed the EUFOR mission.
mit, the EU approved a 1,800 police force for EU sanctions are in place against some 26 announced a multiplication of the EU budget As a conclusion, when it comes to peace,
Kosovo, not only against the will of Serbia, countries. Here again, the EU follows the lead for security research, with an increase by the European Union cannot be considered a
but also against international law, that clearly of the US. Worse even, the improvement of more than 13 times, from 15 to 200 millions valuable alternative to the US. For that would
determines that Serbia continues to hold security inside the European Union is regu- euros per year. mean replacing one imperialism that of the
sovereignty over Kosovo (UNSC Resolution larly being discussed with external partners The African continent, nearby and mainly US by another, seemingly more civilized
1244 of 1999). such as the United States, according to an consisting of former colonies, is the preferred one that of the EU. Or the replacement of
In Afghanistan, all European NATO official EU web site. playing ground for European military action. one class of exploiters by another one. It is
members (23 countries) and 4 non-NATO EU The new Lisbon Treaty obliges the Mem- While mainly France and Britain have their one thing to cleverly take advantage of the
Member States are contributing troops to the ber States to undertake progressively to im- own, quite extensive networks of military contradictions between different imperialist
US-led occupation force, thus helping to free prove their military capabilities (TEU, Article bases, military assistance agreements and forces in order to bring the peoples struggles
US troops for the occupation of Iraq. While 27). It is quite a unique feature in the history defense pacts with various African countries, forward. It is an entirely different matter to
several European countries were against of international treaties that a treaty contains also the European Union as such is becom- have illusions in the EUs self-declared inten-
the war on Iraq, the US-led Coalition of the the obligation to spend more for the military. ing more active in Africa. A case in point tions to bring about peace or democracy
Willing initially contained troops from 15 It is the only article of the entire Treaty that is the 2007 agreement on the sending of and development, for that matter.
current EU Member States. (8 of them have encourages public expenditure, as opposed to EU troops to Chad and the Central African This article is based on a paper presented
withdrawn since, basically because of the sectors such as health care and education. Republic, under the pretext of protecting by the author at the XIVth International
steadfastness of the Iraqi resistance and the The Treaty reaffirms the European civilians from the spill-over violence from Conference on European Studies in Havanna,
protest at home.) Unions adherence to NATO obligations: neighbouring Sudan. Cuba, 27-30 November 2007. n
Europes military actions and plans Commitments and cooperation in this area
abroad reflect the ambiguous and sometimes shall be consistent with commitments under
changing situation of supporting and follow- the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Canadian Peace Congress Prepares for WPC
ing the lead of the United States on the one which, for those States which are members of Caracas World Assembly
hand, and wanting to build and project an it, remains the foundation of their collective
own, European defense force on the other. defence and the forum for its implementa- The Interim Executive of the Canadian Peace Congress, following the report of
In the main, Europes big capital wants to tion. (TEU, Article 27-7) This idea is also Sean Currie Congress delegate to the August WPC Regional Meeting in Caracas
provide itself with its own military means to dear to Belgian Prime Minister Verhofstadt, has begun the work of organizing a Congress delegation to the April 2008 World
protect its interests independently from the who declared before the Belgian Chamber of Assembly of the World Peace Council. The Canadian Peace Congress upon receiv-
US. This was already clear at the time of the Representatives in September 2006 his love ing the official documents of invitation from WPC and COSI, the host organization,
first Gulf War, in 1991. The European Round for a European defense identity, not sepa- will circulate them and begin the work of organizing a Congress delegation to attend
Table of Industrialists (ERT), which regroups rate from NATO but as a pillar of NATO. the WPC Executive Meeting, and send a broad representative delegation of peace,
45 of the largest European transnational He sees the Belgian military mission with labour and democratic activists to attend the World Assembly and Day of Solidarity
corporations, assessed Europes role in the UNIFIL in South Lebanon as an important with the Bolivarian Revolution and the people of Venezuela. Special attention will
war in its document Reshaping Europe: step in developing that European defense be given to organizing youth to attend the event.
Europe had interests at stake in the Gulf, identity and that European defense pillar, Report back meetings of the decisions of the August Caracas Regional Meeting
and it had ideas as what was to be done. But within the framework of the Atlantic alliance of WPC have been organized by the Edmonton Peace Council, the Regina Peace
when the issue of using violence came up, as a whole. Council and the newly formed Fraser Valley Peace Council in Vancouver BC where
Europe disposed neither of the decision- The new Treaty further expands the the WPC World Assembly was discussed and work begun on organizing a represen-
making mechanisms, nor of the means to concept of military interventions abroad, tative delegation. Report was also made to the Nelson BC Peace Coalition, evoking
possibly intervene. The NATO war against outside the EU borders, to include joint keen interest in the WPC event in Caracas.
Yugoslavia confirmed this problem: Euro- disarmament operations, humanitarian and In other work, the Congress Interim Executive has opened up discussions on
pean imperialism was not able to overthrow rescue tasks, military advice and assistance a draft call to an Extraordinary Renewal Convention to be convened following the
the nationalist resistance of Serbia by arms tasks, conflict prevention and peace-keep- WPC World Assembly in Caracas next April. The call will be accompanied with a
nor to get the spoils of war for itself. It had to ing tasks, tasks of combat forces in crisis new draft constitution and program of action.
appeal to the US to carry out the job. management, including peacemaking, and Canadian Peace Congress Councils participated in the Canadian Peace Alliance
The 1992 Maastricht Treaty had already post-conflict stabilisation, adding that sponsored October 27th mobilizations for peace under the slogans of Canada Out of
introduced the EU pillar of a Common all these tasks may contribute to the fight Afghanistan, US Out of Iraq, Hands of Iran, and Bring the Troops Home Now.
Foreign and Security Policy, but its imple- against terrorism, including by supporting The Congress is working on a new website and is reviewing plans for an all-
mentation got slowed down because of con- third countries in combating terrorism in Canada Congress publication.
tradictions among EU Members States and their territories (TEU, Article 28). With
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

The 2007 Japan Peace Conference in Okinawa

he 2007 Japan Peace Conference was rish, executive director of the Washington importance of international cooperation and retary General Chisaka Jun made the keynote
held for four days from November 22, Peace Action, USA; Paulina Elizabeth Ponce exchanges for eradicating US military crimes speech in which he called on the participants
2007 in Naha City in Okinawa (an Cando, International Network for the Abolition and achieving a development of local economy to drive the Japanese and U.S. governments
island of south Japan). More than 1,000 peace of Foreign Military Bases Ecuador/ head of by removing bases. He also stressed that the into a corner with further achievements of the
activists from across the country took part in the communication affairs of the human rights struggles against US bases is a part of the movement and the new political situation. He
the conference. watch section of the Ecumenical Commission global effort to achieve a just world, in which called for further actions in opposition to the
Under the slogan: For the Abrogation of of Human Rights, Ecuador; Andrea Licata, broader joint actions could be possible. new anti-terrorism special measures bill and
Military Alliance and the Removal of Military PhD, Committee of Inhabitants and Workers of Through the discussion, the symposium adverse revision of the Constitution. He also
Bases, the Conference has been held annu- East Vicenza Against the Construction of a made clear the struggles waged in different stressed the need to block the realignment of
ally since 1986, by the Organizing Committee New Base in Vicenza For the Conversion of countries and regions were important not only US forces in Japan, to undo the government
composed by Japan Peace Committee and Camp Ederle to Civil Uses, Italy; Ko You Kyo- for their respective places, but were integral textbook screening policy on mass suicide
other around 50 organizations including trade ung, Bureau Chief, Campaign for Eradication part of the global struggle to reject the domi- during the Battle of Okinawa, and to thor-
unions, peace and solidarity organizations, of Crimes by US Troops in Korea, Republic of nation by big powers and to create a peaceful oughly uncover the defense scandal.
women and youth. Korea; and Tadaaki Kawata, Executive Board and just world order. It showed the importance The conference focused efforts on the is-
The Conference took place amidst the Member, Japan Peace Committee. to globalize joint actions and solidarity in sue of mass suicides at the end of WW II.
increased international isolation of the US The Chief of the Department of Base Af- opposition to US military bases, and to open A survivor of mass suicides testified from
policy of aggression and oppression, while fairs, Ginowan City Government (where US up a new horizon for creating a foreign bases his own experience that it occurred when he
the movement and public opinion against Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is situated) free and peaceful world and Asia. was six years old. He revealed that his mother
U.S. bases and U.S. military presence are of Okinawa Prefecture was also presented at shouted at his elder brother, Throw away the
gaining significant ground in different parts the Symposium and made a special reports. Human Chain around the grenade! and his family narrowly escaped
of the world. In March 2007, the Internation- The Symposium made clear that despite US Marine Base death, he said.
al Conference for the Abolition of Foreign the serious damage caused by the US military As part of the conference, about 1,300 In a symposium on mass suicides,
Military Bases was held in Ecuador for the presence, including crimes and environment people on November 25 formed a human chain Okubo Yasuhiro of the Okinawa Peace Com-
first time in history, which resulted in the pollution, and the danger of the US world encircling US Marine Corps Camp Schwab in mittee stressed that behind the distortion
establishment of an international network strategy, the US attempt to dominate the rest Nago City where the government is planning of history of Okinawa is the scheme of the
against military bases. The struggles to op- of the world by military force has met with to construct a new US base (on Henoko Sea- Japanese and US governments to discour-
pose military bases were also emphasized in strong resistance in many parts of the world. shore). Not only the conference participants age Okinawans wishes for peace and to
the Counter-Forum on the G8 Summit held The participants had interactive discussion but local residents that have been waging a strengthen the military alliance.
in Rostock, Germany. on how to promote public opinion and coop- struggle for more than ten years against US In a separate symposium on munici-
In Japan, particularly after the landslide eration, on advocacy for the conversion of base construction participated. palities, residents and U.S. bases, repre-
defeat of ruling Liberal Democratic Party military bases for civilian use, and on creative sentatives of movements in opposition to the
led coalition in the election of the House ideas and experiences in the movement. Main Conference and Workshops realignment plan in Iwakuni and Zama cities
of Councilors last July, situation has been Geov Parrish reported that in the United Following the international symposium, a as well as the JCP made reports. The move-
dramatically changing, in which people got States, the movement against the Iraq war has main conference was held on 23 November in ment in Yokosuka City in opposition to the
the conviction that public opinion could created a historically unusual change in the Naha City Hall with 1,000 participants. In the deployment of a US nuclear-powered aircraft
move the politics. public opinion, and that the bigger challenge main conference, Japan Peace Committee Sec- carrier also joined in the discussion. n
Among others, the withdrawal of the would be to change the politics. He stressed
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, having the importance of supporting those who refuse
been dispatched to the Indian Ocean to help to serve in the war in Iraq, of developing pub- AGORA FOR THE FUTURE OF EUROPE
the US military operations in Afghanistan, was lic opinion through non-violent resistance to European Parliament Brussels, 8-9 November 2007
an historic achievement of public opinion and prevent weapons and equipment from being Position presented by Skevi Koukouma WIDF Vice President
movement. It was the Japanese public that sent to Iraq, and of mobilizing people through
has enforced the Maritime Self-Defense Force students resistance against military recruit- We are gathered here at this crucial moment in order to discuss the future of Europe.
ships to stop its mandate in Indian Ocean. ment activities. It is clear that this is an effort to show that there are democratic procedures in promoting
In Iwakuni (expansion of air base), Paulina Ponce spoke of her experience the approval of the Treaty, considering AGORA as a consultation process of the NGOs
Yokosuka (deployment nuclear-powerd air- of the movement against the military base in and further more the people of Europe.
craft carrier), Zama (relocation of an army Manta, one of the US forward operating loca- Subsequently, we cannot avoid talking about the political framework and content of
headquarter from US mainland), Henoko tion, through making it known to the public the revised Constitutional Treaty, as well as the way in which this is going to be adopted,
(constructing a new marine base), Takae (new the impact of the military presence and the after the decisions of the EU Council meeting in Lisbon.
heliport for marine), local people have been role of the base as foothold of the US domi- The European Office of WIDF denounces the real and stated goal of the current reform
working, together with their local govern- nation of Latin America. Pointing out future of the European Union treaties, which is to recover the essential content of the previously
ments, in opposition to the ongoing realign- tasks of the international network as estab- rejected draft constitutional treaty, whilst at the same time seeking to avoid a democratic
ment and reinforcement of US military forces lishing an international coordinating com- debate and the expression of the peoples will, namely through referendums.
and construction plans for a new base. The mittee, organizing international campaigns, This attempt is unacceptable and is a profound disrespect for democracy and for the
realignment of U.S. forces in Japan is clearly she called for cooperation and solidarity for sovereign will, expressed in 2005 by the French and Dutch people.
aimed at turning Japan into a stronghold of a world without foreign military bases. If it were to be ratified in the various countries, this treaty should have been directed towards
the US in its preemptive attack strategy. Andrea Licata reported on the struggle a qualitative leap in the configuration of the European Union and not strengthening as an eco-
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates in against the US base in Vicenza, Italy, which nomic, political and military block contrary to the interests of the workers and the peoples.
a recent interview with the Asahi Shimbun is planned to be expanded. The successful This treaty constitutes a new step towards the institutionalisation of neo-liberalism,
(Japanese daily newspaper) expressed his 200,000 people rally was held in February the promotion of militarism and a stronger domination by the capital and the leading great
strong concern over the implementation of the 2007. He cited concrete examples from Ger- powers of the European Union already implemented by the cornerstone of the EU institu-
realignment plan by saying, If you start pulling many and East Europe of the conversion of tions, the Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice Treaties and several neo- liberal policies such
at one thread, then I worry that the whole thing military bases for civilian use and stressed that as the Lisbon Strategy.
will come unraveled. The conference called the removal of military bases is a challenge for The policies to be implemented by the draft treaty at hand will further jeopardise
on participants to pull threads and defeat the the people and community also from the sake the economic and social rights of the womens and the peoples generally; through the
realignment plan with nationwide solidarity. of employment and economy. He pointed to liberalisation of markets, the primacy of competition and monetarist policies serving
It was also significant that in Okinawa, the importance of revealing the fact that the the interests of the big economic and financial groups, for example by dismantling and
where the people of the entire prefecture are in- base is being used for preemptive attacks. privatising public services and not taking into account the real needs generated by
volved in the struggle against the governments Ko You Kyoung made clear that while growth and unemployment.
decision to delete the reference from school some part of the US military bases in South Additionally, this treaty promotes the militarisation of the European Union within the
textbooks to the responsibility of the Japanese Korea has been returned according to the its framework of NATO and in coordination with the USA, an increase in military spending,
military for forcing the local people to commit realignment plan, the rest are being expanded an arms race and the militarisation of international relations in general.
mass suicide, the peace movements of Japan and being strengthened. She referred to the From all mentioned above it becomes evident that this Treaty does counter the interest
and other parts of the world met. contamination problem in the former base and aspiration of the womens and peoples of Europe. This is why we say No both to the new
The Conference made a call to bring back sites, saying that more and more Korean Treaty and to the antidemocratic process through which it is tried to be imposed. It is our
the Japanese Self-Defense Force from Iraq, people are calling on the US to take the respon- demand that the right of each people to have their say on a treaty which has such profound
largely increase the movement in opposition sibility for cleaning up such area. She also said consequences for the present and the future of each of their countries is upheld.
to adverse revision of the peaceful Consti- that heinous crimes of brutality such as sexual It is our demand that the participation of the peoples of Europe in a process affect-
tution, and form a majority of the public crimes and arson committed by US military ing their lives is guaranteed, through a broad and democratic debate and through the
that favors the abrogation of the Japan-US personnel in Korea are increasing. expression of the popular will.
Security Treaty. Kawata Tadaaki, having referred to the With full confidence in the possibility of a different Europe, a Europe of cooperation,
achievement in removing JSDF from the war of real economic and social progress and peace, WIDF and its national organisations
International Symposium in Afghanistan, emphasized the importance of in European countries, we state that we will focus our work in our countries on actions
The International Symposium, as a part international solidarity of peace and anti-base against the adoption of this Treaty. The reform treaty must be brought to referendum in
of the Conference, was held on November movements, based on the struggles of residents all the EU member states, following broad and democratic popular debates.
22-23, 2007. On the panel were Geov Par- and local governments. He pointed out the
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Africa Under Further Menace of Resource Wars

Rui Namorado Rosa, President, CPPC Portugal

frica supports a population of pected to decline at about 3% a year, to its hydrocarbons production capacity, USAs hegemonic control so far. A recent
about 900 million people, living about half that level by 2025. becoming then unable to export them to tour by Iranian President to seven African
in about 50 countries, many of Africa also holds substantial addi- the world market. So that Africa is eyed countries, followed by the announcement
which are somewhat artificial construc- tional deepwater resources in the Guinea by imperialism as being simultaneously of oil development agreements between
tions inherited from the European colo- Gulf, especially off the coasts of Angola very rich (in natural resources) and ex- the National Iranian Oil Company with
nial administrations set up in the XIX and Nigeria, which are at an early stage tremely poor (in peoples living standard), the Nigeria counterpart and the Ivory
century. of depletion. This production is expected a regrettable combination that neverthe- Coast, are a sign of this. As it is the
The social structure of the Continent to grow rapidly to peak around 2012 at 4 less is the origin of the surpluses that are active economic cooperation policy en-
is one of extremes, from deprived popula- Mb/day, and decline steeply afterwards exported to the world market, feeding the tertained by R.P. China in developing
tions, many facing famine, disease and to near exhaustion by 2030. consumerism of rich countries and the infrastructures and resources in several
turbulence, to the wealthy elites and war Africa also holds substantial natural profits of the trans-national corporations, countries, on bilateral basis and via the
lords supported by colonial or neo-colo- gas deposits in Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt at the expenses of present level of living China-Africa Cooperation Forum, con-
nial economic or military connections, and Lybia, plus some minor reservoirs of Africans and compromising the future vened by China and the African Union.
whose income they derive from the ex- elsewhere. Total gas reserves are equiva- industrialization of the continent. But the USA has designated West African
ploitation of natural resources from which lent to about 46 Gb, the larger in Algeria, Between 1965 and 1999 there were sev- oil resources as constituting a national
huge profits are extract by trans-national which currently produces at a rate of 560 enty-three civil wars in the world, almost all strategic interest since 2001. And the Eu-
corporations. Mb/year. The related production from gas driven by the capital greed to control natural ropean Union is attempting to strengthen
Africa is a prime producer of some resources such as oil, diamonds, copper, and its economic links to the continent, prof-
mineral raw materials of great industrial so on. It is realized that countries relying on iting from the foothold acquired by the
importance. To name just a few commodi- one or two major export have more than a former colonial powers there, of which
ties of greater economic and technological one-in-five chance of civil war, a proportion the November 2007 summit between the
value, and their larger producers in the far higher than in countries with a broad European and the African Unions was a
continent to the world market: Hydro- spectrum of foreign trade. One realizes how token but also a sign of growing African
carbons (in Libya, Nigeria, Algeria and highly specialized economies, based on ei- assertiveness, for which the broadening
Angola); Diamonds (in Botswana, R.D. ther intensive or mono-cultural agriculture global competition for investment and
Congo, R. South Africa and Angola); Gold or over-exploitation of certain mineral re- trade added support.
(R South Africa, Ghana, Mali, Tanzania); sources, focused at serving foreign interests, The recently announced United States
Platinum group metals (R. South Africa); Source: Regional Assessment Africa,
ASPO Newsletter, no. 68, August 2006
tend to corrupt ruling elites and divert human Africa Command (AFRICOM) is a new
Tantalum and Niobium (R. South Africa, and material resources from the economic military headquarters devoted solely to
Mozambique, Rwanda); Uranium (Niger, liquefaction plants (LNG) is expected to activities that satisfy most social necessi- Africa, the result of an internal reorga-
Namibia); Phosphate (Morocco, R. South increase to attain a plateau of about 1.3 ties, depriving the population at large from nization of the USA military command
Africa, Tunisia); Copper (Zambia, R. Mb/day from 2020 onwards. their basic needs. Resource wars with their structure that officially will respond for
South Africa, R.D. Congo, Botswana). Taken together, the total production of devastating impacts on civilians have become the military relations with the African
As to hydrocarbons (crude oil and all liquids (conventional and deepwater common along the XX century. Many of these countries. Some African leaderships were
natural gas), Africa holds about one oil and liquefied natural gas) is expected were in Africa. led to view AFRICOM as an opportunity.
tenth of the worlds reserves of petro- to reach a peak of about 12 Mb/day Nearly every country in Africa is a case The USA has already been offered Li-
leum and natural gas, and is currently around 2012, but then fall rapidly to study in this list of sinister examples. Af- beria to host AFRICOM, and is looking
delivering nearly one tenth of the worlds about half that level by 2025. rica bleeds, notwithstanding its abundant at Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial
annual production. The past and fore- As to oil consumption, it has grown wealth, constrained by the world financial Guinea, Kenya, Djibouti, and Ethiopia as
cast production of conventional oil in five-fold from 1965 to almost 2.5 Mb/day possible locations, while having secured
the continent add up to an ultimate oil in 2006. Per capita consumption stands access agreements with Senegal, Mali,
production estimated of nearly 180 Gb at about one barrel per year, which is Ghana, Gabon and Namibia. In the front
(billion barrels), of which nearly half extremely low when compared with in- and wake of this imperialist move, some
has been produced up to know, the re- dustrialized countries (that is at least ten African nations are receiving significant
maining half been left to be produced in times higher). Accordingly, one expects military aid and weapons sales; most
the future. The four principal producers Africa will go on being a net exporter of these gone to oil-rich and compliant
are Libya, Nigeria, Algeria and Angola, until 2030, albeit at an ever decreasing states.
which are all members of OPEC, together rate. As such, Africa attracts the eager AFRICOM means the official acknowl-
holding more than 80% of the estimated attention of oil dependent powers, namely edgement by the USA of Africas growing
future production of the continent. Other the European Union, the USA and R.P. strategic importance; it also demonstrates
producers, in decreasing order of shares, China. the way the ageing hegemonic power sees
are Egypt, Gabon, R.P. Congo, Sudan, On the other hand, African oil-import- the exercise of its influence in attaining
Tunisia, Chad and Cameron. ing countries face mounting challenges as its economic and geo-strategic objectives.
Production commenced in the 1930s, a result of worlds dwindling oil supplies Financial and technological competition
grew rapidly in the 1960s as major fields and growing oil prices. The hardest hit are can both serve capital interests of all
in Libya came on stream. Production was the poorest. For instance, Senegals budget parties and exasperate their inherent
then reinforced by Nigeria and Algeria, deficit doubled in 2006, inflation acceler- contradictions, bringing in the menace
supplemented by smaller producers, in ated and growth slowed down, as oil price of military solutions. Which part the
the 1970s. There was an overall early increased in the international market, and multitude of military installations and
peak of production in 1979, then produc- the state-owned petrochemical industry was Source: The Beginning of the Oil End Game featuring combat groups will play to secure the
original FTW maps, Michael C. Ruppert, From the Wilder-
tion fell sharply in the wake of the second forced to shut down for long periods. ness, January 25, 2005 capital interests of the USA and the EU?
oil shock, due to OPEC quota constraints, Were Africa to attain a fourfold Which part proxy warfare might play
before recovering and attaining an overall increase of its present average income institutions rulings, explored and looted by again on African soil? The competition
peak of 7.8 Mb/day (million barrels a level, to reach a middle income level by neo-colonial foreign investment, by open or for resources is unfolding across Africa
day) in 2006. Future production is ex- world standards, and it would absorb all disguised interference in the form of foreign as in the past, but the depletion and up-
humanitarian aid or aid for development, or coming scarcity of energy, soil and water,
straight on violence fed by foreign weapons and essential commodities for sustaining
ON BRUTAL ASSASSINATION OF BENAZIR BHUTTO in exchange for essential raw-materials or the economic growth in the developed
All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation Press Release precious materials. world, threatens anew with old and
December 28, 2007 Africa is likely to suffer continued conflict novel fashions of resource wars.
in the short term, given Africas undeveloped The present rush for African natural re-
The All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) expresses its profound shock reserves of a number of highly prized mineral sources to be exported might turn out to be
and deep outrage at the heinous assassination of Ms. Benazir Bhutto, the leader of the commodities. Moves by a number of outside a no return way, given that Africa will thus
Peoples Party in Pakistan. Taking place less than two weeks before the elections, this political powers, beyond the ex-colonial Eu- become dispossessed of those scarce resources
is an obvious attempt to derail the transition to democracy that Pakistan is attempt- ropean countries, have developed within the that would be essential to its future economical
ing. It is not only an attack on the democratic process in Pakistan but it also poses a last decade in an accelerated fashion. The development, such as hydrocarbons crude
serious threat for the entire region. evolving African map of external connections oil and natural gas. African countries see the
The AIPSO strongly condemns this attack. Clearly there are forces who are seek- and investment deals shows clearly the rate viability of evolving to higher stages of devel-
ing to destabilise Pakistan and not allow the transition to democracy to succeed. All at which the worlds main protagonists begun opment, including added industrial value to
the peace loving people in the world must join hands with the people of Pakistan to playing the end game for oil and others scarce their own raw-materials, becoming strongly
ensure that such disruptive efforts are thwarted. raw-materials, on which modern economy is undermined. Along the timeline, there is a
The AIPSO also conveys its heartfelt condolences to Ms. Benazir Bhuttos fam- most dependent. window of opportunity that opened right upon
ily and Peoples Party of Pakistan. The AIPSO assures the people of Pakistan of its Explored and neglected Africa still the national liberation and with de-coloniza-
solidarity with them in their hour of grief. appears as an open continent in the eyes tion, but that is now about to close again. Will
of the world powers. It had escaped major Africa have its future denied? n
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Canadian Imperial Ambitions and BMD The Energy Connection

Sean Currie, Edmonton Peace Council

he Edmonton Peace Council is a Canadian Imperialist Policy er made stops at Barrick Golds head quarters year in the last half-century
member of the provincial organiza- Driven by Oil in Santiago and stopped at Scotia Bank to US military expenditures for 2005 were
tions of the Canadian Peace Congress. The Harper Conservative Government came glad hand. In his July 17th 2007 speech to $482.2 billion ($1,604 per capita) exceeding
Edmonton is the capital city of the province to power January 23rd 2006 with 33% of the the Chile-Canada Chamber of Commerce in by $116.6 billion the expenditures of the next
of Alberta which is now rapidly becoming the popular vote to form a minority government Santiago Chile, Prime Minister Harper indi- fifteen highest nation states put together. The
driving engine of the Canadian economy. representing those sections of finance capital cated that Canada is willing to become a big- 2008 budget increases per capita spending to
Edmonton sits in what is known in Alberta concentrated in the energy sector. The basic ger player in the region and to doing so for $2050.00 or a 25% increase over the 2005
as the Industrial Heartland. mandate of the Harper Government is to protect the long term. Harper said, Foreign direct levels. The US economic dependency on war
The Industrial Heartland area is the cen- first, the power and privileges of all those who investment from Canada into the Americas and military expenditures is the Achilles heal
tral processing, distribution and upgrading derive their profits from the wealth generated now stands at close to 100 billion dollars of US imperialism not as many opine, its great
centre for the massive Tar Sands mining op- by processing and export of Canadian oil and a number that is more than twice the size strength. US military expenditures on NATO
erations in Alberta 500 km north of Edmonton natural gas reserves to the US market. of Canadian investment in Asia. for personnel and equipment totaled $192.23
in Ft. McMurray where bitumen is extracted The US military is heavily reliant on This places Canada 3rd in direct foreign billion in 2000 and increased to $262.29 bil-
from the oily sand and upgraded into heavy Canadian imports of oil. According to the US investment in the Caribbean and Latin America lion by 2005 a rise of 36.4% in five years.
oils. The mining operations cover 100 of Defense Energy Support Center Fact Book with banking and mining as the dominant play- It is clear from these figures why Canadian
thousands of hectares of land. 2004, in Fiscal Year 2004, the US military ers. Harper also expressed Canadian energy military decisions are taken at Brussels and
Edmonton is rapidly expanding its indus- (Department of Defense DoD statistics) list capital is ready to supply energy to South Amer- not in Ottawa. The big money is at NATO. On
trial foot print and is becoming a central hub military fuel consumption as increasing to ican markets and that Canada is prepared to September 18th 2006, the Assistant Secretary
of rail, pipeline, and industrial fabrication 144 million barrels. This is about 40 million challenge Venezuela in reversing the return to General for Defence Investment of NATO
and processing infrastructure for Canadas barrels more than the average peacetime the syndrome of economic nationalism, political announced that the 26 member countries
export of resources to Asia and US markets. military usage. 144 million barrels makes authoritarianism and class warfare. Harpers have begun building a 75 million euro com-
395 000 barrels per day, almost as much thinly veiled warning to South American work- mand and control system for missile defence.
Canadas New Industrial Power Base as daily energy consumption of Greece. The ers to abandon a path of independent socialist This is only the start. NATO has produced a
Tar Sand Oil DoDs total primary energy consumption development and return to capitalist relations 10,000 page report that endorses the US plan
Once the tar sand is excavated and loaded in Fiscal Year 2006 was 1100 trillion Btu. pleases his mining bosses. to deploy ballistic missiles to space that will
into giant 400 ton mining trucks it is hauled It corresponds to only 1% of total energy Harper said, Canada is an emerging en- increase the initial investment to unlimited
to massive crushers where it is combined with consumption in USA that represents the ergy superpower and is committed to working heights. It is the anticipation of huge profits
steam and diluents and processed into slurry. total energy consumption of Nigeria, with with you in addressing this challenge. that has caused the Harper Government to
Processing of the tar sands requires massive a population of more than 140 million. The Canadas dominant position in mining is state its willingness to re-open talks with the
volumes of water, natural gas and electricity. DoD per capita energy consumption (524 described by Mandeep Dillon in the April 20, Bush Administration on Canadian participa-
The slurry is then transported via pipelines trillion Btu) is 10 times more than per capita 2007 Canadian Mining Watch report entitled tion in Ballistic Missile Defence.
to upgraders that are located in Ft. McMurray energy consumption in China, or 30 times Canadian Mining in Mexico: Made in Canada Not satisfied with current levels of military
and The Industrial Heartland Edmonton. more than that of Africa. Violence as, Canadian mining corporations expenditures and Canadas current rejection
The upgraders are the single largest con- October 29, 2007 in Ottawa, Canadian lead the global mining industry. of US BMD, J. L. Granatstein in the Fall 2007
sumers of water, natural gas and electricity in Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CD- Dillon cites that, The Canadian industry CDFAI report entitled A Threatened Future:
Alberta and the largest emitters of CO2 and FAI) sponsored their annual foreign policy ranks first in the global production of zinc, ura- Canadas Future Strategic Environment and
toxic metals in the form of tailings which are conference entitled Canada as the Emerg- nium, nickel and potash; second in sulphur, its Security Implications recommends that
dumped in large pits the size of small lakes. ing Energy Superpower: Testing the Case. asbestos, aluminium and cadmium; third in Given Canadas impressive economic ca-
The size of these industrial projects has The conference looked at Prime Minister copper and platinum group metals; fourth in pacity, we think an overall defence budget
been compared to the modern day undertak- Harpers claim that Canada is an emerging gold; and fifth in lead. It has interests in over at a level equivalent to the NATO average
ing of the Great Wall of China. They are large energy superpower. It addressed some ques- 8,300 properties worldwide 3,400 of which (2.2 per cent of GDP) would be a reasonable
industrial projects each taking millions of man- tions such as Life as an Energy Superpower, are in 100 foreign countries. In Latin America target. In 2007 dollars, that would generate
hours to construct, consuming tons of steel, cop- Implications for Canada-US Relations, and the Caribbean, which have been identi- an annual budget of approximately $25 bil-
per and plastics. A typical project will require Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection, fied as the main current geographical target lion, or roughly $9 to 10 billion more than
4000 trades personnel to build with some of the and Energy, Environment and the Arctic. for mineral exploration, Canadian mining the current figure.
largest requiring 10,000 or more. Jim Prentice Minister of Industry and Gary corporations represent the largest percentage David S. McDonough, Ph.D. Programme,
Currently there is more then $250 billion Lunn Minister of Natural Resources were of foreign mining companies with interests Department of Political Science, Dalhousie
in proposed expansion taking current produc- keynote speakers. in more than 1,200 properties. University in the Spring 2006/07, Volume 9,
tion from approximately 1.2 million barrels of On July 14th 2006 in a speech to the Issue 3 edition of the Journal of Military and
heavy oil a day to 5 million by about 2030. Canada-U.K. Chamber of Commerce on the Canadas Continental Response Strategic Studies report entitled BMD and
All of the oil produced (99%) goes via an eve of the 2006 St. Petersburg G8 summit Canada now ranks twelfth among the US Strategic Doctrine: Canadian Strategic
enormous and intricate networks of pipelines Prime Minister said, One of the primary worlds nations in military spending. Of Interests in the Debate on Missile Defence
to US refineries for final processing. Much targets for British investors has been our NATOs 19 member countries, Canada ranks conclude that, In the end, Ottawa should
of the production goes in to military fuels booming energy sector. They have recognized sixth in total military spending ($16 billion). go into any deliberation on missile defence
specially designed for the US Air Force and Canadas emergence as a global energy pow- For 2005 Canadas military expenditures with its eyes open and recognize that a more
the US Navy. Most of the refinery facilities erhouse the emerging energy superpower were $14.7 billion ($450 per capita) repre- sophisticated and limited approach to mis-
that Alberta heavy oil is transported to are our government intends to build. senting 1% of the all military expenditures. sile defence, while having a clear relation-
located in Illinois and Oklahoma. It is then In a follow up speech on September The Stockholm International Peace Research ship with an aggressive American strategic
transported to the large refineries of Texas. 20th 2007 to the Economic Club of New Institute 2005 annual report places Canada doctrine, could also be in Canadas strategic
There are now discussions occurring that York Harper said, Canada is an emerg- as the 6th largest seller of military weapons interest.
will take the raw bitumen directly to Texas ing energy superpower, the only stable and in the world. Canadian defence industry is
through new pipelines. growing producer of this scarce commodity worth $7 billion (US) per year and employs Harpers Minority Government
The majority of Canadian finance and in an unstable world. Our strong and robust 70,000 Canadian workers. Half of all sales and BMD
industrial capital is now underwritten by economy, with its enormous energy potential, come from the US and close to 80% is to Any debate in Canadian parliament over
the equity in Canadas tar sands. The US represents a tremendous opportunity for NATO allies. the Harper minority government policy of
Department of Energys Energy Information American business and a crucial element of Prime Minister Harpers decision to turn Canadian re-engagement into US BMD is
Agency (EIA) 2006 annual report shows continental energy security. And given the a war of occupation in Kabul into a war of ag- being bypassed and slipped into Canadian
that North America is 2nd in global crude deep integration of our own economies, these gression in Kandahar has increased military foreign policy through phony sleaze cam-
oil reserves at 317 billion barrels. North global challenges and opportunities call for expenditures to $15.7 billion and rising. paigns diverting public attention from the
America follows the Middle East which ac- a continental response. Canadian Government spending on NATO for real aim of Harpers backers.
counts for 743 billion barrels. In a foot note Canadian foreign policy is characterized 2005 (combined personnel and equipment) BMD is part of the strategic military
to the North American reserves the report by the dominant transnational oil monopolies was $6.4 billion, or 60.4% of total military policy of US imperialism which is fueling
says that Albertas tar sands account for 174 exploiting the Canadian oil reserves. These expenditures and an increase of 20% over a new arms race. The defeat of Harper will
billion barrels or 55% of the total known companies are involved in the mining, upgrad- year 2000. The Canadian Government spends forestall BMD and help prevent a new global
North American reserves. The US is the ing and transportation of bitumen to US refin- 60% of its military expenditures on NATO arms race. The Canadian Peace Congress is
largest single national consumer of oil at ap- eries and downstream processing facilities. and only 40% on the defence of Canadian working with all progressive peace forces in
proximately 25 million barrels per day. The territory, airspace and coastal waters. drawing attention to this dangerous escala-
largest single consumer in the world is the Canadian Mining Capital as Central tion of a new global arms race led in Canada
US military which sucks up 400,000 barrels American Imperial Power Broker Canadas Defence Budget: 1993-2007 by the Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The
per day, the US Air Force accounts for 40% PM Harpers recent tour of Haiti, Colum- The US defence budget for fiscal year defeat of Harper will strengthen the interests
of all US military consumption. bia and Chile was a play to position Canadian 2008 is $623 billion which is 21% of a total of anti-imperialism and send a signal to US-
It is in this context that Canadian Prime mining and banking interests as dominant $2.9 trillion US budget. With the 2008 US NATO military councils that the Canadian
Minister Stephen Harper finds his support hemispherical players and to situate Canada defence budget, Americas military budget people desire peace, progress and interna-
base and his desire to make Canada an En- as a regional imperial power broker. has doubled since Bush took office in 2000 tional solidarity over war, neo-colonialism
ergy Superpower. While on his July tour of the region Harp- and is now higher in real terms than any other and imperialism. n
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Declaration of the European Conference in Defense of Peace

Lisbon, Portugal September 28-29, 2007
Declaration of the Conference of European 5. The further militarization of the Eu- All parties ought to abide by their com-
Peace Organisations jointly convened by the ropean Union by the installation of military mitments and neither renounce nor impose Initiatives Organised by
World Peace Council (WPC), Confederal bases outside national borders, the creation them unilaterally, as some nuclear powers the Portuguese Council for
Group of the European United Left-Nordic of rapid deployment interventionist army have done and are doing. European nuclear Peace and Co-operation
Green Left (GUE/NGL) and Portuguese Coun- battle corps and new naval groups designed powers, in particular, ought to be active par- (CPPC)
cil for Peace and Cooperation to impose its political-economic will in ties in reducing and in renouncing the pos-
On the occasion of the holding in Lis-
Participants representing 20 Peace Organi- Europe and elsewhere in the world, the session, deployment or use of such weapons bon, Portugal, of the Heads of State
sations and Movements from 14 European coun- development of new weapons and integrated of mass destruction. and Government EU/Africa Summit,
tries gathered in Lisbon, Portugal at the same military surveillance and command systems, Our urgent purpose and resolve is to the Portuguese Council for Peace and
time as the informal meeting in Evora, Portugal the trade or supply of weapons to third parties establish nuclear weapons free zones and Co-operation (CPPC) organised several
of the ministers of Defense of the EU. The meeting to serve economic interests or gain economic finally attain complete banishment of nuclear initiatives around this topic.
of peace organizations after fruitful exchanges of or political leverage by use of force overseas, weapons all over the world.
views issued the following declaration: are all symptoms of an imperialist policy that 10. The peoples of Europe have repeat- The CPPC launched these initiatives
in a moment in which an EU-Africa
represents an immoral and immense waste edly expressed their desire for a better future
Joint Strategy is proposed, supposedly a
1. The peoples of Europe are facing of resources and poses a perilous danger and their opposition to military interventions, partnership of equals. What the Summit
growing threats to global peace and security to international security and peace. To the aggressions and occupations where their produced, in our view, is contradictory
resulting from militarization of international contrary, the peoples of Europe demand a countries are involved. As well, they have with this proclaimed objective. Eco-
relations and increasing imperialist aggres- stop to the militarization of Europe. expressed their active solidarity with the nomic Partnership Agreements demand
sions around the world. The peace conference 6. Combined modern space and ground peoples who are the victims of aggression even more from the African Countries
demands an immediate cessation of these war platforms allow for global intelligence, or any form of oppression. We express our than the current WTO regulations. The
driven policies. Instead, the peace conference surveillance and command signals that, in solidarity with all the peoples of the former Action plan is focussed much more on
upholds the promotion of peaceful relations conjunction with available launch carriers Yugoslavia who confront the consequences military and security operations than on
in the continent and with the whole world and missiles, empower the USA and some of imperialist interference and aggression a clear commitment to aid to develop-
and calls for improvements in the social well other military powers to lead the world into aimed at converting their countries into ment and debt relief. These and other
concerns of the Portuguese Peace move-
being of the peoples of Europe. newer and unimaginable dangerous levels of protectorates of the USA, EU or NATO and
ment and other Portuguese and foreign
2. Considering the rejection of the Euro- warfare, in the core of the European conti- who are compelled to host foreign military organisations, were voiced in the events
pean Constitutional Treaty in many societies, nent, at its boundaries and beyond. bases. We denounce the US and EU plans to organised by the CPPC in Lisbon.
and in particular by referenda in France and Developments on European territory or recognize an independent Kosovo as a clear The first initiative was a debate
Holland, participants in the peace conference elsewhere that result in military escalation, violation of the sovereignty and territorial A EUROPE OF PEACE AND ITS
declare that the reformed European Treaty namely in the domain of land and space integrity of Serbia and an open violation of RELATIONS WITH AFRICA, held in
continues to be a clear expression of the platforms that carry warfare to outer space, international law. Lisbon on 7th December, organised by
ongoing dangerous course towards increasing are to be deeply rejected as hegemonic and 11. Peace movements all over Europe are the Portuguese Council for Peace and Co-
the concentration of political decision-mak- imperialist, challenging peace and security expressing their support and solidarity with the operation in association with the French
ing power directed against the sovereignty of and provoking further military threats. peoples of Poland and the Czech Republic, Peace Movement. In this debate took part
the peoples, pervasive intrusion of security 7. We have witnessed a renewed expan- who are rejecting the deployment of US Mis- representatives from the CPPC, the French
agencies into civic life within the Union, and sion of the global military expenditures over sile Defense Shield bases in their countries. Peace Movement, OSPAAAL and CEDES-
the projection of strengthened military might the past decade, at an annual growth rate The growth of NATO is proving to be a pretext PAZ from Spain and the representative in
onto the world stage. The reformed Treaty of nearly 4%, reaching $1,200 billion USD for expanding its military infrastructures into Portugal of the Saharawi Arab Democratic
ignores the views of the people and serves the in 2006 (half of this accounted for by the Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Republic, as well as several Portuguese
interests of the corporations in all spheres. USA). Only one part of that huge destructive Bulgaria, accelerating a trend of militarization civil society organisations, which included
We demand that the will of the peoples of expenditure would have been sufficient to of the whole European territory and the lives of the trade union movement.
Europe and their democratic rights to be implement the Development Goals agreed their people, promoting an aggressive posture This debate was held on the eve of the
respected, and that any reform treaty should vis a vis neighbouring countries and threaten- Lisbon EU/Africa Summit and focussed
be submitted to referenda in every country ing others elsewhere in the world. on several issues related to the relation-
of the Union. This course of events contradicts the ship between Europe and Africa, co-
3. The growing supremacy of the eco- desire for peace of the peoples of Europe operation between the European Peace
nomic interest of corporations and the states who reject aggressive alliances and demand organisations and the African nations, as
is intimately connected to the militarization that immediate steps be taken to effect the well as problems concerning the daily life
of Europe and has resulted in diminished dismantling of NATO. of African immigrants in Europe.
civic, social and labour rights and the crimi- 12. The capitalist economic system is On the 8th of December 2007 the
nalization of civic resistance. The undermin- depleting natural resources at a fast rate. CPPC in co-operation with CEAS and
ing of the quality of democratic rights and There is a growing military competition among CEDESPAZ from Spain and CGTP-IN, the
democratic institutions has paved the way capitalist states for access and possession of Portuguese National Trade Union Centre,
for the intrusion and promotion of extremist the remaining resources. War is not only im- organised a public rally in solidarity with the
doctrines and actions by aggressive criminal moral, it also fails to accomplish the perverse saharawi people, coinciding with the proce-
groups such as emerging xenophobic and Nazi purposes of sustaining economically the great dures of the EU/Africa Summit in Lisbon.
The Portuguese Council for Peace
gangs. The undermining of democratic rights political powers and economic interests that
and Co-operation CPPC, the Co-or-
is accompanied by campaigns and political by the UN Millennium Summit in the year engage in war to appropriate and exploit the dination of Solidarity Associations with
persecution of progressive and peace forces 2000 aimed at the eradication of poverty and riches of other countries. The history of the late Sahara CEAS (Spain), and the General
which is alien to the sentiments and interests securing basic education and health condi- colonial wars, the Vietnam war and the more Confederation of Portuguese Workers
of the social and peoples movements, tions in the world. recent wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, CGTP-IN wanted to expose and remind,
4. International relations are becoming 8. It is in the earnest interest of the peace the ongoing genocide in Palestine, prove that with this action, the serious situation in
more and more militarized. The European loving peoples of Europe and the world in military might cannot force the peoples to which the Saharawi people live for the past
Union is more frequently taking aggressive general that the European Union renounces submit and surrender their inalienable and 32 years and demand that international
stances in its international relations vis a any kind of neo-colonialist or paternalistic at- legitimate right to resist the aggressors. law is enforced so that the Saharawis may
vis the resolution of latent and emerging titude vis a vis third parties. Instead, the Union In this context, we vehemently reject any exercise their right to self-determination
conflicts, or prolonged and ongoing wars. ought to engage in open and mutual relations move, by whatever pretext, that promotes an and independence, and that all other
African peoples may freely decide their
The complicity of the European Union with with neighbouring countries and all those with attack on Iran and declare it to be one more
future after de-colonization.
NATO, a self-appointed aggressive alliance whom they share economic and political inter- flagrant violation of international law and the Rally Lisbon-Dakar 2008: On
of world jurisdiction, is not only a danger to relations. In no case can any country invoke UN Charter. We likewise demand a halt to the the eve of the 2008 edition of the Rally
peace in the world but as well a dangerous national interest or strategic value and involvement of European countries and the Lisbon-Dakar, the Portuguese Council
and self-destructive policy for the peoples resort to aggression in order to gain access to EU in Afghanistan, siding with the USA and for Peace and Co-operation organized a
of Europe. essential resources or commodities. NATO (in ISAF), and firmly reject the idea of protest event denouncing the situation
The active military interventions by the 9. Europe ought to promote an open an EU-lead EUROPOL mission there. in Western Sahara. The rally will pass
EU in the Balkans, Central Asia and Middle dialogue among nations, fostering demilitar- 13. It is our peaceful resolve to renounce Smara one of the occupied cities of West-
East continue and are to be condemned. The ization and denuclearization, through inter- the ongoing arms race and to fight for the de- ern Sahara and the CPPC appealed to all
presence of numerous European military national consultation within the framework of militarization and disarmament of Europe, media to take this opportunity to dedicate
bases and increased deployment of military the UNO and of the OSCE. This should be to promote equitable political relationships some of their attention to the problem
of Saharawi people. The Saharawi liv-
forces in Africa (namely the EU mission in undertaken while respecting past treaties and among nations, free of military threats and
ing in Smara are as all Saharawi in the
Chad and the Central African Republic) are their enforcement, in particular those trea- imperialist domination. occupied territories victims of violence
cases for deep concern considering the past ties that have contributed to diminishing the That vision encompasses a continent free and persecution on the hands of the
and in view of future developments in that growth of military threats and that promote of foreign military bases and disengaged from Moroccan entities.
continent. dtente along the lines of past decades. any military alliance. n
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG

Summary Report on the WPC Regional Meeting ...

(from p. 3)
Delegation of the World Peace Council Visits the
Canadas role in the US-NATO led war in been present in the WPC in the past and Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos for the first time
Afghanistan are a reflection of an alliance of now needs to re-affiliate with it as a task of
finance-military-oil capital willing to sacrifice first rate importance. He went on to say that At the invitation of the Lao Peace and
the youth of the country in exchange for profit. international solidarity will be understood Solidarity Committee, a delegation of the
A statement was read which was well received not only as the fight against war but will have World Peace Council visited the Peoples
(please see Appendix A for the full text). the reach of social equality for our people. Democratic Republic of Laos and its
capital Vientiane, on November 21-23,
Paraguay Chile 2007. The delegation was composed by
Najeeb Amando briefly summarized the Sergio Sepilveda thanked the WPC for Iraklis Tsavdaridis, Executive Secretary
peace situation in Paraguay and noted that inviting Chile to participate in the Assembly of WPC and representative of EEDYE,
discussions of imperialism in South America meetings. Sepilveda told the WPC delegates Yul Jabour, General Secretary of COSI,
form the basis of the current revolutionary that he was attending the World Federation of Venezuela, MP Sandra Benfica, member
socialist transformations occurring on the Democratic Youth and that WFDY has a long of the Secretariat of the CPPC Portugal, and Maria Zaida Chmaruk, member of the
continent. a rich relationship with the WPC. board of MOPASSOL, Argentina.
He said that the government of Paraguay is Sepilveda noted that Chile currently The visit started with a meeting with the leadership of the Lao Peace and Solidar-
utilizing fear as the basis for the introduction does not have a committee for Peace ity Committee, tradional member of the WPC, headed by Somsanouk Mixay, General
of terrorism issues. He stressed the new but that the need for a break with coali- Secretary, which allowed an important exchange of opinions and information on the
role of military forces in the cities and that the tion work is important as it submerges the current international situation; on the work carried out by both organizations; and on
military is characterizing bourgeois politics of anti-imperialist forces in coalition work not the steps towards deepening their relationship. It was with particular pleasure that the
the nation through fear and intimidation. allowing for more independent anti-imperial- WPC delegation, conveyed the first official invitation for the participation in the World
Amando said that the peace forces are ist positions. He requested materials to take Peace Assembly in April 2008 in Caracas. The invitation was received with enthusiasm
combating the forces of reaction through his- back to Chile to help in the formation of a and was a sign of the growing dynamism of the World Peace Council and of its capac-
torical education, developing networks and new peace council. ity to meet the enormous demands raised by the international situation, marked by the
cultural and political challenges to bourgeois Sepilveda said the need to coordinate increased aggressiveness of imperialism.
power. He indicated that building an affili- the working class and peace movement in The WPC delegation was received very warmly and had many opportunities to meet
ated peace organization within Paraguay to Chile is a necessity; it needs to occur to help and talk with leaders of the government and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party. The
the WPC is great importance which will be prevent resource wars for water, etc. meeting was attended by the comrades Boun Nhang Xasanavong, General Director of
tackled in the coming year. the International Relations of the Mass Organisations Department of the LPR Party.
Special Note of Appreciation A special moment was the meeting with the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Uruguay Comrade Hiem Phommachanh, member of the Politburo of the LPR Party, in which
Juan Canessa thanked the WPC assembly The Canadian Peace Congress would the situation in the region and the world was discussed.
for the opportunity to participate in the meet- like to express a special acknowledgement of Besides the strong common commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and
ings. Canessa briefly summarized the current appreciation for the work of Maria Alejandra to reinforce the international peace movement, the delegation also got acquainted
political situation in Uruguay characterizing Arias who works for the Andean parliament in with the social and economic situation in Laos and the outstanding undergoing
the content as popular and generally her tireless work to translate for the Canadian projects for developing the country.
anti-imperialist nature. The Uruguay peace Peace Congress delegate. She translated, took Despite the shortness of the visit, the WPC had the chance to visit the Vientiane Province
forces are gaining a great deal of experience notes, and organized much of the meeting. and observe the important steps and achievements, especially at the Nam Ngum Hydropower
through the ant-imperialist fight back but are With out her help this report would not have Plant, as well as the Rehabilitation Centre, Koutsambath, founded in 1992, which is hosting
confronted by a reactionary media. been possible. The Canadian Peace Congress the direct victims of the dirty US War against Vietnam and their families.
Juan Canessa said that Uruguay has is very grateful for all of Marias efforts. That occasion was lived with emotion, during which the WPC expressed its heartfelt
respect and solidarity with the people of Laos, with their heroic struggle and key role
so often forgotten in the defeat of US imperialism in the Vietnam War. It is not
EDITORIAL: Report to the WPC Executive Committee forgotten that, from 1964 to 1973, three million tons of cluster bombs were dropped
(from p. 3) over Laos (one ton per inhabitant at the time); and that 30 years after the end of the
its condemnation of the European Constitu- activity has been officially disclosed, with its war, around 30 percent of them have still not exploded. This is a genuine, prolonged
tion and any conventions which adopt war, illegal abductions and arrests of hundreds crime against the people of Laos which is still without a solution in sight.
especially pre-emptive war, as a means to of innocent citizens being made with the The Lao Peace and Solidarity Committee assured the WPC delegation about its
settle differences, our opposition to the at- agreement of European governments, along intention to actively participate in the WPC Assembly in Caracas and its disposition
tempts under way to overturn governments with the use of European airports for their to contribute to its success.
and finally our defence of the peoples right transport. A monstrous monitoring system
to choose their own paths. has been set up, ranging from cameras spy-
The domination of the new imperialist ing on all of peoples activities all the way
world order is worsening the economic to the establishment of databases including WPC RESOLUTION: FIVE YEARS AFTER THE INVASION OF IRAQ
situation of the working people and of the DNA files. Thousands of demonstrators are
peoples in general in both developed and being dragged into court and sentenced on WHEREAS, an unstable and frightened world is approaching the 5th anniver-
developing countries. The promotion of false charges so that they and others will be sary of the invasion of Iraq and the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan
capitalist restructuring with the withdrawal intimidated. by US imperialism and its European and other junior partners, leading to untold
of workers gains and the implementation of At the same time, the ideological offen- deaths and destruction; and
flexible forms of employment, the abolition sive is growing and the falsifying of history WHEREAS, the US administration threatens World War III against Iran with
of collective agreements and the general- is being pushed so as to justify the crimes unfounded claims and accusations reminiscent of the lies and forged arguments
ized privatizations in all sectors are caus- of imperialism. Any country that does not used to hide the real purpose of the imperialist invasion of Iraq for oil and control
ing an increase in poverty, unemployment, submit is considered, under imperialism, to of the Middle East; and
hunger and misery. Social contradictions be undemocratic and any people that resists WHEREAS, the arms race, with new and more deadly weapons, has spiraled
are on the rise. Today 10 percent of the is considered to be terrorist. to over one trillion dollars annually, creating an ocean of weapons capable of
worlds population owns 90 percent of An attempt is under way to revive fascism destroying all humanity, devouring national treasuries for the profit of the death
the total wealth produced. Discontent is in Europe. In the Baltic and other countries, merchants, depriving billions of people of basic human needs: food, clothing,
growing and the working people are wag- collaborators and other Nazi criminals are shelter and water; and
ing struggles with which the peace move- considered freedom fighters. Anti- fascists WHEREAS, the imperialist designs for the continued Israeli occupation of
ment can and must link up. It is becoming are being persecuted. Communist parties are Palestine; the Israeli invasion and bombing of Lebanon; the US-India Nuclear Ex-
more evident every day that imperialism illegal. Monuments to the victory over fascism change deal; support of the dictator Musharraf in Pakistan; use of US military bases
as a system on the whole and capitalism are being torn down. Statues of SS officers in Somalia, Colombia, Philippines to intervene in their internal affairs; continued
not only are incapable of dealing with the are being erected. Progressive movements blockade and threats against Cuba; establishment of an African Military Command
problems of humanity, but also are leading are being slandered in order to poison the to invade Africa politically and economically; have, among others, has created a
it into barbarity. minds of the younger generation. global crisis and a threat to world peace; and
In the recent period authoritarianism, We must safeguard democratic rights, WHEREAS, in answer to this crisis, a Global Peace Movement of historic
policing and the offensive against democratic the history of the movements for peace and proportions has emerged, labeled as the second superpower, struggling for peace
rights and liberties have become harsher. progress, the sacrifices and the blood that has and justice, recognizing that imperialism is not invincible and can be defeated by
Worldwide popular reactions and demon- been shed by the peoples for their freedom the united strength of the worlds peace loving people,
strations are facing often-bloody attacks by and for social progress. THEREFORE, the Secretariat of the World Peace Council calls upon all peace
the police and other repressive forces. In the Regardless of any specific differences loving people, all organizations devoted to peace and justice, to march together in a
USA, the EU and in other countries laws are that may exist amongst them, all peace global display of determination and will for peace, in common days of action, with
being passed which in the name of dealing movements have the obligation to tell the protest demonstrations in central squares of cities and in front of US Embassies the
with terrorism do away with democratic rights truth and not permit the ideological Middle days around the 5th Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, March 20, 2008.
and freedoms. They give power and rights Ages and obscurantism that imperialism is
to police authorities and secret services to attempting to impose. We must safeguard WPC Secretariat
act without restraint. All citizens are under the right of every people to choose its own November 21, 2007
suspicion and considered to be guilty. CIA path. n
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, January 2008 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E W O R L D P E A C E C O U N C I L ( W P C ) W W W. W P C - I N . O R G INFO@WPC-IN.ORG


Manuel E. Yepe*

imilar to the kidnapping of the Cuban seems marvelous to many people but I am severe prison terms for five Cubans who pen-
boy, Elin Gonzlez, seven years ago, disappointed in it, Elena Prez expressed, etrated counterrevolutionary groups to moni-
a five year-old Cuban girl is today the and described her attempted suicide in a tor and denounce terrorist plans against their
center of an international dispute over her moment of weakness amidst a situation of homeland constantly under attack through the
custody in the only place in the world where desperation and destitution. passive complicity of US authorities.
something like this could happen: the US city One horrible night I decided that my chil- On August 2005, the Federal Eleventh
NO TO IMPERIALIST WARS of Miami, in south Florida. dren would be better off without me and so I did Circuit Appeals Court in Atlanta reversed those
YES TO THE PEOPLES PEACE Like the Elian case that won world notori- something stupid, she declared. I am not crazy. sentences decreed against the five anti-terror-
AND FRIENDSHIP ety, the plaintiff is the father of the child, and I have been depressed and stressed-out and ist activists, who have been in jail since 1998
the arguments of the kidnappers are mostly spent many sleepless nights but I am ok. under vile conditions and dispersed in different
Peace Olympics 2008 based on the irrational policy of the United The U.S. judge, Jeri B. Cohen, risks her prisons of several states of the US union.
States against Cuba. career attempting to act impartially in the Miami In the Atlanta Appeals Court, three
Under this slogan, the Greek Com- In this case, the alleged kidnapper is a environment, in a legal process which is becom- judges unanimously made this ruling after
mittee for International Dtente and wealthy entrepreneur called Joe Cubas, in- ing ever more political. She acknowledged that observing the fraudulent process which had
Peace (EEDYE) together with many volved in human trafficking, who, under the the case would have another outcome, in which occurred in Miami, although, at the time,
mass organizations and distinguished faade of a sports agent, has made a fortune the United States government refuses to repatri- the defense gave solid arguments that the
personalities is going to proceed with in the illegal dealing of Cuban athletes. He ate the child to a communist country where her venue was unacceptable, but the acting judge
organizing the Peace Olympics 2008, has been using intelligence logistics and US father lives. She also revealed that employees inexplicably rejected these.
during the year of the Olympic Games subversion against the island, and the support of the State of Florida the name given to the The verdict of the Appeals Court noted
in Beijing. of Cuban-American extremist groups which legal representation of a state government in trial that the hostility and prejudice in the Miami
The purpose of this initiative is: have transmuted hatred of the Cuban socialist want the child to remain in the United States environment, both in the public as the local
project into a money-making business. This in the custody of a Cuban American family. press, made it impossible to hold an impartial
To bring to the limelight the
includes political wheeling and dealing which They would have acted differently if the childs trial in that city dominated by such marked
peoples all over the world who worry,
involves top-ranking government officials of father lived anywhere but Cuba. prejudice against the Cuban government that a
react and struggle against the barbarity
the State of Florida in the United States. In over 10 years of presiding over cases legal process was impossible against men who
they experience as a consequence of the
Bob Butterworth, Secretary of the Depart- of child welfare I had never seen lawyers of openly identified with the government of their
criminal action of imperialism, which
ment of Children and Families in the State of the Department of Children and Family of the country and with the objective necessity of de-
causes the fires of war, hunger, poverty
Florida (DCF in its English acronym), whose State of Florida act against a father to raise fending the Cuban people from terrorism.
and environmental destruction.
lawyers are battling to prevent the Cuban his child unless he had repeatedly failed to With such a categorical statement by the
To denounce in the most decisive
father from obtaining custody of his daughter, comply with a court-ordered stipulations, Appeals Court, it was logical that the Pros-
way the constant slide of the Olympic
told the Miami press that this unusual case the judge declared. ecution disallow the charges and immediately
Games from being a major cultural,
is the costliest he has ever seen. Considering the tense relations between release the five Cubans. But the opposite
athletic and mainly peace-loving event
The little girl is daughter of a Cuban the United States and Cuba, I believe that occurred. On the insistence of the Federal
to the point of being a market for the
campesino from Cabaigun in the central re- the father may never see his daughter government, the decision was reversed and
sponsors benefit and promotion, the
gion of the island and Elena Prez, a 35-year- again if he returns to the island without her. the promoters of this legal aberration that was
markets values, for commercialization
old woman who left Cuba legally and arrived It is easy to understand, however, that the the trial in Miami against The Five were
and rivalries. However, the impunity of
in the United States in December 2005 with judge is working under great pressure, and stimulated to commit more outrages.
the sponsors and the rivalries are not
the daughter in question and her son. Shortly that the trial is not taking place in a fair cli- In this legal setting, a Cuban father fights
compatible with the Olympic ideals and
after her arrival in Miami, her new husband, mate of objectivity and impartiality. to recover his young daughter in Miami.
the fraternization of the people.
Jess Melendres, abandoned them. A clear example of the incompatibility of ________
This initiative aims to pinpoint the
According to reports in the Miami press, the Miami environment in a reasonable legal * Manuel E. Yepe Menndez is a journalist
necessity for the Olympic Games to be a
Elena, evidently disturbed because of the eco- process was the sentencing, in 2001, amidst and professor at the Higher Institute of Inter-
celebration of peace and athletics in ac-
nomic situation she faced for several months, the hostile atmosphere of southern Florida, to national Relations in Havana.
cordance with the peoples conscience.
tried to commit suicide. This was the reason
With the activities of the Peace her children were taken from her. The DCF Press Release
Olympics 2008 we try to express the took her children from her in March of 2006 Department of Arab & International Relations /PLO
peoples voice. We make an effort to and placed them in the care of Joe Cubas. Ramallah, Palestine October 24th, 2007
organize various political, cultural, When Rafael Izquierdo found out, he
and sports events with the participa- decided to assume his duty and his right as The Israeli military raid against Palestinian inmates at the Negev prison on Monday 22nd
tion of representatives from popular a father, and was able to travel to the United had left one dead Palestinian and 250 injured. The act is one more page in the persistent Israeli
movements. We make an effort for the States to bring his daughter back. policy of killing and torturing the Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. Tens of Pal-
organization of activities and events estinian prisoners were killed in the Israeli jails over the years either by direct assassination,
The mother has been categorical in declar- torture and medical negligence.
all over Greece with the participation ing that if she cannot have her daughter she Since a few months, the Israeli Ministry of Health admitted that the Israeli Jails authorities has
of athletes, artists, retired military offi- wants her to return to Cuba with her father, been using the Palestinian prisoners as lab rats to test new medications without the knowledge or
cers, trade unions, workers federations, who loves her and wants to be with her. the approval of those individuals. Ramifications of those medications are yet to be revealed.
personalities from art and culture, pro- Anything would be better the mother said Israel is the last occupation state on earth; the only state that refuses to implement Interna-
fessors, youth organizations, students, tional resolutions and treaties, it also refuses to deal with the Palestinian prisoners in its jails
than leaving her in the United States in the care are prisoners of war as stated by International and humanitarian treaties; torturing Palestinian
and distinguished personalities from of Joe Cubas, who has kept the little girl for over prisoners and risking their lives is held in criminal manners that need the interference of the
political and social life. a year and formally adopted her brother. International judicial bodies to.
Among these initiatives, the EEDYE According to the local press, the 13-year- The Israeli persistence on detaining more than 11,000 Palestinian prisoners reflects an
is going to organize a Balkan Meeting old adolescent told his mother that he wants Israeli reluctant towards implementation of the peace process articles.
of the Peace Movements in Thes- DAIR confirms that there won't be a comprehensive peace without the unconditional release
to stay with Joe Cubas amidst the luxury in of the Arab and Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli jails. DAIR calls upon all humanitarian
saloniki on the 1st and 2nd of March which he is kept. and international organizations not to spare any effort to secure the Palestinian prisoners in
2008, and the traditional Marathon Elena has declared that she regrets hav- the Israeli jails; all peace lovers and human rights defenders are invited to implement serious
Peace March in May 2008. ing left he small town of Cabaigun where her steps to release all the prisoners in the Israeli jails without any condition.
children were happy. I know this country

World Peace Council

10 Othonos Str.
10557 Athens, Greece

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