February 25, 2010 P.1

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FEBRUARY 25, 2010
West Wellfield residents ring in 4
DELIVERED TO: Dixie Flyover, groundbreaking March 19 7

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between City and
Haiti relief
page 2

Blue Collar union

By Diane Emeott Soll of Miami: March 11, with
Deerfield Beach Little In attendance were Mayor the first pitch. For more The first negotiation ses- a back-up date of March 23.
League officially started its Peggy Noland and the information on Little sion of the New Year went “We made some progress –
season Sunday, Feb. 21 Deerfield Commissioners League, visit www.deer quickly and concisely with I think,” said Maurodis.
with festivities at 11 a.m. (sans Sylvia Poitier). Pub- fieldbeachlittleleague.com. City Attorney Andy Maurodis Following the meeting, Hall
Opening day ceremonies lisher David Eller, a pitcher Additional Opening Day as chief negotiator for the City said: “We’re all talking the
began at 2 p.m. Games be- and first baseman for photos, see pg 12 of Deerfield Beach. same language here. These
Black History Month gan at 4 p.m. for the farm, Deerfield’s first Little League During the under two-hour, are our issues to take to the
minor and major leagues. team in1954, threw a strike as Photos by Corinne Tillman
page 3 Round 7 of negotiations first city commission first. If
thing Monday morning, Feb. they’ll agree on those, we re-
22, Maurodis encouraged ally don’t have any issue [re-
Non-Uniform Employees Lo- quiring a Special Master].”
cal 1010 IUPAT DC 78 to try
and narrow exactly what their Negotiations
must-have issues are. Result: Maurodis began the ses-
• Article 26, Section 4, sion going over a couple of
Wages: Paid leave hours for areas where there was move-
part-time employees to be ment on the part of the city:
increased from 44 to 48. Articles 9, 19 and 30. He
[This would pertain to part- said he did not have the au-
District 3 meeting timers working a schedule of thority to change the dura-
page 9 20 to 34 hours. Original re- tion of the contract from 2
quest from the union was for years. He also said he did not
The Brunswick Door Scrappers won opening an increase to 50 hours paid have the authority to change
day against the Crabby Jacks Hooks. The score leave per year. The city said COLA.
was 12 - 3 DBLL Minor’s Division. Publisher David Eller throws first pitch. “no” in a letter to the union “It’s not like there was a
dated Sept. 25, 2009. vigorous debate. To most of
• Article, 26, Section 1, the points [the commission]

Ren Fest Wages: Inclusion of “me

too” language. “If a cost of
living adjustment (COLA) is
said “no,” he said.
Assistant City Manager Ma-
con Sammons did not return to
By Corinne Tillman Feb. 27 to 28; Wenches Week-
granted to any other collec- finish negotiations. The tem-
The Florida Renaissance end, March 6 to 7; and Celtic
End of Ely season tive bargaining unit, it is to be porary employee is no longer
Festival kicked off its Weekend, March 13 to 14. Ren
granted in an equal percent- under contract with the City of
page 11 18th year of medieval enter- Fest takes place from 10 a.m. -
age or amount to employees Deerfield Beach.
tainment Feb. 13. Every year, sunset.
in Local 1010 IUPAT.” In During previous negotia-
the Renaissance Festival at- The stage shows offer some-
previous negotiating sessions, tions, Sammons repeatedly
tracts thousands of visitors to thing for everyone, from
Business Representative said he did not have the au-
Quiet Waters Park in the musical stylings of Bright- kids at home for Christophe
Steve Hall, representing the thority to change the city’s
Deerfield Beach. This year’s on Brass to the acrobatics/cir- the Insulter and Iris & Rose,
union, wanted language to terms. The city’s stance on the
16th Century production fea- que performance of Tribal Cir- as their work runs a little
include all city employees. unions has been discussed at a
tures over 100 costumed per- cus. Those looking for a bit of risqué. According to Renais-
On Monday, Hall said the number of closed-door Execu-
formers, 12 stages and more humor can stop by and see sance literature lecturer Dr.
union is prepared to accept tive Sessions attended by the
than 20 stage acts. Christophe the Insulter or the Sarah Knight in an interview
the city’s terms on COLA and City Manager and the City
Remaining themed week- Washing Well Wenches. A with the BBC, this risqué
frozen Longevity pay for cur- Commission. On Jan. 28, an
ends are Pirates Weekend, word of warning: Leave the humor was common for the
Founders’ Parade winners rent staff (Lump Sum Plan for Executive Session was sched-
period and much of it still
new hires) as long as the “me uled by Interim City Manager
page 15 translates to funny today.
too” language is added, and Burgess Hanson regarding
Many of the performers
the 2-year freeze is not per- Non-Uniform Employees
ALSO INSIDE have worked other festivals
and have been doing this with
manent. Union, Local 1010.
The city and the union also The last negotiation between
family for many years.
Opinion ............................ 6 selected dates for a hearing the City and Blue Collar union
Zachary, 15, has participated
Business .................... 8, 10 with Special Master Martin was held Dec. 11, 2009.
for three years. “My brother
Sports ................. 11,14, 21
was dating a girl who was
Schools .......................... 12
involved with the Renai-
Dining & Entertainment .. 15
sannce Festival and I got
Fire Union Hearing TOMORROW
Happenings ................... 17 On Friday, Feb. 26 at 9:30 a.m. in the Public Works
involved,” he explained.
Religion .......................... 20 Building, there will be an Impasse Hearing with a
For more on Ren Fest,
Classified ....................... 22 Special Magistrate for Fire Union Local 1673. Informa-
visit www.ren-fest.com.
tion: 954-480-4263 or www.Deerfield-Beach.com.

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