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THE UNDERSIGNED MOVANTS, by counsel, respectfully state:


1. The Movants are homeowners and tenants of the xxx SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION,

2. For convenience and for purposes of brevity and conciseness of the presentation of the contents of this
motion, the names and personal circumstances of the Movants are enumerated in the attached List of
Movants, marked as Annex xxx hereof.

2.1. It will be noted that the total number of the Movants is more than __________________ (____).

2.2. It is not advisable to enumerate all the names and personal circumstances of the Movants in Par. 1, supra,
or in this particular Par. 2 of this Motion, because the very long list thereof would consume so many pages
in the body of this Motion such that the reader of the Motion would unnecessarily suffer from vision and
mental fatigue and psychological boredom just to go over the long list.


3. NATURE. - The Complaint (denominated as Petition by Plaintiff) is one for INJUNCTION.

4. PRAYER. It prays for a judgment permanently restraining the Defendants from:

4.1. Opening the pipes that the Defendants had installed in order to supply water to the residents of Xxx

4.2. Further installing additional components to the pipe system that they had set up

5. Further, it prays for a judgment ordering the Defendants to remove the pipe system that they had set up.

6. Furthermore, it prays for attorneys fee:

6.1. Acceptance Fee of PXXX; and
6.2. Appearance Fee of PXXX per hearing.

7. The basic allegations of the Plaintiff in the Complaint are as follows:

7.1. That the Plaintiff is a Multi-Purpose Cooperative;

7.2. That the xxx Board of Directors of XXX allowed the conversion of its Water Committee into a Cooperative
(which is now the Plaintiff-Cooperative XXX).

7.3. That the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) ordered in xxx the conduct of a Referendum
among the XXX members to ratify the right of the Plaintiff to control and operate the Water System of the
Xxx Subdivision.

7.4. That the xxx Referendum ratified the power of the Plaintiff-Cooperative to control and operate the said Water
7.5. The Plaintiff knows of the existence of Board Resolution No. xxx, dated xxx, REVOKING Board Resolution
No. xxx and Board Resolution No. xxx. See Annex xxx, Complaint.

7.5.1. Board Resolution No. xxx, dated xxx, was adopted by the XXX Board of Directors led by Defendant Xxx

7.5.2. The Plaintiff does not recognize it.

7.5.3. The Plaintiff honors only the two (2) xxx board resolutions of the XXX Board of Directors i.e.:

(a) Board Resolution No. xxx and

(b) Board Resolution No. xxx,

which converted the XXX Water Committee into a Cooperative (which is now the Plaintiff).

7.6. That in March xxx the Defendants installed new pipe lines for the above purpose with the intent to operate
and control the Water System of the Subdivision.

7.7. That the Plaintiff would suffer financial losses if no injunction is issued against them.

8. Clarificatory Notes:

8.1. The Manila Water Co., Inc. (MWCI) in xxx dealt with XXX, by way of bulk water service agreement, to
distribute water among the homeowners of the Xxx Subdivision.

8.2. As of the time of filing with this Court of the instant Complaint in March xxx, the Defendants (Xxx Board)
were the ones officially dealing with, and being honored by, the MWCI for the distribution of water to and
the collection of payments by the homeowners, by way of bulk water service agreement.

8.3. The water controversy in the Subdivision has affected the elections of the XXX Directors and Officers for
some years now.

8.3.1. There are two (2) competing Boards of Directors of XXX.

8.3.2. One is led by the group of Xxx Xxx, who is affiliated with the Plaintiff-Cooperative.

8.3.3. The other is the group of Defendants Xxx Xxx, et. al.


9. The pro se Comment (Answer), dated xxx, of the Defendant prays for the dismissal of the Complaint for
lack of merit.

10. The Defendants allege in their pro se Comment (Answer):

10.1. That the Defendants constitute the legitimate incumbent Board of Directors of XXX.

10.1.1. The next regular annual election of XXX will be held in xxx.

10.2. That the Defendants have been holding office at the official XXX Office in the Xxx Subdivision.
10.3. That the Defendants started early this year to gradually install a water pipes system in the Subdivision in
preparation for the closure ordered by the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) of the existing
centralized water pump system owned by xxx (a Co-Defendant).

10.3.1. The Xxx Water System (MWS) has been engaged in the business of distributing water to different homes in
the Subdivision since 1998 (apparently without the necessary Permit to Operate from the NWRB).

10.4. That the Defendants were not guilty of the crime of water pilferage.

10.4.1. They were duly authorized by the MWCI-XXX bulk water service agreement:

(a) To distribute water in the Subdivision,

(b) To collect the payments of the homeowners, and

(c) To install and operate an improved water pipes system (water reticulation system) in the Subdivision,

being the legitimate incumbent Directors and Officers of the Board of Directors of XXX with whom the MWCI
was officially transacting business as the legal representatives and elected Directors and Officers of XXX.

10.5. That the MWCI did not grant unto the Plaintiff the power and authority to distribute the MWCI water supply
to the residents of the Subdivision.

10.5.1. The said power and authority were granted by the MWCI only to the XXX, acting thru its legitimate incumbent
Board of Directors.

10.6. That it was illegal for the XXX Board to divert the MCWI water supply to a third business entity, i.e., the
Plaintiff, without the consent of the MWCI.

10.7. That the resolutions of the XXX Board converting the XXX Water Committee into a Cooperative (i.e., the
Plaintiff), without the consent of all homeowners and for the private profit and benefit of the Plaintiff, was

10.8. That MCWI-XXX bulk water service contract prohibited the RESALE by XXX of the MWCI water supply to
any unauthorized third party-water concessionaire, i.e., the Plaintiff.

10.9. That the xxx HLURB Decision cited by the Plaintiff in its Complaint, which purportedly recognized the Plaintiff
as the authorized water operator/supplier in the Subdivision, was unjust; and that the xxx referendum was
deceitfully manipulated by the Plaintiff.

10.9.1. It was seasonably appealed by Defendant xxx (the derivative suit Complainant-Appellant therein who acted
for the benefit of XXX) to the Court of Appeals. (Cf. R.A. No. 9904, Magna Carta for Homeowners and
Homeowners Associations).

10.9.2. Defendant Xxx and XXX later withdrew the said appeal because the issues therein had become moot and
academic by the subsequent ratification by 70% of the XXX members of the authority of the Defendants to
control and operate the water system of the Subdivision (not the Plaintiff).

10.10. That 70% of XXX members had rejected the right of the Plaintiff to control and operate the water system
of XXX.
10.11. That in a conciliation conference among the parties and a lawyer for MWCI held at the HLURB in xxx, it was
agreed that the water reticulation system inside the Subdivision was the responsibility of XXX (i.e., the
Defendants) and that the responsibility of MWCI was the bulk water supply connection.

10.12. That the water system of the Subdivision is owned by XXX Homeowners Association. The Plaintiff does
not own it.
10.13. That the Defendants were officially and effectively managing the XXX water system as of the early part
of xxx, pursuant to its MWCI bulk water service contract, when the Plaintiff filed the instant Complaint and
when the Court restrained the Defendants (i.e., incumbent XXX Board) from performing their lawful duties
as Directors and Officers of XXX insofar as the protecting and operating the XXX Water System of the
Subdivision was concerned.


11. The Plaintiff believes that the issues are:

(a) Whether the Defendants should be restrained from proceeding with their pipes installation;

(b) Whether the Defendants should be restrained from opening up their installed pipe lines to supply the Xxx
Subdivision residents; and

(c) Whether the Defendants should be ordered to remove the pipes that they had installed.

12. The Defendants submit that the basic and real issue is:

Who between the Plaintiff (Cooperative) and the Defendants (incumbent elected XXX Directors
and Offices) has the legal right to mange, control, and operate the Water System of the Xxx


13.The Movants have a LEGAL INTEREST (a) in the matter in litigation and (b) in the success of the

13.1. The Defendants are the duly elected incumbent Directors and Officers of the XXX.

13.2. They are the genuine leaders of XXX.

13.3. The Movants respect, honor, and obey the official actions, decisions, and resolution of the Defendants as
incumbent Directors and Officers of XXX.

13.4. The actions, decisions and resolutions of the Defendants as incumbent Directors and Officers of XXX are
intended to preserve and promote the general welfare of the homeowners of the Xxx Subdivision.

13.5. As homeowners of the Xxx Subdivision, the Movants are members and voters XXX.

13.5.1. As homeowners of the Xxx Subdivision and as members/voters of XXX, the Movants have a legal interest: To insure that the water service receivables of XXX from the homeowners are duly recorded and protected
and are not illegally paid to the Plaintiff; To protect, preserve and maintain the Water System of the Xxx Subdivision that XXX owns; To preserve the unity of command and leadership of the incumbent Board of Directors of XXX for the good of
the Community; To see to it that the official actions, decisions, and resolutions of the Defendants as the duly elected incumbent
Directors and Offices of XXX are enforced.

(More particularly: The xxx Board Resolutions of the incumbent XXX Board of Directors and the Mass
Ratification of a great majority of the homeowners REVOKING the authority of the Plaintiff to operate
the Water System of the Xxx Subdivision); To prevent the escalation of demoralization, disunity, and confusion being caused by the Plaintiff with respect
to the ownership, possession, control and operation of the Water System of the Xxx Subdivision; To stop the Plaintiff from further acts of harassment, abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion, disconnection of
the water service, and illegal removal, destruction and taking of the water meters of the dissenting
homeowners, resulting in great sufferings and inconvenience on the part of the innocent families of the
dissenting homeowners.

13.6. The Plaintiff alleges that the past and present official actions, decisions and resolutions of the Defendants
as the incumbent Directors and Officers of XXX in relation to the Water System, which XXX owns, are

13.6.1. On the basis of such an allegation the Plaintiff seeks a Judgment of Injunction and Damages against the

13.7. Any Judgment for Injunction and Damages adverse to the Defendants that might be promulgated by the
Court after trial will adversely affect:

13.7.1. The funds, assets, and networth of XXX;

13.7.2. The ownership rights of XXX with respect to the administration and protection of the Water System of the
Xxx Subdivision (i.e., right to enjoy, right to possess, right to administer, right to protect, etc.);

13.7.3. The organizational, financial, and administrative status of XXX; and

13.7.4. The common good, general welfare, aspirations, and quality of life of the Movants and the rest of the
homeowners of the Xxx Subdivision and their families.

14.The Movants are so situated as to be adversely affected:

14.1.1. By the final judgment and any and all incidental or interlocutory orders issued and to be issued by the Court
in the course of the past, present and future proceedings of this case, especially if the same are favorable
to the Plaintiff and adverse to the Defendants;

14.1.2. By any judgment or order of distribution or other disposition of the property involved in this case, especially
the Water System of the Xxx Subdivision which is owned by XXX and its members.

15. This motion is seasonably filed in the sense that, as of this time, this case is still in its initial or preliminary

15.1. It has not been set yet for Pre-Trial Conference.

15.2. It has not been referred yet to the Mediation Center.

15.3. It has not been set yet for Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR).

15.4. The Plaintiff has not yet commenced the presentation of its evidence-in-chief.

16.This motion, if granted, will not unduly delay this case.

16.1. It will not prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the Plaintiff.

17. The rights of the Movants can only be fully protected if the Court (a) would grant this motion to intervene
and (b) would grant their motion of the Movants for a 15-day period to file their Joint Answer-in-Intervention
so that they could thereafter formally participate in the trial of this case to prove the merits of their


18. In fine, Sec. 1, Rule 19 (Intervention) of the Rules of Court provides that a person:

(a) Who has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, or

(b) Who has a legal interest in the success of either of the parties, or

(c) Who has an interest against both, or

(d) Who is so situated as to be adversely affected by a distribution or other disposition of property in the custody
of the court or of an officer thereof

may, with leave of court, be allowed to intervene in the action.


19. It will be noted that although Rule 19 states that the Answer-in-Intervention
should be attached to the Motion, nothing in said Rule:
19.1. Expressly and absolutely prohibits the Movants from praying for an
additional time of 15 days, counted from receipt of the Order of the Court
granting this motion, to file their Joint Answer-In-Intervention.
19.2. Expressly and absolutely prohibits the Court from exercising its sound
judicial discretion to give to the Movants the reasonable 15-day period
referred to in the foregoing paragraph to file their Joint Answer-In-
Intervention, in the interest of fair play and justice.
20. The Movants and their Counsel would need sufficient time to hold collective and individual
meetings, discussions, planning sessions, and workshops (a) to review, develop and prepare their theory,
defenses, evidence, witnesses, and other relevant legal presentations and (b) to conduct further legal
research to prepare an intelligent Joint Answer-In-Intervention.

21. This Motion for a 15-day period to file the Movants Joint Answer-in-Intervention is not intended to delay
this case but is being made solely for the foregoing reasons.

21.1. Please note that this case is still in its preliminary or initial stage and will not be prejudiced by the 15-day
period prayed for in this Motion.

WHEREFORE, premises considered and in the interest of justice, the Movants respectfully pray
that, after notice and hearing, an ORDER be issued:

1. Granting the Movants the right to INTERVENE as Defendants-in-Intervention; and

2. Giving the Movants a period of 15 days to file their Joint Answer-in-Intervention, counted from receipt of
the Order granting this Motion.

FURTHER, the Movants respectfully pray for such and other reliefs as may be deemed just and
equitable in the premises.

xxx City, xxx, 2015.

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