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Why do people visit museums when they visit new places?

. Museums play an important role in the history of a place,

why do people visit these places following terms can clarify
Museums shows the history of that place.
Museums keep the antique articles which are very rare to find.
Museums keep the art safe & secured.
Museums increases the life of historical articles.
Museums are easy way of protecting historical values.

Why aren't more people visiting museums?

We're in a digital world, where everyone is glued to the Internet, their mobile
devices, snippets on Twitter and Facebook, and want to learn and experience via the
myriad of video, photos, and personal experiences of others online. This steals from the
lust of visiting warehouses of exhibits (museums) since it's just simply easier to access
things online.)

Museums are intimidating and often viewed as boring to the

"average person."

Should museums be free?

Yes, museums should be free

Museums provide culture and inspire learning in the youth and population of a country,
and lead to an increased sense of wonder and desire to explore, And they will have to be
the rulers who contribute enough money for their maintenance, conservation,
personnel ,,,,

For Young People

In my opinionthat museums should be free for young people. They give young people
the opportunity to not only enjoy arts but also learn value of culture or at least museums
should offer free admission during specified hours or days of the week.
Yes, museums should be free
Because museums have a valuable role in preserving and transmitting
history and heritage to new generations. Free access will encourage
more people to find out about their country and help the national
unity and identity, while promoting greater undMuseum won't have
enough to support it self
Because it would be free,museums would lose money because they won get the money
from the entrance fee and they will have to make the prices on things in the gift shop or
on anything else that they can earn money on and that would make the customers angry
for the very high prices for one little toy for their child

There are many people who like to visit. , These outdoor art markets
are fun to visit even if you do not want to buy. , Walk around the
market, talk to people who are exposing, is often talented people
are starting, and you can find things very interesting. . To my way
of thinking, to visit these markets, to enjoy the atmosphere, and
then to go to a tavern downtown seems to me a perfect plan for any
Sunday that has good weather.

It is great that these types of markets are formed and that these
artistic and cultural initiatives are encouraged, can be an incentive
for people to visit the city. Some are already very famous, such as
el rastro in Madrid

For some people visiting a museum is a real pleasure, but for others it is simply the
most boring in the world.
Here we have the answers of what annoys people when they have to visit a
particularly art museum.

Walking in an art museum is like going to a wake. Much stillness and silence. You
can not speak out loud. You can not run, take food and there is no place to sit.

You can not take photos and there are security cameras everywhere. The atmosphere
is very guarded and I can not be very close to the works. I can not touch anything I see.

If there is any interesting picture or sculpture, I have no way of getting an

explanation of what it means unless you have paid for a guide.

The name of the artist and the title (very small letters) is usually what they attach to
the work but nothing else.

The atmosphere is a bit cold, the lights are very soft. There is not even a background
music to calm so much coldness.
Walking through an art museum sometimes makes us feel as if we are walking in a
Many of the things that people do not like about the museum are how they look

Para algunas personas el visitar un museo es un verdadero placer,

pero para otras es simplemente lo mas aburrido del mundo.

Aqu tenemos las respuestas de lo que a la gente le molesta cuando

tienen que visitar un museo particularmente de arte.

Caminar en un museo de arte es como ir a un velorio. Mucha quietud

y silencio. No se puede hablar en voz alta. No se puede correr, ni
llevar comida y no hay donde sentarse a descansar.

No se puede tomar fotos y hay cmaras de seguridad por todos lados.

El ambiente es muy vigilado y no puedo estar muy cerca de las
obras. No puedo tocar nada de lo que veo.

Si hay algn cuadro o escultura interesante, no tengo manera de

obtener una explicacin de lo que significa a menos que haya
pagado por un guia.

El nombre del artista y el ttulo ( letras bastantes pequeas ) es

usualmente lo que anexan a la obra pero nada mas.

El ambiente es un tanto fro, las luces son muy suaves. No hay ni una
msica de fondo como para calmar tanta frialdad.

Caminar por un museo de arte a veces nos hace sentir como si

caminramos en un templo.Muchas de las cosas que a la gente no le
gusta del museo corresponde a cmo lucen

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