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Let Me Introduce Myself

When I was in eighth grade, I couldnt read.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor of a Bhimananagar
slum dwelling in Bangalore, I ran my fingers across a
fresh cut on my forehead.
I have been surfing Lake Michigan since I was three-
I have old hands.
As a Mexican- American I am forever bound to the
Thinking about Me
Hobbies Accomplishments

An Embarrassment Bucket List- Something I will do

The Personal Statement
2 Prompts, students must address both

1,000 words total or less

View as personal interview on paper

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Tips box
The Personal Statement
Statement #1:
Describe the world you come from for example, your family,
community or school and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.

Statement #2:
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the
person you are?

Additional Comments:
Use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about
you and your academic record that you have not had the opportunity
to describe elsewhere in the application. Limit your response to 550
words or less.
The Personal Statement:
Final Thoughts
Start early, get feedback, and REVISE!

Define your motivation/momentum in topics you are

passionate about

Decisions are never made on the personal statement


Avoid some common mistakes

Personal Statement Topics

The You Question

To learn to think is to learn to question. Discuss a

matter you once thought you knew for sure that you
have since learned to question. (Bryn Mawr College)

How would you describe yourself as a human being?

What quality do you like best in yourself and what do
you like least? What quality would you most like to see
flourish and which would you like to see wither? (Bates
Personal Statement Topics
The Why Us Question

Please relate your interest in studying at _________

to your future goals.

Why is UVM a good college choice for you?

(University of Vermont)

We would like to know what experiences have led

you to select your professional field and objective?
(Boston University)
Personal Statement Topics
The Creative Question

You have just completed your 300 page

autobiography. Please submit page 217. (University of

What is your favorite book and why should every

college students have read it.

Do you believe theres a generation gap? Describe

the differences between your generation and others.
(Denison University)
Focus and Detail
Not: My month in Paris was incredible.


Not: Many different speakers came to Victor Valley

College in my two years.

Focus and Detail
Not: I have enjoyed every science class from biology to


Not: A visit to the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena

has so many beautiful paintings from the ancients to
the moderns.

Scholarship Essay
Paragraph One:


Grab the readers attention

Provide basic background information about

yourself to the committee
Scholarship Essay
Paragraph two

Challenges and Obstacles

Share an example of an obstacle you have overcome

or a challenge you are currently facing.

Give specific and concrete information.

What have you learned from the experience?

How has the experience affected or changed your

Scholarship Essay
Paragraph three
Career goals
What is your career goal?
Include detailed information about what you want
to do and why.
Has any volunteer/ leadership experience helped
you discover your interest in this career?
If you dont know what career you want, go to
paragraph 4.
Scholarship Essay
Paragraph four
Educational Goals
What is your educational goal?
Include detailed information about what you want
to do and why.
Has a volunteer or leadership experience led to your
interest in this major?
You may want to combine career and educational
Scholarship Essay
Paragraph five
Summarize the main points of your essay.
Why are you the candidate for this scholarship?
Remind them why its important for you to transfer
and earn your degree.
How will you give back to the community?
Explain why you need the money.

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